# coding: utf-8 require_relative 'acceptance_test' HighLine::AcceptanceTest.check do |t| t.desc = "This step checks if the readline autocomplete " \ "feature is working. \n" \ "The test has 5 options you can choose from: " \ "save, sample, exec, exit and load.\n" \ "If you type the first character of one of them and then press \n" \ "the key you should see the options available for autocomplete.\n\n" \ "For example, if I type 's' and then I press I should see a list\n" \ "with 'save' and 'sample' as possible options for autocomplete.\n\n" \ "Although, if I type 'l' and then press the key it should be \n" \ "readly autcompleted as 'load', because 'load' is the only option\n" \ "that begins with the 'l' letter in this particular case.\n\n" \ "If I don't type any character but press two times, I should\n" \ "be able to see ALL available options.\n\n" \ "Please, play with Readline autocomplete for a while, pressing \n" \ "to see that it really gets the selected answer.\n" \ "When ready, just type 'exit' and the loop will finish.\n\n" \ "Don't forget to answer 'y' (yes) or 'n' (no) to the question at the end." t.action = Proc.new do loop do cmd = ask "Enter command: ", %w{ save sample exec exit load } do |q| q.readline = true end say("Executing \"#{cmd}\"...") break if cmd == "exit" end end t.question = "Did the Readline autocomplete work fine (y/n)? " end