diff options
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 1228 deletions
diff --git a/examples/scripts/shares/perl/ b/examples/scripts/shares/perl/
deleted file mode 100755
index 20b613aba8f..00000000000
--- a/examples/scripts/shares/perl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-## Simple add/delete/change share command script for Samba
-## Copyright (C) Gerald Carter 2004.
-## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-## (at your option) any later version.
-## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-## GNU General Public License for more details.
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-## along with this program; if not, see <>.
-use POSIX qw(tmpnam);
-## local variables
-my $delete_mode = undef;
-my $add_mode = undef;
-my $tmp_file_name = undef;
-## check for correct parameters
-if ($#ARGV == 1) {
- $delete_mode = 1;
-elsif ($#ARGV == 4) {
- $add_mode = 1;
-else {
- print "Usage: $0 configfile share [path] [comment]\n";
- exit -1;
-## first param is always the config file
-open (CONFIGFILE, "$ARGV[0]") || die "Unable to open $ARGV[0] for reading!\n";
-## FIXME!! Right now we throw away all comments in the file.
-while (<CONFIGFILE>) {
- chomp($_);
- ## eat leading whitespace
- $_ =~ s/^\s*//;
- ## eat trailing whitespace
- $_ =~ s/\s*$//;
- ## throw away comments
- next if (($_ =~ /^#/) || ($_ =~ /^;/));
- ## set the current section name for storing the hash
- if ($_ =~ /^\[.*\]$/) {
- $_ = substr($_, 1, length($_)-2);
- if ( length($_) ) {
- $section = $_;
- }
- else {
- print "Bad Section Name - no closing ]\n";
- exit -1;
- }
- next;
- }
- ## check for a param = value
- if ($_ =~ /=/) {
- ($param, $value) = split (/=/, $_,2);
- $param =~ s/./\l$&/g;
- $param =~ s/\s+//g;
- $value =~ s/^\s+//;
- $config{$section}{$param} = $value;
- next;
- }
- ## should have a hash of hashes indexed by section name
-close (CONFIGFILE);
-## We have the smb.conf in our hash of hashes now.
-## Add or delete
-if ($add_mode) {
- $config{$ARGV[1]}{'path'} = $ARGV[2];
- $config{$ARGV[1]}{'comment'} = $ARGV[3];
- $config{$ARGV[1]}{'max connections'} = $ARGV[4];
-elsif ($delete_mode) {
- delete $config{$ARGV[1]};
-## Print the resulting configuration
-#do {
-# $tmp_file_name = tmpnam();
-# print "Using temporary file - $tmp_file_name\n";
-#} while (!sysopen(TMP, $tmp_file_name, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL));
-$tmp_file_name = tmpnam();
-open (TMP, ">$tmp_file_name") || die "Unable to open temporary file for writing!\n";
-## now overwrite the original config file
-close (TMP);
-system ("cp -pf $ARGV[0] $ARGV[0].bak");
-system ("cp -pf $tmp_file_name $ARGV[0]");
-unlink $tmp_file_name;
-exit 0;
-## PrintConfigFile()
-sub PrintConfigFile {
- my ($output) = @_;
- ## print the file back out, beginning with the global section
- print $output "#\n# Generated by $0\n#\n";
- PrintSection ($output, 'global', $config{'global'});
- foreach $section (keys %config) {
- if ("$section" ne "global") {
- print $output "## Section - [$section]\n";
- PrintSection ($output, $section, $config{$section});
- }
- }
- print $output "#\n# end of generated smb.conf\n#\n";
-## PrintSection()
-sub PrintSection {
- my ($outfile, $name, $section) = @_;
- print $outfile "[$name]\n";
- foreach $param (keys %$section) {
- print $outfile "\t$param".' 'x(25-length($param)). " = $$section{$param}\n";
- }
- print $outfile "\n";
diff --git a/examples/scripts/shares/python/ b/examples/scripts/shares/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ceec8a1753..00000000000
--- a/examples/scripts/shares/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-import sys, string, SambaParm
-from smbparm import parm_table
-## smb.conf parser class
-## Copyright (C) Gerald Carter 2004.
-## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-## (at your option) any later version.
-## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-## GNU General Public License for more details.
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-## along with this program; if not, see <>.
-## multi line Samba comment
-class SambaComment:
- def __init__( self, comment ):
- self.comment = comment
- def Dump( self, stream, whitespace=None ):
- if not self.comment:
- return
- for line in self.comment:
- if whitespace:
- stream.write( whitespace )
- stream.write( line )
- stream.write( "\n" )
-## string smb.conf parms
-class SambaParameter :
- ## indexs into the parm table tuples
- DisplayName = 0
- ObjectType = 1
- DefaultValue = 2
- Scope = 3
- ## Stores a key into the parm_table and creates an
- ## SambaParmXXX object to store the value
- def __init__( self, name, value, comment=None ):
- self.key = string.upper(string.strip(name))
- self.comment = None
- assert parm_table.has_key( self.key ), "Bad parameter name! [%s]" % name
- self.parm = parm_table[self.key][self.ObjectType]( value )
- if comment :
- self.comment = SambaComment( comment )
- #if not self.parm.valid:
- # self.parm.SetValue( parm_table[self.key][self.DefaultValue] )
- ## simple test for global or service parameter scope
- def isGlobalParm( self ) :
- return parm_table[self.key][Scope]
- ## dump <the parameter to stdout
- def Dump( self, stream ):
- if self.comment:
- self.comment.Dump( stream, "\t" )
- stream.write( "\t%s = %s\n" % ( parm_table[self.key][self.DisplayName], self.parm.StringValue() ))
-## Class for parsing and modifying Smb.conf
-class SambaConf:
- def __init__( self ):
- = {}
- self.valid = True
-["GLOBAL"] = {}
- self.services_order = []
- ## always return a non-empty line of input or None
- ## if we hit EOF
- def ReadLine( self, stream ):
- result = None
- input_str = None
- while True:
- input_str = stream.readline()
- ## Are we done with the file ?
- if len(input_str) == 0:
- return result
- ## we need one line of valid input at least
- ## continue around the loop again if the result
- ## string is empty
- input_str = string.strip( input_str )
- if len(input_str) == 0:
- if not result:
- continue
- else:
- return result
- ## we have > 1` character so setup the result
- if not result:
- result = ""
- ## Check for comments -- terminated by \n -- no continuation
- if input_str[0] == '#' or input_str[0] == ';' :
- result = input_str
- break
- ## check for line continuation
- if input_str[-1] == "\\" :
- result += input_str[0:-1]
- continue
- ## otherwise we have a complete line
- result += input_str
- break
- return result
- ## convert the parameter name to a form suitable as a dictionary key
- def NormalizeParamName( self, param ):
- return string.upper( string.join(string.split(param), "") )
- ## Open the file and parse it into a services dictionary
- ## if possible
- def ReadConfig( self, filename ):
- self.filename = filename
- try:
- fconfig = open( filename, "r" )
- except IOError:
- self.valid = False
- return
- section_name = None
- ## the most recent seen comment is stored as an array
- current_comment = []
- while True:
- str = self.ReadLine( fconfig )
- if not str:
- break
- ## Check for comments
- if str[0] == '#' or str[0] == ';' :
- current_comment.append( str )
- continue
- ## look for a next section name
- if str[0]=='[' and str[-1]==']' :
- section_name = str[1:-1]
- self.AddService( section_name, current_comment )
- current_comment = []
- continue
- str_list = string.split( str, "=" )
- if len(str_list) != 2 :
- continue
- if not section_name :
- print "parameter given without section name!"
- break
- param = self.NormalizeParamName( str_list[0] )
- value = string.strip(str_list[1])
- self.SetServiceOption( section_name, param, value, current_comment )
- self.dirty = False
- ## reset the comment strinf if we have one
- current_comment = []
- fconfig.close()
- ## Add a parameter to the global section
- def SetGlobalOption( self, param, value, comment=None ) :
- self.SetServiceOption( "GLOBAL", param, value, comment )
- ## Add a parameter to a specific service
- def SetServiceOption( self, servicename, param, value, comment=None ) :
- service = string.upper(servicename)
- parm = self.NormalizeParamName(param)
-[service]['_order_'].append( parm )
-[service][parm] = SambaParameter( parm, value, comment )
- self.dirty = True
- ## remove a service from the config file
- def DelService( self, servicename ) :
- service = string.upper(servicename)
-[service] = None
- self.dirty = True
- ## remove a service from the config file
- def AddService( self, servicename, comment=None ) :
- service = string.upper(servicename)
-[service] = {}
-[service]['_order_'] = []
- if ( comment ):
-[service]['_comment_'] = SambaComment( comment )
- self.services_order.append( service )
- self.dirty = True
- def isService( self, servicename ):
- service = string.upper(servicename)
- return service )
- ## dump a single service to stream
- def DumpService( self, stream, servicename ):
- ## comments first
- if[servicename].has_key( '_comment_' ):
-[servicename]['_comment_'].Dump( stream )
- ## section header
- stream.write( "[%s]\n" % (servicename) )
- ## parameter = value
- for parm in[servicename]['_order_']:
- ## dump the config to stream
- def Dump( self, stream ):
- self.DumpService( stream, "GLOBAL" )
- stream.write("\n")
- for section in self.services_order:
- ## already handled the global section
- if section == "GLOBAL":
- continue
- ## check for deleted sections ##
- if not[section]:
- continue
- self.DumpService( stream, section )
- stream.write( "\n" )
- ## write out any changes to disk
- def Flush( self ):
- if not self.dirty:
- return
- try:
- fconfig = open( self.filename, "w" )
- except IOError:
- sys.stderr.write( "ERROR!\n" )
- return 1
- self.Dump( fconfig )
- fconfig.close()
- return 0
- def Services( self ):
- service_list = []
- for section in
- service_list.append( section )
- return service_list
- def NumServices( self ):
- return len(self.Services())
- def Write( self, filename ):
- self.filename = filename
- self.valid = True
- if not self.dirty:
- return
- self.Flush()
-## Unit tests
-if __name__ == "__main__" :
- x = SambaConf( )
- x.ReadConfig( sys.argv[1] )
- if not x.valid :
- print "Bad file!"
- sys.exit(1)
- x.Dump( sys.stdout )
-## end of ######################################################
diff --git a/examples/scripts/shares/python/ b/examples/scripts/shares/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index 82c99c84ac0..00000000000
--- a/examples/scripts/shares/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-## smb.conf parameter classes
-## Copyright (C) Gerald Carter 2004.
-## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-## (at your option) any later version.
-## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-## GNU General Public License for more details.
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-## along with this program; if not, see <>.
-import string
-## Base class for Samba smb.conf parameters
-class SambaParm :
- def __init__( self ) :
- pass
- def StringValue( self ) :
- return self.value
-## Boolean smb,conf parm
-class SambaParmBool( SambaParm ):
- def __init__( self, value ) :
- x = string.upper(value)
- self.valid = True
- if x=="YES" or x=="TRUE" or x=="1":
- self.value = True
- elif x=="NO" or x=="FALSE" or x=="0":
- self.value = False
- else:
- self.valid = False
- return self
- def SetValue( self, value ) :
- x = string.upper(value)
- self.valid = True
- if x=="YES" or x=="TRUE" or x=="1":
- self.value = True
- elif x=="NO" or x=="FALSE" or x=="0":
- self.value = False
- else:
- self.valid = False
- return
- def StringValue( self ) :
- if self.value :
- return "yes"
- else:
- return "no"
-## Boolean smb,conf parm (inverts)
-class SambaParmBoolRev( SambaParmBool ) :
- def __init__( self, value ):
- SambaParmBool.__init__( self, value )
- if self.valid :
- self.value = not self.value
-## string smb.conf parms
-class SambaParmString( SambaParm ):
- def __init__( self, value ):
- self.value = value
- self.valid = True
diff --git a/examples/scripts/shares/python/ b/examples/scripts/shares/python/
deleted file mode 100755
index 1d2c5f246c6..00000000000
--- a/examples/scripts/shares/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-## Generate parameter dictionary from param/loadparm.c
-## Copyright (C) Gerald Carter 2004.
-## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-## (at your option) any later version.
-## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-## GNU General Public License for more details.
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-## along with this program; if not, see <>.
-import re, string, sys, commands
-HEADER = """######################################################################
-## autogenerated file of smb.conf parameters
-## generate_parm_table <..../param/loadparm.c>
-## Copyright (C) Gerald Carter 2004.
-## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-## (at your option) any later version.
-## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-## GNU General Public License for more details.
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-## along with this program; if not, see <>.
-from SambaParm import SambaParmString, SambaParmBool, SambaParmBoolRev
-## boolean defines for parm_table
-P_LOCAL = 0
-FOOTER = """##### end of smbparm.y ##########################################
-TESTPARM = "/usr/bin/testparm"
-## fields in Samba's parameter table
-displayName = 0
-type = 1
-scope = 2
-variable = 3
-flags = 6
-parm_table = {}
-var_table = {}
-def_values = {}
-obj_table = {
- 'P_BOOL' : 'SambaParmBool',
- 'P_BOOLREV' : 'SambaParmBoolRev',
- 'P_STRING' : 'SambaParmString',
- 'P_USTRING' : 'SambaParmString',
- 'P_GSTRING' : 'SambaParmString',
- 'P_LIST' : 'SambaParmString',
- 'P_ENUM' : 'SambaParmString',
- 'P_CHAR' : 'SambaParmString',
- 'P_OCTAL' : 'SambaParmString',
- 'P_INTEGER' : 'SambaParmString',
-## First thing is to build the dictionary of parmeter names ##
-## based on the output from testparm ##
-cmd = "/usr/bin/testparm -s -v /dev/null"
-( status, testparm_output ) = commands.getstatusoutput( cmd )
-if status:
- sys.stderr.write( "Failed to execute testparm!\n%s\n" % testparm_output )
-## break the output into a list ##
-lines = string.split( testparm_output, "\n" )
-## loop through list -- parameters in testparm output have ##
-## whitespace at the beginning of the line ##
-pattern = re.compile( "^\s+" )
-for input_str in lines:
- if not input_str ):
- continue
- input_str = string.strip( input_str )
- parts = string.split( input_str, "=" )
- parts[0] = string.strip( parts[0] )
- parts[1] = string.strip( parts[1] )
- key = string.upper( string.join(string.split(parts[0]), "") )
- new = parts[1].replace('\\', '\\\\')
- def_values[key] = new
-## open loadparm.c and get the entire list of parameters ##
-## including synonums ##
-if len(sys.argv) != 2:
- print "Usage: %s <.../param/loadparm.c>" % ( sys.argv[0] )
- sys.exit( 1 )
- fconfig = open( sys.argv[1], "r" )
-except IOError:
- print "%s does not exist!" % sys.argv[1]
- sys.exit (1)
-## Loop through loadparm.c -- all parameters are either ##
-## P_LOCAL or P_GLOBAL ##
-synonyms = []
-pattern = re.compile( '{".*P_[GL]' )
-while True:
- input_str= fconfig.readline()
- if len(input_str) == 0 :
- break
- input_str= string.strip(input_str)
- ## see if we have a patch for a parameter definition ##
- parm = []
- if input_str) :
- ## strip the surrounding '{.*},' ##
- input_str= input_str[1:-2]
- parm = string.split(input_str, ",")
- ## strip the ""'s and upper case ##
- name = (string.strip(parm[displayName])[1:-1])
- key = string.upper( string.join(string.split(name), "") )
- var_name = string.strip( parm[variable] )
- ## try to catch synonyms -- if the parameter was not reported ##
- ## by testparm, then save it and come back after we will out ##
- ## the variable list ##
- if not def_values.has_key( key ):
- synonyms.append( input_str)
- continue
- var_table[var_name] = key
- parmType = string.strip(parm[type])
- parm_table[key] = [ name , string.strip(parm[type]), string.strip(parm[scope]), def_values[key] ]
-## Deal with any synonyms ##
-for input_str in synonyms:
- parm = string.split(input_str, ",")
- name = (string.strip(parm[displayName])[1:-1])
- key = string.upper( string.join(string.split(name), "") )
- var_name = string.strip( parm[variable] )
- ## if there's no pre-existing key, then testparm doesn't know about it
- if not var_table.has_key( var_name ):
- continue
- ## just make a copy
- parm_table[key] = parm_table[var_table[var_name]][:]
- # parm_table[key][1] = parm[1]
- parm_table[key][1] = string.strip(parm[1])
-## ##
-## print out ##
-## ##
- smbparm = open ( "", "w" )
-except IOError:
- print "Cannot write to"
- sys.exit( 1 )
-smbparm.write( HEADER )
-smbparm.write( "parm_table = {\n" )
-for x in parm_table.keys():
- key = "\"%s\"" % x
- smbparm.write("\t%-25s: (\"%s\", %s, %s, \"%s\"),\n" % ( key, parm_table[x][0],
- obj_table[parm_table[x][1]], parm_table[x][2], parm_table[x][3] ))
-smbparm.write( "}\n" )
-smbparm.write( FOOTER )
-smbparm.write( "\n" )
-## ##
-## cut-n-paste area ##
-## ##
-for x in parm_table.keys():
- if def_values.has_key( x ):
- parm_table[x].append( def_values[x] )
- else:
- parm_table[x].append( "" )
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deleted file mode 100755
index 88b3fcb3944..00000000000
--- a/examples/scripts/shares/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-## Simple add/delete/change share command script for Samba
-## Copyright (C) Gerald Carter 2004.
-## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-## (at your option) any later version.
-## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-## GNU General Public License for more details.
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-## along with this program; if not, see <>.
-import sys, os
-from SambaConfig import SambaConf
-## ##
-## check the command line args ##
-## ##
-delete_mode = False
-if len(sys.argv) == 3:
- delete_mode = True
- print "Deleting share..."
-elif len(sys.argv) == 5:
- print "Adding/Updating share..."
- print "Usage: %s configfile share [path] [comments]" % sys.argv[0]
- sys.exit(1)
-## ##
-## read and parse the config file ##
-## ##
-confFile = SambaConf()
-confFile.ReadConfig( sys.argv[1] )
-if not confFile.valid:
- exit( 1 )
-if delete_mode:
- if not confFile.isService( sys.argv[2] ):
- sys.stderr.write( "Asked to delete non-existent service! [%s]\n" % sys.argv[2] )
- sys.exit( 1 )
- confFile.DelService( sys.argv[2] )
- ## make the path if it doesn't exist. Bail out if that fails
- if ( not os.path.isdir(sys.argv[3]) ):
- try:
- os.makedirs( sys.argv[3] )
- os.chmod( sys.argv[3], 0777 )
- except os.error:
- sys.exit( 1 )
- ## only add a new service -- if it already exists, then
- ## just set the options
- if not confFile.isService( sys.argv[2] ):
- confFile.AddService( sys.argv[2], ['##', '## Added by', '##'] )
- confFile.SetServiceOption( sys.argv[2], "path", sys.argv[3] )
- confFile.SetServiceOption( sys.argv[2], "comment", sys.argv[4] )
- confFile.SetServiceOption( sys.argv[2], "read only", "no" )
-ret = confFile.Flush()
-sys.exit( ret )
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deleted file mode 100644
index e0786a4fd5b..00000000000
--- a/examples/scripts/shares/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,364 +0,0 @@
-## autogenerated file of smb.conf parameters
-## generate_parm_table <..../param/loadparm.c>
-## Copyright (C) Gerald Carter 2004.
-## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-## (at your option) any later version.
-## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-## GNU General Public License for more details.
-## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-## along with this program; if not, see <>.
-from SambaParm import SambaParmString, SambaParmBool, SambaParmBoolRev
-## boolean defines for parm_table
-P_LOCAL = 0
-parm_table = {
- "PRELOADMODULES" : ("preload modules", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "ONLYGUEST" : ("guest only", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "PRIVATEDIR" : ("private dir", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "/etc/samba/private"),
- "HIDESPECIALFILES" : ("hide special files", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "WINBINDENUMUSERS" : ("winbind enum users", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "TIMESTAMPLOGS" : ("debug timestamp", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "LDAPPASSWDSYNC" : ("ldap passwd sync", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "no"),
- "READBMPX" : ("read bmpx", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "PASSWORDSERVER" : ("password server", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "*"),
- "COPY" : ("copy", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "MAXXMIT" : ("max xmit", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "16644"),
- "MINPRINTSPACE" : ("min print space", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, "0"),
- "CASESENSITIVE" : ("case sensitive", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, "Auto"),
- "LDAPIDMAPSUFFIX" : ("ldap idmap suffix", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "NAMECACHETIMEOUT" : ("name cache timeout", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "660"),
- "MAPARCHIVE" : ("map archive", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "Yes"),
- "LANMANAUTH" : ("lanman auth", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "NETBIOSSCOPE" : ("netbios scope", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "MAXREPORTEDPRINTJOBS" : ("max reported print jobs", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, "0"),
- "CREATEMODE" : ("create mask", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, "0744"),
- "READLIST" : ("read list", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "WINBINDNESTEDGROUPS" : ("winbind nested groups", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "COMMENT" : ("comment", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "PRINTER" : ("printer name", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "LMANNOUNCE" : ("lm announce", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "Auto"),
- "SYSLOGONLY" : ("syslog only", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "LMINTERVAL" : ("lm interval", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "60"),
- "MANGLINGMETHOD" : ("mangling method", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "hash2"),
- "PROFILEACLS" : ("profile acls", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "LDAPGROUPSUFFIX" : ("ldap group suffix", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "MAPTOGUEST" : ("map to guest", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "Never"),
- "NULLPASSWORDS" : ("null passwords", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "ONLYUSER" : ("only user", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "UTMP" : ("utmp", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "DONTDESCEND" : ("dont descend", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "PRINTING" : ("printing", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, "cups"),
- "SOCKETOPTIONS" : ("socket options", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "TCP_NODELAY"),
- "CLIENTUSESPNEGO" : ("client use spnego", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "USESPNEGO" : ("use spnego", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "FAKEOPLOCKS" : ("fake oplocks", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "FORCECREATEMODE" : ("force create mode", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, "00"),
- "SMBPORTS" : ("smb ports", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "445 139"),
- "LOCKDIR" : ("lock directory", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "/var/lib/samba"),
- "BROWSEABLE" : ("browseable", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "Yes"),
- "WINSPROXY" : ("wins proxy", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "FORCEGROUP" : ("force group", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "NTSTATUSSUPPORT" : ("nt status support", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "EXEC" : ("preexec", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "DOMAINLOGONS" : ("domain logons", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "TEMPLATESHELL" : ("template shell", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "/bin/false"),
- "USESENDFILE" : ("use sendfile", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "USEMMAP" : ("use mmap", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "VALIDUSERS" : ("valid users", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "DEBUGLEVEL" : ("log level", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "0"),
- "PRINTCAPCACHETIME" : ("printcap cache time", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "0"),
- "SOCKETADDRESS" : ("socket address", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "FORCEDIRECTORYMODE" : ("force directory mode", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, "00"),
- "MSDFSROOT" : ("msdfs root", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "ROOTPREEXEC" : ("root preexec", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "WRITEOK" : ("read only", SambaParmBoolRev, P_LOCAL, "Yes"),
- "MAXLOGSIZE" : ("max log size", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "5000"),
- "VFSOBJECT" : ("vfs objects", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "CHECKPASSWORDSCRIPT" : ("check password script", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "DELETEPRINTERCOMMAND" : ("deleteprinter command", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "OSLEVEL" : ("os level", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "20"),
- "ENUMPORTSCOMMAND" : ("enumports command", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "DELETEUSERFROMGROUPSCRIPT": ("delete user from group script", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "IDMAPGID" : ("idmap gid", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "PREEXECCLOSE" : ("preexec close", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "UTMPDIRECTORY" : ("utmp directory", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "DOSFILEMODE" : ("dos filemode", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "LOGFILE" : ("log file", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "WORKGROUP" : ("workgroup", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "WORKGROUP"),
- "ENCRYPTPASSWORDS" : ("encrypt passwords", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "PRINTABLE" : ("printable", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "MAXPROTOCOL" : ("max protocol", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "NT1"),
- "KERNELOPLOCKS" : ("kernel oplocks", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "NETBIOSALIASES" : ("netbios aliases", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "ANNOUNCEAS" : ("announce as", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "NT"),
- "DIRECTORYMASK" : ("directory mask", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, "0755"),
- "MAPSYSTEM" : ("map system", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "CHANGENOTIFYTIMEOUT" : ("change notify timeout", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "60"),
- "WINBINDTRUSTEDDOMAINSONLY": ("winbind trusted domains only", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "SHUTDOWNSCRIPT" : ("shutdown script", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "FOLLOWSYMLINKS" : ("follow symlinks", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "Yes"),
- "MAPHIDDEN" : ("map hidden", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "GROUP" : ("force group", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "DENYHOSTS" : ("hosts deny", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "WINBINDCACHETIME" : ("winbind cache time", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "300"),
- "DELETEVETOFILES" : ("delete veto files", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "DISABLESPOOLSS" : ("disable spoolss", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "MAXCONNECTIONS" : ("max connections", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, "0"),
- "WRITERAW" : ("write raw", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "SERVERSIGNING" : ("server signing", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "VOLUME" : ("volume", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "UNIXPASSWORDSYNC" : ("unix password sync", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "OBEYPAMRESTRICTIONS" : ("obey pam restrictions", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "PASSWDCHATTIMEOUT" : ("passwd chat timeout", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "2"),
- "USER" : ("username", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "HIDEDOTFILES" : ("hide dot files", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "Yes"),
- "ROOTPOSTEXEC" : ("root postexec", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "PROTOCOL" : ("max protocol", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "NT1"),
- "LDAPADMINDN" : ("ldap admin dn", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "DNSPROXY" : ("dns proxy", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "OS2DRIVERMAP" : ("os2 driver map", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "QUEUERESUMECOMMAND" : ("queueresume command", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "SERVERSCHANNEL" : ("server schannel", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "Auto"),
- "IDMAPUID" : ("idmap uid", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "WINBINDENABLELOCALACCOUNTS": ("winbind enable local accounts", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "PRINTERNAME" : ("printer name", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "NTACLSUPPORT" : ("nt acl support", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "Yes"),
- "LOGLEVEL" : ("log level", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "0"),
- "STATCACHE" : ("stat cache", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "LPQCACHETIME" : ("lpq cache time", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "30"),
- "LEVEL2OPLOCKS" : ("level2 oplocks", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "Yes"),
- "LARGEREADWRITE" : ("large readwrite", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "LDAPREPLICATIONSLEEP" : ("ldap replication sleep", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "1000"),
- "LDAPUSERSUFFIX" : ("ldap user suffix", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "NETBIOSNAME" : ("netbios name", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "PANTHER"),
- "LOCKSPINCOUNT" : ("lock spin count", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "3"),
- "OPLOCKS" : ("oplocks", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "Yes"),
- "MINWINSTTL" : ("min wins ttl", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "21600"),
- "HOMEDIRMAP" : ("homedir map", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "REMOTEANNOUNCE" : ("remote announce", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "PREFERREDMASTER" : ("preferred master", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "Auto"),
- "SECURITY" : ("security", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "USER"),
- "AUTHMETHODS" : ("auth methods", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "ENABLERIDALGORITHM" : ("enable rid algorithm", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "LPRMCOMMAND" : ("lprm command", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "KERNELCHANGENOTIFY" : ("kernel change notify", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "LOGONSCRIPT" : ("logon script", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "PRESERVECASE" : ("preserve case", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "Yes"),
- "UNIXCHARSET" : ("unix charset", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "UTF-8"),
- "FORCEPRINTERNAME" : ("force printername", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "LDAPFILTER" : ("ldap filter", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "(uid"),
- "DELETEREADONLY" : ("delete readonly", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "ABORTSHUTDOWNSCRIPT" : ("abort shutdown script", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "DFREECOMMAND" : ("dfree command", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "VETOFILES" : ("veto files", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "LOCKING" : ("locking", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "Yes"),
- "EASUPPORT" : ("ea support", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "MAXSMBDPROCESSES" : ("max smbd processes", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "0"),
- "HIDEFILES" : ("hide files", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "PASSWDCHATDEBUG" : ("passwd chat debug", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "SMBPASSWDFILE" : ("smb passwd file", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "/etc/samba/private/smbpasswd"),
- "GETQUOTACOMMAND" : ("get quota command", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "DOMAINMASTER" : ("domain master", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "Auto"),
- "DELETESHARECOMMAND" : ("delete share command", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "INVALIDUSERS" : ("invalid users", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "POSIXLOCKING" : ("posix locking", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "Yes"),
- "INCLUDE" : ("include", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "ALGORITHMICRIDBASE" : ("algorithmic rid base", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "1000"),
- "ANNOUNCEVERSION" : ("announce version", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "4.9"),
- "USERNAMEMAP" : ("username map", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "MANGLEDNAMES" : ("mangled names", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "Yes"),
- "ROOTDIRECTORY" : ("root directory", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "DEBUGHIRESTIMESTAMP" : ("debug hires timestamp", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "LOGONDRIVE" : ("logon drive", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "LOCALMASTER" : ("local master", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "ROOTPREEXECCLOSE" : ("root preexec close", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "CONFIGFILE" : ("config file", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "USECLIENTDRIVER" : ("use client driver", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "MINPROTOCOL" : ("min protocol", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "CORE"),
- "ADDUSERTOGROUPSCRIPT" : ("add user to group script", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "MAPACLINHERIT" : ("map acl inherit", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "DELETEUSERSCRIPT" : ("delete user script", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "WINBINDUID" : ("idmap uid", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "READRAW" : ("read raw", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "WINBINDENUMGROUPS" : ("winbind enum groups", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "MAXPRINTJOBS" : ("max print jobs", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, "1000"),
- "PRINTCAP" : ("printcap name", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "LOADPRINTERS" : ("load printers", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "DEFAULT" : ("default service", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "GUESTACCOUNT" : ("guest account", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "nobody"),
- "AUTOSERVICES" : ("preload", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "WRITEABLE" : ("read only", SambaParmBoolRev, P_LOCAL, "Yes"),
- "CLIENTLANMANAUTH" : ("client lanman auth", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "MESSAGECOMMAND" : ("message command", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "UNIXEXTENSIONS" : ("unix extensions", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "LDAPPASSWORDSYNC" : ("ldap passwd sync", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "no"),
- "AFSUSERNAMEMAP" : ("afs username map", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "SYSLOG" : ("syslog", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "1"),
- "SETPRIMARYGROUPSCRIPT" : ("set primary group script", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "DEADTIME" : ("deadtime", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "0"),
- "RESTRICTANONYMOUS" : ("restrict anonymous", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "0"),
- "USERNAMELEVEL" : ("username level", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "0"),
- "DISPLAYCHARSET" : ("display charset", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "LOCALE"),
- "FORCEUSER" : ("force user", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "HOSTSDENY" : ("hosts deny", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "HIDEUNWRITEABLEFILES" : ("hide unwriteable files", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "DOSCHARSET" : ("dos charset", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "CP850"),
- "DOSFILETIMES" : ("dos filetimes", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "REALM" : ("realm", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "LDAPSUFFIX" : ("ldap suffix", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "LPPAUSECOMMAND" : ("lppause command", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "FAKEDIRECTORYCREATETIMES": ("fake directory create times", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "MAGICSCRIPT" : ("magic script", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "WRITECACHESIZE" : ("write cache size", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, "0"),
- "BLOCKSIZE" : ("block size", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, "1024"),
- "LOCKSPINTIME" : ("lock spin time", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "10"),
- "ACLCOMPATIBILITY" : ("acl compatibility", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "MSDFSPROXY" : ("msdfs proxy", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "POSTEXEC" : ("postexec", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "HIDEUNREADABLE" : ("hide unreadable", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "WIDELINKS" : ("wide links", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "Yes"),
- "STRICTSYNC" : ("strict sync", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "PRINTCAPNAME" : ("printcap name", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "PREFEREDMASTER" : ("preferred master", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "Auto"),
- "MAXMUX" : ("max mux", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "50"),
- "VETOOPLOCKFILES" : ("veto oplock files", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "WINBINDSEPARATOR" : ("winbind separator", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "\\"),
- "NISHOMEDIR" : ("NIS homedir", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "AVAILABLE" : ("available", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "Yes"),
- "KEEPALIVE" : ("keepalive", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "300"),
- "USERNAME" : ("username", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "PRINTCOMMAND" : ("print command", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "LPRESUMECOMMAND" : ("lpresume command", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "USEKERBEROSKEYTAB" : ("use kerberos keytab", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "HOSTSALLOW" : ("hosts allow", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "MAXOPENFILES" : ("max open files", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "10000"),
- "PARANOIDSERVERSECURITY" : ("paranoid server security", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "WTMPDIRECTORY" : ("wtmp directory", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "ADDPRINTERCOMMAND" : ("addprinter command", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "WINSSERVER" : ("wins server", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "LDAPTIMEOUT" : ("ldap timeout", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "15"),
- "LOCKDIRECTORY" : ("lock directory", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "/var/lib/samba"),
- "LOGONHOME" : ("logon home", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "\\%N\%U"),
- "MINPASSWDLENGTH" : ("min password length", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "5"),
- "CLIENTPLAINTEXTAUTH" : ("client plaintext auth", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "CSCPOLICY" : ("csc policy", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, "manual"),
- "ADDSHARECOMMAND" : ("add share command", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "MANGLINGCHAR" : ("mangling char", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, "~"),
- "DIRECTORY" : ("path", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "DEBUGTIMESTAMP" : ("debug timestamp", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "ALLOWHOSTS" : ("hosts allow", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "FSTYPE" : ("fstype", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, "NTFS"),
- "BLOCKINGLOCKS" : ("blocking locks", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "Yes"),
- "LDAPSSL" : ("ldap ssl", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "PAMPASSWORDCHANGE" : ("pam password change", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "GUESTOK" : ("guest ok", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "DEFAULTDEVMODE" : ("default devmode", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "MAXDISKSIZE" : ("max disk size", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "0"),
- "ADDMACHINESCRIPT" : ("add machine script", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "MANGLEPREFIX" : ("mangle prefix", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "1"),
- "DISABLENETBIOS" : ("disable netbios", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "LOGONPATH" : ("logon path", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "\\%N\%U\profile"),
- "IDMAPBACKEND" : ("idmap backend", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "SHORTPRESERVECASE" : ("short preserve case", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "Yes"),
- "CUPSSERVER" : ("cups server", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "NTPIPESUPPORT" : ("nt pipe support", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "READONLY" : ("read only", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "Yes"),
- "MACHINEPASSWORDTIMEOUT" : ("machine password timeout", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "604800"),
- "PIDDIRECTORY" : ("pid directory", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "/var/run"),
- "PUBLIC" : ("guest ok", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "DEBUGPID" : ("debug pid", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "GUESTONLY" : ("guest only", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "DELETEGROUPSCRIPT" : ("delete group script", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "CUPSOPTIONS" : ("cups options", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "PASSWDCHAT" : ("passwd chat", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "*new*password* %n\n *new*password* %n\n *changed*"),
- "STRICTLOCKING" : ("strict locking", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, "Yes"),
- "TEMPLATEHOMEDIR" : ("template homedir", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "/home/%D/%U"),
- "WINBINDGID" : ("idmap gid", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "INHERITPERMISSIONS" : ("inherit permissions", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "TIMESERVER" : ("time server", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "BROWSELIST" : ("browse list", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "HOSTNAMELOOKUPS" : ("hostname lookups", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "DOSFILETIMERESOLUTION" : ("dos filetime resolution", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "CREATEMASK" : ("create mask", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, "0744"),
- "WINSHOOK" : ("wins hook", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "DEFAULTCASE" : ("default case", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, "lower"),
- "PATH" : ("path", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "SHOWADDPRINTERWIZARD" : ("show add printer wizard", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "WINSPARTNERS" : ("wins partners", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "ENABLEPRIVILEGES" : ("enable privileges", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "VFSOBJECTS" : ("vfs objects", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "STRICTALLOCATE" : ("strict allocate", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "PREEXEC" : ("preexec", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "WINSSUPPORT" : ("wins support", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "HOSTMSDFS" : ("host msdfs", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "AFSTOKENLIFETIME" : ("afs token lifetime", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "604800"),
- "PRINTOK" : ("printable", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "TEMPLATEPRIMARYGROUP" : ("template primary group", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "nobody"),
- "PASSWDPROGRAM" : ("passwd program", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "SYNCALWAYS" : ("sync always", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "QUEUEPAUSECOMMAND" : ("queuepause command", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "BINDINTERFACESONLY" : ("bind interfaces only", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "MAXWINSTTL" : ("max wins ttl", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "518400"),
- "GETWDCACHE" : ("getwd cache", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "MAGICOUTPUT" : ("magic output", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "ADMINUSERS" : ("admin users", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "DIRECTORYMODE" : ("directory mask", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, "0755"),
- "CLIENTSIGNING" : ("client signing", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "auto"),
- "PASSDBBACKEND" : ("passdb backend", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "smbpasswd"),
- "CASESIGNAMES" : ("case sensitive", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, "Auto"),
- "SETQUOTACOMMAND" : ("set quota command", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "LPQCOMMAND" : ("lpq command", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "SERVERSTRING" : ("server string", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "Samba 3.0.11pre2-SVN-build-4840"),
- "DEFAULTSERVICE" : ("default service", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "WINBINDUSEDEFAULTDOMAIN": ("winbind use default domain", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "INTERFACES" : ("interfaces", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "ROOTDIR" : ("root directory", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "ADDUSERSCRIPT" : ("add user script", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "CLIENTNTLMV2AUTH" : ("client NTLMv2 auth", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "FORCEUNKNOWNACLUSER" : ("force unknown acl user", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "MANGLEDMAP" : ("mangled map", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "NTLMAUTH" : ("ntlm auth", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "INHERITACLS" : ("inherit acls", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "HOSTSEQUIV" : ("hosts equiv", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "ALLOWTRUSTEDDOMAINS" : ("allow trusted domains", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "MINPASSWORDLENGTH" : ("min password length", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "5"),
- "USERS" : ("username", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "PRELOAD" : ("preload", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "DEBUGUID" : ("debug uid", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "CHANGESHARECOMMAND" : ("change share command", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "BROWSABLE" : ("browseable", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "Yes"),
- "ENHANCEDBROWSING" : ("enhanced browsing", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "Yes"),
- "PANICACTION" : ("panic action", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "LDAPMACHINESUFFIX" : ("ldap machine suffix", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "MAXTTL" : ("max ttl", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "259200"),
- "WRITABLE" : ("read only", SambaParmBoolRev, P_LOCAL, "Yes"),
- "SHAREMODES" : ("share modes", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "Yes"),
- "REMOTEBROWSESYNC" : ("remote browse sync", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "STOREDOSATTRIBUTES" : ("store dos attributes", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "CLIENTSCHANNEL" : ("client schannel", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "Auto"),
- "WRITELIST" : ("write list", SambaParmString, P_LOCAL, ""),
- "ADDGROUPSCRIPT" : ("add group script", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "OPLOCKBREAKWAITTIME" : ("oplock break wait time", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "0"),
- "TIMEOFFSET" : ("time offset", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "0"),
- "LDAPDELETEDN" : ("ldap delete dn", SambaParmBool, P_GLOBAL, "No"),
- "AFSSHARE" : ("afs share", SambaParmBool, P_LOCAL, "No"),
- "ROOT" : ("root directory", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, ""),
- "NAMERESOLVEORDER" : ("name resolve order", SambaParmString, P_GLOBAL, "lmhosts wins host bcast"),
-##### end of smbparm.y ##########################################