# Ohai Release Notes 13.7 ### EC2 C5 Detection The EC2 plugin has been updated to properly detect the new AWS hypervisor used in the C5 instance types ### mdadm The mdadm plugin has been updated to properly handle arrays with more than 10 disks and to properly handle journal and spare drives in the disk counts # Ohai Release Notes 13.6 ### Critical Plugins Users can now specify a list of plugins which are `critical`. Critical plugins will cause Ohai to fail if they do not run successfully (and thus cause a Chef run using Ohai to fail). The syntax for this is: ``` ohai.critical_plugins << :Filesystem ``` ### Filesystem now has a `allow_partial_data` configuration option The Filesystem plugin now has a `allow_partial_data` configuration option. If set, the filesystem will return whatever data it can even if some commands it ran failed. ### Rackspace detection on Windows Windows nodes running on Rackspace will now properly detect themselves as running on Rackspace without a hint file. ### Package data on Amazon Linux The Packages plugin now supports gathering packages data on Amazon Linux ### Deprecation updates In Ohai 13 we replaced the filesystem and cloud plugins with the filesystem2 and cloud_v2 plugins. To maintain compatibility with users of the previous V2 plugins we write data to both locations. We had originally planned to continue writing data to both locations until Chef 15. Instead due to the large amount of duplicate node data this introduces we are updating OHAI-11 and OHAI-12 deprecations to remove node['cloud_v2'] and node['filesystem2'] with the release of Chef 14 in April 2018. # Ohai Release Notes 13.5 ### Correctly detect IPv6 routes ending in :: Previously we would ignore routes that ended `::`, and now we properly detect them. ### Plugin run time is now measured Debug logs will show the length of time each plugin takes to run, making debugging of long ohai runs easier. # Ohai Release Notes 13.4 ### Windows EC2 Detection Detection of nodes running in EC2 has been greatly improved and should now detect nodes 100% of the time including nodes that have been migrated to EC2 or were built with custom AMIs. ### Azure Metadata Endpoint Detection Ohai now polls the new Azure metadata endpoint, giving us additional configuration details on nodes running in Azure Sample data now available under azure: ```javascript { "metadata": { "compute": { "location": "westus", "name": "timtest", "offer": "UbuntuServer", "osType": "Linux", "platformFaultDomain": "0", "platformUpdateDomain": "0", "publisher": "Canonical", "sku": "17.04", "version": "17.04.201706191", "vmId": "8d523242-71cf-4dff-94c3-1bf660878743", "vmSize": "Standard_DS1_v2" }, "network": { "interfaces": { "000D3A33AF03": { "mac": "000D3A33AF03", "public_ipv6": [ ], "public_ipv4": [ "", "" ], "local_ipv6": [ ], "local_ipv4": [ "", "", "" ] } }, "public_ipv4": [ "", "" ], "local_ipv4": [ "", "", "" ], "public_ipv6": [ ], "local_ipv6": [ ] } } } ``` ### Package Plugin Supports Arch Linux The Package plugin has been updated to include package information on Arch Linux systems. # Ohai Release Notes 13.3 ## Additional Platform Support Ohai now properly detects the [F5 Big-IP](https://www.f5.com/) platform and platform_version. - platform: bigip - platform_family: rhel # Ohai Release Notes 13.2: Ohai 13.2 has been a fantastic release in terms of community involvement with new plugins, platform support, and critical bug fixes coming from community members. A huge thank you to msgarbossa, albertomurillo, jaymzh, and davide125 for their work. ## New Features ### Systemd Paths Plugin A new plugin has been added to expose system and user paths from systemd-path (see for details). ### Linux Network, Filesystem, and Mdadm Plugin Resilience The Network, Filesystem, and Mdadm plugins have been improved to greatly reduce failures to collect data. The Network plugin now better finds the binaries it requires for shelling out, filesystem plugin utilizes data from multiple sources, and mdadm handles arrays in bad states. ### Zpool Plugin Platform Expansion The Zpool plugin has been updated to support BSD and Linux in addition to Solaris. ### RPM version parsing on AIX The packages plugin now correctly parses RPM package name / version information on AIX systems. ### Additional Platform Support Ohai now properly detects the [Clear](https://clearlinux.org/) and [ClearOS](https://www.clearos.com/) Linux distributions. #### Clear Linux - platform: clearlinux - platform_family: clearlinux #### ClearOS - platform: clearos - platform_family: rhel ## New Deprecations ### Removal of IpScopes plugin. (OHAI-13) In Chef/Ohai 14 (April 2018) we will remove the IpScopes plugin. The data returned by this plugin is nearly identical to information already returned by individual network plugins and this plugin required the installation of an additional gem into the Chef installation. We believe that few users were installing the gem and users would be better served by the data returned from the network plugins.