/* Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1996 Copyright (C) Paul Mackerras 1996 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* Utilities used in rsync tridge, June 1996 */ #include "rsync.h" /* if no timeout is specified then use a 60 second select timeout */ #define SELECT_TIMEOUT 60 static int io_multiplexing_out; static int io_multiplexing_in; static int multiplex_in_fd; static int multiplex_out_fd; static time_t last_io; static int eof_error=1; extern int verbose; extern int io_timeout; extern struct stats stats; static int buffer_f_in = -1; void setup_readbuffer(int f_in) { buffer_f_in = f_in; } static void check_timeout(void) { time_t t; if (!io_timeout) return; if (!last_io) { last_io = time(NULL); return; } t = time(NULL); if (last_io && io_timeout && (t-last_io) >= io_timeout) { rprintf(FERROR,"io timeout after %d second - exiting\n", (int)(t-last_io)); exit_cleanup(RERR_TIMEOUT); } } static char *read_buffer; static char *read_buffer_p; static int read_buffer_len; static int read_buffer_size; static int no_flush; static int no_flush_read; /* read from a socket with IO timeout. return the number of bytes read. If no bytes can be read then exit, never return a number <= 0 */ static int read_timeout(int fd, char *buf, size_t len) { int n, ret=0; no_flush_read++; io_flush(); no_flush_read--; while (ret == 0) { fd_set fds; struct timeval tv; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(fd, &fds); tv.tv_sec = io_timeout?io_timeout:SELECT_TIMEOUT; tv.tv_usec = 0; if (select(fd+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv) != 1) { check_timeout(); continue; } n = read(fd, buf, len); if (n > 0) { buf += n; len -= n; ret += n; if (io_timeout) last_io = time(NULL); continue; } if (n == -1 && errno == EINTR) { continue; } if (n == -1 && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK)) { /* this shouldn't happen, if it does then sleep for a short time to prevent us chewing too much CPU */ u_sleep(100); continue; } if (n == 0) { if (eof_error) { rprintf(FERROR,"unexpected EOF in read_timeout\n"); } exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO); } rprintf(FERROR,"read error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO); } return ret; } /* continue trying to read len bytes - don't return until len has been read */ static void read_loop(int fd, char *buf, size_t len) { while (len) { int n = read_timeout(fd, buf, len); buf += n; len -= n; } } /* read from the file descriptor handling multiplexing - return number of bytes read never return <= 0 */ static int read_unbuffered(int fd, char *buf, size_t len) { static int remaining; char ibuf[4]; int tag, ret=0; char line[1024]; if (!io_multiplexing_in || fd != multiplex_in_fd) return read_timeout(fd, buf, len); while (ret == 0) { if (remaining) { len = MIN(len, remaining); read_loop(fd, buf, len); remaining -= len; ret = len; continue; } read_loop(fd, ibuf, 4); tag = IVAL(ibuf, 0); remaining = tag & 0xFFFFFF; tag = tag >> 24; if (tag == MPLEX_BASE) continue; tag -= MPLEX_BASE; if (tag != FERROR && tag != FINFO) { rprintf(FERROR,"unexpected tag %d\n", tag); exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO); } if (remaining > sizeof(line)-1) { rprintf(FERROR,"multiplexing overflow %d\n\n", remaining); exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO); } read_loop(fd, line, remaining); line[remaining] = 0; rprintf(tag,"%s", line); remaining = 0; } return ret; } /* This function was added to overcome a deadlock problem when using * ssh. It looks like we can't allow our receive queue to get full or * ssh will clag up. Uggh. */ static void read_check(int f) { int n = 8192; if (f == -1) return; if (read_buffer_len == 0) { read_buffer_p = read_buffer; } if (n > MAX_READ_BUFFER/4) n = MAX_READ_BUFFER/4; if (read_buffer_p != read_buffer) { memmove(read_buffer,read_buffer_p,read_buffer_len); read_buffer_p = read_buffer; } if (n > (read_buffer_size - read_buffer_len)) { read_buffer_size += n; read_buffer = (char *)Realloc(read_buffer,read_buffer_size); if (!read_buffer) out_of_memory("read check"); read_buffer_p = read_buffer; } n = read_unbuffered(f,read_buffer+read_buffer_len,n); read_buffer_len += n; } /* do a buffered read from fd. don't return until all N bytes have been read. If all N can't be read then exit with an error */ static void readfd(int fd,char *buffer,size_t N) { int ret; int total=0; if ((read_buffer_len < N) && (N < 1024)) { read_check(buffer_f_in); } while (total < N) { if (read_buffer_len > 0 && buffer_f_in == fd) { ret = MIN(read_buffer_len,N-total); memcpy(buffer+total,read_buffer_p,ret); read_buffer_p += ret; read_buffer_len -= ret; total += ret; continue; } no_flush_read++; io_flush(); no_flush_read--; ret = read_unbuffered(fd,buffer + total,N-total); total += ret; } stats.total_read += total; } int32 read_int(int f) { char b[4]; int32 ret; readfd(f,b,4); ret = IVAL(b,0); if (ret == (int32)0xffffffff) return -1; return ret; } int64 read_longint(int f) { extern int remote_version; int64 ret; char b[8]; ret = read_int(f); if ((int32)ret != (int32)0xffffffff) { return ret; } #ifdef NO_INT64 rprintf(FERROR,"Integer overflow - attempted 64 bit offset\n"); exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED); #else if (remote_version >= 16) { readfd(f,b,8); ret = IVAL(b,0) | (((int64)IVAL(b,4))<<32); } #endif return ret; } void read_buf(int f,char *buf,size_t len) { readfd(f,buf,len); } void read_sbuf(int f,char *buf,size_t len) { read_buf(f,buf,len); buf[len] = 0; } unsigned char read_byte(int f) { unsigned char c; read_buf(f,(char *)&c,1); return c; } /* write len bytes to fd, possibly reading from buffer_f_in if set in order to unclog the pipe. don't return until all len bytes have been written */ static void writefd_unbuffered(int fd,char *buf,size_t len) { int total = 0; fd_set w_fds, r_fds; int fd_count, count; struct timeval tv; int reading=0; int blocked=0; no_flush++; while (total < len) { FD_ZERO(&w_fds); FD_ZERO(&r_fds); FD_SET(fd,&w_fds); fd_count = fd+1; if (!no_flush_read) { reading = (buffer_f_in != -1); } if (reading) { FD_SET(buffer_f_in,&r_fds); if (buffer_f_in > fd) fd_count = buffer_f_in+1; } tv.tv_sec = io_timeout?io_timeout:SELECT_TIMEOUT; tv.tv_usec = 0; count = select(fd_count, reading?&r_fds:NULL, &w_fds,NULL, &tv); if (count <= 0) { check_timeout(); continue; } if (reading && FD_ISSET(buffer_f_in, &r_fds)) { read_check(buffer_f_in); } if (FD_ISSET(fd, &w_fds)) { int n = (len-total)>>blocked; int ret = write(fd,buf+total,n?n:1); if (ret == -1 && errno == EINTR) { continue; } if (ret == -1 && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK)) { blocked++; continue; } if (ret <= 0) { rprintf(FERROR,"erroring writing %d bytes - exiting\n", len); exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO); } blocked = 0; total += ret; if (io_timeout) last_io = time(NULL); } } no_flush--; } static char *io_buffer; static int io_buffer_count; void io_start_buffering(int fd) { if (io_buffer) return; multiplex_out_fd = fd; io_buffer = (char *)malloc(IO_BUFFER_SIZE+4); if (!io_buffer) out_of_memory("writefd"); io_buffer_count = 0; /* leave room for the multiplex header in case it's needed */ io_buffer += 4; } void io_flush(void) { int fd = multiplex_out_fd; if (!io_buffer_count || no_flush) return; if (io_multiplexing_out) { SIVAL(io_buffer-4, 0, (MPLEX_BASE<<24) + io_buffer_count); writefd_unbuffered(fd, io_buffer-4, io_buffer_count+4); } else { writefd_unbuffered(fd, io_buffer, io_buffer_count); } io_buffer_count = 0; } void io_end_buffering(int fd) { io_flush(); if (!io_multiplexing_out) { free(io_buffer-4); io_buffer = NULL; } } static void writefd(int fd,char *buf,size_t len) { stats.total_written += len; if (!io_buffer) { writefd_unbuffered(fd, buf, len); return; } while (len) { int n = MIN(len, IO_BUFFER_SIZE-io_buffer_count); if (n > 0) { memcpy(io_buffer+io_buffer_count, buf, n); buf += n; len -= n; io_buffer_count += n; } if (io_buffer_count == IO_BUFFER_SIZE) io_flush(); } } void write_int(int f,int32 x) { char b[4]; SIVAL(b,0,x); writefd(f,b,4); } void write_longint(int f, int64 x) { extern int remote_version; char b[8]; if (remote_version < 16 || x <= 0x7FFFFFFF) { write_int(f, (int)x); return; } write_int(f, (int32)0xFFFFFFFF); SIVAL(b,0,(x&0xFFFFFFFF)); SIVAL(b,4,((x>>32)&0xFFFFFFFF)); writefd(f,b,8); } void write_buf(int f,char *buf,size_t len) { writefd(f,buf,len); } /* write a string to the connection */ static void write_sbuf(int f,char *buf) { write_buf(f, buf, strlen(buf)); } void write_byte(int f,unsigned char c) { write_buf(f,(char *)&c,1); } int read_line(int f, char *buf, size_t maxlen) { eof_error = 0; while (maxlen) { buf[0] = 0; read_buf(f, buf, 1); if (buf[0] == 0) return 0; if (buf[0] == '\n') { buf[0] = 0; break; } if (buf[0] != '\r') { buf++; maxlen--; } } if (maxlen == 0) { *buf = 0; return 0; } eof_error = 1; return 1; } void io_printf(int fd, const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; char buf[1024]; int len; va_start(ap, format); len = vslprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), format, ap); va_end(ap); if (len < 0) exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO); write_sbuf(fd, buf); } /* setup for multiplexing an error stream with the data stream */ void io_start_multiplex_out(int fd) { multiplex_out_fd = fd; io_flush(); io_start_buffering(fd); io_multiplexing_out = 1; } /* setup for multiplexing an error stream with the data stream */ void io_start_multiplex_in(int fd) { multiplex_in_fd = fd; io_flush(); if (read_buffer_len) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: data in read buffer at mplx start\n"); exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO); } io_multiplexing_in = 1; } /* write an message to the error stream */ int io_multiplex_write(int f, char *buf, size_t len) { if (!io_multiplexing_out) return 0; io_flush(); SIVAL(io_buffer-4, 0, ((MPLEX_BASE + f)<<24) + len); memcpy(io_buffer, buf, len); stats.total_written += (len+4); writefd_unbuffered(multiplex_out_fd, io_buffer-4, len+4); return 1; } void io_close_input(int fd) { buffer_f_in = -1; }