# # Author:: Daniel DeLeo () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # module Mixlib class ShellOut module Unix # "1.8.7" as a frozen string. We use this with a hack that disables GC to # avoid segfaults on Ruby 1.8.7, so we need to allocate the fewest # objects we possibly can. ONE_DOT_EIGHT_DOT_SEVEN = "1.8.7".freeze # Option validation that is unix specific def validate_options(opts) if opts[:elevated] raise InvalidCommandOption, "Option `elevated` is supported for Powershell commands only" end end # Whether we're simulating a login shell def using_login? login && user end # Helper method for sgids def all_seconderies ret = [] Etc.endgrent while ( g = Etc.getgrent ) ret << g end Etc.endgrent ret end # The secondary groups that the subprocess will switch to. # Currently valid only if login is used, and is set # to the user's secondary groups def sgids return nil unless using_login? user_name = Etc.getpwuid(uid).name all_seconderies.select { |g| g.mem.include?(user_name) }.map(&:gid) end # The environment variables that are deduced from simulating logon # Only valid if login is used def logon_environment return {} unless using_login? entry = Etc.getpwuid(uid) # According to `man su`, the set fields are: # $HOME, $SHELL, $USER, $LOGNAME, $PATH, and $IFS # Values are copied from "shadow" package in Ubuntu 14.10 { "HOME" => entry.dir, "SHELL" => entry.shell, "USER" => entry.name, "LOGNAME" => entry.name, "PATH" => "/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin", "IFS" => "\t\n" } end # Merges the two environments for the process def process_environment logon_environment.merge(environment) end # Run the command, writing the command's standard out and standard error # to +stdout+ and +stderr+, and saving its exit status object to +status+ # === Returns # returns +self+; +stdout+, +stderr+, +status+, and +exitstatus+ will be # populated with results of the command. # === Raises # * Errno::EACCES when you are not privileged to execute the command # * Errno::ENOENT when the command is not available on the system (or not # in the current $PATH) # * Chef::Exceptions::CommandTimeout when the command does not complete # within +timeout+ seconds (default: 600s). When this happens, ShellOut # will send a TERM and then KILL to the entire process group to ensure # that any grandchild processes are terminated. If the invocation of # the child process spawned multiple child processes (which commonly # happens if the command is passed as a single string to be interpreted # by bin/sh, and bin/sh is not bash), the exit status object may not # contain the correct exit code of the process (of course there is no # exit code if the command is killed by SIGKILL, also). def run_command @child_pid = fork_subprocess @reaped = false configure_parent_process_file_descriptors # Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.8.6 from mid 2009 try to allocate objects during GC # when calling IO.select and IO#read. Disabling GC works around the # segfault, but obviously it's a bad workaround. We no longer support # 1.8.6 so we only need this hack for 1.8.7. GC.disable if RUBY_VERSION == ONE_DOT_EIGHT_DOT_SEVEN # CHEF-3390: Marshall.load on Ruby < 1.8.7p369 also has a GC bug related # to Marshall.load, so try disabling GC first. propagate_pre_exec_failure @status = nil @result = nil @execution_time = 0 write_to_child_stdin until @status ready_buffers = attempt_buffer_read unless ready_buffers @execution_time += READ_WAIT_TIME if @execution_time >= timeout && !@result # kill the bad proccess reap_errant_child # read anything it wrote when we killed it attempt_buffer_read # raise raise CommandTimeout, "Command timed out after #{@execution_time.to_i}s:\n#{format_for_exception}" end end attempt_reap end self rescue Errno::ENOENT # When ENOENT happens, we can be reasonably sure that the child process # is going to exit quickly, so we use the blocking variant of waitpid2 reap raise ensure reap_errant_child if should_reap? # make one more pass to get the last of the output after the # child process dies attempt_buffer_read # no matter what happens, turn the GC back on, and hope whatever busted # version of ruby we're on doesn't allocate some objects during the next # GC run. GC.enable close_all_pipes end private def set_user if user Process.uid = uid Process.euid = uid end end def set_group if group Process.egid = gid Process.gid = gid end end def set_secondarygroups if sgids Process.groups = sgids end end def set_environment # user-set variables should override the login ones process_environment.each do |env_var, value| ENV[env_var] = value end end def set_umask File.umask(umask) if umask end def set_cwd Dir.chdir(cwd) if cwd end # Since we call setsid the child_pgid will be the child_pid, set to negative here # so it can be directly used in arguments to kill, wait, etc. def child_pgid -@child_pid end def initialize_ipc @stdin_pipe, @stdout_pipe, @stderr_pipe, @process_status_pipe = IO.pipe, IO.pipe, IO.pipe, IO.pipe @process_status_pipe.last.fcntl(Fcntl::F_SETFD, Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC) end def child_stdin @stdin_pipe[1] end def child_stdout @stdout_pipe[0] end def child_stderr @stderr_pipe[0] end def child_process_status @process_status_pipe[0] end def close_all_pipes child_stdin.close unless child_stdin.closed? child_stdout.close unless child_stdout.closed? child_stderr.close unless child_stderr.closed? child_process_status.close unless child_process_status.closed? end # Replace stdout, and stderr with pipes to the parent, and close the # reader side of the error marshaling side channel. # # If there is no input, close STDIN so when we exec, # the new program will know it's never getting input ever. def configure_subprocess_file_descriptors process_status_pipe.first.close # HACK: for some reason, just STDIN.close isn't good enough when running # under ruby 1.9.2, so make it good enough: stdin_pipe.last.close STDIN.reopen stdin_pipe.first stdin_pipe.first.close unless input stdout_pipe.first.close STDOUT.reopen stdout_pipe.last stdout_pipe.last.close stderr_pipe.first.close STDERR.reopen stderr_pipe.last stderr_pipe.last.close STDOUT.sync = STDERR.sync = true STDIN.sync = true if input end def configure_parent_process_file_descriptors # Close the sides of the pipes we don't care about stdin_pipe.first.close stdin_pipe.last.close unless input stdout_pipe.last.close stderr_pipe.last.close process_status_pipe.last.close # Get output as it happens rather than buffered child_stdin.sync = true if input child_stdout.sync = true child_stderr.sync = true true end # Some patch levels of ruby in wide use (in particular the ruby 1.8.6 on OSX) # segfault when you IO.select a pipe that's reached eof. Weak sauce. def open_pipes @open_pipes ||= [child_stdout, child_stderr, child_process_status] end # Keep this unbuffered for now def write_to_child_stdin return unless input child_stdin << input child_stdin.close # Kick things off end def attempt_buffer_read ready = IO.select(open_pipes, nil, nil, READ_WAIT_TIME) if ready read_stdout_to_buffer if ready.first.include?(child_stdout) read_stderr_to_buffer if ready.first.include?(child_stderr) read_process_status_to_buffer if ready.first.include?(child_process_status) end ready end def read_stdout_to_buffer while ( chunk = child_stdout.read_nonblock(READ_SIZE) ) @stdout << chunk @live_stdout << chunk if @live_stdout end rescue Errno::EAGAIN rescue EOFError open_pipes.delete(child_stdout) end def read_stderr_to_buffer while ( chunk = child_stderr.read_nonblock(READ_SIZE) ) @stderr << chunk @live_stderr << chunk if @live_stderr end rescue Errno::EAGAIN rescue EOFError open_pipes.delete(child_stderr) end def read_process_status_to_buffer while ( chunk = child_process_status.read_nonblock(READ_SIZE) ) @process_status << chunk end rescue Errno::EAGAIN rescue EOFError open_pipes.delete(child_process_status) end def fork_subprocess initialize_ipc fork do # Child processes may themselves fork off children. A common case # is when the command is given as a single string (instead of # command name plus Array of arguments) and /bin/sh does not # support the "ONESHOT" optimization (where sh -c does exec without # forking). To support cleaning up all the children, we need to # ensure they're in a unique process group. # # We use setsid here to abandon our controlling tty and get a new session # and process group that are set to the pid of the child process. Process.setsid configure_subprocess_file_descriptors set_secondarygroups set_group set_user set_environment set_umask set_cwd begin command.is_a?(Array) ? exec(*command, close_others: true) : exec(command, close_others: true) raise "forty-two" # Should never get here rescue Exception => e Marshal.dump(e, process_status_pipe.last) process_status_pipe.last.flush end process_status_pipe.last.close unless process_status_pipe.last.closed? exit! end end # Attempt to get a Marshaled error from the side-channel. # If it's there, un-marshal it and raise. If it's not there, # assume everything went well. def propagate_pre_exec_failure attempt_buffer_read until child_process_status.eof? e = Marshal.load(@process_status) raise(Exception === e ? e : "unknown failure: #{e.inspect}") rescue ArgumentError # If we get an ArgumentError error, then the exec was successful true ensure child_process_status.close open_pipes.delete(child_process_status) end def reap_errant_child return if attempt_reap @terminate_reason = "Command exceeded allowed execution time, process terminated" logger&.error("Command exceeded allowed execution time, sending TERM") Process.kill(:TERM, child_pgid) sleep 3 attempt_reap logger&.error("Command exceeded allowed execution time, sending KILL") Process.kill(:KILL, child_pgid) reap # Should not hit this but it's possible if something is calling waitall # in a separate thread. rescue Errno::ESRCH nil end def should_reap? # if we fail to fork, no child pid so nothing to reap @child_pid && !@reaped end # Unconditionally reap the child process. This is used in scenarios where # we can be confident the child will exit quickly, and has not spawned # and grandchild processes. def reap results = Process.waitpid2(@child_pid) @reaped = true @status = results.last rescue Errno::ECHILD # When cleaning up timed-out processes, we might send SIGKILL to the # whole process group after we've cleaned up the direct child. In that # case the grandchildren will have been adopted by init so we can't # reap them even if we wanted to (we don't). nil end # Try to reap the child process but don't block if it isn't dead yet. def attempt_reap results = Process.waitpid2(@child_pid, Process::WNOHANG) if results @reaped = true @status = results.last else nil end end end end end