# encoding: utf-8 # = plist # # Copyright 2006-2010 Ben Bleything and Patrick May # Distributed under the MIT License # # Plist parses Mac OS X xml property list files into ruby data structures. # # === Load a plist file # This is the main point of the library: # # r = Plist.parse_xml(filename_or_xml) module Plist # Raised when an element is not implemented class UnimplementedElementError < RuntimeError; end # Note that I don't use these two elements much: # # + Date elements are returned as DateTime objects. # + Data elements are implemented as Tempfiles # # Plist.parse_xml will blow up if it encounters a Date element. # If you encounter such an error, or if you have a Date element which # can't be parsed into a Time object, please create an issue # attaching your plist file at https://github.com/patsplat/plist/issues # so folks can implement the proper support. def self.parse_xml(filename_or_xml) listener = Listener.new # parser = REXML::Parsers::StreamParser.new(File.new(filename), listener) parser = StreamParser.new(filename_or_xml, listener) parser.parse listener.result end class Listener # include REXML::StreamListener attr_accessor :result, :open def initialize @result = nil @open = [] end def tag_start(name, attributes) @open.push PTag.mappings[name].new end def text(contents) if @open.last @open.last.text ||= '' @open.last.text.concat(contents) end end def tag_end(name) last = @open.pop if @open.empty? @result = last.to_ruby else @open.last.children.push last end end end class StreamParser def initialize(plist_data_or_file, listener) if plist_data_or_file.respond_to? :read @xml = plist_data_or_file.read elsif File.exist? plist_data_or_file @xml = File.read(plist_data_or_file) else @xml = plist_data_or_file end @listener = listener end TEXT = /([^<]+)/ CDATA = // XMLDECL_PATTERN = /<\?xml\s+(.*?)\?>*/m DOCTYPE_PATTERN = /\s*)/m COMMENT_START = /\A/m UNIMPLEMENTED_ERROR = 'Unimplemented element. ' \ 'Consider reporting via https://github.com/patsplat/plist/issues' def parse plist_tags = PTag.mappings.keys.join('|') start_tag = /<(#{plist_tags})([^>]*)>/i end_tag = /<\/(#{plist_tags})[^>]*>/i require 'strscan' @scanner = StringScanner.new(@xml) until @scanner.eos? if @scanner.scan(COMMENT_START) @scanner.scan(COMMENT_END) elsif @scanner.scan(XMLDECL_PATTERN) encoding = parse_encoding_from_xml_declaration(@scanner[1]) next if encoding.nil? # use the specified encoding for the rest of the file next unless String.method_defined?(:force_encoding) @scanner.string = @scanner.rest.force_encoding(encoding) elsif @scanner.scan(DOCTYPE_PATTERN) next elsif @scanner.scan(start_tag) @listener.tag_start(@scanner[1], nil) if (@scanner[2] =~ /\/$/) @listener.tag_end(@scanner[1]) end elsif @scanner.scan(TEXT) @listener.text(@scanner[1]) elsif @scanner.scan(CDATA) @listener.text(@scanner[1]) elsif @scanner.scan(end_tag) @listener.tag_end(@scanner[1]) else raise UnimplementedElementError.new(UNIMPLEMENTED_ERROR) end end end private def parse_encoding_from_xml_declaration(xml_declaration) return unless defined?(Encoding) xml_encoding = xml_declaration.match(/(?:\A|\s)encoding=(?:"(.*?)"|'(.*?)')(?:\s|\Z)/) return if xml_encoding.nil? begin Encoding.find(xml_encoding[1]) rescue ArgumentError nil end end end class PTag def self.mappings @mappings ||= {} end def self.inherited(sub_class) key = sub_class.to_s.downcase key.gsub!(/^plist::/, '') key.gsub!(/^p/, '') unless key == "plist" mappings[key] = sub_class end attr_accessor :text, :children def initialize @children = [] end def to_ruby raise "Unimplemented: " + self.class.to_s + "#to_ruby on #{self.inspect}" end end class PList < PTag def to_ruby children.first.to_ruby if children.first end end class PDict < PTag def to_ruby dict = {} key = nil children.each do |c| if key.nil? key = c.to_ruby else dict[key] = c.to_ruby key = nil end end dict end end class PKey < PTag def to_ruby CGI.unescapeHTML(text || '') end end class PString < PTag def to_ruby CGI.unescapeHTML(text || '') end end class PArray < PTag def to_ruby children.collect do |c| c.to_ruby end end end class PInteger < PTag def to_ruby text.to_i end end class PTrue < PTag def to_ruby true end end class PFalse < PTag def to_ruby false end end class PReal < PTag def to_ruby text.to_f end end require 'date' class PDate < PTag def to_ruby DateTime.parse(text) end end require 'base64' class PData < PTag def to_ruby data = Base64.decode64(text.gsub(/\s+/, '')) unless text.nil? begin return Marshal.load(data) rescue Exception io = StringIO.new io.write data io.rewind return io end end end end