#include "idl_types.h" import "misc.idl"; /* IDL structures defining Cabinet files more info can be found at: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb267310.aspx#cabinet_format */ [ pointer_default(unique), helper("../librpc/ndr/ndr_cab.h"), helpstring("Cabinet structure"), uuid("12345678-0000-0000-0000-00000000") ] interface cab { /* * flags.cfhdrPREV_CABINET is set if this cabinet file is not the first in * a set of cabinet files. When this bit is set, the szCabinetPrev and * szDiskPrev fields are present in this CFHEADER. * * flags.cfhdrNEXT_CABINET is set if this cabinet file is not the last in a * set of cabinet files. When this bit is set, the szCabinetNext and * szDiskNext fields are present in this CFHEADER. * * flags.cfhdrRESERVE_PRESENT is set if this cabinet file contains any * reserved fields. When this bit is set, the cbCFHeader, cbCFFolder, and * cbCFData fields are present in this CFHEADER. */ typedef [bitmap16bit] bitmap { cfhdrPREV_CABINET = 0x0001, cfhdrNEXT_CABINET = 0x0002, cfhdrRESERVE_PRESENT = 0x0004 } cf_flags; typedef [public,flag(NDR_PAHEX|NDR_LITTLE_ENDIAN|NDR_NOALIGN)] struct { [charset(DOS),value("MSCF")] uint8 signature[4]; [value(0)] uint32 reserved1; /* reserved */ uint32 cbCabinet; /* size of this cabinet file in bytes */ [value(0)] uint32 reserved2; /* reserved */ [value(cFolders*8+36)] uint32 coffFiles; /* offset of the first CFFILE entry */ [value(0)] uint32 reserved3; /* reserved */ [value(3)] uint8 versionMinor; /* cabinet file format version, minor */ [value(1)] uint8 versionMajor; /* cabinet file format version, major */ uint16 cFolders; /* number of CFFOLDER entries in this cabinet */ uint16 cFiles; /* number of CFFILE entries in this cabinet */ cf_flags flags; /* cabinet file option indicators */ uint16 setID; /* must be the same for all cabinets in a set */ uint16 iCabinet; /* number of this cabinet file in a set */ #if 0 [range(0,60000)] uint16 cbCFHeader; /* (optional) size of per-cabinet reserved area */ [range(0,255)] uint8 cbCFFolder; /* (optional) size of per-folder reserved area */ [range(0,255)] uint8 cbCFData; /* (optional) size of per-datablock reserved area */ uint8 abReserve[]; /* (optional) per-cabinet reserved area */ uint8 szCabinetPrev[]; /* (optional) name of previous cabinet file */ uint8 szDiskPrev[]; /* (optional) name of previous disk */ uint8 szCabinetNext[]; /* (optional) name of next cabinet file */ uint8 szDiskNext[]; /* (optional) name of next disk */ #endif } CFHEADER; typedef enum { CF_COMPRESS_NONE = 0, CF_COMPRESS_MSZIP = 1, CF_COMPRESS_LZX = 4611 } cf_compress_type; typedef [public,flag(NDR_PAHEX|NDR_LITTLE_ENDIAN|NDR_NOALIGN)] struct { uint32 coffCabStart; /* offset of the first CFDATA block in this folder */ uint16 cCFData; /* number of CFDATA blocks in this folder */ cf_compress_type typeCompress; /* compression type indicator */ #if 0 uint8 abReserve[]; /* (optional) per-folder reserved area */ #endif } CFFOLDER; const int ifoldCONTINUED_FROM_PREV = 0xFFFD; const int ifoldCONTINUED_TO_NEXT = 0xFFFE; const int ifoldCONTINUED_PREV_AND_NEXT = 0xFFFF; typedef [bitmap16bit] bitmap { _A_RDONLY = 0x01, /* file is read-only */ _A_HIDDEN = 0x02, /* file is hidden */ _A_SYSTEM = 0x04, /* file is a system file */ _A_ARCH = 0x20, /* file modified since last backup */ _A_EXEC = 0x40, /* run after extraction */ _A_NAME_IS_UTF = 0x80 /* szName[] contains UTF */ } cf_attributes; typedef [noprint,flag(NDR_NOALIGN)] struct { uint16 date; } cf_date; typedef [noprint,flag(NDR_NOALIGN)] struct { uint16 time; } cf_time; typedef [public,flag(NDR_PAHEX|NDR_LITTLE_ENDIAN|NDR_NOALIGN),gensize] struct { uint32 cbFile; /* uncompressed size of this file in bytes */ uint32 uoffFolderStart; /* uncompressed offset of this file in the folder */ uint16 iFolder; /* index into the CFFOLDER area */ cf_date date; /* date stamp for this file */ cf_time time; /* time stamp for this file */ cf_attributes attribs; /* attribute flags for this file */ [flag(r->attribs & _A_NAME_IS_UTF ? STR_UTF8|STR_NULLTERM : STR_ASCII|STR_NULLTERM)] string szName; } CFFILE; typedef [public,flag(NDR_PAHEX|NDR_LITTLE_ENDIAN|NDR_NOALIGN)] struct { [value(ndr_cab_generate_checksum(r))] uint32 csum; /* checksum of this CFDATA entry */ uint16 cbData; /* number of compressed bytes in this block */ uint16 cbUncomp; /* number of uncompressed bytes in this block */ #if 0 uint8 abReserve[]; /* (optional) per-datablock reserved area */ #endif uint8 ab[cbData]; /* compressed data bytes */ } CFDATA; typedef [nopush,nopull,public,flag(NDR_PAHEX|NDR_LITTLE_ENDIAN|NDR_NOALIGN)] struct { CFHEADER cfheader; CFFOLDER cffolders[cfheader.cFolders]; CFFILE cffiles[cfheader.cFiles]; [noprint,value(ndr_count_cfdata(r))] uint32 cfdata_count; CFDATA cfdata[cfdata_count]; } cab_file; void decode_cab_file( [in] cab_file file ); }