# Integration tests with vagrant Requirements: * Vagrant (https://www.vagrantup.com/) * Ansible (http://docs.ansible.com/intro_installation.html) Setup: ansible-galaxy install rvm.ruby vagrant up ; vagrant ssh rvmsudo_secure_path=1 rvmsudo rvm all do gem install bundler rvm all do sh -c 'rm Gemfile.lock; bundle' rvm all do rake test # Debugging on travis Logging the ssh logs might be useful: ```yml script: - #NET_SSH_RUN_INTEGRATION_TESTS=1 bundle exec rake test - sudo tail -n 3 /var/log/auth.log - bundle exec ruby -Ilib:test ./test/integration/test_forward.rb -n test_client_close_should_be_handled_remote - sudo tail -n 60 /var/log/auth.log - bundle exec rubocop ```