Samba, The Next Generation. Sun Jan 2nd 2000. lkcl, samba team. if you got this far, you probably obtained samba using cvs. well done. in order to maintain it, you will need to use cvs update, but occasionally this will fail, and you will need to delete your cvs tree and start again. instructions, in case it was a while since you last did that, are at remember to use SAMBA_TNG as the tag name. there is also a FAQ, maintained by Lars Kneschke , at basic compilation and usage instructions. the following are executed at the unix prompt, if you hadn't already guessed. ./configure make [make install] to run samba, you will need: bin/smbd bin/nmbd if you are using any nt clients, running the following will change the behaviour of the nt clients towards samba, which will improve the nt clients' reliability and performance: bin/srvsvcd bin/wkssvcd if you intend to operate samba with "encrypt passwords = yes", "update encrypted = yes" or "migrate passwords = yes", you will also need: bin/lsarpcd bin/samrd bin/netlogond bin/winregd you will also need to add your own samba server as a trust account. one way to do this, in the usual manner, is: bin/smbpasswd -a -m your_samba_server_name if you need NT-style printing: bin/spoolssd if you want to be able to start/stop services remotely (yes, dammit, you can only do this as root, you think i'm stupid????), you will need, as well as your own script in /usr/local/samba/bin: bin/svcctld i _really_ like this daemon architecture stuff. if ever there's a problem, or you want to upgrade one component, just kill the relevant daemon, NOT smbd and NOT any of the other services, and restart it. i think that's just great :) Sun Jan 2nd 2000 (later on) i liked the daemon architecture so much i decided to add it to cvs main, or what is affectionately known as the SAMBA-3 tree. what i added was code that, instead of _always_ redirecting to the daemon architecture like in SAMBA_TNG, samba cvs main _attempts_ to redirect to the daemon architecture. if this fails, it will fall back to using the internal msrpc code. so, if you want to use smbd file-services in cvs main, which are much better, then simply run cvs main's smbd daemon instead of SAMBA_TNG's.