# # Author:: Adam Edwards () # # Copyright:: 2014, Chef Software, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'spec_helper' describe WmiLite::Wmi do let(:wbem_locator) { double 'WIN32OLE', :ConnectServer => wbem_connection } let(:wmi_query_instance1) { double 'Wmi::Instance', :wmi_ole_object => native_query_instance1, :[] => native_properties1 } let(:wmi_query_instance2) { double 'Wmi::Instance', :wmi_ole_object => native_query_instance2, :[] => native_properties2 } let(:wmi_query_result1) { [ wmi_query_instance1 ].to_enum } let(:wmi_query_result2) { [ wmi_query_instance1, wmi_query_instance2 ].to_enum } let(:native_query_result1) { [ native_query_instance1 ].to_enum } let(:native_query_result2) { [ native_query_instance1, native_query_instance2 ].to_enum } let(:wmi_query_result_empty) { [].to_enum } let(:native_properties1) { wmi_properties1.map { | property, value | double 'WIN32OLE', :name => property } } let(:native_properties2) { wmi_properties2.map { | property, value | double 'WIN32OLE', :name => property } } let(:native_query_instance1) { double 'WIN32OLE', :properties_ => native_properties1, :invoke => 'value1' } let(:native_query_instance2) { double 'WIN32OLE', :properties_ => native_properties2, :invoke => 'value2' } let(:wbem_connection) { double 'WIN32OLE', :ExecQuery => native_query_result } def validate_query_result(actual, expected) expect(actual.count).to eql(expected.count) index = 0 expected.each do | expected_value | actual_value = actual[index] expected_value.wmi_ole_object.invoke == actual_value.wmi_ole_object.invoke expected_value.wmi_ole_object.properties_.each do | expected_property | expect(actual_value[expected_property.name]).not_to eql(nil) names = actual_value.wmi_ole_object.properties_.map { | property | property.name } expect(names.include?(expected_property.name)).to eql(true) end index += 1 end end before(:each) do stub_const('WIN32OLE', Class.new) WIN32OLE.stub(:new).with("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator").and_return(wbem_locator) end let(:wmi) { WmiLite::Wmi.new } let(:wmi_query_result) { wmi_query_result_empty } let(:native_query_result) { [].to_enum } it "should not fail with empty query results" do results = wmi.query('') result_count = 0 results.each { | result | result_count += 1 } expect( result_count ).to eq(0) end shared_examples_for "the first_of method" do let(:wmi_properties1) { { 'cores' => 4, 'name' => 'mycomputer1', 'diskspace' => 400, 'os' => 'windows' } } let(:wmi_properties2) { { 'cores' => 2, 'name' => 'mycomputer2', 'bios' => 'ami', 'os' => 'windows' } } let(:native_query_result) { [].to_enum } it "should not fail with empty query results" do results = wmi.first_of('vm') expect( results ).to eq(nil) end context "when returning one instance in the query" do let(:wmi_query_result) { wmi_query_result1 } let(:native_query_result) { native_query_result1 } it "should get one instance" do results = wmi.first_of('vm') expected_result = WmiLite::Wmi::Instance.new(native_query_result.first) validate_query_result([results], [expected_result]) end end context "when returning more than one instance in the query" do let(:wmi_query_result) { wmi_query_result2 } let(:native_query_result) { native_query_result2 } it "should get one instance" do results = wmi.first_of('vm') expected_result = WmiLite::Wmi::Instance.new(native_query_result.first) validate_query_result([results], [expected_result]) end end end shared_examples_for "the instances_of method" do let(:wmi_properties1) { { 'cores' => 4, 'name' => 'mycomputer1', 'diskspace' => 400, 'os' => 'windows' } } let(:wmi_properties2) { { 'cores' => 2, 'name' => 'mycomputer2', 'bios' => 'ami', 'os' => 'windows' } } let(:native_query_result) { [].to_enum } it "should not fail with empty query results" do results = wmi.instances_of('vm') expect( results ).to eq([]) end context "when returning one instance in the query" do let(:wmi_query_result) { wmi_query_result1 } let(:native_query_result) { native_query_result1 } it "should get one instance" do results = wmi.instances_of('vm') index = 0 expected_result = results.map do | result | WmiLite::Wmi::Instance.new(result.wmi_ole_object) end validate_query_result(results, expected_result) end end context "when returning one instance in the query" do let(:wmi_query_result) { wmi_query_result2 } let(:native_query_result) { native_query_result2 } it "should get one instance" do results = wmi.instances_of('vm') index = 0 expected_result = results.map do | result | WmiLite::Wmi::Instance.new(result.wmi_ole_object) end validate_query_result(results, expected_result) end end end shared_examples_for 'an invalid query' do let(:unparseable_error) { 'unparseableerror' } it 'should raise an exception' do wbem_connection.should_receive(:ExecQuery).and_raise(WIN32OLERuntimeError.new(unparseable_error)) wmi_service = WmiLite::Wmi.new expect { wmi_service.send(query_method, wmi_query) }.to raise_error(WmiLite::WmiException) end it 'should raise an exception that starts with the original exception message' do wbem_connection.should_receive(:ExecQuery).and_raise(WIN32OLERuntimeError.new(unparseable_error)) wmi_service = WmiLite::Wmi.new begin wmi_service.send(query_method, wmi_query) rescue WmiLite::WmiException => e expect(e.message.start_with?(unparseable_error)).to eql(true) end end end shared_examples_for 'an invalid namespace' do let(:unparseable_error) { 'unparseableerror' } it 'should raise an exception' do wbem_locator.should_receive(:ConnectServer).and_raise(WIN32OLERuntimeError.new('unparseableerror')) wmi_service = WmiLite::Wmi.new('notavalidnamespace') expect { wmi_service.send(query_method, wmi_query) }.to raise_error(WmiLite::WmiException) end it 'should raise an exception that starts with the original exception message' do wbem_locator.should_receive(:ConnectServer).and_raise(WIN32OLERuntimeError.new('unparseableerror')) wmi_service = WmiLite::Wmi.new begin wmi_service.send(query_method, wmi_query) rescue WmiLite::WmiException => e expect(e.message.start_with?(unparseable_error)).to eql(true) end end end shared_examples_for "the query method" do let(:wmi_properties1) { { 'cores' => 4, 'name' => 'mycomputer1', 'diskspace' => 400, 'os' => 'windows' } } let(:wmi_properties2) { { 'cores' => 2, 'name' => 'mycomputer2', 'bios' => 'ami', 'os' => 'windows' } } let(:native_query_result) { [].to_enum } it "should not fail with empty query results" do results = wmi.query('vm') expect( results ).to eq([]) end context "when returning one instance in the query" do let(:wmi_query_result) { wmi_query_result1 } let(:native_query_result) { native_query_result1 } it "should get one instance" do results = wmi.query('vm') index = 0 expected_result = results.map do | result | WmiLite::Wmi::Instance.new(result.wmi_ole_object) end validate_query_result(results, expected_result) end end context "when returning one instance in the query" do let(:wmi_query_result) { wmi_query_result2 } let(:native_query_result) { native_query_result2 } it "should get one instance" do results = wmi.query('vm') index = 0 expected_result = results.map do | result | WmiLite::Wmi::Instance.new(result.wmi_ole_object) end validate_query_result(results, expected_result) end end end context "when constructing a Ruby class instance" do it "should not connect to WMI in the constructor" do WmiLite::Wmi.any_instance.should_not_receive(:connect_to_namespace) wmi_service_nil_namespace = WmiLite::Wmi.new wmi_service_explicit_namespace = WmiLite::Wmi.new('root/cimv2') end end context "when calling query methods" do it "should only connect to WMI on the first query execution" do WIN32OLE.should_receive(:new).with("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator").exactly(1).times.and_return(wbem_locator) wmi_service = WmiLite::Wmi.new # Make a lot of queries to be sure the connection is only created once wmi_service.query('select * from Win32_Process') wmi_service.query('select * from Win32_Process') wmi_service.instances_of('Win32_Processor') wmi_service.instances_of('Win32_Processor') wmi_service.first_of('Win32_Group') wmi_service.first_of('Win32_Group') end end context 'when making invalid queries' do let(:namespace) { nil } let(:wmi_query) { 'invalidclass' } let(:query_method) { :first_of } it_behaves_like 'an invalid query' it_behaves_like 'an invalid namespace' let(:query_method) { :instances_of } it_behaves_like 'an invalid query' it_behaves_like 'an invalid namespace' let(:query_method) { :query } let(:wmi_query) { 'nosql_4_life' } it_behaves_like 'an invalid query' it_behaves_like 'an invalid namespace' end it_should_behave_like "the first_of method" it_should_behave_like "the instances_of method" it_should_behave_like "the query method" end