# # Cookbook:: end_to_end # Recipe:: tests # # Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc. # # # this file is for random tests to check specific chef-client internal functionality # file "/tmp/chef-test-ümlauts" do content "testing UTF-8 char in the filename" end # this caught a regression in 12.14.70 before it was released when i # ran it in lamont-ci, so added the test here so everyone else other than # me gets coverage for this as well. file "/tmp/chef-test-\xFDmlaut" do content "testing illegal UTF-8 char in the filename" end node["network"]["interfaces"].each do |interface_data| interface = interface_data[0] sysctl_param "net/ipv4/conf/#{interface}/rp_filter" do value 0 ignore_failure true end end