# a waf tool to add autoconf-like macros to the configure section # and for SAMBA_ macros for building libraries, binaries etc import os, sys, re, fnmatch, shlex from optparse import SUPPRESS_HELP import Build, Options, Utils, Task, Logs, Configure from TaskGen import feature, before, after from Configure import conf, ConfigurationContext from Logs import debug # TODO: make this a --option LIB_PATH="shared" # sigh, python octal constants are a mess MODE_644 = int('644', 8) MODE_755 = int('755', 8) @conf def SET_TARGET_TYPE(ctx, target, value): '''set the target type of a target''' cache = LOCAL_CACHE(ctx, 'TARGET_TYPE') if target in cache and cache[target] != 'EMPTY': Logs.error("ERROR: Target '%s' in directory %s re-defined as %s - was %s" % (target, ctx.curdir, value, cache[target])) sys.exit(1) LOCAL_CACHE_SET(ctx, 'TARGET_TYPE', target, value) debug("task_gen: Target '%s' created of type '%s' in %s" % (target, value, ctx.curdir)) return True def GET_TARGET_TYPE(ctx, target): '''get target type from cache''' cache = LOCAL_CACHE(ctx, 'TARGET_TYPE') if not target in cache: return None return cache[target] def ADD_LD_LIBRARY_PATH(path): '''add something to LD_LIBRARY_PATH''' if 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' in os.environ: oldpath = os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] else: oldpath = '' newpath = oldpath.split(':') if not path in newpath: newpath.append(path) os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = ':'.join(newpath) def needs_private_lib(bld, target): '''return True if a target links to a private library''' for lib in getattr(target, "final_libs", []): t = bld.get_tgen_by_name(lib) if t and getattr(t, 'private_library', False): return True return False def install_rpath(target): '''the rpath value for installation''' bld = target.bld bld.env['RPATH'] = [] ret = set() if bld.env.RPATH_ON_INSTALL: ret.add(bld.EXPAND_VARIABLES(bld.env.LIBDIR)) if bld.env.RPATH_ON_INSTALL_PRIVATE and needs_private_lib(bld, target): ret.add(bld.EXPAND_VARIABLES(bld.env.PRIVATELIBDIR)) return list(ret) def build_rpath(bld): '''the rpath value for build''' rpaths = [os.path.normpath('%s/%s' % (bld.env.BUILD_DIRECTORY, d)) for d in ("shared", "shared/private")] bld.env['RPATH'] = [] if bld.env.RPATH_ON_BUILD: return rpaths for rpath in rpaths: ADD_LD_LIBRARY_PATH(rpath) return [] @conf def LOCAL_CACHE(ctx, name): '''return a named build cache dictionary, used to store state inside other functions''' if name in ctx.env: return ctx.env[name] ctx.env[name] = {} return ctx.env[name] @conf def LOCAL_CACHE_SET(ctx, cachename, key, value): '''set a value in a local cache''' cache = LOCAL_CACHE(ctx, cachename) cache[key] = value @conf def ASSERT(ctx, expression, msg): '''a build assert call''' if not expression: raise Utils.WafError("ERROR: %s\n" % msg) Build.BuildContext.ASSERT = ASSERT def SUBDIR(bld, subdir, list): '''create a list of files by pre-pending each with a subdir name''' ret = '' for l in TO_LIST(list): ret = ret + os.path.normpath(os.path.join(subdir, l)) + ' ' return ret Build.BuildContext.SUBDIR = SUBDIR def dict_concat(d1, d2): '''concatenate two dictionaries d1 += d2''' for t in d2: if t not in d1: d1[t] = d2[t] def ADD_COMMAND(opt, name, function): '''add a new top level command to waf''' Utils.g_module.__dict__[name] = function opt.name = function Options.Handler.ADD_COMMAND = ADD_COMMAND @feature('c', 'cc', 'cshlib', 'cprogram') @before('apply_core','exec_rule') def process_depends_on(self): '''The new depends_on attribute for build rules allow us to specify a dependency on output from a source generation rule''' if getattr(self , 'depends_on', None): lst = self.to_list(self.depends_on) for x in lst: y = self.bld.get_tgen_by_name(x) self.bld.ASSERT(y is not None, "Failed to find dependency %s of %s" % (x, self.name)) y.post() if getattr(y, 'more_includes', None): self.includes += " " + y.more_includes os_path_relpath = getattr(os.path, 'relpath', None) if os_path_relpath is None: # Python < 2.6 does not have os.path.relpath, provide a replacement # (imported from Python2.6.5~rc2) def os_path_relpath(path, start): """Return a relative version of a path""" start_list = os.path.abspath(start).split("/") path_list = os.path.abspath(path).split("/") # Work out how much of the filepath is shared by start and path. i = len(os.path.commonprefix([start_list, path_list])) rel_list = ['..'] * (len(start_list)-i) + path_list[i:] if not rel_list: return start return os.path.join(*rel_list) def unique_list(seq): '''return a uniquified list in the same order as the existing list''' seen = {} result = [] for item in seq: if item in seen: continue seen[item] = True result.append(item) return result def TO_LIST(str, delimiter=None): '''Split a list, preserving quoted strings and existing lists''' if str is None: return [] if isinstance(str, list): # we need to return a new independent list... return list(str) if len(str) == 0: return [] lst = str.split(delimiter) # the string may have had quotes in it, now we # check if we did have quotes, and use the slower shlex # if we need to for e in lst: if e[0] == '"': return shlex.split(str) return lst def subst_vars_error(string, env): '''substitute vars, throw an error if a variable is not defined''' lst = re.split('(\$\{\w+\})', string) out = [] for v in lst: if re.match('\$\{\w+\}', v): vname = v[2:-1] if not vname in env: raise KeyError("Failed to find variable %s in %s" % (vname, string)) v = env[vname] out.append(v) return ''.join(out) @conf def SUBST_ENV_VAR(ctx, varname): '''Substitute an environment variable for any embedded variables''' return subst_vars_error(ctx.env[varname], ctx.env) Build.BuildContext.SUBST_ENV_VAR = SUBST_ENV_VAR def ENFORCE_GROUP_ORDERING(bld): '''enforce group ordering for the project. This makes the group ordering apply only when you specify a target with --target''' if Options.options.compile_targets: @feature('*') @before('exec_rule', 'apply_core', 'collect') def force_previous_groups(self): if getattr(self.bld, 'enforced_group_ordering', False): return self.bld.enforced_group_ordering = True def group_name(g): tm = self.bld.task_manager return [x for x in tm.groups_names if id(tm.groups_names[x]) == id(g)][0] my_id = id(self) bld = self.bld stop = None for g in bld.task_manager.groups: for t in g.tasks_gen: if id(t) == my_id: stop = id(g) debug('group: Forcing up to group %s for target %s', group_name(g), self.name or self.target) break if stop is not None: break if stop is None: return for i in xrange(len(bld.task_manager.groups)): g = bld.task_manager.groups[i] bld.task_manager.current_group = i if id(g) == stop: break debug('group: Forcing group %s', group_name(g)) for t in g.tasks_gen: if not getattr(t, 'forced_groups', False): debug('group: Posting %s', t.name or t.target) t.forced_groups = True t.post() Build.BuildContext.ENFORCE_GROUP_ORDERING = ENFORCE_GROUP_ORDERING def recursive_dirlist(dir, relbase, pattern=None): '''recursive directory list''' ret = [] for f in os.listdir(dir): f2 = dir + '/' + f if os.path.isdir(f2): ret.extend(recursive_dirlist(f2, relbase)) else: if pattern and not fnmatch.fnmatch(f, pattern): continue ret.append(os_path_relpath(f2, relbase)) return ret def mkdir_p(dir): '''like mkdir -p''' if not dir: return if dir.endswith("/"): mkdir_p(dir[:-1]) return if os.path.isdir(dir): return mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(dir)) os.mkdir(dir) def SUBST_VARS_RECURSIVE(string, env): '''recursively expand variables''' if string is None: return string limit=100 while (string.find('${') != -1 and limit > 0): string = subst_vars_error(string, env) limit -= 1 return string @conf def EXPAND_VARIABLES(ctx, varstr, vars=None): '''expand variables from a user supplied dictionary This is most useful when you pass vars=locals() to expand all your local variables in strings ''' if isinstance(varstr, list): ret = [] for s in varstr: ret.append(EXPAND_VARIABLES(ctx, s, vars=vars)) return ret if not isinstance(varstr, str): return varstr import Environment env = Environment.Environment() ret = varstr # substitute on user supplied dict if avaiilable if vars is not None: for v in vars.keys(): env[v] = vars[v] ret = SUBST_VARS_RECURSIVE(ret, env) # if anything left, subst on the environment as well if ret.find('${') != -1: ret = SUBST_VARS_RECURSIVE(ret, ctx.env) # make sure there is nothing left. Also check for the common # typo of $( instead of ${ if ret.find('${') != -1 or ret.find('$(') != -1: Logs.error('Failed to substitute all variables in varstr=%s' % ret) sys.exit(1) return ret Build.BuildContext.EXPAND_VARIABLES = EXPAND_VARIABLES def RUN_COMMAND(cmd, env=None, shell=False): '''run a external command, return exit code or signal''' if env: cmd = SUBST_VARS_RECURSIVE(cmd, env) status = os.system(cmd) if os.WIFEXITED(status): return os.WEXITSTATUS(status) if os.WIFSIGNALED(status): return - os.WTERMSIG(status) Logs.error("Unknown exit reason %d for command: %s" (status, cmd)) return -1 def RUN_PYTHON_TESTS(testfiles, pythonpath=None, extra_env=None): env = LOAD_ENVIRONMENT() if pythonpath is None: pythonpath = os.path.join(Utils.g_module.blddir, 'python') result = 0 for interp in env.python_interpreters: for testfile in testfiles: cmd = "PYTHONPATH=%s %s %s" % (pythonpath, interp, testfile) if extra_env: for key, value in extra_env.items(): cmd = "%s=%s %s" % (key, value, cmd) print('Running Python test with %s: %s' % (interp, testfile)) ret = RUN_COMMAND(cmd) if ret: print('Python test failed: %s' % cmd) result = ret return result # make sure we have md5. some systems don't have it try: from hashlib import md5 # Even if hashlib.md5 exists, it may be unusable. # Try to use MD5 function. In FIPS mode this will cause an exception # and we'll get to the replacement code foo = md5('abcd') except: try: import md5 # repeat the same check here, mere success of import is not enough. # Try to use MD5 function. In FIPS mode this will cause an exception foo = md5.md5('abcd') except: import Constants Constants.SIG_NIL = hash('abcd') class replace_md5(object): def __init__(self): self.val = None def update(self, val): self.val = hash((self.val, val)) def digest(self): return str(self.val) def hexdigest(self): return self.digest().encode('hex') def replace_h_file(filename): f = open(filename, 'rb') m = replace_md5() while (filename): filename = f.read(100000) m.update(filename) f.close() return m.digest() Utils.md5 = replace_md5 Task.md5 = replace_md5 Utils.h_file = replace_h_file def LOAD_ENVIRONMENT(): '''load the configuration environment, allowing access to env vars from new commands''' import Environment env = Environment.Environment() try: env.load('.lock-wscript') env.load(env.blddir + '/c4che/default.cache.py') except: pass return env def IS_NEWER(bld, file1, file2): '''return True if file1 is newer than file2''' t1 = os.stat(os.path.join(bld.curdir, file1)).st_mtime t2 = os.stat(os.path.join(bld.curdir, file2)).st_mtime return t1 > t2 Build.BuildContext.IS_NEWER = IS_NEWER @conf def RECURSE(ctx, directory): '''recurse into a directory, relative to the curdir or top level''' try: visited_dirs = ctx.visited_dirs except: visited_dirs = ctx.visited_dirs = set() d = os.path.join(ctx.curdir, directory) if os.path.exists(d): abspath = os.path.abspath(d) else: abspath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(Utils.g_module.srcdir, directory)) ctxclass = ctx.__class__.__name__ key = ctxclass + ':' + abspath if key in visited_dirs: # already done it return visited_dirs.add(key) relpath = os_path_relpath(abspath, ctx.curdir) if ctxclass == 'Handler': return ctx.sub_options(relpath) if ctxclass == 'ConfigurationContext': return ctx.sub_config(relpath) if ctxclass == 'BuildContext': return ctx.add_subdirs(relpath) Logs.error('Unknown RECURSE context class', ctxclass) raise Options.Handler.RECURSE = RECURSE Build.BuildContext.RECURSE = RECURSE def CHECK_MAKEFLAGS(bld): '''check for MAKEFLAGS environment variable in case we are being called from a Makefile try to honor a few make command line flags''' if not 'WAF_MAKE' in os.environ: return makeflags = os.environ.get('MAKEFLAGS') if makeflags is None: return jobs_set = False jobs = None # we need to use shlex.split to cope with the escaping of spaces # in makeflags for opt in shlex.split(makeflags): # options can come either as -x or as x if opt[0:2] == 'V=': Options.options.verbose = Logs.verbose = int(opt[2:]) if Logs.verbose > 0: Logs.zones = ['runner'] if Logs.verbose > 2: Logs.zones = ['*'] elif opt[0].isupper() and opt.find('=') != -1: # this allows us to set waf options on the make command line # for example, if you do "make FOO=blah", then we set the # option 'FOO' in Options.options, to blah. If you look in wafsamba/wscript # you will see that the command line accessible options have their dest= # set to uppercase, to allow for passing of options from make in this way # this is also how "make test TESTS=testpattern" works, and # "make VERBOSE=1" as well as things like "make SYMBOLCHECK=1" loc = opt.find('=') setattr(Options.options, opt[0:loc], opt[loc+1:]) elif opt[0] != '-': for v in opt: if re.search(r'j[0-9]*$', v): jobs_set = True jobs = opt.strip('j') elif v == 'k': Options.options.keep = True elif re.search(r'-j[0-9]*$', opt): jobs_set = True jobs = opt.strip('-j') elif opt == '-k': Options.options.keep = True if not jobs_set: # default to one job Options.options.jobs = 1 elif jobs_set and jobs: Options.options.jobs = int(jobs) Build.BuildContext.CHECK_MAKEFLAGS = CHECK_MAKEFLAGS option_groups = {} def option_group(opt, name): '''find or create an option group''' global option_groups if name in option_groups: return option_groups[name] gr = opt.add_option_group(name) option_groups[name] = gr return gr Options.Handler.option_group = option_group def save_file(filename, contents, create_dir=False): '''save data to a file''' if create_dir: mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(filename)) try: f = open(filename, 'w') f.write(contents) f.close() except: return False return True def load_file(filename): '''return contents of a file''' try: f = open(filename, 'r') r = f.read() f.close() except: return None return r def reconfigure(ctx): '''rerun configure if necessary''' import Configure, samba_wildcard, Scripting if not os.path.exists(".lock-wscript"): raise Utils.WafError('configure has not been run') bld = samba_wildcard.fake_build_environment() Configure.autoconfig = True Scripting.check_configured(bld) def map_shlib_extension(ctx, name, python=False): '''map a filename with a shared library extension of .so to the real shlib name''' if name is None: return None if name[-1:].isdigit(): # some libraries have specified versions in the wscript rule return name (root1, ext1) = os.path.splitext(name) if python: return ctx.env.pyext_PATTERN % root1 else: (root2, ext2) = os.path.splitext(ctx.env.shlib_PATTERN) return root1+ext2 Build.BuildContext.map_shlib_extension = map_shlib_extension def apply_pattern(filename, pattern): '''apply a filename pattern to a filename that may have a directory component''' dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) if not dirname: return pattern % filename basename = os.path.basename(filename) return os.path.join(dirname, pattern % basename) def make_libname(ctx, name, nolibprefix=False, version=None, python=False): """make a library filename Options: nolibprefix: don't include the lib prefix version : add a version number python : if we should use python module name conventions""" if python: libname = apply_pattern(name, ctx.env.pyext_PATTERN) else: libname = apply_pattern(name, ctx.env.shlib_PATTERN) if nolibprefix and libname[0:3] == 'lib': libname = libname[3:] if version: if version[0] == '.': version = version[1:] (root, ext) = os.path.splitext(libname) if ext == ".dylib": # special case - version goes before the prefix libname = "%s.%s%s" % (root, version, ext) else: libname = "%s%s.%s" % (root, ext, version) return libname Build.BuildContext.make_libname = make_libname def get_tgt_list(bld): '''return a list of build objects for samba''' targets = LOCAL_CACHE(bld, 'TARGET_TYPE') # build a list of task generators we are interested in tgt_list = [] for tgt in targets: type = targets[tgt] if not type in ['SUBSYSTEM', 'MODULE', 'BINARY', 'LIBRARY', 'ASN1', 'PYTHON']: continue t = bld.get_tgen_by_name(tgt) if t is None: Logs.error("Target %s of type %s has no task generator" % (tgt, type)) sys.exit(1) tgt_list.append(t) return tgt_list from Constants import WSCRIPT_FILE def PROCESS_SEPARATE_RULE(self, rule): ''' cause waf to process additional script based on `rule'. You should have file named wscript__rule in the current directory where stage is either 'configure' or 'build' ''' stage = '' if isinstance(self, Configure.ConfigurationContext): stage = 'configure' elif isinstance(self, Build.BuildContext): stage = 'build' file_path = os.path.join(self.curdir, WSCRIPT_FILE+'_'+stage+'_'+rule) txt = load_file(file_path) if txt: dc = {'ctx': self} if getattr(self.__class__, 'pre_recurse', None): dc = self.pre_recurse(txt, file_path, self.curdir) exec(compile(txt, file_path, 'exec'), dc) if getattr(self.__class__, 'post_recurse', None): dc = self.post_recurse(txt, file_path, self.curdir) Build.BuildContext.PROCESS_SEPARATE_RULE = PROCESS_SEPARATE_RULE ConfigurationContext.PROCESS_SEPARATE_RULE = PROCESS_SEPARATE_RULE def AD_DC_BUILD_IS_ENABLED(self): if self.CONFIG_SET('AD_DC_BUILD_IS_ENABLED'): return True return False Build.BuildContext.AD_DC_BUILD_IS_ENABLED = AD_DC_BUILD_IS_ENABLED @feature('cprogram', 'cshlib', 'cstaticlib') @after('apply_lib_vars') @before('apply_obj_vars') def samba_before_apply_obj_vars(self): """before apply_obj_vars for uselib, this removes the standard paths""" def is_standard_libpath(env, path): for _path in env.STANDARD_LIBPATH: if _path == os.path.normpath(path): return True return False v = self.env for i in v['RPATH']: if is_standard_libpath(v, i): v['RPATH'].remove(i) for i in v['LIBPATH']: if is_standard_libpath(v, i): v['LIBPATH'].remove(i) def samba_add_onoff_option(opt, option, help=(), dest=None, default=True, with_name="with", without_name="without"): if default is None: default_str = "auto" elif default is True: default_str = "yes" elif default is False: default_str = "no" else: default_str = str(default) if help == (): help = ("Build with %s support (default=%s)" % (option, default_str)) if dest is None: dest = "with_%s" % option.replace('-', '_') with_val = "--%s-%s" % (with_name, option) without_val = "--%s-%s" % (without_name, option) opt.add_option(with_val, help=help, action="store_true", dest=dest, default=default) opt.add_option(without_val, help=SUPPRESS_HELP, action="store_false", dest=dest) Options.Handler.samba_add_onoff_option = samba_add_onoff_option