/* * Copyright (C) 2008 OpenedHand Ltd. * Copyright (C) 2009,2010 Nokia Corporation. * Copyright (C) 2012 Openismus GmbH. * Copyright (C) 2013 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. * * Author: Jorn Baayen * Zeeshan Ali (Khattak) * * Jens Georg * Neha Shanbhag * Sivakumar Mani * * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ using GUPnP; using Soup; internal class Rygel.AVTransport : Service { public const string UPNP_ID = "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:AVTransport"; public const string UPNP_TYPE = "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:2"; public const string UPNP_TYPE_V1 = "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1"; public const string DESCRIPTION_PATH = "xml/AVTransport2.xml"; public const string LAST_CHANGE_NS = "urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/AVT/"; private Session session; private string protocol_info; private string _status = "OK"; public string status { get { return this._status; } set { this._status = value; this.changelog.log ("TransportStatus", this._status); } } public string playback_medium { get { if (this.controller.uri == "") { return "NONE"; } else { return "NETWORK"; } } } public string possible_playback_media { get { return "NONE,NETWORK"; } } public string speed { owned get { return this.player.playback_speed; } set { this.player.playback_speed = value; this.changelog.log ("TransportPlaySpeed", this.player.playback_speed); } } private ChangeLog changelog; private MediaPlayer player; private PlayerController controller; public override void constructed () { base.constructed (); var plugin = this.root_device.resource_factory as MediaRendererPlugin; this.changelog = new ChangeLog (this, LAST_CHANGE_NS); this.player = this.get_player (); this.controller = plugin.get_controller (); query_variable["LastChange"].connect (this.query_last_change_cb); action_invoked["SetAVTransportURI"].connect (this.set_av_transport_uri_cb); action_invoked["SetNextAVTransportURI"].connect (this.set_next_av_transport_uri_cb); action_invoked["GetMediaInfo"].connect (this.get_media_info_cb); action_invoked["GetMediaInfo_Ext"].connect (this.get_media_info_ex_cb); action_invoked["GetTransportInfo"].connect (this.get_transport_info_cb); action_invoked["GetPositionInfo"].connect (this.get_position_info_cb); action_invoked["GetDeviceCapabilities"].connect (this.get_device_capabilities_cb); action_invoked["GetTransportSettings"].connect (this.get_transport_settings_cb); action_invoked["GetCurrentTransportActions"].connect (this.get_transport_actions_cb); action_invoked["Stop"].connect (this.stop_cb); action_invoked["Play"].connect (this.play_cb); action_invoked["Pause"].connect (this.pause_cb); action_invoked["Seek"].connect (this.seek_cb); action_invoked["Next"].connect (this.next_cb); action_invoked["Previous"].connect (this.previous_cb); action_invoked["X_DLNA_GetBytePositionInfo"].connect (this.x_dlna_get_byte_position_info_cb); action_invoked["SetPlayMode"].connect (this.set_play_mode_cb); this.controller.notify["playback-state"].connect (this.notify_state_cb); this.controller.notify["n-tracks"].connect (this.notify_n_tracks_cb); this.controller.notify["track"].connect (this.notify_track_cb); this.controller.notify["uri"].connect (this.notify_uri_cb); this.controller.notify["metadata"].connect (this.notify_meta_data_cb); this.controller.notify["track-uri"].connect (this.notify_track_uri_cb); this.controller.notify["track-metadata"].connect (this.notify_track_meta_data_cb); this.controller.notify["next-uri"].connect (this.notify_next_uri_cb); this.controller.notify["next-metadata"].connect (this.notify_next_meta_data_cb); this.controller.notify["play-mode"].connect (this.notify_play_mode_cb); this.player.notify["duration"].connect (this.notify_duration_cb); this.session = new Session (); this.protocol_info = plugin.get_protocol_info (); } private MediaPlayer get_player () { var plugin = this.root_device.resource_factory as MediaRendererPlugin; return plugin.get_player (); } private void query_last_change_cb (Service service, string variable, ref Value value) { // Send current state ChangeLog log = new ChangeLog (null, LAST_CHANGE_NS); log.log ("TransportState", this.controller.playback_state); log.log ("CurrentTransportActions", this.controller.current_transport_actions); log.log ("TransportStatus", this.status); log.log ("PlaybackStorageMedium", this.playback_medium); log.log ("RecordStorageMedium", "NOT_IMPLEMENTED"); log.log ("PossiblePlaybackStorageMedia", this.possible_playback_media); log.log ("PossibleRecordStorageMedia", "NOT_IMPLEMENTED"); log.log ("CurrentPlayMode", this.controller.play_mode); log.log ("TransportPlaySpeed", this.player.playback_speed); log.log ("RecordMediumWriteStatus", "NOT_IMPLEMENTED"); log.log ("CurrentRecordQualityMode", "NOT_IMPLEMENTED"); log.log ("PossibleRecordQualityModes", "NOT_IMPLEMENTED"); log.log ("NumberOfTracks", this.controller.n_tracks.to_string ()); log.log ("CurrentTrack", this.controller.track.to_string ()); log.log ("CurrentTrackDuration", this.player.duration_as_str); log.log ("CurrentMediaDuration", this.player.duration_as_str); log.log ("AVTransportURI", this.controller.uri); log.log ("AVTransportURIMetaData", this.controller.metadata); log.log ("CurrentTrackURI", this.controller.track_uri); log.log ("CurrentTrackMetaData", this.controller.track_metadata); log.log ("NextAVTransportURI", this.controller.next_uri); log.log ("NextAVTransportURIMetaData", this.controller.next_metadata); value.init (typeof (string)); value.set_string (log.finish ()); } // Error out if InstanceID is not 0 private bool check_instance_id (ServiceAction action) { string instance_id_string; int64 instance_id = -1; action.get ("InstanceID", typeof (string), out instance_id_string); if (instance_id_string == null || !int64.try_parse (instance_id_string, out instance_id)) { action.return_error (402, _("Invalid argument")); return false; } if (instance_id != 0) { action.return_error (718, _("Invalid InstanceID")); return false; } return true; } private void set_av_transport_uri_cb (Service service, ServiceAction action) { if (!this.check_instance_id (action)) { return; } string _uri, _metadata; action.get ("CurrentURI", typeof (string), out _uri, "CurrentURIMetaData", typeof (string), out _metadata); this.handle_new_transport_uri (action, _uri, _metadata); } private void set_next_av_transport_uri_cb (Service service, ServiceAction action) { if (!this.check_instance_id (action)) { return; } string _uri, _metadata; action.get ("NextURI", typeof (string), out _uri, "NextURIMetaData", typeof (string), out _metadata); this.handle_new_transport_uri (action, _uri, _metadata); } private bool is_valid_mime_type (string? mime) { if (mime == null) { return false; } var normalized = mime.down ().replace (" ", ""); return normalized in this.player.get_mime_types (); } private void get_media_info_cb (Service service, ServiceAction action) { if (!this.check_instance_id (action)) { return; } string media_duration; if (this.controller.n_tracks > 1) { // We don't know the size of the playlist. Might need change if we // support playlists whose size we know in advance media_duration = "0:00:00"; } else { media_duration = this.player.duration_as_str; } action.set ("NrTracks", typeof (uint), this.controller.n_tracks, "MediaDuration", typeof (string), media_duration, "CurrentURI", typeof (string), this.controller.uri, "CurrentURIMetaData", typeof (string), this.controller.metadata, "NextURI", typeof (string), this.controller.next_uri, "NextURIMetaData", typeof (string), this.controller.next_metadata, "PlayMedium", typeof (string), this.playback_medium, "RecordMedium", typeof (string), "NOT_IMPLEMENTED", "WriteStatus", typeof (string), "NOT_IMPLEMENTED"); action.return (); } private void get_media_info_ex_cb (Service service, ServiceAction action) { if (!this.check_instance_id (action)) { return; } string media_duration; if (this.controller.n_tracks > 1) { // We don't know the size of the playlist. Might need change if we // support playlists whose size we know in advance media_duration = "0:00:00"; } else { media_duration = this.player.duration_as_str; } action.set ("CurrentType", typeof (string), "NO_MEDIA", "NrTracks", typeof (uint), this.controller.n_tracks, "MediaDuration", typeof (string), media_duration, "CurrentURI", typeof (string), this.controller.uri, "CurrentURIMetaData", typeof (string), this.controller.metadata, "NextURI", typeof (string), this.controller.next_uri, "NextURIMetaData", typeof (string), this.controller.next_metadata, "PlayMedium", typeof (string), this.playback_medium, "RecordMedium", typeof (string), "NOT_IMPLEMENTED", "WriteStatus", typeof (string), "NOT_IMPLEMENTED"); action.return (); } private void get_transport_info_cb (Service service, ServiceAction action) { if (!this.check_instance_id (action)) { return; } action.set ("CurrentTransportState", typeof (string), this.controller.playback_state, "CurrentTransportStatus", typeof (string), this.status, "CurrentSpeed", typeof (string), this.player.playback_speed); action.return (); } private void get_transport_actions_cb (Service service, ServiceAction action) { if (!this.check_instance_id (action)) { return; } action.set ("Actions", typeof (string), this.controller.current_transport_actions); action.return (); } private void get_position_info_cb (Service service, ServiceAction action) { if (!this.check_instance_id (action)) { return; } action.set ("Track", typeof (uint), this.controller.track, "TrackDuration", typeof (string), this.player.duration_as_str, "TrackMetaData", typeof (string), this.controller.track_metadata, "TrackURI", typeof (string), this.controller.track_uri, "RelTime", typeof (string), this.player.position_as_str, "AbsTime", typeof (string), this.player.position_as_str, "RelCount", typeof (int64), this.player.byte_position, "AbsCount", typeof (int64), this.player.byte_position); action.return (); } private void get_device_capabilities_cb (Service service, ServiceAction action) { if (!this.check_instance_id (action)) { return; } action.set ("PlayMedia", typeof (string), this.possible_playback_media, "RecMedia", typeof (string), "NOT_IMPLEMENTED", "RecQualityModes", typeof (string), "NOT_IMPLEMENTED"); action.return (); } private void get_transport_settings_cb (Service service, ServiceAction action) { if (!this.check_instance_id (action)) { return; } action.set ("PlayMode", typeof (string), this.controller.play_mode, "RecQualityMode", typeof (string), "NOT_IMPLEMENTED"); action.return (); } private void stop_cb (Service service, ServiceAction action) { if (!this.check_instance_id (action)) { return; } this.controller.playback_state = "STOPPED"; action.return (); } private void play_cb (Service service, ServiceAction action) { if (!this.check_instance_id (action)) { return; } string speed; action.get ("Speed", typeof (string), out speed); if (!(speed in this.player.allowed_playback_speeds)) { action.return_error (717, _("Play speed not supported")); return; } // Speed change will take effect when playback state is changed this.player.playback_speed = speed; this.controller.playback_state = "PLAYING"; action.return (); } private void pause_cb (Service service, ServiceAction action) { if (!this.check_instance_id (action)) { return; } if (this.controller.playback_state != "PLAYING") { action.return_error (701, _("Transition not available")); return; } this.controller.playback_state = "PAUSED_PLAYBACK"; action.return (); } private void seek_cb (Service service, ServiceAction action) { if (!this.check_instance_id (action)) { return; } string unit, target; action.get ("Unit", typeof (string), out unit, "Target", typeof (string), out target); switch (unit) { case "ABS_TIME": case "REL_TIME": var seek_target = TimeUtils.time_from_string (target); debug ("Seeking to %lld sec", seek_target / TimeSpan.SECOND); if (!this.player.can_seek) { action.return_error (710, _("Seek mode not supported")); return; } if (!this.player.seek (seek_target)) { action.return_error (711, _("Illegal seek target")); return; } action.return (); return; case "REL_COUNT": case "X_DLNA_REL_BYTE": case "ABS_COUNT": var seek_target = int64.parse (target); if (unit != "ABS_COUNT") { seek_target += this.player.byte_position; } debug ("Seeking to %lld bytes.", seek_target); if (!this.player.can_seek_bytes) { action.return_error (710, _("Seek mode not supported")); return; } if (!this.player.seek_bytes (seek_target)) { action.return_error (711, _("Illegal seek target")); return; } action.return (); return; case "TRACK_NR": debug ("Setting track to %s.", target); var track = int.parse (target); if (track < 1 || track > this.controller.n_tracks) { action.return_error (711, _("Illegal seek target")); return; } this.controller.track = track; action.return(); break; default: action.return_error (710, _("Seek mode not supported")); return; } } private void next_cb (Service service, ServiceAction action) { if (!this.check_instance_id (action)) { return; } if (this.controller.next ()) { action.return (); } else { action.return_error (711, _("Illegal seek target")); } } private void previous_cb (Service service, ServiceAction action) { if (!this.check_instance_id (action)) { return; } if (this.controller.previous ()) { action.return (); } else { action.return_error (711, _("Illegal seek target")); } } private void x_dlna_get_byte_position_info_cb (Service service, ServiceAction action) { if (!this.check_instance_id (action)) { return; } if (this.controller.uri == "") { action.set ("TrackSize", typeof (string), "", "RelByte", typeof (string), "", "AbsByte", typeof (string), ""); } else { var position = this.player.byte_position.to_string (); action.set ("TrackSize", typeof (string), this.player.size.to_string (), "RelByte", typeof (string), position, "AbsByte", typeof (string), position); } action.return (); } private void set_play_mode_cb (Service service, ServiceAction action) { if (!this.check_instance_id (action)) { return; } string play_mode; action.get ("NewPlayMode", typeof (string), out play_mode); if (!this.controller.is_play_mode_valid(play_mode)) { action.return_error (712, _("Play mode not supported")); return; } this.controller.play_mode = play_mode; action.return (); } private void notify_state_cb (Object controller, ParamSpec p) { var state = this.controller.playback_state; this.changelog.log ("TransportState", state); this.changelog.log ("CurrentTransportActions", this.controller.current_transport_actions); } private void notify_n_tracks_cb (Object controller, ParamSpec p) { this.changelog.log ("NumberOfTracks", this.controller.n_tracks.to_string ()); } private void notify_track_cb (Object controller, ParamSpec p) { this.changelog.log ("CurrentTrack", this.controller.track.to_string ()); } private void notify_duration_cb (Object player, ParamSpec p) { this.changelog.log ("CurrentTrackDuration", this.player.duration_as_str); this.changelog.log ("CurrentMediaDuration", this.player.duration_as_str); } private void notify_uri_cb (Object controller, ParamSpec p) { this.changelog.log ("AVTransportURI", this.controller.uri); } private void notify_meta_data_cb (Object player, ParamSpec p) { this.changelog.log ("AVTransportURIMetaData", Markup.escape_text (this.controller.metadata)); } private void notify_track_uri_cb (Object player, ParamSpec p) { this.changelog.log ("CurrentTrackURI", this.controller.track_uri); } private void notify_track_meta_data_cb (Object player, ParamSpec p) { this.changelog.log ("CurrentTrackMetaData", Markup.escape_text (this.controller.track_metadata)); } private void notify_next_uri_cb (Object controller, ParamSpec p) { this.changelog.log ("NextAVTransportURI", this.controller.next_uri); } private void notify_next_meta_data_cb (Object player, ParamSpec p) { this.changelog.log ("NextAVTransportURIMetaData", Markup.escape_text (this.controller.next_metadata)); } private void notify_play_mode_cb (Object player, ParamSpec p) { this.changelog.log ("CurrentPlayMode", this.controller.play_mode); } private async void handle_playlist (ServiceAction action, string uri, string metadata, string mime, string features) { var message = new Message ("GET", uri); this.session.queue_message (message, () => { handle_playlist.callback (); }); yield; if (message.status_code != 200) { action.return_error (716, _("Resource not found")); return; } var content_type = message.response_headers.get_content_type (null); MediaCollection collection = null; if (content_type.has_suffix ("mpegurl")) { collection = new MediaCollection (); var m_stream = new MemoryInputStream.from_data (message.response_body.data, null); var stream = new DataInputStream (m_stream); size_t length; debug ("Trying to parse m3u playlist"); try { var line = stream.read_line (out length); while (line != null) { // Swallow comments while (line != null && line.has_prefix ("#")) { line = stream.read_line (out length); } // No more lines after comments if (line == null) { break; } debug ("Adding uri with %s", line); var item = collection.add_item (); item.upnp_class = "object.item.audioItem"; var resource = item.add_resource (); var pi = new ProtocolInfo.from_string ("*:*:*:*"); resource.set_protocol_info (pi); resource.uri = line.strip (); line = stream.read_line (out length); } } catch (Error error) { warning (_("Problem parsing playlist: %s"), error.message); // FIXME: Return a more sensible error here. action.return_error (716, _("Resource not found")); return; } } else { unowned string xml_string = (string) message.response_body.data; collection = new MediaCollection.from_string (xml_string); if (collection.get_items ().length () == 0) { // FIXME: Return a more sensible error here. action.return_error (716, _("Resource not found")); return; } } switch (action.get_name ()) { case "SetAVTransportURI": this.controller.set_playlist_uri (uri, metadata, collection); break; case "SetNextAVTransportURI": this.controller.set_next_playlist_uri (uri, metadata, collection); break; default: assert_not_reached (); } action.return (); } private bool is_playlist (string? mime, string? features) { return (mime != null && mime == "text/xml" && features != null && features.has_prefix ("DLNA.ORG_PN=DIDL_S")) || mime.has_suffix ("mpegurl"); } bool head_faked; // HACK ALERT: This work around vala's feature of capturing 'this' pointer // for all lambdas introduced in a class instance, even if 'this' is never // used. Captured 'this' extends lifetime of an AVTransport instance beyond // time expected by GUPnP. Due to GUPnP not using weak pointers at some // places (e.g. xmlNode property of GUPnPServiceInfo), a crash happens when // AVTransport is freed. private static void setup_check_resource_callback (AVTransport instance, Soup.Message message) { var weakme = WeakRef (instance); var weakmsg = WeakRef (message); message.got_headers.connect( () => { Rygel.AVTransport? me = (Rygel.AVTransport?)weakme.get(); Soup.Message? msg = (Soup.Message?)weakmsg.get(); if (me == null || msg == null) return; me.head_faked = true; me.session.cancel_message (msg, msg.status_code); }); } private void check_resource (Soup.Message msg, string _uri, string _metadata, ServiceAction action) { // Error codes gotten by experience from several web services or web // radio stations that don't support HEAD but return a variety of // errors. if ((msg.status_code == Status.MALFORMED || msg.status_code == Status.BAD_REQUEST || msg.status_code == Status.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED || msg.status_code == Status.NOT_IMPLEMENTED) && msg.method == "HEAD") { debug ("Peer does not support HEAD, trying GET"); msg.method = "GET"; // Fake HEAD request by cancelling the message after the headers // were received, then restart the message setup_check_resource_callback (this, msg); this.session.queue_message (msg, null); return; } if (msg.status_code != Status.OK && !this.head_faked) { // TRANSLATORS: first %s is a URI, the second an explanaition of // the error warning (_("Failed to access resource at %s: %s"), _uri, msg.reason_phrase); action.return_error (716, _("Resource not found")); return; } var mime = msg.response_headers.get_one ("Content-Type"); var features = msg.response_headers.get_one ("contentFeatures.dlna.org"); if (!this.is_valid_mime_type (mime) && !this.is_playlist (mime, features)) { debug ("Unsupported mime type %s", mime); action.return_error (714, _("Illegal MIME-type")); return; } if (this.is_playlist (mime, features)) { // Delay returning the action this.handle_playlist.begin (action, _uri, _metadata, mime, features); } else { this.set_single_play_uri (action, _uri, _metadata, mime, features); } } // HACK ALERT: This work around vala's feature of capturing 'this' pointer // for all lambdas introduced in a class instance, even if 'this' is never // used. Captured 'this' extends lifetime of an AVTransport instance beyond // time expected by GUPnP. Due to GUPnP not using weak pointers at some // places (e.g. xmlNode property of GUPnPServiceInfo), a crash happens when // AVTransport is freed. private static void setup_handle_new_transport_uri_callback(AVTransport instance, Message message, string uri, string metadata, GUPnP.ServiceAction action) { var weakme = WeakRef(instance); var weakmsg = WeakRef(message); //var weakact = WeakRef(action); message.finished.connect( () => { Rygel.AVTransport? me = (Rygel.AVTransport?)weakme.get(); Soup.Message? msg = (Soup.Message?)weakmsg.get(); //GUPnP.ServiceAction? act = (GUPnP.ServiceAction?)weakact.get(); if (me == null || msg == null) return; me.check_resource (msg, uri, metadata, action); }); } private void handle_new_transport_uri (ServiceAction action, string uri, string metadata) { if (uri.has_prefix ("http://") || uri.has_prefix ("https://")) { var message = new Message ("HEAD", uri); message.request_headers.append ("getContentFeatures.dlna.org", "1"); message.request_headers.append ("Connection", "close"); this.head_faked = false; setup_handle_new_transport_uri_callback(this, message, uri, metadata, action); this.session.queue_message (message, null); } else { this.set_single_play_uri (action, uri, metadata, null, null); } } private void set_single_play_uri (ServiceAction action, string uri, string metadata, string? mime, string? features) { switch (action.get_name ()) { case "SetAVTransportURI": this.controller.set_single_play_uri (uri, metadata, mime, features); break; case "SetNextAVTransportURI": this.controller.set_next_single_play_uri (uri, metadata, mime, features); break; default: assert_not_reached (); } action.return (); } }