#!/usr/bin/env python3 # This file is part of Rygel. # Copyright (C) 2015 Jens Georg # Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import sqlite3 import os.path import time from xdg import BaseDirectory import sys from urllib.request import pathname2url import argparse FILE_QUERY = """ SELECT o.upnp_id, o.type_fk, o.timestamp, null, m.size, m.mime_type, m.dlna_profile, m.duration, m.width, m.height, m.class, m.author, m.album, m.genre, m.date, m.bitrate, m.sample_freq, m.bits_per_sample, m.channels, m.track, m.color_depth, m.disc, o.title FROM Object o JOIN Meta_Data m on o.upnp_id = m.object_fk WHERE o.uri = :uri """ INFO_TEMPLATE = """Information about %(uri)s: Id: %(id)s Last Modified: %(mtime)u Size: %(size)d Content-Type: %(mime)s DLNA Profile: %(dlna_profile)s UPnP Class: %(class)s Media information: Title: %(title)s Duration: %(duration)d Author: %(author)s Album: %(album)s Genre: %(genre)s Created: %(date)s Track: %(track)d Disc: %(disc)d Technical information: Width: %(width)d Height: %(height)d Bitrate: %(bitrate)d Sample Freq: %(sample_freq)d Bits/Sample: %(bits)d Channels: %(channels)d Color depths: %(depth)d """ BLACKLIST_QUERY = """ SELECT b.timestamp FROM blacklist b WHERE b.uri = :uri """ BLACKLIST_TEMPLATE = 'File %(uri)s was blacklisted on %(date)s' def ensure_uri(string): if not string.startswith ('file://'): return 'file://' + pathname2url (string) return string parser = argparse.ArgumentParser (description = "MediaExport database tool") parser.add_argument ('uris', metavar='URI', nargs = '+', type = ensure_uri, help = 'URIs to dump infos for') parser.add_argument ('-u, --unblacklist', action = 'store_true', dest = 'unblacklist', help = 'Remove uris from database\'s blacklist') args = parser.parse_args () rygel_db = os.path.join (BaseDirectory.xdg_cache_home, "rygel", "media-export.db") conn = sqlite3.connect (rygel_db) c = conn.cursor () c.execute ("SELECT version FROM schema_info") info = c.fetchone() if int(info[0]) < 16: print("Unsupported schema version or not a Rygel cache") sys.exit (1) has_blacklist = int(info[0]) >= 17 if not has_blacklist and args.unblacklist: print ('Database version is too old for blacklists, cannot unblacklist') sys.exit (1) if has_blacklist and args.unblacklist: for arg in args.uris: c.execute (UNBLACKLIST_QUERY, { 'uri' : uri }) else: for uri in args.uris: c.execute (FILE_QUERY, {"uri": uri}) for row in c: print (INFO_TEMPLATE % { "uri": uri, "id" : row[0], "mtime" : row[2], "size" : row[4], "mime" : row[5], "dlna_profile" : row[6], "class" : row[10], "duration" : row[7], "author" : row[11], "album" : row[12], "genre" : row[13], "date" : row[14], "track" : row[19], "width" : row[8], "height" : row[9], "bitrate" : row[15], "sample_freq" : row[16], "bits" : row[17], "channels" : row[18], "depth" : row[20], "disc" : row[21], "title": row[22]}) if has_blacklist: c.execute (BLACKLIST_QUERY, {"uri": uri}) for row in c: t = time.gmtime(row[0]) print (BLACKLIST_TEMPLATE % { "uri" : uri, "date" : time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", t)})