# set client version for logs and packages LOG_VERSION := $(shell git rev-parse HEAD | cut -c-7) PACKAGE_VERSION := $(shell git describe --tags | cut -c2-) # command for running the rust docker image RUST_IN_DOCKER := \ @docker run --rm \ --env SOTA_VERSION=$(LOG_VERSION) \ --env CARGO_HOME=/cargo \ --volume ~/.cargo:/cargo \ --volume $(CURDIR):/build \ --workdir /build \ advancedtelematic/rust:latest CARGO := $(RUST_IN_DOCKER) cargo # function for building new packages define make-pkg @docker run --rm \ --env-file run/sota.toml.env \ --env AUTH_SERVER=$(AUTH_SERVER) \ --env CORE_SERVER=$(CORE_SERVER) \ --env PACKAGE_VERSION=$(PACKAGE_VERSION) \ --env CARGO_HOME=/cargo \ --volume ~/.cargo:/cargo \ --volume $(CURDIR):/build \ --workdir /build \ advancedtelematic/fpm:latest \ run/pkg.sh $@ endef .PHONY: help run clean test doc client image deb rpm version .DEFAULT_GOAL := help help: @awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "} /^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## / {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) run: image ## Run the client inside a Docker container. @docker run --rm -it --net=host \ --env-file run/sota.toml.env \ --env AUTH_SECTION=$(AUTH_SECTION) \ --env AUTH_SERVER=$(AUTH_SERVER) \ --env CORE_SERVER=$(CORE_SERVER) \ --env CONFIG_ONLY=$(CONFIG_ONLY) \ --env DEVICE_UUID=$(DEVICE_UUID) \ --env DEVICE_VIN=$(DEVICE_VIN) \ --env OUTPUT_PATH=$(OUTPUT_PATH) \ --env REGISTRY_SERVER=$(REGISTRY_SERVER) \ --env RUST_LOG=$(RUST_LOG) \ --env TEMPLATE_PATH=$(TEMPLATE_PATH) \ advancedtelematic/sota-client:latest clean: ## Remove all compiled libraries, builds and temporary files. $(CARGO) clean @rm -f *.deb *.rpm run/*.deb run/*.rpm run/sota_client @rm -f /tmp/sota_credentials.toml /tmp/sota-tpm* @rm -rf rust-openssl .cargo test: rust-openssl ## Run all cargo tests. $(CARGO) test doc: ## Generate documentation for the sota crate. $(CARGO) doc --lib --no-deps --release clippy: ## Run clippy lint checks using the nightly compiler. @docker run --rm --volume $(CURDIR):/build advancedtelematic/rust \ rustup run nightly cargo clippy -- -Dclippy client: rust-openssl src/ ## Compile a new release build of the client. $(CARGO) build --release --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu @cp target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/sota_client run/ image: client ## Build a Docker image for running the client. @docker build --tag advancedtelematic/sota-client run deb: client ## Create a new DEB package of the client. $(make-pkg) rpm: client ## Create a new RPM package of the client. $(make-pkg) version: ## Print the version that will be used for building packages. @echo $(PACKAGE_VERSION) rust-openssl: @git clone https://github.com/sfackler/rust-openssl $@ @cd $@ && git checkout df30e9e700225fb981d8a3cdfaf0b359722a4c9a @mkdir -p .cargo @echo 'paths = ["$@/openssl", "$@/openssl-sys", "$@/openssl-sys-extras"]' > .cargo/config