/* * Samba Unix/Linux SMB client library * Registry Editor * Copyright (C) Christopher Davis 2012 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "includes.h" #include "popt_common.h" #include "lib/util/data_blob.h" #include "lib/registry/registry.h" #include "regedit.h" #include "regedit_treeview.h" #include "regedit_valuelist.h" #include "regedit_dialog.h" #include "regedit_list.h" #include #include #include #define KEY_START_X 0 #define KEY_START_Y 1 #define KEY_WIDTH (COLS / 4) #define KEY_HEIGHT (LINES - KEY_START_Y - 2) #define VAL_START_X KEY_WIDTH #define VAL_START_Y 1 #define VAL_WIDTH (COLS - KEY_WIDTH) #define VAL_HEIGHT (LINES - VAL_START_Y - 2) #define HELP1_START_Y (LINES - 2) #define HELP1_START_X 0 #define HELP1_WIDTH (LINES) #define HELP2_START_Y (LINES - 1) #define HELP2_START_X 0 #define HELP2_WIDTH (LINES) #define PATH_START_Y 0 #define PATH_START_X 6 #define PATH_MAX_Y (COLS - 1) #define PATH_WIDTH (COLS - 6) #define PATH_WIDTH_MAX 1024 struct regedit { struct registry_context *registry_context; WINDOW *main_window; WINDOW *path_label; size_t path_len; struct value_list *vl; struct tree_view *keys; bool tree_input; struct regedit_search_opts active_search; }; static struct regedit *regedit_main = NULL; static void show_path(struct regedit *regedit) { int start_pad = 0; int start_win = PATH_START_X; if (PATH_START_X + regedit->path_len > COLS) { start_pad = 3 + PATH_START_X + regedit->path_len - COLS; mvprintw(PATH_START_Y, start_win, "..."); start_win += 3; } copywin(regedit->path_label, regedit->main_window, 0, start_pad, PATH_START_Y, start_win, PATH_START_Y, PATH_MAX_Y, false); mvchgat(0, 0, COLS, A_BOLD, PAIR_YELLOW_CYAN, NULL); } static void print_path(struct regedit *regedit, struct tree_node *node) { regedit->path_len = tree_node_print_path(regedit->path_label, node); show_path(regedit); } static void print_help(struct regedit *regedit) { const char *khelp = "[n] New Key [s] New Subkey [d] Del Key " "[LEFT] Ascend [RIGHT] Descend"; const char *vhelp = "[n] New Value [d] Del Value [ENTER] Edit " "[b] Edit binary"; const char *msg = "KEYS"; const char *help = khelp; const char *genhelp = "[TAB] Switch sections [q] Quit " "[UP] List up [DOWN] List down " "[/] Search [x] Next"; int i, pad; if (!regedit->tree_input) { msg = "VALUES"; help = vhelp; } move(HELP1_START_Y, HELP1_START_X); clrtoeol(); attron(COLOR_PAIR(PAIR_BLACK_CYAN)); mvaddstr(HELP1_START_Y, HELP1_START_X, help); pad = COLS - strlen(msg) - strlen(help); for (i = 0; i < pad; ++i) { addch(' '); } attroff(COLOR_PAIR(PAIR_BLACK_CYAN)); attron(COLOR_PAIR(PAIR_YELLOW_CYAN) | A_BOLD); addstr(msg); attroff(COLOR_PAIR(PAIR_YELLOW_CYAN) | A_BOLD); move(HELP2_START_Y, HELP2_START_X); clrtoeol(); mvaddstr(HELP2_START_Y, HELP2_START_X, genhelp); } static void print_heading(struct regedit *regedit) { if (regedit->tree_input) { tree_view_set_selected(regedit->keys, true); value_list_set_selected(regedit->vl, false); } else { tree_view_set_selected(regedit->keys, false); value_list_set_selected(regedit->vl, true); } print_help(regedit); } static void load_values(struct regedit *regedit) { struct tree_node *node; node = tree_view_get_current_node(regedit->keys); value_list_load(regedit->vl, node->key); } static void add_reg_key(struct regedit *regedit, struct tree_node *node, bool subkey) { const char *name; const char *msg; if (!subkey && tree_node_is_top_level(node)) { return; } msg = "Enter name of new key"; if (subkey) { msg = "Enter name of new subkey"; } dialog_input(regedit, &name, "New Key", msg); if (name) { WERROR rv; struct registry_key *new_key; struct tree_node *new_node = NULL; struct tree_node *list; struct tree_node *parent; if (subkey) { parent = node; list = node->child_head; } else { parent = node->parent; list = tree_node_first(node); SMB_ASSERT(list != NULL); } rv = reg_key_add_name(regedit, parent->key, name, NULL, NULL, &new_key); if (W_ERROR_IS_OK(rv)) { /* The list of subkeys may not be present in cache yet, so if not, don't bother allocating a new node for the key. */ if (list) { new_node = tree_node_new(parent, parent, name, new_key); SMB_ASSERT(new_node); tree_node_insert_sorted(list, new_node); } else { /* Reopen the parent key to make sure the new subkey will be noticed. */ tree_node_reopen_key(regedit->registry_context, parent); } list = tree_node_first(node); tree_view_clear(regedit->keys); tree_view_update(regedit->keys, list); if (!subkey) { node = new_node; } tree_view_set_current_node(regedit->keys, node); load_values(regedit); } else { msg = get_friendly_werror_msg(rv); dialog_notice(regedit, DIA_ALERT, "New Key", "Failed to create key: %s", msg); } talloc_free(discard_const(name)); } } enum search_flags { SEARCH_NEXT = (1<<0), SEARCH_PREV = (1<<1), SEARCH_REPEAT = (1<<2) }; static WERROR regedit_search(struct regedit *regedit, struct tree_node *node, struct value_item *vitem, unsigned flags) { struct regedit_search_opts *opts; struct tree_node *found; struct value_item *found_value; bool search_key, need_sync; char *save_value_name; WERROR rv; bool (*iterate)(struct tree_node **, bool, WERROR *); struct value_item *(*find_item)(struct value_list *, struct value_item *, const char *, regedit_search_match_fn_t); opts = ®edit->active_search; if (!opts->query || !opts->match) { return WERR_OK; } SMB_ASSERT(opts->search_key || opts->search_value); rv = WERR_OK; found = NULL; found_value = NULL; save_value_name = NULL; search_key = opts->search_key; need_sync = false; iterate = tree_node_next; find_item = value_list_find_next_item; if (flags & SEARCH_PREV) { iterate = tree_node_prev; find_item = value_list_find_prev_item; } if (opts->search_value) { struct value_item *it; it = value_list_get_current_item(regedit->vl); if (it) { save_value_name = talloc_strdup(regedit, it->value_name); if (save_value_name == NULL) { return WERR_NOMEM; } } if (vitem) { search_key = false; } } if (!vitem && (flags & SEARCH_REPEAT)) { if (opts->search_value) { search_key = false; } else if (!iterate(&node, opts->search_recursive, &rv)) { beep(); return rv; } } do { if (search_key) { SMB_ASSERT(opts->search_key == true); if (opts->match(node->name, opts->query)) { found = node; } else if (opts->search_value) { search_key = false; } } if (!search_key) { SMB_ASSERT(opts->search_value == true); if (!vitem) { rv = value_list_load_quick(regedit->vl, node->key); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(rv)) { goto out; } need_sync = true; } found_value = find_item(regedit->vl, vitem, opts->query, opts->match); if (found_value) { found = node; } else { vitem = NULL; search_key = opts->search_key; } } } while (!found && iterate(&node, opts->search_recursive, &rv)); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(rv)) { goto out; } if (found) { /* Put the cursor on the node that was found */ if (!tree_view_is_node_visible(regedit->keys, found)) { tree_view_update(regedit->keys, tree_node_first(found)); print_path(regedit, found); } tree_view_set_current_node(regedit->keys, found); if (found_value) { if (need_sync) { value_list_sync(regedit->vl); } value_list_set_current_item(regedit->vl, found_value); regedit->tree_input = false; } else { load_values(regedit); regedit->tree_input = true; } tree_view_show(regedit->keys); value_list_show(regedit->vl); print_heading(regedit); } else { if (need_sync) { load_values(regedit); value_list_set_current_item_by_name(regedit->vl, save_value_name); } beep(); } out: talloc_free(save_value_name); return rv; } static void regedit_search_repeat(struct regedit *regedit, unsigned flags) { struct tree_node *node; struct value_item *vitem; struct regedit_search_opts *opts; opts = ®edit->active_search; if (opts->query == NULL) { return; } node = tree_view_get_current_node(regedit->keys); vitem = NULL; if (opts->search_value && !regedit->tree_input) { vitem = value_list_get_current_item(regedit->vl); } regedit_search(regedit, node, vitem, flags | SEARCH_REPEAT); } static void handle_tree_input(struct regedit *regedit, int c) { struct tree_node *node; switch (c) { case KEY_DOWN: tree_view_driver(regedit->keys, ML_CURSOR_DOWN); load_values(regedit); break; case KEY_UP: tree_view_driver(regedit->keys, ML_CURSOR_UP); load_values(regedit); break; case KEY_NPAGE: tree_view_driver(regedit->keys, ML_CURSOR_PGDN); load_values(regedit); break; case KEY_PPAGE: tree_view_driver(regedit->keys, ML_CURSOR_PGUP); load_values(regedit); break; case KEY_HOME: tree_view_driver(regedit->keys, ML_CURSOR_HOME); load_values(regedit); break; case KEY_END: tree_view_driver(regedit->keys, ML_CURSOR_END); load_values(regedit); break; case '\n': case KEY_ENTER: case KEY_RIGHT: node = tree_view_get_current_node(regedit->keys); if (node && tree_node_has_children(node)) { WERROR rv; rv = tree_node_load_children(node); if (W_ERROR_IS_OK(rv)) { print_path(regedit, node->child_head); tree_view_update(regedit->keys, node->child_head); value_list_load(regedit->vl, node->child_head->key); } else { const char *msg = get_friendly_werror_msg(rv); dialog_notice(regedit, DIA_ALERT, "Loading Subkeys", "Failed to load subkeys: %s", msg); } } break; case KEY_LEFT: node = tree_view_get_current_node(regedit->keys); if (node && !tree_node_is_top_level(node)) { print_path(regedit, node->parent); node = node->parent; tree_view_update(regedit->keys, tree_node_first(node)); tree_view_set_current_node(regedit->keys, node); value_list_load(regedit->vl, node->key); } break; case 'n': case 'N': node = tree_view_get_current_node(regedit->keys); add_reg_key(regedit, node, false); break; case 's': case 'S': node = tree_view_get_current_node(regedit->keys); add_reg_key(regedit, node, true); break; case 'd': case 'D': { int sel; node = tree_view_get_current_node(regedit->keys); if (tree_node_is_top_level(node)) { break; } sel = dialog_notice(regedit, DIA_CONFIRM, "Delete Key", "Really delete key \"%s\"?", node->name); if (sel == DIALOG_OK) { WERROR rv; struct tree_node *pop; struct tree_node *parent = node->parent; rv = reg_key_del(node, parent->key, node->name); if (W_ERROR_IS_OK(rv)) { tree_node_reopen_key(regedit->registry_context, parent); tree_view_clear(regedit->keys); pop = tree_node_pop(&node); talloc_free(pop); node = parent->child_head; if (node == NULL) { node = tree_node_first(parent); print_path(regedit, node); } tree_view_update(regedit->keys, node); value_list_load(regedit->vl, node->key); } else { const char *msg = get_friendly_werror_msg(rv); dialog_notice(regedit, DIA_ALERT, "Delete Key", "Failed to delete key: %s", msg); } } break; } } tree_view_show(regedit->keys); value_list_show(regedit->vl); } static void handle_value_input(struct regedit *regedit, int c) { struct value_item *vitem; bool binmode = false; WERROR err; int sel; switch (c) { case KEY_DOWN: value_list_driver(regedit->vl, ML_CURSOR_DOWN); break; case KEY_UP: value_list_driver(regedit->vl, ML_CURSOR_UP); break; case KEY_NPAGE: value_list_driver(regedit->vl, ML_CURSOR_PGDN); break; case KEY_PPAGE: value_list_driver(regedit->vl, ML_CURSOR_PGUP); break; case KEY_HOME: value_list_driver(regedit->vl, ML_CURSOR_HOME); break; case KEY_END: value_list_driver(regedit->vl, ML_CURSOR_END); break; case 'b': case 'B': binmode = true; /* Falthrough... */ case '\n': case KEY_ENTER: vitem = value_list_get_current_item(regedit->vl); if (vitem) { struct tree_node *node; const char *name = NULL; node = tree_view_get_current_node(regedit->keys); sel = dialog_edit_value(regedit, node->key, vitem->type, vitem, binmode, &err, &name); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(err)) { const char *msg = get_friendly_werror_msg(err); dialog_notice(regedit, DIA_ALERT, "Error", "Error editing value:\n%s", msg); } else if (sel == DIALOG_OK) { tree_node_reopen_key(regedit->registry_context, node); value_list_load(regedit->vl, node->key); value_list_set_current_item_by_name(regedit->vl, name); talloc_free(discard_const(name)); } } break; case 'n': case 'N': { int new_type; sel = dialog_select_type(regedit, &new_type); if (sel == DIALOG_OK) { struct tree_node *node; const char *name = NULL; node = tree_view_get_current_node(regedit->keys); sel = dialog_edit_value(regedit, node->key, new_type, NULL, false, &err, &name); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(err)) { const char *msg = get_friendly_werror_msg(err); dialog_notice(regedit, DIA_ALERT, "Error", "Error creating value:\n%s", msg); } else if (sel == DIALOG_OK) { tree_node_reopen_key(regedit->registry_context, node); value_list_load(regedit->vl, node->key); value_list_set_current_item_by_name(regedit->vl, name); talloc_free(discard_const(name)); } } break; } case 'd': case 'D': vitem = value_list_get_current_item(regedit->vl); if (vitem) { sel = dialog_notice(regedit, DIA_CONFIRM, "Delete Value", "Really delete value \"%s\"?", vitem->value_name); if (sel == DIALOG_OK) { struct tree_node *node; node = tree_view_get_current_node(regedit->keys); reg_del_value(regedit, node->key, vitem->value_name); tree_node_reopen_key(regedit->registry_context, node); value_list_load(regedit->vl, node->key); } } break; } value_list_show(regedit->vl); } static bool find_substring(const char *haystack, const char *needle) { return strstr(haystack, needle) != NULL; } static bool find_substring_nocase(const char *haystack, const char *needle) { return strcasestr(haystack, needle) != NULL; } static void handle_main_input(struct regedit *regedit, int c) { switch (c) { case 18: { /* CTRL-R */ struct tree_node *root, *node; const char **path; node = tree_view_get_current_node(regedit->keys); path = tree_node_get_path(regedit, node); SMB_ASSERT(path != NULL); root = tree_node_new_root(regedit, regedit->registry_context); SMB_ASSERT(root != NULL); tree_view_set_root(regedit->keys, root); tree_view_set_path(regedit->keys, path); node = tree_view_get_current_node(regedit->keys); value_list_load(regedit->vl, node->key); tree_view_show(regedit->keys); value_list_show(regedit->vl); print_path(regedit, node); talloc_free(discard_const(path)); break; } case 'f': case 'F': case '/': { int rv; struct regedit_search_opts *opts; struct tree_node *node; opts = ®edit->active_search; rv = dialog_search_input(regedit, opts); if (rv == DIALOG_OK) { SMB_ASSERT(opts->query != NULL); opts->match = find_substring_nocase; node = regedit->keys->root->child_head; if (opts->search_case) { opts->match = find_substring; } if (!opts->search_recursive) { node = tree_view_get_current_node(regedit->keys); node = tree_node_first(node); } regedit_search(regedit, node, NULL, SEARCH_NEXT); } break; } case 'x': regedit_search_repeat(regedit, SEARCH_NEXT); break; case 'X': regedit_search_repeat(regedit, SEARCH_PREV); break; case '\t': regedit->tree_input = !regedit->tree_input; print_heading(regedit); break; default: if (regedit->tree_input) { handle_tree_input(regedit, c); } else { handle_value_input(regedit, c); } } } int regedit_getch(void) { int c; SMB_ASSERT(regedit_main); c = getch(); if (c == KEY_RESIZE) { tree_view_resize(regedit_main->keys, KEY_HEIGHT, KEY_WIDTH, KEY_START_Y, KEY_START_X); value_list_resize(regedit_main->vl, VAL_HEIGHT, VAL_WIDTH, VAL_START_Y, VAL_START_X); print_heading(regedit_main); show_path(regedit_main); } return c; } static void regedit_panic_handler(const char *msg) { endwin(); smb_panic_s3(msg); } static void display_window(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct registry_context *ctx) { struct regedit *regedit; struct tree_node *root; bool colors; int key; initscr(); cbreak(); noecho(); fault_configure(regedit_panic_handler); colors = has_colors(); if (colors) { start_color(); use_default_colors(); assume_default_colors(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE); init_pair(PAIR_YELLOW_CYAN, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_CYAN); init_pair(PAIR_BLACK_CYAN, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_CYAN); init_pair(PAIR_YELLOW_BLUE, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_BLUE); } regedit = talloc_zero(mem_ctx, struct regedit); SMB_ASSERT(regedit != NULL); regedit_main = regedit; regedit->registry_context = ctx; regedit->main_window = stdscr; keypad(regedit->main_window, TRUE); mvwprintw(regedit->main_window, 0, 0, "Path: "); regedit->path_label = newpad(1, PATH_WIDTH_MAX); SMB_ASSERT(regedit->path_label); wprintw(regedit->path_label, "/"); show_path(regedit_main); root = tree_node_new_root(regedit, ctx); SMB_ASSERT(root != NULL); regedit->keys = tree_view_new(regedit, root, KEY_HEIGHT, KEY_WIDTH, KEY_START_Y, KEY_START_X); SMB_ASSERT(regedit->keys != NULL); regedit->vl = value_list_new(regedit, VAL_HEIGHT, VAL_WIDTH, VAL_START_Y, VAL_START_X); SMB_ASSERT(regedit->vl != NULL); regedit->tree_input = true; print_heading(regedit); tree_view_show(regedit->keys); load_values(regedit); value_list_show(regedit->vl); update_panels(); doupdate(); do { key = regedit_getch(); handle_main_input(regedit, key); update_panels(); doupdate(); } while (key != 'q' && key != 'Q'); endwin(); } int main(int argc, const char **argv) { struct poptOption long_options[] = { POPT_AUTOHELP /* ... */ POPT_COMMON_SAMBA POPT_COMMON_CONNECTION POPT_COMMON_CREDENTIALS POPT_TABLEEND }; int opt; poptContext pc; struct user_auth_info *auth_info; TALLOC_CTX *frame; struct registry_context *ctx; WERROR rv; frame = talloc_stackframe(); setup_logging("regedit", DEBUG_DEFAULT_STDERR); lp_set_cmdline("log level", "0"); /* process options */ auth_info = user_auth_info_init(frame); if (auth_info == NULL) { exit(1); } popt_common_set_auth_info(auth_info); pc = poptGetContext("regedit", argc, argv, long_options, 0); while ((opt = poptGetNextOpt(pc)) != -1) { /* TODO */ } if (!lp_load_global(get_dyn_CONFIGFILE())) { DEBUG(0, ("ERROR loading config file...\n")); exit(1); } rv = reg_open_samba3(frame, &ctx); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(rv)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open registry: %s\n", win_errstr(rv)); TALLOC_FREE(frame); return 1; } display_window(frame, ctx); TALLOC_FREE(frame); return 0; }