import Utils from Configure import conf done = {} @conf def SAMBA_CHECK_PERL(conf, mandatory=True, version=(5,0,0)): # # TODO: use the @runonce mechanism for this. # The problem is that @runonce currently does # not seem to work together with @conf... # So @runonce (and/or) @conf needs fixing. # if "done" in done: return done["done"] = True conf.find_program('perl', var='PERL', mandatory=mandatory) conf.check_tool('perl') path_perl = conf.find_program('perl') conf.env.PERL_SPECIFIED = (conf.env.PERL != path_perl) conf.check_perl_version(version) def read_perl_config_var(cmd): return Utils.to_list(Utils.cmd_output([conf.env.PERL, '-MConfig', '-e', cmd])) def check_perl_config_var(var): conf.start_msg("Checking for perl $Config{%s}:" % var) try: v = read_perl_config_var('print $Config{%s}' % var)[0] conf.end_msg("'%s'" % (v), 'GREEN') return v except IndexError: conf.end_msg(False, 'YELLOW') pass return None vendor_prefix = check_perl_config_var('vendorprefix') perl_arch_install_dir = None if vendor_prefix == conf.env.PREFIX: perl_arch_install_dir = check_perl_config_var('vendorarch'); if perl_arch_install_dir is None: perl_arch_install_dir = "${LIBDIR}/perl5"; conf.start_msg("PERL_ARCH_INSTALL_DIR: ") conf.end_msg("'%s'" % (perl_arch_install_dir), 'GREEN') conf.env.PERL_ARCH_INSTALL_DIR = perl_arch_install_dir perl_lib_install_dir = None if vendor_prefix == conf.env.PREFIX: perl_lib_install_dir = check_perl_config_var('vendorlib'); if perl_lib_install_dir is None: perl_lib_install_dir = "${DATADIR}/perl5"; conf.start_msg("PERL_LIB_INSTALL_DIR: ") conf.end_msg("'%s'" % (perl_lib_install_dir), 'GREEN') conf.env.PERL_LIB_INSTALL_DIR = perl_lib_install_dir perl_inc = read_perl_config_var('print "@INC"') perl_inc.remove('.') conf.start_msg("PERL_INC: ") conf.end_msg("%s" % (perl_inc), 'GREEN') conf.env.PERL_INC = perl_inc