require_relative 'common' require 'fileutils' require 'tmpdir' require 'net/ssh' # see Vagrantfile,playbook for env. # we're running as net_ssh_1 user password foo # and usually connecting to net_ssh_2 user password foo2pwd class TestIDRSAPKeys < NetSSHTest include IntegrationTestHelpers def test_in_file_no_password tmpdir do |dir| sh "rm -rf #{dir}/id_rsa #{dir}/" sh "ssh-keygen -q -f #{dir}/id_rsa -t rsa -N ''" set_authorized_key('net_ssh_1',"#{dir}/") ret = Net::SSH.start("localhost", "net_ssh_1", { keys: "#{dir}/id_rsa" }) do |ssh| ssh.exec! 'echo "hello from:$USER"' end assert_equal "hello from:net_ssh_1\n", ret end end def test_ssh_agent tmpdir do |dir| with_agent do sh "rm -rf #{dir}/id_rsa #{dir}/" sh "ssh-keygen -q -f #{dir}/id_rsa -t rsa -N 'pwd123'" set_authorized_key('net_ssh_1',"#{dir}/") ssh_add("#{dir}/id_rsa","pwd123") ret = Net::SSH.start("localhost", "net_ssh_1") do |ssh| ssh.exec! 'echo "hello from:$USER"' end assert_equal "hello from:net_ssh_1\n", ret end end end def test_ssh_agent_ignores_if_already_in_agent tmpdir do |dir| with_agent do sh "rm -rf #{dir}/id_rsa #{dir}/" sh "ssh-keygen -q -f #{dir}/id_rsa -t rsa -N 'pwd123'" set_authorized_key('net_ssh_1',"#{dir}/") ssh_add("#{dir}/id_rsa","pwd123") ret = Net::SSH.start("localhost", "net_ssh_1", keys: ["#{dir}/id_rsa"]) do |ssh| ssh.exec! 'echo "hello from:$USER"' end assert_equal "hello from:net_ssh_1\n", ret end end end def test_in_file_with_password tmpdir do |dir| sh "rm -rf #{dir}/id_rsa #{dir}/" sh "ssh-keygen -q -f #{dir}/id_rsa -t rsa -N 'pwd12'" set_authorized_key('net_ssh_1',"#{dir}/") ret = Net::SSH.start("localhost", "net_ssh_1", { keys: "#{dir}/id_rsa", passphrase: 'pwd12' }) do |ssh| ssh.exec! 'echo "hello from:$USER"' end assert_equal "hello from:net_ssh_1\n", ret end end def test_asks_for_passwords_when_read_from_memory tmpdir do |dir| sh "rm -rf #{dir}/id_rsa #{dir}/" sh "ssh-keygen -q -f #{dir}/id_rsa -t rsa -N 'pwd12'" set_authorized_key('net_ssh_1',"#{dir}/") private_key ="#{dir}/id_rsa") options = { keys: [], key_data: [private_key] } prompt = sha = Digest::SHA256.digest(private_key) prompt.expects(:_ask).with('Enter passphrase for :', { type: 'private_key', filename: '', sha: sha }, false).returns('pwd12') Net::SSH.start("localhost", "net_ssh_1", options.merge(password_prompt: prompt)) do |ssh| ssh.exec! 'whoami' end end end end