winexe 1 Samba User Commands &doc.version; winexe Winexe is a Remote Windows-command executor winexe -h -V -U [DOMAIN/]USERNAME[%PASSWORD] -A FILE -N -k -d DEBUGLEVEL --uninstall --reinstall --runas [DOMAIN/]USERNAME[%PASSWORD] --runas-file FILE --interactive [0|1] --ostype [0|1] DESCRIPTION This tool is part of the samba 7 suite. The winexe allows remote command execution on native Windows operating systems. OPTIONS &; &stdarg.version; &stdarg.username; &stdarg.authfile; &stdarg.nopass; &stdarg.kerberos; &stdarg.client.debug; --uninstall Uninstall winexe service after remote execution. --reinstall Reinstall winexe service before remote execution. --runas [DOMAIN/]USERNAME[%PASSWORD]] Run as the given user (BEWARE: this password is sent in cleartext over the network!) --runas-file FILE Run as user options defined in a file. --interactive [0|1] Desktop interaction. There are two options: 0 - disallow 1 - allow. If allow, also use the --system switch (Windows requirement). Vista does not support this optoin. --ostype [0|1|2] Determines which version (32-bit or 64-bit) of service will be installed. There are three options: 0 - 32-bit 1 - 64-bit 2 - winexe will decide EXIT STATUS The winexe program returns 0 if the operation succeeded, or 1 if the operation failed. VERSION This man page is part of version &doc.version; of the Samba suite. AUTHOR The original Samba software and related utilities were created by Andrew Tridgell. Samba is now developed by the Samba Team as an Open Source project similar to the way the Linux kernel is developed. The winexe and it's native Windows counterpart were written by Andrzej Hajda. The Samba client tool winexe was later rewritten by Volker Lendecke. This manpage was written by Guenther Deschner.