/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. * * Author: Jens Georg * * This file is part of Rygel. * * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ [CCode (cname="TEST_DATA_FOLDER")] extern const string TEST_DATA_FOLDER; // Always test locally built engines [CCode (cname="TEST_ENGINE_PATH")] extern const string TEST_ENGINE_PATH; [CCode (cname="BUILT_ENGINES")] extern const string BUILT_ENGINES; /** * Helper class to convince the engine loader to load the media engine we want * to test. */ internal class Rygel.DataSourceTestConfig : Rygel.BaseConfiguration { private string engine; private string path; public DataSourceTestConfig (string? path = null, string? engine = null) { this.engine = engine; this.path = path; } public override string get_media_engine () throws Error { if (this.engine != null) { return this.engine; } // Throw error return base.get_media_engine (); } public override string get_engine_path () throws Error { if (this.path != null) { return this.path; } return TEST_ENGINE_PATH; } public string to_string () { return "Path: %s, Engine: %s".printf (this.path, this.engine); } public void clear () { this.engine = null; this.path = null; } } /** * Stub implementation of Rygel.HTTPSeek */ internal class Rygel.ByteSeek : Rygel.HTTPSeek { public ByteSeek (int64 first, int64 last, int64 length) { var msg = new Soup.Message ("GET", "http://example.com/"); try { base (msg, first, last, 1, length); } catch (HTTPSeekError error) { assert_not_reached (); } this.seek_type = HTTPSeekType.BYTE; } public override void add_response_headers () {} } /** * Wrapper class arount uint8[] arrays to help stuff those buffers into a * Gee.ArrayList */ class DataBlock { public uint8[] data; public DataBlock (uint8[] data) { this.data = data; } } /** * Helper class to collect a number of byte buffers */ internal class Rygel.DataPool : Gee.ArrayList { public uint8[] flatten () { var size = this.total_size (); var result = new uint8[size]; var offset = 0; foreach (var data in this) { Memory.copy (result + offset, (void *) data.data, data.data.length); offset += data.data.length; } this.clear (); this.add (new DataBlock (result)); return result; } public uint64 total_size () { uint64 total = 0; foreach (var data in this) { total += data.data.length; } return total; } } /** * Test a DataSource implementation against the expectations of the interface * * It is run as part of the test suite but can be used to check arbitrary * media engines as well: * * rygel-media-engine-test /path/to/my/first/custom-rygel-engine.so \ * /path/to/my/second/custom-rygel-engine.so ... */ public class Rygel.DataSourceTest : Object { private File test_data_file; private MappedFile test_data_mapped; public DataSourceTest () { var path = Path.build_filename (TEST_DATA_FOLDER, "test-data.dat"); this.test_data_file = File.new_for_path (path); try { this.test_data_mapped = new MappedFile (path, false); } catch (Error error) { warning ("Error: Could not map file: %s", error.message); assert_not_reached (); } } /// Get the whole file private void test_simple_streaming () { debug ("test_simple_streaming"); var source = MediaEngine.get_default ().create_data_source (this.test_data_file.get_uri ()); // Sources should support file:// urls assert (source != null); uint64 received_bytes = 0; var loop = new MainLoop (null, false); source.data_available.connect ( (data) => { received_bytes += data.length; }); source.done.connect ( (data) => { loop.quit (); }); Idle.add ( () => { try { source.start (null); return false; } catch (GLib.Error error) { assert_not_reached (); } }); loop.run (); assert (received_bytes == this.test_data_mapped.get_length ()); source.stop (); source = null; } /// Simple byte range request tests private void test_byte_range_request () { debug ("test_byte_range_request"); var source = MediaEngine.get_default ().create_data_source (this.test_data_file.get_uri ()); // Sources should support file:// urls assert (source != null); try { // Get the first 10 bytes var seek = new ByteSeek (0, 9, this.test_data_mapped.get_length ()); var received_data = new DataPool (); var loop = new MainLoop (null, false); source.data_available.connect ( (data) => { received_data.add (new DataBlock (data)); }); source.done.connect ( (data) => { loop.quit (); }); source.error.connect ( () => { assert_not_reached (); }); source.start (seek); loop.run (); assert (received_data.total_size () == 10); Memory.cmp (this.test_data_mapped.get_contents (), received_data.flatten (), (size_t) received_data.total_size ()); // Get last 10 bytes seek = new ByteSeek (this.test_data_mapped.get_length () - 10, this.test_data_mapped.get_length () - 1, this.test_data_mapped.get_length ()); received_data = new DataPool (); loop = new MainLoop (null, false); source = MediaEngine.get_default ().create_data_source (this.test_data_file.get_uri ()); source.data_available.connect ( (data) => { received_data.add (new DataBlock (data)); }); source.done.connect ( (data) => { loop.quit (); }); source.error.connect ( () => { assert_not_reached (); }); source.start (seek); loop.run (); assert (received_data.total_size () == 10); Memory.cmp (this.test_data_mapped.get_contents () + (this.test_data_mapped.get_length () - 10), received_data.flatten (), (size_t) received_data.total_size ()); // Get something from the middle seek = new ByteSeek (this.test_data_mapped.get_length () / 2, (this.test_data_mapped.get_length () / 2) + 9, this.test_data_mapped.get_length ()); received_data = new DataPool (); loop = new MainLoop (null, false); source = MediaEngine.get_default ().create_data_source (this.test_data_file.get_uri ()); source.data_available.connect ( (data) => { received_data.add (new DataBlock (data)); }); source.done.connect ( (data) => { loop.quit (); }); source.error.connect ( () => { assert_not_reached (); }); source.start (seek); loop.run (); assert (received_data.total_size () == 10); Memory.cmp (this.test_data_mapped.get_contents () + (this.test_data_mapped.get_length () / 2), received_data.flatten (), (size_t) received_data.total_size ()); source.stop (); source = null; } catch (DataSourceError.SEEK_FAILED seek_error) { debug ("Skipping seek test"); } catch (Error error) { warning ("Failed to test: %s", error.message); assert_not_reached (); } } // Check that calling start() after stop() starts at the beginning of the // data private void test_stop_start () { debug ("test_stop_start"); var source = MediaEngine.get_default ().create_data_source (this.test_data_file.get_uri ()); // Sources should support file:// urls assert (source != null); var pool = new DataPool (); var loop = new MainLoop (null, false); source.data_available.connect ( (data) => { pool.add (new DataBlock (data)); source.stop (); }); source.done.connect ( (data) => { loop.quit (); }); Idle.add ( () => { try { source.start (null); return false; } catch (GLib.Error error) { assert_not_reached (); } }); loop.run (); pool.clear (); Idle.add ( () => { try { source.start (null); return false; } catch (GLib.Error error) { assert_not_reached (); } }); loop.run (); Memory.cmp (this.test_data_mapped.get_contents (), pool.flatten (), (size_t) pool.total_size ()); source.stop (); source = null; } // Check that calling freeze multiple times only needs one thaw to get the // data again private void test_multiple_freeze () { debug ("test_multiple_freeze"); try { if (MetaConfig.get_default ().get_media_engine () == "librygel-media-engine-gst.so") { message ("Skipping double-freeze test for gst engine."); return; } } catch (Error error) { // Config should be set and valid here. If not, something is quite // wrong in the test. assert_not_reached (); } var source = MediaEngine.get_default ().create_data_source (this.test_data_file.get_uri ()); // Sources should support file:// urls assert (source != null); var available_id = source.data_available.connect ( () => { assert_not_reached (); }); try { source.start (null); } catch (GLib.Error error) { assert_not_reached (); } source.freeze (); source.freeze (); var loop = new MainLoop (null, false); Timeout.add_seconds (5, () => { loop.quit (); return false; }); loop.run (); source.disconnect (available_id); source.data_available.connect ( () => { loop.quit (); }); var timeout_id = Timeout.add_seconds (5, () => { assert_not_reached (); }); source.thaw (); loop.run (); Source.remove (timeout_id); source.stop (); } // Check that it is possible to call stop() when the source is frozen and // still get a done() signal private void test_freeze_stop () { debug ("test_freeze_stop"); var source = MediaEngine.get_default ().create_data_source (this.test_data_file.get_uri ()); // Sources should support file:// urls assert (source != null); try { source.start (null); } catch (GLib.Error error) { assert_not_reached (); } source.freeze (); var loop = new MainLoop (null, false); source.done.connect ( () => { loop.quit (); }); var id = Timeout.add_seconds ( 5, () => { assert_not_reached (); }); Idle.add ( () => { source.stop (); return false; }); loop.run (); Source.remove (id); source.stop (); source = null; } // Check that it is possible to stream to two targets in parallel public void test_parallel_streaming () { debug ("test_parallel_streaming"); var source1 = MediaEngine.get_default ().create_data_source (this.test_data_file.get_uri ()); assert (source1 != null); // Sources should support file:// urls var source2 = MediaEngine.get_default ().create_data_source (this.test_data_file.get_uri ()); assert (source2 != null); try { source1.start (null); } catch (GLib.Error error) { assert_not_reached (); } var seek = new ByteSeek (0, (this.test_data_mapped.get_length () / 2), this.test_data_mapped.get_length ()); assert (seek != null); try { source2.start (null); } catch (GLib.Error error) { assert_not_reached (); } var loop = new MainLoop (null, false); var quit = false; source1.done.connect ( () => { if (quit) { loop.quit (); } else { quit = true; } }); source2.done.connect ( () => { if (quit) { loop.quit (); } else { quit = true; } }); loop.run (); } public int run () { this.test_simple_streaming (); this.test_byte_range_request (); this.test_stop_start (); this.test_multiple_freeze (); this.test_freeze_stop (); this.test_parallel_streaming (); return 0; } public static int main (string[] args) { var configs = new Gee.ArrayList (); if (args.length > 1) { foreach (var arg in args) { File file; if (args[1].has_prefix ("~")) { file = File.parse_name (args[1]); } else { file = File.new_for_commandline_arg (args[1]); } var path = file.get_parent ().get_path (); var engine = file.get_basename (); configs.add (new DataSourceTestConfig (path, engine)); } } else { foreach (var engine in BUILT_ENGINES.split (";")) { var name = engine + "." + Module.SUFFIX; configs.add (new DataSourceTestConfig (null, name)); } } DataSourceTestConfig previous_config = null; foreach (var config in configs) { // Invalidate previous config so MetaConfig picks up the // current one if (previous_config != null) { previous_config.clear (); } debug ("=> Executing tests for config %s", config.to_string ()); MetaConfig.register_configuration (config); previous_config = config; try { MediaEngine.init (); } catch (Error error) { assert_not_reached (); } var test = new DataSourceTest (); var result = test.run (); if (result != 0) { return result; } } return 0; } }