/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation. * * Author: Zeeshan Ali (Khattak) * * * This file is part of Rygel. * * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ using Soup; using GUPnP; internal class Rygel.XBoxHacks : ClientHacks { private const string AGENT = ".*Xbox.*"; private const string DMS = "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer"; private const string DMS_V1 = DMS + ":1"; private const string FRIENDLY_NAME_POSTFIX = ":"; private const string MODEL_NAME = "Windows Media Player Sharing"; private const string MODEL_VERSION = "11"; private const string CONTAINER_ID = "ContainerID"; public XBoxHacks (Message? message = null) throws ClientHacksError { base (AGENT, message); this.object_id = CONTAINER_ID; // Rewrite request URI to be a thumbnail request if it matches those // weird XBox thumbnail requests if (message == null) { return; } unowned Soup.URI uri = message.get_uri (); unowned string query = uri.query; if (query == null) { return; } var params = Soup.Form.decode (query); var album_art = params.lookup ("albumArt"); if ((album_art == null) || !bool.parse (album_art)) { return; } var path = uri.get_path (); var particles = path.split ("/")[0:4]; particles += "th"; particles += "0"; uri.set_path (string.joinv ("/", particles)); } public void apply_on_device (RootDevice device, string? template_path) throws Error { if (!device.get_device_type ().has_prefix (DMS)) { return; } if (template_path == null) { return; } var description_file = new DescriptionFile (template_path); description_file.set_model_name (MODEL_NAME); description_file.set_model_number (MODEL_VERSION); var friendly_name = description_file.get_friendly_name (); description_file.set_friendly_name (friendly_name + FRIENDLY_NAME_POSTFIX); description_file.modify_service_type (MediaReceiverRegistrar.UPNP_TYPE, MediaReceiverRegistrar.COMPAT_TYPE); var desc_path = template_path.replace ("v1.xml", "xbox.xml"); description_file.save (desc_path); var server_path = "/" + device.get_relative_location (); device.context.host_path_for_agent (desc_path, server_path, this.agent_regex); } public override void translate_container_id (MediaQueryAction action, ref string container_id) { if (action is Search && (container_id == "1" || container_id == "4" || container_id == "5" || container_id == "6" || container_id == "7" || container_id == "F") || (action is Browse && container_id == "15" || container_id == "14" || container_id == "16")) { container_id = "0"; } } public override void apply (MediaObject object) { if (object is MediaContainer) { if (object.upnp_class == MediaContainer.UPNP_CLASS) { object.upnp_class = MediaContainer.STORAGE_FOLDER; } return; } foreach (var resource in object.get_resource_list ()) { if (resource.mime_type == "video/x-msvideo") { resource.mime_type = "video/avi"; } else if (resource.mime_type == "video/mpeg") { // Force transcoding for MPEG files resource.mime_type = "invalid/content"; } } } public override void filter_sort_criteria (ref string sort_criteria) { sort_criteria = sort_criteria.replace ("+microsoft:sourceURL", ""); sort_criteria = sort_criteria.replace (",,", ","); if (sort_criteria.has_prefix (",")) { sort_criteria = sort_criteria.slice (1, sort_criteria.length); } } public override async MediaObjects? search (SearchableContainer container, SearchExpression? expression, uint offset, uint max_count, string sort_criteria, Cancellable? cancellable, out uint total_matches) throws Error { var set_total_matches = false; var modified_expression = expression; // check if the XBox is trying to get all the songs. // If so, rewrite the search to exclude @refID items, otherwise they // songs will show up multiple times in the listing. if (expression is RelationalExpression) { var rel_expression = expression as RelationalExpression; if (likely (rel_expression.operand1 != null) && rel_expression.operand1 == "upnp:class") { set_total_matches = true; if (rel_expression.op == SearchCriteriaOp.DERIVED_FROM && rel_expression.operand2 != null && rel_expression.operand2 == AudioItem.UPNP_CLASS && container.id == "0") { modified_expression = this.rewrite_search_expression (expression); } } } var results = yield container.search (modified_expression, offset, max_count, sort_criteria, cancellable, out total_matches); if (total_matches == 0 && set_total_matches) { total_matches = results.size; } return results; } private SearchExpression rewrite_search_expression (SearchExpression expression) { var ref_id_expression = new RelationalExpression (); ref_id_expression.operand1 = "@refID"; ref_id_expression.op = SearchCriteriaOp.EXISTS; ref_id_expression.operand2 = "false"; var new_expression = new LogicalExpression (); new_expression.operand1 = expression; new_expression.op = LogicalOperator.AND; new_expression.operand2 = ref_id_expression; return new_expression; } }