# Integration tests for the ldap server, using raw socket IO # # Tests for handling of malformed or large packets. # # Copyright (C) Catalyst.Net Ltd 2020 # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # import socket import ssl import samba.tests from samba.tests import TestCase # # LDAP Operations # DELETE = b'\x4a' DELETE_RES = b'\x6b' # Bind BIND = b'\x60' BIND_RES = b'\x61' SIMPLE_AUTH = b'\x80' SASL_AUTH = b'\xa3' # Search SEARCH = b'\x63' SEARCH_RES = b'\x64' EQUALS = b'\xa3' # # LDAP response codes. # SUCCESS = b'\x00' OPERATIONS_ERROR = b'\x01' INVALID_CREDENTIALS = b'\x31' INVALID_DN_SYNTAX = b'\x22' # # ASN.1 Element types # BOOLEAN = b'\x01' INTEGER = b'\x02' OCTET_STRING = b'\x04' NULL = b'\x05' ENUMERATED = b'\x0a' SEQUENCE = b'\x30' SET = b'\x31' # # ASN.1 Helper functions. # def encode_element(ber_type, data): ''' Encode an ASN.1 BER element. ''' if data is None: return ber_type + encode_length(0) return ber_type + encode_length(len(data)) + data def encode_length(length): ''' Encode the length of an ASN.1 BER element. ''' if length > 0xFFFFFF: return b'\x84' + length.to_bytes(4, "big") if length > 0xFFFF: return b'\x83' + length.to_bytes(3, "big") if length > 0xFF: return b'\x82' + length.to_bytes(2, "big") if length > 0x7F: return b'\x81' + length.to_bytes(1, "big") return length.to_bytes(1, "big") def encode_string(string): ''' Encode an octet string ''' return encode_element(OCTET_STRING, string) def encode_boolean(boolean): ''' Encode a boolean value ''' if boolean: return encode_element(BOOLEAN, b'\xFF') return encode_element(BOOLEAN, b'\x00') def encode_integer(integer): ''' Encode an integer value ''' bit_len = integer.bit_length() byte_len = (bit_len // 8) + 1 return encode_element(INTEGER, integer.to_bytes(byte_len, "big")) def encode_enumerated(enum): ''' Encode an enumerated value ''' return encode_element(ENUMERATED, enum.to_bytes(1, "big")) def encode_sequence(sequence): ''' Encode a sequence ''' return encode_element(SEQUENCE, sequence) def decode_element(data): ''' decode an ASN.1 element ''' if data is None: return None if len(data) < 2: return None ber_type = data[0:1] enc = int.from_bytes(data[1:2], byteorder='big') if enc & 0x80: l_end = 2 + (enc & ~0x80) length = int.from_bytes(data[2:l_end], byteorder='big') element = data[l_end:l_end + length] rest = data[l_end + length:] else: length = enc element = data[2:2 + length] rest = data[2 + length:] return (ber_type, length, element, rest) class RawLdapTest(TestCase): """ A raw Ldap Test case. The ldap connections are made over https on port 636 Uses the following environment variables: SERVER USERNAME PASSWORD DNSNAME """ def setUp(self): super(RawLdapTest, self).setUp() self.host = samba.tests.env_get_var_value('SERVER') self.port = 636 self.socket = None self.user = samba.tests.env_get_var_value('USERNAME') self.password = samba.tests.env_get_var_value('PASSWORD') self.dns_name = samba.tests.env_get_var_value('DNSNAME') self.connect() def tearDown(self): self.disconnect() super(RawLdapTest, self).tearDown() def disconnect(self): ''' Disconnect from and clean up the connection to the server ''' if self.socket is None: return self.socket.close() self.socket = None def connect(self): ''' Establish an ldaps connection to the test server ''' # # Disable host name and certificate verification context = ssl.create_default_context() context.check_hostname = False context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE sock = None try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(10) sock.connect((self.host, self.port)) self.socket = context.wrap_socket(sock, server_hostname=self.host) except socket.error: sock.close() if self.socket is not None: self.socket.close() raise def send(self, req): ''' Send the request to the server ''' try: self.socket.sendall(req) except socket.error: self.disconnect() raise def recv(self, num_recv=0xffff, timeout=None): ''' receive an array of bytes from the server ''' data = None try: if timeout is not None: self.socket.settimeout(timeout) data = self.socket.recv(num_recv, 0) self.socket.settimeout(10) if len(data) == 0: self.disconnect() return None except socket.timeout: # We ignore timeout's as the ldap server will drop the connection # on the errors we're testing. So returning None on a timeout is # the desired behaviour. self.socket.settimeout(10) except socket.error: self.disconnect() raise return data def bind(self): ''' Perform a simple bind ''' user = self.user.encode('UTF8') ou = self.dns_name.replace('.', ',dc=').encode('UTF8') dn = b'cn=' + user + b',cn=users,dc=' + ou password = self.password.encode('UTF8') # Lets build an simple bind request bind = encode_integer(3) # ldap version bind += encode_string(dn) bind += encode_element(SIMPLE_AUTH, password) bind_op = encode_element(BIND, bind) msg_no = encode_integer(1) packet = encode_sequence(msg_no + bind_op) self.send(packet) data = self.recv() self.assertIsNotNone(data) # # Decode and validate the response # Should be a sequence (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(data) self.assertEqual(SEQUENCE.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertTrue(length > 0) self.assertEqual(0, len(rest)) # message id should be 1 (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(element) self.assertEqual(INTEGER.hex(), ber_type.hex()) msg_no = int.from_bytes(element, byteorder='big') self.assertEqual(1, msg_no) self.assertGreater(len(rest), 0) # Should have a Bind response element (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(rest) self.assertEqual(BIND_RES.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertEqual(0, len(rest)) # Check the response code (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(element) self.assertEqual(ENUMERATED.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertEqual(SUCCESS.hex(), element.hex()) self.assertGreater(len(rest), 0) def test_decode_element(self): ''' Tests for the decode_element method ''' # Boolean true value data = b'\x01\x01\xff' (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(data) self.assertEqual(BOOLEAN.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertEqual(1, length) self.assertEqual(b'\xff'.hex(), element.hex()) self.assertEqual(0, len(rest)) # Boolean false value data = b'\x01\x01\x00' (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(data) self.assertEqual(BOOLEAN.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertEqual(1, length) self.assertEqual(b'\x00'.hex(), element.hex()) self.assertEqual(0, len(rest)) # Boolean true value with trailing data data = b'\x01\x01\xff\x05\x00' (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(data) self.assertEqual(BOOLEAN.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertEqual(1, length) self.assertEqual(b'\xff'.hex(), element.hex()) self.assertEqual(b'\x05\x00'.hex(), rest.hex()) # Octet string byte length encoding data = b'\x04\x02\xca\xfe\x05\x00' (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(data) self.assertEqual(OCTET_STRING.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertEqual(2, length) self.assertEqual(b'\xca\xfe'.hex(), element.hex()) self.assertEqual(b'\x05\x00'.hex(), rest.hex()) # Octet string 81 byte length encoding data = b'\x04\x81\x02\xca\xfe\x05\x00' (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(data) self.assertEqual(OCTET_STRING.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertEqual(2, length) self.assertEqual(b'\xca\xfe'.hex(), element.hex()) self.assertEqual(b'\x05\x00'.hex(), rest.hex()) # Octet string 82 byte length encoding data = b'\x04\x82\x00\x02\xca\xfe\x05\x00' (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(data) self.assertEqual(OCTET_STRING.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertEqual(2, length) self.assertEqual(b'\xca\xfe'.hex(), element.hex()) self.assertEqual(b'\x05\x00'.hex(), rest.hex()) # Octet string 85 byte length encoding # For Samba we limit the length encoding to 4 bytes, but it's useful # to be able to decode longer lengths in a test. data = b'\x04\x85\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\xca\xfe\x05\x00' (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(data) self.assertEqual(OCTET_STRING.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertEqual(2, length) self.assertEqual(b'\xca\xfe'.hex(), element.hex()) self.assertEqual(b'\x05\x00'.hex(), rest.hex()) def test_search_equals_maximum_permitted_size(self): ''' Check that an LDAP search request equal to the maximum size is accepted This test is done on a authenticated connection so that the maximum non search request is 16MiB. ''' self.bind() # Lets build an ldap search packet to query the RootDSE header = encode_string(None) # Base DN, "" header += encode_enumerated(0) # Enumeration scope header += encode_enumerated(0) # Enumeration dereference header += encode_integer(0) # Integer size limit header += encode_integer(0) # Integer time limit header += encode_boolean(False) # Boolean attributes only # # build an equality search of the form x...x=y...y # With the length of x...x and y...y chosen to generate an # ldap request of 256000 bytes. x = encode_string(b'x' * 127974) y = encode_string(b'y' * 127979) equals = encode_element(EQUALS, x + y) trailer = encode_sequence(None) search = encode_element(SEARCH, header + equals + trailer) msg_no = encode_integer(2) packet = encode_sequence(msg_no + search) # # The length of the packet should be equal to the # Maximum length of a search query self.assertEqual(256000, len(packet)) self.send(packet) data = self.recv() self.assertIsNotNone(data) # # Decode and validate the response # Should be a sequence (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(data) self.assertEqual(SEQUENCE.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertTrue(length > 0) self.assertEqual(0, len(rest)) # message id should be 2 (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(element) self.assertEqual(INTEGER.hex(), ber_type.hex()) msg_no = int.from_bytes(element, byteorder='big') self.assertEqual(2, msg_no) self.assertGreater(len(rest), 0) # Should have a Search response element (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(rest) self.assertEqual(SEARCH_RES.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertEqual(0, len(rest)) # Should have an empty matching DN (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(element) self.assertEqual(OCTET_STRING.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertEqual(0, len(element)) self.assertGreater(len(rest), 0) # Then a sequence of attribute sequences (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(rest) self.assertEqual(SEQUENCE.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertEqual(0, len(rest)) # Check the first attribute sequence, it should be # "configurationNamingContext" # The remaining attribute sequences will be ignored but # check that they exist. (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(element) self.assertEqual(SEQUENCE.hex(), ber_type.hex()) # Check that there are remaining attribute sequences. self.assertGreater(len(rest), 0) # Check the name of the first attribute (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(element) self.assertEqual(OCTET_STRING.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertGreater(len(rest), 0) self.assertEqual(b'configurationNamingContext', element) # And check that there is an attribute value set (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(rest) self.assertEqual(SET.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertGreater(len(element), 0) self.assertEqual(0, len(rest)) def test_search_exceeds_maximum_permitted_size(self): ''' Test that a search query longer than the maximum permitted size is rejected. This test is done on a authenticated connection so that the maximum non search request is 16MiB. ''' self.bind() # Lets build an ldap search packet to query the RootDSE header = encode_string(None) # Base DN, "" header += encode_enumerated(0) # Enumeration scope header += encode_enumerated(0) # Enumeration dereference header += encode_integer(0) # Integer size limit header += encode_integer(0) # Integer time limit header += encode_boolean(False) # Boolean attributes only # # build an equality search of the form x...x=y...y # With the length of x...x and y...y chosen to generate an # ldap request of 256001 bytes. x = encode_string(b'x' * 127979) y = encode_string(b'y' * 127975) equals = encode_element(EQUALS, x + y) trailer = encode_sequence(None) search = encode_element(SEARCH, header + equals + trailer) msg_no = encode_integer(2) packet = encode_sequence(msg_no + search) # # The length of the sequence data should be one greater than the # Maximum length of a search query self.assertEqual(256001, len(packet)) self.send(packet) data = self.recv() # # The connection should be closed by the server and we should not # see any data. self.assertIsNone(data) def test_simple_anonymous_bind(self): ''' Test a simple anonymous bind ''' # Lets build an anonymous simple bind request bind = encode_integer(3) # ldap version bind += encode_string(b'') # Empty name bind += encode_element(SIMPLE_AUTH, b'') # Empty password bind_op = encode_element(BIND, bind) msg_no = encode_integer(1) packet = encode_sequence(msg_no + bind_op) self.send(packet) data = self.recv() self.assertIsNotNone(data) # # Decode and validate the response # Should be a sequence (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(data) self.assertEqual(SEQUENCE.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertTrue(length > 0) self.assertEqual(0, len(rest)) # message id should be 1 (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(element) self.assertEqual(INTEGER.hex(), ber_type.hex()) msg_no = int.from_bytes(element, byteorder='big') self.assertEqual(1, msg_no) self.assertGreater(len(rest), 0) # Should have a Bind response element (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(rest) self.assertEqual(BIND_RES.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertEqual(0, len(rest)) # Check the response code (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(element) self.assertEqual(ENUMERATED.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertEqual(SUCCESS.hex(), element.hex()) self.assertGreater(len(rest), 0) def test_simple_bind_at_limit(self): ''' Test a simple bind, with a large invalid user name. As the resulting packet is equal to the maximum unauthenticated packet size we should see an INVALID_CREDENTIALS response ''' # Lets build a simple bind request bind = encode_integer(3) # ldap version bind += encode_string(b' ' * 255977) # large name bind += encode_element(SIMPLE_AUTH, b'') # Empty password bind_op = encode_element(BIND, bind) msg_no = encode_integer(1) packet = encode_sequence(msg_no + bind_op) # # The length of the sequence data should be equal to the maximum # Unauthenticated packet length self.assertEqual(256000, len(packet)) self.send(packet) data = self.recv() self.assertIsNotNone(data) # # Decode and validate the response # Should be a sequence (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(data) self.assertEqual(SEQUENCE.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertTrue(length > 0) self.assertEqual(0, len(rest)) # message id should be 1 (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(element) self.assertEqual(INTEGER.hex(), ber_type.hex()) msg_no = int.from_bytes(element, byteorder='big') self.assertEqual(1, msg_no) self.assertGreater(len(rest), 0) # Should have a Bind response element (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(rest) self.assertEqual(BIND_RES.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertEqual(0, len(rest)) # Check the response code (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(element) self.assertEqual(ENUMERATED.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertEqual(INVALID_CREDENTIALS.hex(), element.hex()) self.assertGreater(len(rest), 0) def test_simple_bind_gt_limit(self): ''' Test a simple bind, with a large invalid user name. As the resulting packet is one greater than the maximum unauthenticated packet size we should see the connection reset. ''' # Lets build a simple bind request bind = encode_integer(3) # ldap version bind += encode_string(b' ' * 255978) # large name bind += encode_element(SIMPLE_AUTH, b'') # Empty password bind_op = encode_element(BIND, bind) msg_no = encode_integer(1) packet = encode_sequence(msg_no + bind_op) # # The length of the sequence data should be equal to the maximum # Unauthenticated packet length self.assertEqual(256001, len(packet)) self.send(packet) data = self.recv() self.assertIsNone(data) def test_unauthenticated_delete_at_limit(self): ''' Test a delete, with a large invalid DN As the resulting packet is equal to the maximum unauthenticated packet size we should see an INVALID_DN_SYNTAX response ''' # Lets build a delete request, with a large invalid DN dn = b' ' * 255987 del_op = encode_element(DELETE, dn) msg_no = encode_integer(1) packet = encode_sequence(msg_no + del_op) # # The length of the sequence data should be equal to the maximum # Unauthenticated packet length self.assertEqual(256000, len(packet)) self.send(packet) data = self.recv() self.assertIsNotNone(data) # # Decode and validate the response # Should be a sequence (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(data) self.assertEqual(SEQUENCE.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertTrue(length > 0) self.assertEqual(0, len(rest)) # message id should be 1 (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(element) self.assertEqual(INTEGER.hex(), ber_type.hex()) msg_no = int.from_bytes(element, byteorder='big') self.assertEqual(1, msg_no) self.assertGreater(len(rest), 0) # Should have a delete response element (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(rest) self.assertEqual(DELETE_RES.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertEqual(0, len(rest)) # Check the response code (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(element) self.assertEqual(ENUMERATED.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertEqual(INVALID_DN_SYNTAX.hex(), element.hex()) self.assertGreater(len(rest), 0) def test_unauthenticated_delete_gt_limit(self): ''' Test a delete, with a large invalid DN As the resulting packet is greater than the maximum unauthenticated packet size we should see a connection reset ''' # Lets build a delete request, with a large invalid DN dn = b' ' * 255988 del_op = encode_element(DELETE, dn) msg_no = encode_integer(1) packet = encode_sequence(msg_no + del_op) # # The length of the sequence data should one greater than the maximum # unauthenticated packet length self.assertEqual(256001, len(packet)) self.send(packet) data = self.recv() self.assertIsNone(data) def test_authenticated_delete_at_limit(self): ''' Test a delete, with a large invalid DN As the resulting packet is equal to the maximum authenticated packet size we should see an INVALID_DN_SYNTAX response ''' # Lets build a delete request, with a large invalid DN dn = b' ' * 16777203 del_op = encode_element(DELETE, dn) self.bind() msg_no = encode_integer(2) packet = encode_sequence(msg_no + del_op) # # The length of the sequence data should be equal to the maximum # authenticated packet length currently 16MiB self.assertEqual(16 * 1024 * 1024, len(packet)) self.send(packet) data = self.recv() self.assertIsNotNone(data) # # Decode and validate the response # Should be a sequence (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(data) self.assertEqual(SEQUENCE.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertTrue(length > 0) self.assertEqual(0, len(rest)) # message id should be 2 (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(element) self.assertEqual(INTEGER.hex(), ber_type.hex()) msg_no = int.from_bytes(element, byteorder='big') self.assertEqual(2, msg_no) self.assertGreater(len(rest), 0) # Should have a delete response element (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(rest) self.assertEqual(DELETE_RES.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertEqual(0, len(rest)) # Check the response code (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(element) self.assertEqual(ENUMERATED.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertEqual(INVALID_DN_SYNTAX.hex(), element.hex()) self.assertGreater(len(rest), 0) def test_authenticated_delete_gt_limit(self): ''' Test a delete, with a large invalid DN As the resulting packet is one greater than the maximum authenticated packet size we should see a connection reset ''' # Lets build a delete request, with a large invalid DN dn = b' ' * 16777204 del_op = encode_element(DELETE, dn) self.bind() msg_no = encode_integer(2) packet = encode_sequence(msg_no + del_op) # # The length of the sequence data should be one greater than the # maximum authenticated packet length currently 16MiB self.assertEqual(16 * 1024 * 1024 + 1, len(packet)) self.send(packet) data = self.recv() self.assertIsNone(data) class RawCldapTest(TestCase): """ A raw cldap Test case. The ldap connections are made over UDP port 389 Uses the following environment variables: SERVER """ def setUp(self): super(RawCldapTest, self).setUp() self.host = samba.tests.env_get_var_value('SERVER') self.port = 389 self.socket = None self.connect() def tearDown(self): self.disconnect() super(RawCldapTest, self).tearDown() def disconnect(self): ''' Disconnect from and clean up the connection to the server ''' if self.socket is None: return self.socket.close() self.socket = None def connect(self): ''' Establish an UDP connection to the test server ''' try: self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.socket.settimeout(10) self.socket.connect((self.host, self.port)) except socket.error: if self.socket is not None: self.socket.close() raise def send(self, req): ''' Send the request to the server ''' try: self.socket.sendall(req) except socket.error: self.disconnect() raise def recv(self, num_recv=0xffff, timeout=None): ''' receive an array of bytes from the server ''' data = None try: if timeout is not None: self.socket.settimeout(timeout) data = self.socket.recv(num_recv, 0) self.socket.settimeout(10) if len(data) == 0: self.disconnect() return None except socket.timeout: # We ignore timeout's as the ldap server will drop the connection # on the errors we're testing. So returning None on a timeout is # the desired behaviour. self.socket.settimeout(10) except socket.error: self.disconnect() raise return data def test_search_equals_maximum_permitted_size(self): ''' Check that an CLDAP search request equal to the maximum size is accepted ''' # Lets build an ldap search packet to query the RootDSE header = encode_string(None) # Base DN, "" header += encode_enumerated(0) # Enumeration scope header += encode_enumerated(0) # Enumeration dereference header += encode_integer(0) # Integer size limit header += encode_integer(0) # Integer time limit header += encode_boolean(False) # Boolean attributes only # # build an equality search of the form x...x=y...y # With the length of x...x and y...y chosen to generate an # cldap request of 4096 bytes. x = encode_string(b'x' * 2027) y = encode_string(b'y' * 2027) equals = encode_element(EQUALS, x + y) trailer = encode_sequence(None) search = encode_element(SEARCH, header + equals + trailer) msg_no = encode_integer(2) packet = encode_sequence(msg_no + search) # # The length of the packet should be equal to the # Maximum length of a cldap packet self.assertEqual(4096, len(packet)) self.send(packet) data = self.recv() self.assertIsNotNone(data) # # Decode and validate the response # Should be a sequence (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(data) self.assertEqual(SEQUENCE.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertTrue(length > 0) self.assertGreater(len(rest), 0) # rest should contain a Search request done element, but it's # not validated in this test. # message id should be 2 (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(element) self.assertEqual(INTEGER.hex(), ber_type.hex()) msg_no = int.from_bytes(element, byteorder='big') self.assertEqual(2, msg_no) self.assertGreater(len(rest), 0) # Should have a Search response element (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(rest) self.assertEqual(SEARCH_RES.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertEqual(0, len(rest)) # Should have an empty matching DN (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(element) self.assertEqual(OCTET_STRING.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertEqual(0, len(element)) self.assertGreater(len(rest), 0) # Then a sequence of attribute sequences (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(rest) self.assertEqual(SEQUENCE.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertEqual(0, len(rest)) # Check the first attribute sequence, it should be # "configurationNamingContext" # The remaining attribute sequences will be ignored but # check that they exist. (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(element) self.assertEqual(SEQUENCE.hex(), ber_type.hex()) # Check that there are remaining attribute sequences. self.assertGreater(len(rest), 0) # Check the name of the first attribute (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(element) self.assertEqual(OCTET_STRING.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertGreater(len(rest), 0) self.assertEqual(b'configurationNamingContext', element) # And check that there is an attribute value set (ber_type, length, element, rest) = decode_element(rest) self.assertEqual(SET.hex(), ber_type.hex()) self.assertGreater(len(element), 0) self.assertEqual(0, len(rest)) def test_search_exceeds_maximum_permitted_size(self): ''' Test that a cldap request longer than the maximum permitted size is rejected. ''' # Lets build an ldap search packet to query the RootDSE header = encode_string(None) # Base DN, "" header += encode_enumerated(0) # Enumeration scope header += encode_enumerated(0) # Enumeration dereference header += encode_integer(0) # Integer size limit header += encode_integer(0) # Integer time limit header += encode_boolean(False) # Boolean attributes only # # build an equality search of the form x...x=y...y # With the length of x...x and y...y chosen to generate an # cldap request of 4097 bytes. x = encode_string(b'x' * 2027) y = encode_string(b'y' * 2028) equals = encode_element(EQUALS, x + y) trailer = encode_sequence(None) search = encode_element(SEARCH, header + equals + trailer) msg_no = encode_integer(2) packet = encode_sequence(msg_no + search) # # The length of the sequence data should be one greater than the # Maximum length of a cldap packet self.assertEqual(4097, len(packet)) self.send(packet) data = self.recv() # # The connection should be closed by the server and we should not # see any data. self.assertIsNone(data)