# # Copyright:: Copyright 2015-2018, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "rake" SOURCE = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "MAINTAINERS.toml") TARGET = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "MAINTAINERS.md") # The list of repositories that teams should own REPOSITORIES = ["chef/chef", "chef/chef-dk", "chef/chef-census", "chef/chef-repo", "chef/client-docs", "chef/ffi-yajl", "chef/libyajl2-gem", "chef/mixlib-authentication", "chef/mixlib-cli", "chef/mixlib-config", "chef/mixlib-install", "chef/mixlib-log", "chef/mixlib-shellout", "chef/ohai", "chef/omnibus-chef"] begin require "tomlrb" require "octokit" require "pp" namespace :maintainers do task default: :generate desc "Generate MarkDown version of MAINTAINERS file" task :generate do out = "\n\n" out << "# " + source["Preamble"]["title"] + "\n\n" out << source["Preamble"]["text"] + "\n" # The project lead is a special case out << "# " + source["Org"]["Lead"]["title"] + "\n\n" out << format_person(source["Org"]["Lead"]["person"]) + "\n\n" out << format_components(source["Org"]["Components"]) File.open(TARGET, "w") do |fn| fn.write out end end desc "Synchronize GitHub teams" # there's a special @chef/client-maintainers team that's everyone # and then there's a team per component task :synchronize do Octokit.auto_paginate = true get_github_teams prepare_teams(source["Org"]["Components"].dup) sync_teams! end end def github @github ||= Octokit::Client.new(netrc: true) end def source @source ||= Tomlrb.load_file SOURCE end def teams @teams ||= { "client-maintainers" => { "title" => "Client Maintainers" } } end def add_members(team, name) teams["client-maintainers"]["members"] ||= [] teams["client-maintainers"]["members"] << name teams[team] ||= {} teams[team]["members"] ||= [] teams[team]["members"] << name end def set_team_title(team, title) teams[team] ||= {} teams[team]["title"] = title end def gh_teams @gh_teams ||= {} end # we have to resolve team names to ids. While we're at it, we can get the privacy # setting, so we know whether we need to update it def get_github_teams github.org_teams("chef").each do |team| gh_teams[team[:slug]] = { "id" => team[:id], "privacy" => team[:privacy] } end end def get_github_team(team) github.team_members(gh_teams[team]["id"]).map do |member| member[:login] end.sort.uniq.map(&:downcase) rescue [] end def create_team(team) puts "creating new github team: #{team} with title: #{teams[team]["title"]} " t = github.create_team("chef", name: team, description: teams[team]["title"], privacy: "closed", repo_names: REPOSITORIES, accept: "application/vnd.github.ironman-preview+json") gh_teams[team] = { "id" => t[:id], "privacy" => t[:privacy] } end def compare_teams(current, desired) # additions are the subtraction of the current state from the desired state # deletions are the subtraction of the desired state from the current state [desired - current, current - desired] end def prepare_teams(cmp) %w{text paths}.each { |k| cmp.delete(k) } if cmp.key?("team") team = cmp.delete("team") add_members(team, cmp.delete("lieutenant")) if cmp.key?("lieutenant") add_members(team, cmp.delete("maintainers")) if cmp.key?("maintainers") set_team_title(team, cmp.delete("title")) else %w{maintainers lieutenant title}.each { |k| cmp.delete(k) } end cmp.each_value { |v| prepare_teams(v) } end def update_team(team, additions, deletions) create_team(team) unless gh_teams.key?(team) update_team_privacy(team) add_team_members(team, additions) remove_team_members(team, deletions) rescue => e puts "failed for #{team}: #{e.message}" end def update_team_privacy(team) return if gh_teams[team]["privacy"] == "closed" puts "Setting #{team} privacy to closed from #{gh_teams[team]["privacy"]}" github.update_team(gh_teams[team]["id"], privacy: "closed", accept: "application/vnd.github.ironman-preview+json") end def add_team_members(team, additions) additions.each do |member| puts "Adding #{member} to #{team}" github.add_team_membership(gh_teams[team]["id"], member, role: "member", accept: "application/vnd.github.ironman-preview+json") end end def remove_team_members(team, deletions) deletions.each do |member| puts "Removing #{member} from #{team}" github.remove_team_membership(gh_teams[team]["id"], member, accept: "application/vnd.github.ironman-preview+json") end end def sync_teams! teams.each do |name, details| current = get_github_team(name) desired = details["members"].flatten.sort.uniq.map(&:downcase) additions, deletions = compare_teams(current, desired) update_team(name, additions, deletions) end end def get_person(person) source["people"][person] end def format_components(cmp) out = "## " + cmp.delete("title") + "\n\n" out << cmp.delete("text") + "\n" if cmp.has_key?("text") out << "To mention the team, use @chef/#{cmp.delete("team")}\n\n" if cmp.has_key?("team") if cmp.has_key?("lieutenant") out << "### Lieutenant\n\n" out << format_person(cmp.delete("lieutenant")) + "\n\n" end out << format_maintainers(cmp.delete("maintainers")) + "\n" if cmp.has_key?("maintainers") cmp.delete("paths") cmp.each_value { |v| out << format_components(v) } out end def format_maintainers(people) o = "### Maintainers\n\n" people.each do |p| o << format_person(p) + "\n" end o end def format_person(person) mnt = get_person(person) "* [#{mnt["Name"]}](https://github.com/#{mnt["GitHub"]})" end rescue LoadError STDERR.puts "\n*** TomlRb not available.\n\n" end