%% %% Copyright (C) 2014, Jaguar Land Rover %% %% This program is licensed under the terms and conditions of the %% Mozilla Public License, version 2.0. The full text of the %% Mozilla Public License is at https://www.mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/ %% -module(dlink_tls_rpc). -behavior(gen_server). -export([handle_rpc/2]). -export([handle_notification/2]). -export([handle_socket/6]). -export([handle_socket/5]). -export([start_link/0]). -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). -export([start_json_server/0]). -export([start_connection_manager/0]). %% Invoked by service discovery %% FIXME: Should be rvi_service_discovery behavior -export([service_available/3, service_unavailable/3]). -export([connections/1]). -export([setup_data_link/3, disconnect_data_link/2, send_data/5]). -include_lib("lager/include/log.hrl"). -include_lib("rvi_common/include/rvi_common.hrl"). -include_lib("rvi_common/include/rvi_dlink_bin.hrl"). -define(PERSISTENT_CONNECTIONS, persistent_connections). -define(SERVER_OPTS, server_opts). -define(DEFAULT_TCP_PORT, 9998). -define(DEFAULT_RECONNECT_INTERVAL, 5000). -define(DEFAULT_TCP_ADDRESS, ""). -define(DEFAULT_PING_INTERVAL, 300000). %% Five minutes -define(SERVER, ?MODULE). -define(DLINK_TLS_VERSION, <<"1.0">>). -define(CONNECTION_TABLE, rvi_dlink_tls_connections). -define(SERVICE_TABLE, rvi_dlink_tls_services). %% Multiple registrations of the same service, each with a different connection, %% is possible. -record(service_entry, { service = [], %% Name of service connections = undefined %% PID of connection that can reach this service }). -record(connection_entry, { connection = undefined, %% PID of connection that has a set of services. services = [] %% List of service names available through this connection }). -record(st, { cs = #component_spec{}, tid = 1 }). start_link() -> gen_server:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, [], []). init([]) -> ?info("dlink_tls:init(): Called"), %% Dig out the bert rpc server setup ets:new(?SERVICE_TABLE, [ set, public, named_table, { keypos, #service_entry.service }]), ets:new(?CONNECTION_TABLE, [ set, public, named_table, { keypos, #connection_entry.connection }]), CS = rvi_common:get_component_specification(), service_discovery_rpc:subscribe(CS, ?MODULE), {ok, #st { cs = CS } }. start_json_server() -> rvi_common:start_json_rpc_server(data_link, ?MODULE, dlink_tls_sup). start_connection_manager() -> CompSpec = rvi_common:get_component_specification(), {ok, TlsOpts} = rvi_common:get_module_config(data_link, ?MODULE, ?SERVER_OPTS, [], CompSpec), ?debug("TlsOpts = ~p", [TlsOpts]), ?info("dlink_tls:init_rvi_component(~p): Starting listener.", [self()]), %% Fire up listener %% dlink_tls_connmgr:start_link(), %% {ok,Pid} = dlink_tls_listener:start_link(), setup_initial_listeners(TlsOpts, CompSpec), ?info("dlink_tls:init_rvi_component(): Setting up persistent connections."), {ok, PersistentConnections } = rvi_common:get_module_config(data_link, ?MODULE, ?PERSISTENT_CONNECTIONS, [], CompSpec), setup_persistent_connections_(PersistentConnections, CompSpec), ok. setup_initial_listeners([], _CompSpec) -> ?debug("no initial listeners", []); setup_initial_listeners([_|_] = TlsOpts, CompSpec) -> IP = proplists:get_value(ip, TlsOpts, ?DEFAULT_TCP_ADDRESS), Port = proplists:get_value(port, TlsOpts, ?DEFAULT_TCP_PORT), %% Add listener port. ?info("dlink_tls:init_rvi_component(): Adding listener ~p:~p", [ IP, Port ]), case dlink_tls_listener:add_listener(IP, Port, CompSpec) of ok -> ?notice("---- RVI Node External Address: ~s", [ application:get_env(rvi_core, node_address, undefined)]); Err -> ?error("dlink_tls:init_rvi_component(): Failed to launch listener: ~p", [ Err ]), ok end. setup_persistent_connections_([ ], _CompSpec) -> ok; setup_persistent_connections_([ NetworkAddress | T], CompSpec) -> ?debug("~p: Will persistently connect connect : ~p", [self(), NetworkAddress]), [ IP, Port] = string:tokens(NetworkAddress, ":"), %% cast an immediate (re-)connect attempt to dlink_tls_rpc setup_reconnect_timer(0, IP, Port, CompSpec), setup_persistent_connections_(T, CompSpec), ok. service_available(CompSpec, SvcName, DataLinkModule) -> rvi_common:notification(data_link, ?MODULE, service_available, [{ service, SvcName }, { data_link_module, DataLinkModule }], CompSpec). service_unavailable(CompSpec, SvcName, DataLinkModule) -> rvi_common:notification(data_link, ?MODULE, service_unavailable, [{ service, SvcName }, { data_link_module, DataLinkModule }], CompSpec). connections(_CompSpec) -> rvi_common:request(data_link, ?MODULE, connections, []). setup_data_link(CompSpec, Service, Opts) -> rvi_common:request(data_link, ?MODULE, setup_data_link, [ { service, Service }, { opts, Opts }], [status, timeout], CompSpec). disconnect_data_link(CompSpec, NetworkAddress) -> rvi_common:request(data_link, ?MODULE, disconnect_data_link, [ {network_address, NetworkAddress} ], [status], CompSpec). send_data(CompSpec, ProtoMod, Service, DataLinkOpts, Data) -> rvi_common:request(data_link, ?MODULE, send_data, [ { proto_mod, ProtoMod }, { service, Service }, { data, Data }, { opts, DataLinkOpts } ], [status], CompSpec). %% End of behavior %% %% Connect to a remote RVI node. %% connect_remote(IP, Port, CompSpec) -> ?info("connect_remote(~p, ~p)~n", [IP, Port]), case dlink_tls_connmgr:find_connection_by_address(IP, Port) of { ok, _Pid } -> log("already connected", [], CompSpec), already_connected; not_found -> %% Setup a new outbound connection {ok, Timeout} = rvi_common:get_module_config( dlink_tls, ?MODULE, connect_timeout, 10000, CompSpec), ?info("dlink_tls:connect_remote(): Connecting ~p:~p (TO=~p", [IP, Port, Timeout]), log("new connection", [], CompSpec), case gen_tcp:connect(IP, Port, dlink_tls_listener:sock_opts(), Timeout) of { ok, Sock } -> ?info("dlink_tls:connect_remote(): Connected ~p:~p", [IP, Port]), %% Setup a genserver around the new connection. {ok, Pid } = dlink_tls_conn:setup(IP, Port, Sock, ?MODULE, handle_socket, CompSpec), try dlink_tls_conn:upgrade(Pid, client, CompSpec) of ok -> ?debug("Upgrade result = ~p", [ok]), %% Send authorize send_authorize(Pid, CompSpec), ok catch error:Error -> ?error("TLS upgrade (~p,~p) failed ~p", [IP, Port, Error]), not_available end; {error, Err } -> ?info("dlink_tls:connect_remote(): Failed ~p:~p: ~p", [IP, Port, Err]), log("connect FAILED: ~w", [Err], CompSpec), not_available end end. connect_and_retry_remote( IP, Port, CompSpec) -> ?info("dlink_tls:connect_and_retry_remote(): ~p:~p", [ IP, Port]), CS = start_log(<<"conn">>, "connect ~s:~s", [IP, Port], CompSpec), case connect_remote(IP, list_to_integer(Port), CS) of ok -> log("connected", [], CS), ok; Err -> %% Failed to connect. Sleep and try again ?notice("dlink_tls:connect_and_retry_remote(~p:~p): Failed: ~p", [IP, Port, Err]), ?notice("dlink_tls:connect_and_retry_remote(~p:~p): Will try again in ~p sec", [IP, Port, ?DEFAULT_RECONNECT_INTERVAL]), log("start reconnect timer", [], CS), setup_reconnect_timer(?DEFAULT_RECONNECT_INTERVAL, IP, Port, CS), not_available end. announce_local_service_(_CompSpec, [], _Service, _Availability) -> ok; announce_local_service_(CompSpec, [ConnPid | T], Service, Availability) -> AvailabilityMsg = availability_msg(Availability, [Service]), Res = dlink_tls_conn:send( ConnPid, rvi_common:pass_log_id( [ { ?DLINK_ARG_CMD, ?DLINK_CMD_SERVICE_ANNOUNCE } | AvailabilityMsg ], CompSpec)), ?debug("dlink_tls:announce_local_service(~p: ~p) -> ~p Res: ~p", [ Availability, Service, ConnPid, Res]), %% Move on to next connection. announce_local_service_(CompSpec, T, Service, Availability). announce_local_service_(CompSpec, Service, Availability) -> announce_local_service_(CompSpec, get_connections(), Service, Availability). %% We lost the socket connection. %% Unregister all services that were routed to the remote end that just died. handle_socket(FromPid, undefined, SetupPort, closed, Arg) -> handle_socket(FromPid, "", SetupPort, closed, Arg); handle_socket(FromPid, SetupIP, SetupPort, closed, CompSpec) -> ?info("dlink_tls:closed(): SetupAddress: {~p, ~p}", [ SetupIP, SetupPort ]), NetworkAddress = SetupIP ++ ":" ++ integer_to_list(SetupPort), %% Get all service records associated with the given connection LostSvcNameList = get_services_by_connection(FromPid), delete_connection(FromPid), %% Check if this was our last connection supporting each given service. lists:map( fun(SvcName) -> case get_connections_by_service(SvcName) of [] -> service_discovery_rpc: unregister_services(CompSpec, [SvcName], ?MODULE); _ -> ok end end, LostSvcNameList), {ok, PersistentConnections } = rvi_common:get_module_config(data_link, ?MODULE, persistent_connections, [], CompSpec), %% Check if this is a static node. If so, setup a timer for a reconnect case lists:member(NetworkAddress, PersistentConnections) of true -> ?info("dlink_tls:closed(): Reconnect address: ~p", [ NetworkAddress ]), ?info("dlink_tls:closed(): Reconnect interval: ~p", [ ?DEFAULT_RECONNECT_INTERVAL ]), [ IP, Port] = string:tokens(NetworkAddress, ":"), setup_reconnect_timer(?DEFAULT_RECONNECT_INTERVAL, IP, Port, CompSpec); false -> ok end, ok; handle_socket(_FromPid, SetupIP, SetupPort, error, _CS) -> ?info("dlink_tls:socket_error(): SetupAddress: {~p, ~p}", [ SetupIP, SetupPort ]), log_orphan(<<"sock">>, "socket ERROR ~s:~w", [SetupIP, SetupPort]), ok. handle_socket(FromPid, PeerIP, PeerPort, data, Elems, CompSpec) -> ?debug("PeerIP = ~p, PeerPort = ~p", [PeerIP, PeerPort]), ?debug("data(): Elems ~p~nCS = ~p", [abbrev(Elems), abbrev(CompSpec)]), CS = rvi_common:pick_up_json_log_id(Elems, CompSpec), case opt(?DLINK_ARG_CMD, Elems, undefined) of ?DLINK_CMD_AUTHORIZE -> ?debug("got authorize ~s:~w", [PeerIP, PeerPort]), [ RemoteAddress, RemotePort, Credentials ] = opts([?DLINK_ARG_ADDRESS, ?DLINK_ARG_PORT, ?DLINK_ARG_CREDENTIALS], Elems, undefined), process_authorize(FromPid, PeerIP, PeerPort, RemoteAddress, RemotePort, Credentials, CS); %% ?DLINK_CMD_CRED_EXCHANGE -> %% ?debug("got cred exch ~s:~w", [PeerIP, PeerPort]), %% [ Creds ] = %% opts([?DLINK_ARG_CREDENTIALS], Elems, undefined), %% ?debug("Creds = ~p", [Creds]), %% log("creds from ~s:~w", [PeerIP, PeerPort], CS), %% authorize_rpc:store_creds(CS, Creds, {PeerIP, PeerPort}), %% case rvi_common:get_value(dlink_tls_role, client, CS) of %% client -> ok; %% server -> %% send_creds(FromPid, CompSpec) %% end, %% ok; ?DLINK_CMD_SERVICE_ANNOUNCE -> ?debug("got service_announce ~s:~w", [PeerIP, PeerPort]), [ Status, Services ] = opts([?DLINK_ARG_STATUS, ?DLINK_ARG_SERVICES], Elems, undefined), log("sa from ~s:~w", [PeerIP, PeerPort], CS), process_announce(Status, Services, FromPid, PeerIP, PeerPort, CompSpec); ?DLINK_CMD_RECEIVE -> [ _TransactionID, ProtoMod, Data ] = opts([?DLINK_ARG_TRANSACTION_ID, ?DLINK_ARG_MODULE, ?DLINK_ARG_DATA], Elems, undefined), process_data(FromPid, PeerIP, PeerPort, ProtoMod, Data, CompSpec); ?DLINK_CMD_PING -> ?info("dlink_tls:ping(): Pinged from: ~p:~p", [ PeerIP, PeerPort ]), ok; undefined -> ?warning("dlink_tls:data() cmd undefined, ~p", [ Elems ]), ok end. %% JSON-RPC entry point %% CAlled by local exo http server handle_notification("service_available", Args) -> {ok, SvcName} = rvi_common:get_json_element(["service"], Args), {ok, DataLinkModule} = rvi_common:get_json_element(["data_link_module"], Args), gen_server:cast(?SERVER, { rvi, service_available, [ SvcName, DataLinkModule ]}), ok; handle_notification("service_unavailable", Args) -> {ok, SvcName} = rvi_common:get_json_element(["service"], Args), {ok, DataLinkModule} = rvi_common:get_json_element(["data_link_module"], Args), gen_server:cast(?SERVER, { rvi, service_unavailable, [ SvcName, DataLinkModule ]}), ok; handle_notification(Other, _Args) -> ?info("dlink_tls:handle_notification(~p): unknown", [ Other ]), ok. handle_rpc("setup_data_link", Args) -> { ok, Service } = rvi_common:get_json_element(["service"], Args), { ok, Opts } = rvi_common:get_json_element(["opts"], Args), [ Res, Timeout ] = gen_server:call(?SERVER, { rvi, setup_data_link, [ Service, Opts ] }), {ok, [ {status, rvi_common:json_rpc_status(Res)} , { timeout, Timeout }]}; handle_rpc("disconnect_data_link", Args) -> { ok, NetworkAddress} = rvi_common:get_json_element(["network_address"], Args), [Res] = gen_server:call(?SERVER, { rvi, disconnect_data_link, [NetworkAddress]}), {ok, [ {status, rvi_common:json_rpc_status(Res)} ]}; handle_rpc("send_data", Args) -> { ok, ProtoMod } = rvi_common:get_json_element(["proto_mod"], Args), { ok, Service } = rvi_common:get_json_element(["service"], Args), { ok, Data } = rvi_common:get_json_element(["data"], Args), { ok, DataLinkOpts } = rvi_common:get_json_element(["opts"], Args), [ Res ] = gen_server:call(?SERVER, { rvi, send_data, [ProtoMod, Service, Data, DataLinkOpts]}), {ok, [ {status, rvi_common:json_rpc_status(Res)} ]}; handle_rpc("connections", []) -> Res = gen_server:call(?SERVER, connections), {ok, [ {status, ok} | {connections, {array, Res}} ]}; handle_rpc(Other, _Args) -> ?info("dlink_tls:handle_rpc(~p): unknown", [ Other ]), { ok, [ { status, rvi_common:json_rpc_status(invalid_command)} ] }. handle_cast( {rvi, service_available, [SvcName, local]}, St) -> ?debug("dlink_tls:service_available(): ~p (local)", [ SvcName ]), announce_local_service_(St#st.cs, SvcName, available), {noreply, St}; handle_cast( {rvi, service_available, [SvcName, Mod]}, St) -> ?debug("dlink_tls:service_available(): ~p (~p) ignored", [ SvcName, Mod ]), %% We don't care about remote services available through %% other data link modules {noreply, St}; handle_cast( {rvi, service_unavailable, [SvcName, local]}, St) -> announce_local_service_(St#st.cs, SvcName, unavailable), {noreply, St}; handle_cast( {rvi, service_unavailable, [_SvcName, _]}, St) -> %% We don't care about remote services available through %% other data link modules {noreply, St}; handle_cast(Other, St) -> ?warning("dlink_tls:handle_cast(~p): unknown", [ Other ]), {noreply, St}. handle_call({rvi, setup_data_link, [ Service, Opts ]}, _From, St) -> %% Do we already have a connection that support service? ?info("dlink_tls: setup_data_link (~p, ~p)~n", [Service, Opts]), case get_connections_by_service(Service) of [] -> %% Nop[e case proplists:get_value(target, Opts, undefined) of undefined -> ?info("dlink_tls:setup_data_link(~p) Failed: no target given in options.", [Service]), { reply, [ok, -1 ], St }; Addr -> [ Address, Port] = string:tokens(Addr, ":"), case connect_remote(Address, list_to_integer(Port), St#st.cs) of ok -> { reply, [ok, 2000], St }; %% 2 second timeout already_connected -> %% We are already connected { reply, [already_connected, -1], St }; Err -> { reply, [Err, 0], St } end end; _ -> %% Yes - We do have a connection that knows of service { reply, [already_connected, -1], St } end; handle_call({rvi, disconnect_data_link, [NetworkAddress] }, _From, St) -> [ Address, Port] = string:tokens(NetworkAddress, ":"), Res = dlink_tls_conn:terminate_connection(Address,Port), { reply, [ Res ], St }; handle_call({rvi, send_data, [ProtoMod, Service, Data, _DataLinkOpts]}, _From, #st{tid = Tid} = St) -> %% Resolve connection pid from service case get_connections_by_service(Service) of [] -> {reply, [no_route], St}; %% FIXME: What to do if we have multiple connections to the same service? [ConnPid | _T] -> Res = dlink_tls_conn:send( ConnPid, [{?DLINK_ARG_TRANSACTION_ID, Tid}, {?DLINK_ARG_CMD, ?DLINK_CMD_RECEIVE}, {?DLINK_ARG_MODULE, atom_to_binary(ProtoMod, latin1)}, {?DLINK_ARG_DATA, Data}]), {reply, [Res], St#st{tid = Tid + 1}} end; handle_call({setup_initial_ping, Address, Port, Pid}, _From, St) -> %% Create a timer to handle periodic pings. {ok, ServerOpts } = rvi_common:get_module_config(data_link, ?MODULE, ?SERVER_OPTS, [], St#st.cs), Timeout = proplists:get_value(ping_interval, ServerOpts, ?DEFAULT_PING_INTERVAL), ?info("dlink_tls:setup_ping(): ~p:~p will be pinged every ~p msec", [ Address, Port, Timeout] ), erlang:send_after(Timeout, self(), { rvi_ping, Pid, Address, Port, Timeout }), {reply, ok, St}; handle_call(Other, _From, St) -> ?warning("dlink_tls:handle_rpc(~p): unknown", [ Other ]), { reply, { ok, [ { status, rvi_common:json_rpc_status(invalid_command)} ]}, St}. %% Ping time handle_info({ rvi_ping, Pid, Address, Port, Timeout}, St) -> %% Check that connection is up case dlink_tls_conn:is_connection_up(Pid) of true -> ?info("dlink_tls:ping(): Pinging: ~p:~p", [Address, Port]), dlink_tls_conn:send(Pid, [{ ?DLINK_ARG_CMD, ?DLINK_CMD_PING }]), erlang:send_after(Timeout, self(), { rvi_ping, Pid, Address, Port, Timeout }); false -> ok end, {noreply, St}; %% Setup static nodes handle_info({ rvi_setup_persistent_connection, IP, Port, CompSpec }, St) -> ?info("rvi_setup_persistent_connection, ~p, ~p~n", [IP, Port]), connect_and_retry_remote(IP, Port, CompSpec), { noreply, St }; handle_info(Info, St) -> ?notice("dlink_tls(): Unkown message: ~p", [ Info]), {noreply, St}. terminate(_Reason, _St) -> ok. code_change(_OldVsn, St, _Extra) -> {ok, St}. setup_reconnect_timer(MSec, IP, Port, CompSpec) -> erlang:send_after(MSec, ?MODULE, { rvi_setup_persistent_connection, IP, Port, CompSpec }), ok. get_services_by_connection(ConnPid) -> case ets:lookup(?CONNECTION_TABLE, ConnPid) of [ #connection_entry { services = SvcNames } ] -> SvcNames; [] -> [] end. get_connections_by_service(Service) -> ?debug("get_connections_by_service(~p,~n~p)", [Service, ets:tab2list(?SERVICE_TABLE)]), case ets:lookup(?SERVICE_TABLE, Service) of [ #service_entry { connections = Connections } ] -> ?debug("~p found; ~p", [Service, Connections]), Connections; [] -> ?debug("~p not found", [Service]), [] end. add_services(SvcNameList, ConnPid) -> %% Create or replace existing connection table entry %% with the sum of new and old services. ?debug("add_services(~p, ~p)", [SvcNameList, ConnPid]), ets:insert(?CONNECTION_TABLE, #connection_entry { connection = ConnPid, services = SvcNameList ++ get_services_by_connection(ConnPid) }), %% Add the connection to the service entry for each servic. [ ets:insert(?SERVICE_TABLE, #service_entry { service = SvcName, connections = [ConnPid | get_connections_by_service(SvcName)] }) || SvcName <- SvcNameList ], ok. delete_services(ConnPid, SvcNameList) -> ets:insert(?CONNECTION_TABLE, #connection_entry { connection = ConnPid, services = get_services_by_connection(ConnPid) -- SvcNameList }), %% Loop through all services and update the conn table %% Update them with a new version where ConnPid has been removed [ ets:insert(?SERVICE_TABLE, #service_entry { service = SvcName, connections = get_connections_by_service(SvcName) -- [ConnPid] }) || SvcName <- SvcNameList ], ok. availability_msg(Availability, Services) -> [{ ?DLINK_ARG_STATUS, status_string(Availability) }, { ?DLINK_ARG_SERVICES, Services }]. status_string(available ) -> ?DLINK_ARG_AVAILABLE; status_string(unavailable) -> ?DLINK_ARG_UNAVAILABLE. process_authorize(FromPid, PeerIP, PeerPort, RemoteAddress, RemotePort, Credentials, CompSpec) -> ?info("dlink_tls:authorize(): Peer Address: ~s:~p", [PeerIP, PeerPort ]), ?info("dlink_tls:authorize(): Remote Address: ~s:~p", [ RemoteAddress, RemotePort ]), { NRemoteAddress, NRemotePort} = Conn = case { RemoteAddress, RemotePort } of { <<"">>, 0 } -> ?info("dlink_tls:authorize(): Remote is behind firewall. Will use ~p:~p", [ PeerIP, PeerPort]), { PeerIP, PeerPort }; _ -> { RemoteAddress, RemotePort} end, log("auth ~s:~w", [NRemoteAddress, NRemotePort], CompSpec), PeerCert = rvi_common:get_value(dlink_tls_peer_cert, not_found, CompSpec), authorize_rpc:store_creds(CompSpec, Credentials, Conn, PeerCert), connection_authorized(FromPid, Conn, CompSpec). send_authorize(Pid, CompSpec) -> ?debug("send_authorize() Pid = ~p; CompSpec = ~p", [Pid, abbrev(CompSpec)]), {LocalIP, LocalPort} = rvi_common:node_address_tuple(), Creds = get_credentials(CompSpec), dlink_tls_conn:send(Pid, rvi_common:pass_log_id( [{?DLINK_ARG_CMD, ?DLINK_CMD_AUTHORIZE}, {?DLINK_ARG_VERSION, ?DLINK_TLS_VERSION}, {?DLINK_ARG_ADDRESS, LocalIP}, {?DLINK_ARG_PORT, LocalPort}, {?DLINK_ARG_CREDENTIALS, Creds}], CompSpec)). connection_authorized(FromPid, {RemoteIP, RemotePort} = Conn, CompSpec) -> %% If FromPid (the genserver managing the socket) is not yet registered %% with the connection manager, this is an incoming connection %% from the client. We should respond with our own authorize followed by %% a service announce log("authorized ~s:~w", [RemoteIP, RemotePort], CompSpec), case dlink_tls_connmgr:find_connection_by_pid(FromPid) of not_found -> ?info("dlink_tls:authorize(): New connection!"), dlink_tls_connmgr:add_connection(RemoteIP, RemotePort, FromPid), ?debug("dlink_tls:authorize(): Sending authorize."), _Res = send_authorize(FromPid, CompSpec), ok; _ -> ok end, %% Send our own servide announcement to the remote server %% that just authorized to us. [ ok, LocalServices ] = service_discovery_rpc:get_services_by_module(CompSpec, local), [ ok, FilteredServices ] = authorize_rpc:filter_by_service( CompSpec, LocalServices, Conn), %% Send an authorize back to the remote node ?info("dlink_tls:authorize(): Announcing local services: ~p to remote ~p:~p", [FilteredServices, RemoteIP, RemotePort]), AvailabilityMsg = availability_msg(available, FilteredServices), log("sending sa: ~s:~w", [RemoteIP, RemotePort], CompSpec), dlink_tls_conn:send(FromPid, rvi_common:pass_log_id( [ { ?DLINK_ARG_CMD, ?DLINK_CMD_SERVICE_ANNOUNCE } | AvailabilityMsg ], CompSpec)), %% Setup ping interval gen_server:call(?SERVER, { setup_initial_ping, RemoteIP, RemotePort, FromPid }), ok. process_data(_FromPid, RemoteIP, RemotePort, ProtocolMod, Data, CompSpec) -> ?debug("dlink_tls:receive_data(): RemoteAddr: {~p, ~p}", [ RemoteIP, RemotePort ]), ?debug("dlink_tls:receive_data(): ~p:receive_message(~p)", [ ProtocolMod, Data ]), Proto = binary_to_existing_atom(ProtocolMod, latin1), Proto:receive_message(CompSpec, {RemoteIP, RemotePort}, Data). process_announce(Avail, Svcs, FromPid, IP, Port, CompSpec) -> ?debug("dlink_tls:service_announce(~p): Address: ~p:~p", [Avail,IP,Port]), ?debug("dlink_tls:service_announce(~p): Services: ~p", [Avail,Svcs]), case Avail of ?DLINK_ARG_AVAILABLE -> add_services(Svcs, FromPid), service_discovery_rpc:register_services(CompSpec, Svcs, ?MODULE); ?DLINK_ARG_UNAVAILABLE -> delete_services(FromPid, Svcs), service_discovery_rpc:unregister_services(CompSpec, Svcs, ?MODULE) end, ok. delete_connection(Conn) -> %% Create or replace existing connection table entry %% with the sum of new and old services. SvcNameList = get_services_by_connection(Conn), %% Replace each existing connection entry that has %% SvcName with a new one where the SvcName is removed. lists:map(fun(SvcName) -> Existing = get_connections_by_service(SvcName), ets:insert(?SERVICE_TABLE, # service_entry { service = SvcName, connections = Existing -- [ Conn ] }) end, SvcNameList), %% Delete the connection ets:delete(?CONNECTION_TABLE, Conn), ok. get_connections('$end_of_table', Acc) -> Acc; get_connections(Key, Acc) -> get_connections(ets:next(?CONNECTION_TABLE, Key), [ Key | Acc ]). get_connections() -> get_connections(ets:first(?CONNECTION_TABLE), []). %% get_authorize_jwt(CompSpec) -> %% case authorize_rpc:get_authorize_jwt(CompSpec) of %% [ok, JWT] -> %% JWT; %% [not_found] -> %% ?error("No authorize JWT~n", []), %% error(cannot_authorize) %% end. get_credentials(CompSpec) -> case authorize_rpc:get_credentials(CompSpec) of [ok, Creds] -> Creds; [not_found] -> ?error("No credentials found~n", []), error(no_credentials_found) end. %% validate_auth_jwt(JWT, Conn, CompSpec) -> %% case authorize_rpc:validate_authorization(CompSpec, JWT, Conn) of %% [ok] -> %% true; %% [not_found] -> %% false %% end. %% term_to_json(Term) -> %% binary_to_list(iolist_to_binary(exo_json:encode(Term))). opt(K, L, Def) -> case lists:keyfind(K, 1, L) of {_, V} -> V; false -> Def end. opts(Keys, Elems, Def) -> Res = [ opt(K, Elems, Def) || K <- Keys], ?debug("opts(~p) -> ~p", [Keys, abbrev(Elems)]), Res. log_orphan(Pfx, Fmt, Args) -> start_log(Pfx, Fmt, Args, #component_spec{}). start_log(Pfx, Fmt, Args, CS) -> LogId = rvi_log:new_id(Pfx), rvi_log:log(LogId, <<"dlink_tls">>, rvi_log:format(Fmt, Args)), rvi_common:set_value(rvi_log_id, LogId, CS). log(Fmt, Args, CS) -> rvi_log:flog(Fmt, Args, <<"dlink_tls">>, CS). abbrev(Data) -> authorize_keys:abbrev(Data).