# coding: utf-8 #-- # simulate.rb # # Created by Andy Rossmeissl on 2012-04-29. # Copyright 2005 Gray Productions. All rights reserved. # # This is Free Software. See LICENSE and COPYING for details. # # adapted from https://gist.github.com/194554 class HighLine # Simulates Highline input for use in tests. class Simulate # Creates a simulator with an array of Strings as a script # @param strings [Array] preloaded string to be used # as input buffer when simulating. def initialize(strings) @strings = strings end # Simulate StringIO#gets by shifting a string off of the script def gets @strings.shift end # Simulate StringIO#getbyte by shifting a single character off of the next line of the script def getbyte line = gets unless line.empty? char = line.slice! 0 @strings.unshift line char end end # The simulator handles its own EOF def eof? false end # A wrapper method that temporarily replaces the Highline # instance in HighLine.default_instance with an instance of this object # for the duration of the block # # @param strings [String] preloaded string buffer that # will feed the input operations when simulating. def self.with(*strings) @input = HighLine.default_instance.instance_variable_get :@input HighLine.default_instance.instance_variable_set :@input, new(strings) yield ensure HighLine.default_instance.instance_variable_set :@input, @input end end end