class Pry class Command::Cat < Pry::ClassCommand require 'pry/commands/cat/abstract_formatter.rb' require 'pry/commands/cat/input_expression_formatter.rb' require 'pry/commands/cat/exception_formatter.rb' require 'pry/commands/cat/file_formatter.rb' match 'cat' group 'Input and Output' description "Show code from a file, Pry's input buffer, or the last exception." banner <<-'BANNER' Usage: cat FILE cat --ex [STACK_INDEX] cat --in [INPUT_INDEX_OR_RANGE] `cat` is capable of showing part or all of a source file, the context of the last exception, or an expression from Pry's input history. `cat --ex` defaults to showing the lines surrounding the location of the last exception. Invoking it more than once travels up the exception's backtrace, and providing a number shows the context of the given index of the backtrace. BANNER def options(opt) opt.on :ex, "Show the context of the last exception", :optional_argument => true, :as => Integer opt.on :i, :in, "Show one or more entries from Pry's expression history", :optional_argument => true, :as => Range, :default => -5..-1 opt.on :s, :start, "Starting line (defaults to the first line)", :optional_argument => true, :as => Integer opt.on :e, :end, "Ending line (defaults to the last line)", :optional_argument => true, :as => Integer opt.on :l, :'line-numbers', "Show line numbers" opt.on :t, :type, "The file type for syntax highlighting (e.g., 'ruby' or 'python')", :argument => true, :as => Symbol end def process output = case when opts.present?(:ex), _pry_, opts).format when opts.present?(:in), opts).format else, _pry_, opts).format end output end def complete(search) super | load_path_completions end def load_path_completions $LOAD_PATH.flat_map do |path| Dir[path + '/**/*'].map { |f| next if f.sub!(path + '/', '') } end end end Pry::Commands.add_command(Pry::Command::Cat) end