# frozen_string_literal: true class Pry # @api private # @since v0.13.0 module ExceptionHandler class << self # Will only show the first line of the backtrace. def handle_exception(output, exception, _pry_instance) if exception.is_a?(UserError) && exception.is_a?(SyntaxError) output.puts "SyntaxError: #{exception.message.sub(/.*syntax error, */m, '')}" else output.puts standard_error_text_for(exception) end end private def standard_error_text_for(exception) text = exception_text(exception) return text unless exception.respond_to?(:cause) cause = exception.cause while cause text += cause_text(cause) cause = cause.cause end text end def exception_text(exception) "#{exception.class}: #{exception.message}\n" \ "from #{exception.backtrace.first}\n" end def cause_text(cause) "Caused by #{cause.class}: #{cause}\n" \ "from #{cause.backtrace.first}\n" end end end end