# The most ugly test script I've ever written! # Shame on me! require 'pathname' require 'profile' if ARGV.include? '-p' MYDIR = File.dirname(__FILE__) LIBDIR = Pathname.new(MYDIR).join('..', 'lib').cleanpath.to_s $:.unshift MYDIR, LIBDIR require 'coderay' @size = ARGV.fetch(2, 100).to_i * 1000 lang = ARGV.fetch(0) do puts <<-HELP Usage: ruby bench.rb (c|ruby|dump) (null|text|tokens|count|statistic|yaml|html) [size in kB] [stream] SIZE defaults to 100 kB (= 100,000 bytes). SIZE = 0 means the whole input. SIZE is ignored when dump is input. -p generates a profile (slow! use with SIZE = 1) -o shows the output stream enabled streaming mode Sorry for the strange interface. I will improve it in the next release. HELP exit end format = ARGV.fetch(1, 'html').downcase $stream = ARGV.include? 'stream' $optimize = ARGV.include? 'opt' $style = ARGV.include? 'style' require 'benchmark' require 'fileutils' if format == 'comp' format = 'page' begin require 'syntax' require 'syntax/convertors/html.rb' rescue LoadError puts 'Syntax no found!! (Try % gem install syntax)' end end $dump_input = lang == 'dump' $dump_output = format == 'dump' require 'coderay/helpers/gzip_simple.rb' if $dump_input def here fn = nil return MYDIR unless fn File.join here, fn end n = ARGV.find { |a| a[/^N/] } N = if n then n[/\d+/].to_i else 1 end $filename = ARGV.include?('strange') ? 'strange' : 'example' Benchmark.bm(20) do |bm| N.times do data = nil File.open(here("#$filename." + lang), 'rb') { |f| data = f.read } if $dump_input @size = CodeRay::Tokens.load(data).text.size else raise 'Example file is empty.' if data.empty? unless @size.zero? data += data until data.size >= @size data = data[0, @size] end @size = data.size end options = { :tab_width => 2, # :line_numbers => :inline, :css => $style ? :style : :class, } $hl = CodeRay.encoder(format, options) unless $dump_output time = bm.report('CodeRay') do if $stream || true if $dump_input raise 'Can\'t stream dump.' elsif $dump_output raise 'Can\'t dump stream.' end $o = $hl.encode(data, lang, options) else if $dump_input tokens = CodeRay::Tokens.load data else tokens = CodeRay.scan(data, lang) end tokens.optimize! if $optimize if $dump_output $o = tokens.optimize.dump else $o = tokens.encode($hl) end end end $file_created = here('test.' + ($dump_output ? 'dump' : $hl.file_extension)) File.open($file_created, 'wb') do |f| f.write $o end Dir.chdir(here) do FileUtils.copy 'test.dump', 'example.dump' if $dump_output end time_real = time.real puts "\t%7.2f KB/s (%d.%d KB)" % [((@size / 1000.0) / time_real), @size / 1000, @size % 1000] puts $o if ARGV.include? '-o' end end puts "Files created: #$file_created" STDIN.gets if ARGV.include? 'wait' __END__ .ruby .normal {} .ruby .comment { color: #005; font-style: italic; } .ruby .keyword { color: #A00; font-weight: bold; } .ruby .method { color: #077; } .ruby .class { color: #074; } .ruby .module { color: #050; } .ruby .punct { color: #447; font-weight: bold; } .ruby .symbol { color: #099; } .ruby .string { color: #944; background: #FFE; } .ruby .char { color: #F07; } .ruby .ident { color: #004; } .ruby .constant { color: #07F; } .ruby .regex { color: #B66; background: #FEF; } .ruby .number { color: #F99; } .ruby .attribute { color: #7BB; } .ruby .global { color: #7FB; } .ruby .expr { color: #227; } .ruby .escape { color: #277; } .xml .normal {} .xml .namespace { color: #B66; font-weight: bold; } .xml .tag { color: #F88; } .xml .comment { color: #005; font-style: italic; } .xml .punct { color: #447; font-weight: bold; } .xml .string { color: #944; } .xml .number { color: #F99; } .xml .attribute { color: #BB7; } .yaml .normal {} .yaml .document { font-weight: bold; color: #07F; } .yaml .type { font-weight: bold; color: #05C; } .yaml .key { color: #F88; } .yaml .comment { color: #005; font-style: italic; } .yaml .punct { color: #447; font-weight: bold; } .yaml .string { color: #944; } .yaml .number { color: #F99; } .yaml .time { color: #F99; } .yaml .date { color: #F99; } .yaml .ref { color: #944; } .yaml .anchor { color: #944; }