# This file contains regexes matching the tests that should be run # when doing a "quicktest" - verifying whether the build is working # rather than trying to see what exactly is broken. # # This should be as quick as possible but cover as much code as possible. base.unlink base.attr base.delete base.tcon base.open base.chkpath raw.qfsinfo raw.qfileinfo raw.mkdir raw.seek raw.open raw.write raw.read raw.close raw.ioctl raw.rename raw.eas base.open rpc.altercontext rpc.join rpc.echo rpc.schannel rpc.netlogon rpc.unixinfo rpc.handles rpc.altercontext rpc.join rpc.handles rpc.echo smb.signing drs.unit samba4.blackbox.dbcheck.dc # This needs to be here to get testing of crypt_r() # behaviour on multiple OS distributions. samba.tests.samba_tool.user_virtualCryptSHA_userPassword