class Pry class Config < Pry::BasicObject # # {Pry::Config::Behavior} is a module who can be included by classes who # wish to behave similar to an OpenStruct object: # # ```ruby # class Store # include Pry::Config::Behavior # end # store = Store.from_hash(number: 300) # store.number # => 300 # store[:number] # => 300 # store['number'] # => 300 # ``` # # Classes who include {Pry::Config::Behavior} can be linked to each other # to provide a default in case a key does not exist locally: # # ```ruby # class Store # include Pry::Config::Behavior # end # store = Store.from_hash({}, Store.from_hash(greeting: 'hello')) # store.greeting # => 'hello' # ``` # # When an object is read from a default like in the example above, a copy # of the object is created to avoid a mutation changing its value: # # ```ruby # default = Store.from_hash(greeting: 'hello') # store = Store.from_hash({}, default) # store.greeting # => 'hello' # default.greeting.sub! 'hello', 'goodbye' # store.greeting # => 'hello' # ``` # module Behavior ASSIGNMENT = "=".freeze NODUP = [ TrueClass, FalseClass, NilClass, Symbol, Numeric, Module, Proc, Pry::Prompt, Pry::Config::Lazy ].freeze INSPECT_REGEXP = /#{Regexp.escape "default=#<"}/ ReservedKeyError = # # The instance methods of this module are available as singleton methods # on classes who include {Pry::Config::Behavior}. The methods can be used # to initialize a {Pry::Config::Behavior} object from a Hash object. # # @example # class Store # include Pry::Config::Behavior # end # obj1 = Store.assign(foo: 1, bar: 2) # obj2 = Store.from_hash(foo: 1, bar: 2) # [obj1.class, obj2.class] # => [Store, Store] # module Builder # # @example # c = Pry::Config.assign(foo: {bar: {baz: 42}}) # c.class # => Pry::Config # # => Hash # # @param # (see #from_hash) # # @return [Pry::Config::Behavior] # An instance of an object that has included Pry::Config::Behavior. # `attributes` is not visited using recursion. # def assign(attributes, default = nil) new(default).tap do |behavior| behavior.merge!(attributes) end end # # @example # c = Pry::Config.from_hash(foo: {bar: {baz: 42}}) # # => Pry::Config # # => 42 # # @param [Hash] attributes # # @param [Pry::Config::Behavior, nil] default # A default, or nil for none. # # @return [Pry::Config::Behavior] # An instance of an object that has included Pry::Config::Behavior. # `attributes` is visited using recursion. # def from_hash(attributes, default = nil) new(default).tap do |config| attributes.each do |key,value| config[key] = if Hash === value from_hash(value) elsif Array === value { |v| Hash === v ? from_hash(v) : v } else value end end end end end def self.included(klass) klass.extend(Builder) end # # @example # class Store # include Pry::Config::Behavior # end # c = # c.input # => Readline # # @param [Pry::Config::Behavior, nil] default # A default to query when a key is not found in self, or nil for none. # # def initialize(default = Pry.config) @default = default @lookup = {} @reserved_keys = end # # @return [Pry::Config::Behavior, nil] # The object queried when a key is not found in self. # def default @default end # # @param [#to_s] key # # @return [Object, BasicObject] # An object # def [](key) key = key.to_s obj = key?(key) ? @lookup[key] : (@default && @default[key]) Pry::Config::Lazy === obj ? : obj end # # Assigns a key/value pair. # # @param [#to_s] key # # @param [Object, BasicObject] value # # @raise [Pry::Config::ReservedKeyError] # When `key` is a reserved key. # def []=(key, value) key = key.to_s if @reserved_keys.include?(key) raise ReservedKeyError, "It is not possible to use '#{key}' as a key name, please choose a different key name." end __push(key,value) end # # Removes `key` from self and allows the next lookup for `key` to # traverse back to {#default}. # # @example # _pry_.config.prompt_name = 'foo' # _pry_.config.forget(:prompt_name) # _pry_.config.prompt_name # => 'pry' # # @param [#to_s] key # # @return [void] # def forget(key) key = key.to_s __remove(key) default.forget(key) if default && default != last_default end # # @example # c = Pry::Config.from_hash(foo: 1) # c.merge!(bar: 2) # c.merge!(Pry::Config.from_hash(baz: 3)) # # @param [Hash, #to_h, #to_hash] other # An object to merge into self. # # @return [void] # def merge!(other) other = __try_convert_to_hash(other) raise TypeError, "unable to convert argument into a Hash" unless other other.each do |key, value| self[key] = value end end # # @example # Pry::Config.from_hash(foo: 1) == {'foo' => 1} # => true # Pry::Config.from_hash(foo: 1) == Pry::Config.from_hash(foo: 1) # => true # # @param [Hash, #to_h, #to_hash] other # Compares `other` against self. # # @return [Boolean] # True if self and `other` are considered `eql?`, otherwise false. # def ==(other) return false if !other @lookup == __try_convert_to_hash(other) end alias_method :eql?, :== # # @example # c = Pry::Config.from_hash(foo: 1) # c.key?(:foo) # => true # c.key?('foo') # => true # # @param [#to_s] key # # @return [Boolean] # True if `key` is stored in self, otherwise false. # def key?(key) key = key.to_s @lookup.key?(key) end # # Clears the contents of self. # # @return [void] # def clear @lookup.clear true end # # @return [Array] # An array of keys being stored in self. # def keys @lookup.keys end # # Eagerly loads keys into self directly from {#last_default}. # # @example # [1] pry(main)> _pry_.config.keys.size # => 13 # [2] pry(main)> _pry_.config.eager_load!; # [warning] Pry.config.exception_whitelist is deprecated, please use Pry.config.unrescued_exceptions instead. # [3] pry(main)> _pry_.config.keys.size # => 40 # # @return [Array, nil] # An array of keys inserted into self, or nil if {#last_default} is nil. # def eager_load! return unless last_default last_default.keys.each { |key| self[key] = public_send(key) } end # # @example # # _pry_.config -> Pry.config -> Pry::Config.defaults # [1] pry(main)> _pry_.config.last_default # # @return [Pry::Config::Behaviour] # The last linked default, or nil if there is none. # def last_default last = @default last = last.default while last && last.default last end # # @return [Hash] # A duplicate copy of the Hash used by self. # def to_hash @lookup.dup end alias_method :to_h, :to_hash def inspect key_str = { |key| "'#{key}'" }.join(",") "#<#{__clip_inspect(self)} keys=[#{key_str}] default=#{@default.inspect}>" end def pretty_print(q) q.text inspect[1..-1].gsub(INSPECT_REGEXP, "default=<") end def method_missing(name, *args, &block) key = name.to_s if key[-1] == ASSIGNMENT short_key = key[0..-2] self[short_key] = args[0] elsif key?(key) self[key] elsif @default.respond_to?(name) value = @default.public_send(name, *args, &block) self[key] = __dup(value) else nil end end def respond_to_missing?(key, include_all = false) key = key.to_s.chomp(ASSIGNMENT) key?(key) || @default.respond_to?(key) || super(key, include_all) end private def __clip_inspect(obj) "#{obj.class}:0x%x" % obj.object_id end def __try_convert_to_hash(obj) if Hash === obj obj elsif obj.respond_to?(:to_h) obj.to_h elsif obj.respond_to?(:to_hash) obj.to_hash else nil end end def __dup(value) if NODUP.any? { |klass| klass === value } value else value.dup end end def __push(key,value) unless singleton_class.method_defined? key define_singleton_method(key) { self[key] } define_singleton_method("#{key}=") { |val| @lookup[key] = val } end @lookup[key] = value end def __remove(key) @lookup.delete(key) end end end end