# SOTA client The client source repository for [Software Over The Air](http://advancedtelematic.github.io/rvi_sota_server/) updates. ## Prerequisites The simplest way to get started is via [Docker](http://www.docker.com), which is used for compiling and running the client. Alternatively (and optionally), local compilation requires a stable installation of Rust and Cargo. The easiest way to install both is via [Rustup](https://www.rustup.rs). ## Running the client With Docker installed, `make run` will start the client. ### Makefile targets Run `make help` to see the full list of targets, which are: Target | Description -------------: | :---------- run | Run the client inside a Docker container. clean | Remove all compiled libraries, builds and temporary files. test | Run all cargo tests. doc | Generate documentation for the sota crate. clippy | Run clippy lint checks using the nightly compiler. client | Compile a new release build of the client. image | Build a Docker image for running the client. deb | Create an installable DEB package of the client. rpm | Create an installable RPM package of the client. version | Print the version that will be used for building packages. ## Configuration You can configure how the client starts with `make run` by setting the following environment variables: Variable | Default value | Description -------------------: | :------------------------ | :------------------ `AUTH_SECTION` | `false` | Set to true to authenticate on startup. `CONFIG_ONLY` | `false` | Set to true to generate a config file then quit. `AUTH_SERVER` | | The Auth server for client authentication. `CORE_SERVER` | | The Core server for client communication. `REGISTRY_SERVER` | | The server used for registering new devices. `OUTPUT_PATH` | `/etc/sota.toml` | Path to write the newly generated config. `TEMPLATE_PATH` | `/etc/sota.toml.template` | Path to the template for new config files. `DEVICE_VIN` | (generated) | Use this VIN rather than generating a new one. `DEVICE_UUID` | (generated) | Use this UUID rather than generating a new one. `AUTH_CLIENT_ID` | (from registry server) | Use this client ID for authentication. `AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET` | (from registry server) | Use this client secret for authentication. For example, running `CONFIG_ONLY=true make run` will output a newly generated `sota.toml` to stdout then quit. ### Further customization Every value in the generated `sota.toml` config file can be overwritten in the `run/sota.toml.env` file. In addition, each config value is available as a command line flag when starting the client. Command line flags take precedence over the values set in the config file. Run `sota_client --help` to see a full list. ## Testing on GENIVI Development Platform over RVI ### Starting the SOTA Server See the full documentation at [rvi_sota_server](http://advancedtelematic.github.io/rvi_sota_server/). Here is a quickstart: git clone git@github.com:advancedtelematic/rvi_sota_server.git rvi_sota_server cd rvi_sota_server ./sbt docker:publishLocal cd deploy/docker-compose docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f core-rvi.yml -f client-rvi.yml up -d Login to the UI and create a new Device/Vehicle. Copy the newly generated Device UUID (e.g. "9ea653bc-3486-44cd-aa86-d936bd957e52") into the `client-rvi.yml` file as environment variable `DEVICE_ID`: ``` environment: RVI_BACKEND: "rvi_backend" DEVICE_ID: "9ea653bc-3486-44cd-aa86-d936bd957e52" ``` Restart the RVI device node with the new DEVICE_ID by re-running: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f core-rvi.yml -f client-rvi.yml up -d ### Configuring sota.toml The `uuid` field in the `[device]` section must match the DEVICE_ID of the RVI node (e.g. "9ea653bc-3486-44cd-aa86-d936bd957e52"). The `rvi` and `dbus` fields in the `[gateway]` section must be `true`. As the RVI device node is running inside a docker container (and thus cannot access on the host), all URI fields should contain non-loopback IP addresses. See `tests/genivi.sota.toml` for a sample config. See full documentation for details. Now you can run the `sota_client`: make client RUST_LOG=debug ./run/sota_client --config tests/genivi.sota.toml ### GENIVI Software Loading Manager See [genivi_swm](https://github.com/GENIVI/genivi_swm) on how to run the Software Loading Manager demo. It also contains instructions for creating an update image, which can be uploaded as a package to the SOTA Server. Now you can create an update campaign on the SOTA Server, using the same update_id as the uuid in the update image you created. Also, as the genivi_swm demo runs as root, remember to run the `sota_client` as root as well so that they can communicate on the same system bus.