# Python module for parsing and generating the Subunit protocol # (Samba-specific) # Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Jelmer Vernooij # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . __all__ = ['parse_results'] import re import sys import subunit import subunit.iso8601 import testtools from testtools import content, content_type VALID_RESULTS = ['success', 'successful', 'failure', 'fail', 'skip', 'knownfail', 'error', 'xfail', 'skip-testsuite', 'testsuite-failure', 'testsuite-xfail', 'testsuite-success', 'testsuite-error', 'uxsuccess', 'testsuite-uxsuccess'] class TestsuiteEnabledTestResult(testtools.testresult.TestResult): def start_testsuite(self, name): raise NotImplementedError(self.start_testsuite) def parse_results(msg_ops, statistics, fh): exitcode = 0 open_tests = {} while fh: l = fh.readline() if l == "": break parts = l.split(None, 1) if not len(parts) == 2 or not l.startswith(parts[0]): msg_ops.output_msg(l) continue command = parts[0].rstrip(":") arg = parts[1] if command in ("test", "testing"): msg_ops.control_msg(l) name = arg.rstrip() test = subunit.RemotedTestCase(name) if name in open_tests: msg_ops.addError(open_tests.pop(name), subunit.RemoteError(u"Test already running")) msg_ops.startTest(test) open_tests[name] = test elif command == "time": msg_ops.control_msg(l) try: dt = subunit.iso8601.parse_date(arg.rstrip("\n")) except TypeError, e: print "Unable to parse time line: %s" % arg.rstrip("\n") else: msg_ops.time(dt) elif command in VALID_RESULTS: msg_ops.control_msg(l) result = command grp = re.match("(.*?)( \[)?([ \t]*)( multipart)?\n", arg) (testname, hasreason) = (grp.group(1), grp.group(2)) if hasreason: reason = "" # reason may be specified in next lines terminated = False while fh: l = fh.readline() if l == "": break msg_ops.control_msg(l) if l == "]\n": terminated = True break else: reason += l remote_error = subunit.RemoteError(reason.decode("utf-8")) if not terminated: statistics['TESTS_ERROR']+=1 msg_ops.addError(subunit.RemotedTestCase(testname), subunit.RemoteError(u"reason (%s) interrupted" % result)) return 1 else: reason = None remote_error = subunit.RemoteError(u"No reason specified") if result in ("success", "successful"): try: test = open_tests.pop(testname) except KeyError: statistics['TESTS_ERROR']+=1 exitcode = 1 msg_ops.addError(subunit.RemotedTestCase(testname), subunit.RemoteError(u"Test was never started")) else: statistics['TESTS_EXPECTED_OK']+=1 msg_ops.addSuccess(test) elif result in ("xfail", "knownfail"): try: test = open_tests.pop(testname) except KeyError: statistics['TESTS_ERROR']+=1 exitcode = 1 msg_ops.addError(subunit.RemotedTestCase(testname), subunit.RemoteError(u"Test was never started")) else: statistics['TESTS_EXPECTED_FAIL']+=1 msg_ops.addExpectedFailure(test, remote_error) elif result in ("uxsuccess", ): try: test = open_tests.pop(testname) except KeyError: statistics['TESTS_ERROR']+=1 exitcode = 1 msg_ops.addError(subunit.RemotedTestCase(testname), subunit.RemoteError(u"Test was never started")) else: statistics['TESTS_UNEXPECTED_OK']+=1 msg_ops.addUnexpectedSuccess(test, remote_error) exitcode = 1 elif result in ("failure", "fail"): try: test = open_tests.pop(testname) except KeyError: statistics['TESTS_ERROR']+=1 exitcode = 1 msg_ops.addError(subunit.RemotedTestCase(testname), subunit.RemoteError(u"Test was never started")) else: statistics['TESTS_UNEXPECTED_FAIL']+=1 exitcode = 1 msg_ops.addFailure(test, remote_error) elif result == "skip": statistics['TESTS_SKIP']+=1 # Allow tests to be skipped without prior announcement of test try: test = open_tests.pop(testname) except KeyError: test = subunit.RemotedTestCase(testname) msg_ops.addSkip(test, reason) elif result == "error": statistics['TESTS_ERROR']+=1 exitcode = 1 try: test = open_tests.pop(testname) except KeyError: test = subunit.RemotedTestCase(testname) msg_ops.addError(test, remote_error) elif result == "skip-testsuite": msg_ops.skip_testsuite(testname) elif result == "testsuite-success": msg_ops.end_testsuite(testname, "success", reason) elif result == "testsuite-failure": msg_ops.end_testsuite(testname, "failure", reason) exitcode = 1 elif result == "testsuite-xfail": msg_ops.end_testsuite(testname, "xfail", reason) elif result == "testsuite-uxsuccess": msg_ops.end_testsuite(testname, "uxsuccess", reason) exitcode = 1 elif result == "testsuite-error": msg_ops.end_testsuite(testname, "error", reason) exitcode = 1 else: raise AssertionError("Recognized but unhandled result %r" % result) elif command == "testsuite": msg_ops.start_testsuite(arg.strip()) elif command == "progress": arg = arg.strip() if arg == "pop": msg_ops.progress(None, subunit.PROGRESS_POP) elif arg == "push": msg_ops.progress(None, subunit.PROGRESS_PUSH) elif arg[0] in '+-': msg_ops.progress(int(arg), subunit.PROGRESS_CUR) else: msg_ops.progress(int(arg), subunit.PROGRESS_SET) else: msg_ops.output_msg(l) while open_tests: test = subunit.RemotedTestCase(open_tests.popitem()[1]) msg_ops.addError(test, subunit.RemoteError(u"was started but never finished!")) statistics['TESTS_ERROR']+=1 exitcode = 1 return exitcode class SubunitOps(subunit.TestProtocolClient,TestsuiteEnabledTestResult): # The following are Samba extensions: def start_testsuite(self, name): self._stream.write("testsuite: %s\n" % name) def skip_testsuite(self, name, reason=None): if reason: self._stream.write("skip-testsuite: %s [\n%s\n]\n" % (name, reason)) else: self._stream.write("skip-testsuite: %s\n" % name) def end_testsuite(self, name, result, reason=None): if reason: self._stream.write("testsuite-%s: %s [\n%s\n]\n" % (result, name, reason)) else: self._stream.write("testsuite-%s: %s\n" % (result, name)) def output_msg(self, msg): self._stream.write(msg) def read_test_regexes(name): ret = {} f = open(name, 'r') try: for l in f: l = l.strip() if l == "" or l[0] == "#": continue if "#" in l: (regex, reason) = l.split("#", 1) ret[regex.strip()] = reason.strip() else: ret[l] = None finally: f.close() return ret def find_in_list(regexes, fullname): for regex, reason in regexes.iteritems(): if re.match(regex, fullname): if reason is None: return "" return reason return None class ImmediateFail(Exception): """Raised to abort immediately.""" def __init__(self): super(ImmediateFail, self).__init__("test failed and fail_immediately set") class FilterOps(testtools.testresult.TestResult): def control_msg(self, msg): pass # We regenerate control messages, so ignore this def time(self, time): self._ops.time(time) def progress(self, delta, whence): self._ops.progress(delta, whence) def output_msg(self, msg): if self.output is None: sys.stdout.write(msg) else: self.output+=msg def startTest(self, test): self.seen_output = True test = self._add_prefix(test) if self.strip_ok_output: self.output = "" self._ops.startTest(test) def _add_prefix(self, test): prefix = "" suffix = "" if self.prefix is not None: prefix = self.prefix if self.suffix is not None: suffix = self.suffix return subunit.RemotedTestCase(prefix + test.id() + suffix) def addError(self, test, details=None): test = self._add_prefix(test) self.error_added+=1 self.total_error+=1 self._ops.addError(test, details) self.output = None if self.fail_immediately: raise ImmediateFail() def addSkip(self, test, details=None): self.seen_output = True test = self._add_prefix(test) self._ops.addSkip(test, details) self.output = None def addExpectedFailure(self, test, details=None): test = self._add_prefix(test) self._ops.addExpectedFailure(test, details) self.output = None def addUnexpectedSuccess(self, test, details=None): test = self._add_prefix(test) self.uxsuccess_added+=1 self.total_uxsuccess+=1 self._ops.addUnexpectedSuccess(test, details) if self.output: self._ops.output_msg(self.output) self.output = None if self.fail_immediately: raise ImmediateFail() def addFailure(self, test, details=None): test = self._add_prefix(test) xfail_reason = find_in_list(self.expected_failures, test.id()) if xfail_reason is None: xfail_reason = find_in_list(self.flapping, test.id()) if xfail_reason is not None: self.xfail_added+=1 self.total_xfail+=1 if details is not None: details = subunit.RemoteError(unicode(details[1]) + xfail_reason.decode("utf-8")) else: details = subunit.RemoteError(xfail_reason.decode("utf-8")) self._ops.addExpectedFailure(test, details) else: self.fail_added+=1 self.total_fail+=1 self._ops.addFailure(test, details) if self.output: self._ops.output_msg(self.output) if self.fail_immediately: raise ImmediateFail() self.output = None def addSuccess(self, test, details=None): test = self._add_prefix(test) xfail_reason = find_in_list(self.expected_failures, test.id()) if xfail_reason is not None: self.uxsuccess_added += 1 self.total_uxsuccess += 1 if details is None: details = {} details['reason'] = content.Content( content_type.ContentType("text", "plain", {"charset": "utf8"}), lambda: xfail_reason) self._ops.addUnexpectedSuccess(test, details) if self.output: self._ops.output_msg(self.output) if self.fail_immediately: raise ImmediateFail() else: self._ops.addSuccess(test, details) self.output = None def skip_testsuite(self, name, reason=None): self._ops.skip_testsuite(name, reason) def start_testsuite(self, name): self._ops.start_testsuite(name) self.error_added = 0 self.fail_added = 0 self.xfail_added = 0 self.uxsuccess_added = 0 def end_testsuite(self, name, result, reason=None): xfail = False if self.xfail_added > 0: xfail = True if self.fail_added > 0 or self.error_added > 0 or self.uxsuccess_added > 0: xfail = False if xfail and result in ("fail", "failure"): result = "xfail" if self.uxsuccess_added > 0 and result != "uxsuccess": result = "uxsuccess" if reason is None: reason = "Subunit/Filter Reason" reason += "\n uxsuccess[%d]" % self.uxsuccess_added if self.fail_added > 0 and result != "failure": result = "failure" if reason is None: reason = "Subunit/Filter Reason" reason += "\n failures[%d]" % self.fail_added if self.error_added > 0 and result != "error": result = "error" if reason is None: reason = "Subunit/Filter Reason" reason += "\n errors[%d]" % self.error_added self._ops.end_testsuite(name, result, reason) if result not in ("success", "xfail"): if self.output: self._ops.output_msg(self.output) if self.fail_immediately: raise ImmediateFail() self.output = None def __init__(self, out, prefix=None, suffix=None, expected_failures=None, strip_ok_output=False, fail_immediately=False, flapping=None): self._ops = out self.seen_output = False self.output = None self.prefix = prefix self.suffix = suffix if expected_failures is not None: self.expected_failures = expected_failures else: self.expected_failures = {} if flapping is not None: self.flapping = flapping else: self.flapping = {} self.strip_ok_output = strip_ok_output self.xfail_added = 0 self.fail_added = 0 self.uxsuccess_added = 0 self.total_xfail = 0 self.total_error = 0 self.total_fail = 0 self.total_uxsuccess = 0 self.error_added = 0 self.fail_immediately = fail_immediately class PlainFormatter(TestsuiteEnabledTestResult): def __init__(self, verbose, immediate, statistics, totaltests=None): super(PlainFormatter, self).__init__() self.verbose = verbose self.immediate = immediate self.statistics = statistics self.start_time = None self.test_output = {} self.suitesfailed = [] self.suites_ok = 0 self.skips = {} self.index = 0 self.name = None self._progress_level = 0 self.totalsuites = totaltests self.last_time = None @staticmethod def _format_time(delta): minutes, seconds = divmod(delta.seconds, 60) hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) ret = "" if hours: ret += "%dh" % hours if minutes: ret += "%dm" % minutes ret += "%ds" % seconds return ret def progress(self, offset, whence): if whence == subunit.PROGRESS_POP: self._progress_level -= 1 elif whence == subunit.PROGRESS_PUSH: self._progress_level += 1 elif whence == subunit.PROGRESS_SET: if self._progress_level == 0: self.totalsuites = offset elif whence == subunit.PROGRESS_CUR: raise NotImplementedError def time(self, dt): if self.start_time is None: self.start_time = dt self.last_time = dt def start_testsuite(self, name): self.index += 1 self.name = name if not self.verbose: self.test_output[name] = "" total_tests = (self.statistics['TESTS_EXPECTED_OK'] + self.statistics['TESTS_EXPECTED_FAIL'] + self.statistics['TESTS_ERROR'] + self.statistics['TESTS_UNEXPECTED_FAIL'] + self.statistics['TESTS_UNEXPECTED_OK']) out = "[%d(%d)" % (self.index, total_tests) if self.totalsuites is not None: out += "/%d" % self.totalsuites if self.start_time is not None: out += " at " + self._format_time(self.last_time - self.start_time) if self.suitesfailed: out += ", %d errors" % (len(self.suitesfailed),) out += "] %s" % name if self.immediate: sys.stdout.write(out + "\n") else: sys.stdout.write(out + ": ") def output_msg(self, output): if self.verbose: sys.stdout.write(output) elif self.name is not None: self.test_output[self.name] += output else: sys.stdout.write(output) def control_msg(self, output): pass def end_testsuite(self, name, result, reason): out = "" unexpected = False if not name in self.test_output: print "no output for name[%s]" % name if result in ("success", "xfail"): self.suites_ok+=1 else: self.output_msg("ERROR: Testsuite[%s]\n" % name) if reason is not None: self.output_msg("REASON: %s\n" % (reason,)) self.suitesfailed.append(name) if self.immediate and not self.verbose and name in self.test_output: out += self.test_output[name] unexpected = True if not self.immediate: if not unexpected: out += " ok\n" else: out += " " + result.upper() + "\n" sys.stdout.write(out) def startTest(self, test): pass def addSuccess(self, test): self.end_test(test.id(), "success", False) def addError(self, test, details=None): self.end_test(test.id(), "error", True, details) def addFailure(self, test, details=None): self.end_test(test.id(), "failure", True, details) def addSkip(self, test, details=None): self.end_test(test.id(), "skip", False, details) def addExpectedFailure(self, test, details=None): self.end_test(test.id(), "xfail", False, details) def addUnexpectedSuccess(self, test, details=None): self.end_test(test.id(), "uxsuccess", True, details) def end_test(self, testname, result, unexpected, details=None): if not unexpected: self.test_output[self.name] = "" if not self.immediate: sys.stdout.write({ 'failure': 'f', 'xfail': 'X', 'skip': 's', 'success': '.'}.get(result, "?(%s)" % result)) return if not self.name in self.test_output: self.test_output[self.name] = "" self.test_output[self.name] += "UNEXPECTED(%s): %s\n" % (result, testname) if details is not None: self.test_output[self.name] += "REASON: %s\n" % (unicode(details[1]).encode("utf-8").strip(),) if self.immediate and not self.verbose: sys.stdout.write(self.test_output[self.name]) self.test_output[self.name] = "" if not self.immediate: sys.stdout.write({ 'error': 'E', 'failure': 'F', 'uxsuccess': 'U', 'success': 'S'}.get(result, "?")) def write_summary(self, path): f = open(path, 'w+') if self.suitesfailed: f.write("= Failed tests =\n") for suite in self.suitesfailed: f.write("== %s ==\n" % suite) if suite in self.test_output: f.write(self.test_output[suite]+"\n\n") f.write("\n") if not self.immediate and not self.verbose: for suite in self.suitesfailed: print "=" * 78 print "FAIL: %s" % suite if suite in self.test_output: print self.test_output[suite] print "" f.write("= Skipped tests =\n") for reason in self.skips.keys(): f.write(reason + "\n") for name in self.skips[reason]: f.write("\t%s\n" % name) f.write("\n") f.close() if (not self.suitesfailed and not self.statistics['TESTS_UNEXPECTED_FAIL'] and not self.statistics['TESTS_UNEXPECTED_OK'] and not self.statistics['TESTS_ERROR']): ok = (self.statistics['TESTS_EXPECTED_OK'] + self.statistics['TESTS_EXPECTED_FAIL']) print "\nALL OK (%d tests in %d testsuites)" % (ok, self.suites_ok) else: print "\nFAILED (%d failures, %d errors and %d unexpected successes in %d testsuites)" % ( self.statistics['TESTS_UNEXPECTED_FAIL'], self.statistics['TESTS_ERROR'], self.statistics['TESTS_UNEXPECTED_OK'], len(self.suitesfailed)) def skip_testsuite(self, name, reason="UNKNOWN"): self.skips.setdefault(reason, []).append(name) if self.totalsuites: self.totalsuites-=1