/* -*- Mode: c; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * raptor_xml_writer.c - Raptor XML Writer for SAX2 events API * * Copyright (C) 2003-2006, David Beckett http://purl.org/net/dajobe/ * Copyright (C) 2003-2005, University of Bristol, UK http://www.bristol.ac.uk/ * * This package is Free Software and part of Redland http://librdf.org/ * * It is licensed under the following three licenses as alternatives: * 1. GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) V2.1 or any newer version * 2. GNU General Public License (GPL) V2 or any newer version * 3. Apache License, V2.0 or any newer version * * You may not use this file except in compliance with at least one of * the above three licenses. * * See LICENSE.html or LICENSE.txt at the top of this package for the * complete terms and further detail along with the license texts for * the licenses in COPYING.LIB, COPYING and LICENSE-2.0.txt respectively. * * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_ERRNO_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H #include #endif /* Raptor includes */ #include "raptor.h" #include "raptor_internal.h" #ifndef STANDALONE typedef enum { XML_WRITER_AUTO_INDENT = 1, XML_WRITER_AUTO_EMPTY = 2 } raptor_xml_writer_flags; #define XML_WRITER_AUTO_INDENT(xml_writer) ((xml_writer->flags & XML_WRITER_AUTO_INDENT) != 0) #define XML_WRITER_AUTO_EMPTY(xml_writer) ((xml_writer->flags & XML_WRITER_AUTO_EMPTY) != 0) #define XML_WRITER_FLUSH_CLOSE_BRACKET(xml_writer) \ if ((xml_writer->flags & XML_WRITER_AUTO_EMPTY) && \ xml_writer->current_element && \ !(xml_writer->current_element->content_cdata_seen || \ xml_writer->current_element->content_element_seen)) { \ raptor_iostream_write_byte(xml_writer->iostr, '>'); \ } /* Define this for far too much output */ #undef RAPTOR_DEBUG_CDATA struct raptor_xml_writer_s { int canonicalize; int depth; int my_nstack; raptor_namespace_stack *nstack; int nstack_depth; raptor_uri_handler *uri_handler; void *uri_context; raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler; void *error_data; raptor_xml_element* current_element; /* outputting to this iostream */ raptor_iostream *iostr; /* XML Writer flags - bits defined in enum raptor_xml_writer_flags */ int flags; /* indentation per level if formatting */ int indent; /* XML 1.0 (10) or XML 1.1 (11) */ int xml_version; /* Write XML 1.0 or 1.1 declaration (default 1) */ int xml_declaration; /* Has writing the XML declaration writing been checked? */ int xml_declaration_checked; }; #define SPACES_BUFFER_SIZE 16 static unsigned char spaces_buffer[SPACES_BUFFER_SIZE]; static int spaces_inited = 0; /* helper functions */ static int raptor_xml_writer_indent(raptor_xml_writer *xml_writer) { int num_spaces; if (!spaces_inited) { int i; for (i = 0; i < SPACES_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) spaces_buffer[i] = ' '; spaces_inited = 1; } num_spaces = xml_writer->depth * xml_writer->indent; /* Do not write an extra newline at the start of the document * (after the XML declaration or XMP processing instruction has * been writtten) */ if(xml_writer->xml_declaration_checked == 1) xml_writer->xml_declaration_checked++; else raptor_iostream_write_byte(xml_writer->iostr, '\n'); while (num_spaces > 0) { int count = (num_spaces > SPACES_BUFFER_SIZE) ? SPACES_BUFFER_SIZE : num_spaces; raptor_iostream_write_counted_string(xml_writer->iostr, spaces_buffer, count); num_spaces -= count; } if(xml_writer->current_element) xml_writer->current_element->content_cdata_seen=1; return 0; } struct nsd { const raptor_namespace *nspace; unsigned char *declaration; size_t length; }; /* * FIXME: This is duplicate code taken from raptor_sax2.c: * struct nsd * raptor_xml_writer_nsd_compare (from raptor_nsd_compare) */ static int raptor_xml_writer_nsd_compare(const void *a, const void *b) { struct nsd* nsd_a=(struct nsd*)a; struct nsd* nsd_b=(struct nsd*)b; return strcmp((const char*)nsd_a->declaration, (const char*)nsd_b->declaration); } static int raptor_iostream_write_xml_element_start(raptor_iostream* iostr, raptor_xml_element *element, raptor_namespace_stack *nstack, raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void *error_data, int auto_empty, int depth, int xml_version) { struct nsd *nspace_declarations=NULL; size_t nspace_declarations_count=0; unsigned int i; /* max is 1 per element and 1 for each attribute + size of declared */ if(nstack) { int nspace_max_count=element->attribute_count+1; if(element->declared_nspaces) nspace_max_count += raptor_sequence_size(element->declared_nspaces); nspace_declarations=(struct nsd*)RAPTOR_CALLOC(nsdarray, nspace_max_count, sizeof(struct nsd)); if(!nspace_declarations) return 1; } if(element->name->nspace) { if(nstack && !raptor_namespaces_namespace_in_scope(nstack, element->name->nspace)) { nspace_declarations[0].declaration= raptor_namespaces_format(element->name->nspace, &nspace_declarations[0].length); if(!nspace_declarations[0].declaration) goto error; nspace_declarations[0].nspace=element->name->nspace; nspace_declarations_count++; } } if (element->attributes) { for(i=0; i < element->attribute_count; i++) { /* qname */ if(element->attributes[i]->nspace) { if(nstack && !raptor_namespaces_namespace_in_scope(nstack, element->attributes[i]->nspace) && element->attributes[i]->nspace != element->name->nspace) { /* not in scope and not same as element (so already going to be declared)*/ unsigned int j; int declare_me=1; /* check it wasn't an earlier declaration too */ for (j=0; j < nspace_declarations_count; j++) if(nspace_declarations[j].nspace == element->attributes[j]->nspace) { declare_me=0; break; } if(declare_me) { nspace_declarations[nspace_declarations_count].declaration= raptor_namespaces_format(element->attributes[i]->nspace, &nspace_declarations[nspace_declarations_count].length); if(!nspace_declarations[nspace_declarations_count].declaration) goto error; nspace_declarations[nspace_declarations_count].nspace=element->attributes[i]->nspace; nspace_declarations_count++; } } } } } if(nstack && element->declared_nspaces && raptor_sequence_size(element->declared_nspaces) > 0) { for(i=0; i< (unsigned int)raptor_sequence_size(element->declared_nspaces); i++) { raptor_namespace* nspace=(raptor_namespace*)raptor_sequence_get_at(element->declared_nspaces, i); unsigned int j; int declare_me=1; /* check it wasn't an earlier declaration too */ for (j=0; j < nspace_declarations_count; j++) if(nspace_declarations[j].nspace == nspace) { declare_me=0; break; } if(declare_me) { nspace_declarations[nspace_declarations_count].declaration= raptor_namespaces_format(nspace, &nspace_declarations[nspace_declarations_count].length); if(!nspace_declarations[nspace_declarations_count].declaration) goto error; nspace_declarations[nspace_declarations_count].nspace=nspace; nspace_declarations_count++; } } } raptor_iostream_write_byte(iostr, '<'); if(element->name->nspace && element->name->nspace->prefix_length > 0) { raptor_iostream_write_counted_string(iostr, (const char*)element->name->nspace->prefix, element->name->nspace->prefix_length); raptor_iostream_write_byte(iostr, ':'); } raptor_iostream_write_counted_string(iostr, (const char*)element->name->local_name, element->name->local_name_length); /* declare namespaces */ if(nspace_declarations_count) { /* sort them into the canonical order */ qsort((void*)nspace_declarations, nspace_declarations_count, sizeof(struct nsd), raptor_xml_writer_nsd_compare); /* add them */ for (i=0; i < nspace_declarations_count; i++) { raptor_iostream_write_byte(iostr, ' '); raptor_iostream_write_counted_string(iostr, (const char*)nspace_declarations[i].declaration, nspace_declarations[i].length); RAPTOR_FREE(cstring, nspace_declarations[i].declaration); nspace_declarations[i].declaration=NULL; if(raptor_namespace_copy(nstack, (raptor_namespace*)nspace_declarations[i].nspace, depth)) goto error; } } if(element->attributes) { for(i=0; i < element->attribute_count; i++) { raptor_iostream_write_byte(iostr, ' '); if(element->attributes[i]->nspace && element->attributes[i]->nspace->prefix_length > 0) { raptor_iostream_write_counted_string(iostr, (char*)element->attributes[i]->nspace->prefix, element->attributes[i]->nspace->prefix_length); raptor_iostream_write_byte(iostr, ':'); } raptor_iostream_write_counted_string(iostr, (const char*)element->attributes[i]->local_name, element->attributes[i]->local_name_length); raptor_iostream_write_counted_string(iostr, "=\"", 2); raptor_iostream_write_xml_any_escaped_string(iostr, element->attributes[i]->value, element->attributes[i]->value_length, '"', xml_version, error_handler, error_data); raptor_iostream_write_byte(iostr, '"'); } } if (!auto_empty) raptor_iostream_write_byte(iostr, '>'); if(nstack) RAPTOR_FREE(stringarray, nspace_declarations); return 0; /* Clean up nspace_declarations on error */ error: for (i=0; i < nspace_declarations_count; i++) { if(nspace_declarations[i].declaration) RAPTOR_FREE(cstring, nspace_declarations[i].declaration); } if(nspace_declarations) RAPTOR_FREE(stringarray, nspace_declarations); return 1; } static int raptor_iostream_write_xml_element_end(raptor_iostream* iostr, raptor_xml_element *element, int is_empty) { if (is_empty) raptor_iostream_write_byte(iostr, '/'); else { raptor_iostream_write_byte(iostr, '<'); raptor_iostream_write_byte(iostr, '/'); if(element->name->nspace && element->name->nspace->prefix_length > 0) { raptor_iostream_write_counted_string(iostr, (const char*)element->name->nspace->prefix, element->name->nspace->prefix_length); raptor_iostream_write_byte(iostr, ':'); } raptor_iostream_write_counted_string(iostr, (const char*)element->name->local_name, element->name->local_name_length); } raptor_iostream_write_byte(iostr, '>'); return 0; } /** * raptor_new_xml_writer: * @nstack: Namespace stack for the writer to start with (or NULL) * @uri_handler: URI handler function * @uri_context: URI handler context data * @iostr: I/O stream to write to * @error_handler: error handler function * @error_data: error handler data * @canonicalize: unused * * Constructor - Create a new XML Writer writing XML to a raptor_iostream * * Return value: a new #raptor_xml_writer object or NULL on failure **/ raptor_xml_writer* raptor_new_xml_writer(raptor_namespace_stack *nstack, raptor_uri_handler *uri_handler, void *uri_context, raptor_iostream* iostr, raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void *error_data, int canonicalize) { raptor_xml_writer* xml_writer; xml_writer=(raptor_xml_writer*)RAPTOR_CALLOC(raptor_xml_writer, 1, sizeof(raptor_xml_writer)+1); if(!xml_writer) return NULL; xml_writer->nstack_depth=0; xml_writer->uri_handler=uri_handler; xml_writer->uri_context=uri_context; xml_writer->error_handler=error_handler; xml_writer->error_data=error_data; xml_writer->nstack=nstack; if(!xml_writer->nstack) { xml_writer->nstack=nstack=raptor_new_namespaces(uri_handler, uri_context, error_handler, error_data, 1); xml_writer->my_nstack=1; } xml_writer->iostr=iostr; xml_writer->flags = 0; xml_writer->indent = 2; xml_writer->xml_version = 10; /* Write XML declaration */ xml_writer->xml_declaration=1; return xml_writer; } /** * raptor_free_xml_writer: * @xml_writer: XML writer object * * Destructor - Free XML Writer * **/ void raptor_free_xml_writer(raptor_xml_writer* xml_writer) { if(xml_writer->nstack && xml_writer->my_nstack) raptor_free_namespaces(xml_writer->nstack); RAPTOR_FREE(raptor_xml_writer, xml_writer); } static void raptor_xml_writer_write_xml_declaration(raptor_xml_writer* xml_writer) { if(!xml_writer->xml_declaration_checked) { /* check that it should be written once only */ xml_writer->xml_declaration_checked=1; if(xml_writer->xml_declaration) { raptor_iostream_write_string(xml_writer->iostr, (const unsigned char*)"iostr, (xml_writer->xml_version == 10) ? (const unsigned char*)"1.0" : (const unsigned char*)"1.1", 3); raptor_iostream_write_string(xml_writer->iostr, (const unsigned char*)"\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n"); } } } /** * raptor_xml_writer_empty_element: * @xml_writer: XML writer object * @element: XML element object * * Write an empty XML element to the XML writer. * * Closes any previous empty element if XML writer feature AUTO_EMPTY * is enabled. **/ void raptor_xml_writer_empty_element(raptor_xml_writer* xml_writer, raptor_xml_element *element) { raptor_xml_writer_write_xml_declaration(xml_writer); XML_WRITER_FLUSH_CLOSE_BRACKET(xml_writer); raptor_iostream_write_xml_element_start(xml_writer->iostr, element, xml_writer->nstack, xml_writer->error_handler, xml_writer->error_data, 1, xml_writer->depth, xml_writer->xml_version); raptor_iostream_write_xml_element_end(xml_writer->iostr, element, 1); raptor_namespaces_end_for_depth(xml_writer->nstack, xml_writer->depth); } /** * raptor_xml_writer_start_element: * @xml_writer: XML writer object * @element: XML element object * * Write a start XML element to the XML writer. * * Closes any previous empty element if XML writer feature AUTO_EMPTY * is enabled. * * Indents the start element if XML writer feature AUTO_INDENT is enabled. **/ void raptor_xml_writer_start_element(raptor_xml_writer* xml_writer, raptor_xml_element *element) { raptor_xml_writer_write_xml_declaration(xml_writer); XML_WRITER_FLUSH_CLOSE_BRACKET(xml_writer); if(XML_WRITER_AUTO_INDENT(xml_writer)) raptor_xml_writer_indent(xml_writer); raptor_iostream_write_xml_element_start(xml_writer->iostr, element, xml_writer->nstack, xml_writer->error_handler, xml_writer->error_data, XML_WRITER_AUTO_EMPTY(xml_writer), xml_writer->depth, xml_writer->xml_version); xml_writer->depth++; /* SJS Note: This "if" clause is necessary because raptor_rdfxml.c * uses xml_writer for parseType="literal" and passes in elements * whose parent field is already set. The first time this function * is called, it sets element->parent to 0, causing the warn-07.rdf * test to fail. Subsequent calls to this function set * element->parent to its existing value. */ if (xml_writer->current_element) element->parent = xml_writer->current_element; xml_writer->current_element=element; if(element && element->parent) element->parent->content_element_seen=1; } /** * raptor_xml_writer_end_element: * @xml_writer: XML writer object * @element: XML element object * * Write an end XML element to the XML writer. * * Indents the end element if XML writer feature AUTO_INDENT is enabled. **/ void raptor_xml_writer_end_element(raptor_xml_writer* xml_writer, raptor_xml_element* element) { int is_empty; xml_writer->depth--; if (XML_WRITER_AUTO_INDENT(xml_writer) && element->content_element_seen) raptor_xml_writer_indent(xml_writer); is_empty = XML_WRITER_AUTO_EMPTY(xml_writer) ? !(element->content_cdata_seen || element->content_element_seen) : 0; raptor_iostream_write_xml_element_end(xml_writer->iostr, element, is_empty); raptor_namespaces_end_for_depth(xml_writer->nstack, xml_writer->depth); if(xml_writer->current_element) xml_writer->current_element = xml_writer->current_element->parent; } /** * raptor_xml_writer_cdata: * @xml_writer: XML writer object * @s: string to XML escape and write * * Write CDATA XML-escaped to the XML writer. * * Closes any previous empty element if XML writer feature AUTO_EMPTY * is enabled. * **/ void raptor_xml_writer_cdata(raptor_xml_writer* xml_writer, const unsigned char *s) { raptor_xml_writer_write_xml_declaration(xml_writer); XML_WRITER_FLUSH_CLOSE_BRACKET(xml_writer); raptor_iostream_write_xml_any_escaped_string(xml_writer->iostr, s, strlen((const char*)s), '\0', xml_writer->xml_version, xml_writer->error_handler, xml_writer->error_data); if(xml_writer->current_element) xml_writer->current_element->content_cdata_seen=1; } /** * raptor_xml_writer_cdata_counted: * @xml_writer: XML writer object * @s: string to XML escape and write * @len: length of string * * Write counted CDATA XML-escaped to the XML writer. * * Closes any previous empty element if XML writer feature AUTO_EMPTY * is enabled. * **/ void raptor_xml_writer_cdata_counted(raptor_xml_writer* xml_writer, const unsigned char *s, unsigned int len) { raptor_xml_writer_write_xml_declaration(xml_writer); XML_WRITER_FLUSH_CLOSE_BRACKET(xml_writer); raptor_iostream_write_xml_any_escaped_string(xml_writer->iostr, s, len, '\0', xml_writer->xml_version, xml_writer->error_handler, xml_writer->error_data); if(xml_writer->current_element) xml_writer->current_element->content_cdata_seen=1; } /** * raptor_xml_writer_raw: * @xml_writer: XML writer object * @s: string to write * * Write a string raw to the XML writer. * * Closes any previous empty element if XML writer feature AUTO_EMPTY * is enabled. * **/ void raptor_xml_writer_raw(raptor_xml_writer* xml_writer, const unsigned char *s) { raptor_xml_writer_write_xml_declaration(xml_writer); XML_WRITER_FLUSH_CLOSE_BRACKET(xml_writer); raptor_iostream_write_string(xml_writer->iostr, s); if(xml_writer->current_element) xml_writer->current_element->content_cdata_seen=1; } /** * raptor_xml_writer_raw_counted: * @xml_writer: XML writer object * @s: string to write * @len: length of string * * Write a counted string raw to the XML writer. * * Closes any previous empty element if XML writer feature AUTO_EMPTY * is enabled. * **/ void raptor_xml_writer_raw_counted(raptor_xml_writer* xml_writer, const unsigned char *s, unsigned int len) { raptor_xml_writer_write_xml_declaration(xml_writer); XML_WRITER_FLUSH_CLOSE_BRACKET(xml_writer); raptor_iostream_write_counted_string(xml_writer->iostr, s, len); if(xml_writer->current_element) xml_writer->current_element->content_cdata_seen=1; } /** * raptor_xml_writer_comment: * @xml_writer: XML writer object * @s: comment string to write * * Write an XML comment to the XML writer. * * Closes any previous empty element if XML writer feature AUTO_EMPTY * is enabled. * **/ void raptor_xml_writer_comment(raptor_xml_writer* xml_writer, const unsigned char *s) { XML_WRITER_FLUSH_CLOSE_BRACKET(xml_writer); raptor_xml_writer_raw_counted(xml_writer, (const unsigned char*)"", 4); } /** * raptor_xml_writer_comment_counted: * @xml_writer: XML writer object * @s: comment string to write * @len: length of string * * Write a counted XML comment to the XML writer. * * Closes any previous empty element if XML writer feature AUTO_EMPTY * is enabled. * **/ void raptor_xml_writer_comment_counted(raptor_xml_writer* xml_writer, const unsigned char *s, unsigned int len) { XML_WRITER_FLUSH_CLOSE_BRACKET(xml_writer); raptor_xml_writer_raw_counted(xml_writer, (const unsigned char*)"", 4); } /** * raptor_xml_writer_features_enumerate: * @feature: feature enumeration (0+) * @name: pointer to store feature short name (or NULL) * @uri: pointer to store feature URI (or NULL) * @label: pointer to feature label (or NULL) * * Get list of xml_writer features. * * If uri is not NULL, a pointer to a new raptor_uri is returned * that must be freed by the caller with raptor_free_uri(). * * Return value: 0 on success, <0 on failure, >0 if feature is unknown **/ int raptor_xml_writer_features_enumerate(const raptor_feature feature, const char **name, raptor_uri **uri, const char **label) { return raptor_features_enumerate_common(feature, name, uri, label, 8); } /** * raptor_xml_writer_set_feature: * @xml_writer: #raptor_xml_writer xml_writer object * @feature: feature to set from enumerated #raptor_feature values * @value: integer feature value (0 or larger) * * Set xml_writer features with integer values. * * The allowed features are available via raptor_features_enumerate(). * * Return value: non 0 on failure or if the feature is unknown **/ int raptor_xml_writer_set_feature(raptor_xml_writer *xml_writer, raptor_feature feature, int value) { if(value < 0) return -1; switch(feature) { case RAPTOR_FEATURE_WRITER_AUTO_INDENT: if (value) xml_writer->flags |= XML_WRITER_AUTO_INDENT; else xml_writer->flags &= ~XML_WRITER_AUTO_INDENT; break; case RAPTOR_FEATURE_WRITER_AUTO_EMPTY: if (value) xml_writer->flags |= XML_WRITER_AUTO_EMPTY; else xml_writer->flags &= ~XML_WRITER_AUTO_EMPTY; break; case RAPTOR_FEATURE_WRITER_INDENT_WIDTH: xml_writer->indent = value; break; case RAPTOR_FEATURE_WRITER_XML_VERSION: if(value == 10 || value == 11) xml_writer->xml_version = value; break; case RAPTOR_FEATURE_WRITER_XML_DECLARATION: xml_writer->xml_declaration = value; break; /* parser features */ case RAPTOR_FEATURE_SCANNING: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_ASSUME_IS_RDF: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_ALLOW_NON_NS_ATTRIBUTES: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_ALLOW_OTHER_PARSETYPES: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_ALLOW_BAGID: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_ALLOW_RDF_TYPE_RDF_LIST: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_NORMALIZE_LANGUAGE: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_NON_NFC_FATAL: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_WARN_OTHER_PARSETYPES: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_CHECK_RDF_ID: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_HTML_TAG_SOUP: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_MICROFORMATS: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_HTML_LINK: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_WWW_TIMEOUT: /* Shared */ case RAPTOR_FEATURE_NO_NET: /* XML writer features */ case RAPTOR_FEATURE_RELATIVE_URIS: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_START_URI: /* DOT serializer features */ case RAPTOR_FEATURE_RESOURCE_BORDER: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_LITERAL_BORDER: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_BNODE_BORDER: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_RESOURCE_FILL: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_LITERAL_FILL: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_BNODE_FILL: default: return -1; break; } return 0; } /** * raptor_xml_writer_set_feature_string: * @xml_writer: #raptor_xml_writer xml_writer object * @feature: feature to set from enumerated #raptor_feature values * @value: feature value * * Set xml_writer features with string values. * * The allowed features are available via raptor_xml_writer_features_enumerate(). * If the feature type is integer, the value is interpreted as an integer. * * Return value: non 0 on failure or if the feature is unknown **/ int raptor_xml_writer_set_feature_string(raptor_xml_writer *xml_writer, raptor_feature feature, const unsigned char *value) { int value_is_string=(raptor_feature_value_type(feature) == 1); if(!value_is_string) return raptor_xml_writer_set_feature(xml_writer, feature, atoi((const char*)value)); else return -1; } /** * raptor_xml_writer_get_feature: * @xml_writer: #raptor_xml_writer serializer object * @feature: feature to get value * * Get various xml_writer features. * * The allowed features are available via raptor_features_enumerate(). * * Note: no feature value is negative * * Return value: feature value or < 0 for an illegal feature **/ int raptor_xml_writer_get_feature(raptor_xml_writer *xml_writer, raptor_feature feature) { int result= -1; switch(feature) { case RAPTOR_FEATURE_WRITER_AUTO_INDENT: result=XML_WRITER_AUTO_INDENT(xml_writer); break; case RAPTOR_FEATURE_WRITER_AUTO_EMPTY: result=XML_WRITER_AUTO_EMPTY(xml_writer); break; case RAPTOR_FEATURE_WRITER_INDENT_WIDTH: result=xml_writer->indent; break; case RAPTOR_FEATURE_WRITER_XML_VERSION: result=xml_writer->xml_version; break; case RAPTOR_FEATURE_WRITER_XML_DECLARATION: result=xml_writer->xml_declaration; break; /* parser features */ case RAPTOR_FEATURE_SCANNING: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_ASSUME_IS_RDF: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_ALLOW_NON_NS_ATTRIBUTES: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_ALLOW_OTHER_PARSETYPES: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_ALLOW_BAGID: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_ALLOW_RDF_TYPE_RDF_LIST: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_NORMALIZE_LANGUAGE: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_NON_NFC_FATAL: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_WARN_OTHER_PARSETYPES: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_CHECK_RDF_ID: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_HTML_TAG_SOUP: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_MICROFORMATS: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_HTML_LINK: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_WWW_TIMEOUT: /* Shared */ case RAPTOR_FEATURE_NO_NET: /* XML writer features */ case RAPTOR_FEATURE_RELATIVE_URIS: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_START_URI: /* DOT serializer features */ case RAPTOR_FEATURE_RESOURCE_BORDER: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_LITERAL_BORDER: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_BNODE_BORDER: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_RESOURCE_FILL: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_LITERAL_FILL: case RAPTOR_FEATURE_BNODE_FILL: default: break; } return result; } /** * raptor_xml_writer_get_feature_string: * @xml_writer: #raptor_xml_writer serializer object * @feature: feature to get value * * Get xml_writer features with string values. * * The allowed features are available via raptor_features_enumerate(). * * Return value: feature value or NULL for an illegal feature or no value **/ const unsigned char * raptor_xml_writer_get_feature_string(raptor_xml_writer *xml_writer, raptor_feature feature) { return NULL; } #endif #ifdef STANDALONE /* one more prototype */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]); const unsigned char *base_uri_string=(const unsigned char*)"http://example.org/base#"; #define OUT_BYTES_COUNT 135 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *program=raptor_basename(argv[0]); raptor_uri_handler *uri_handler; void *uri_context; raptor_iostream *iostr; raptor_namespace_stack *nstack; raptor_namespace* foo_ns; raptor_xml_writer* xml_writer; raptor_uri* base_uri; raptor_qname* el_name; raptor_xml_element *element; size_t count; raptor_qname **attrs; raptor_uri* base_uri_copy=NULL; /* for raptor_new_iostream_to_string */ void *string=NULL; size_t string_len=0; raptor_init(); iostr=raptor_new_iostream_to_string(&string, &string_len, NULL); if(!iostr) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to create iostream to string\n", program); exit(1); } raptor_uri_get_handler(&uri_handler, &uri_context); nstack=raptor_new_namespaces(uri_handler, uri_context, NULL, NULL, /* errors */ 1); xml_writer=raptor_new_xml_writer(nstack, uri_handler, uri_context, iostr, NULL, NULL, /* errors */ 1); if(!xml_writer) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to create xml_writer to iostream\n", program); exit(1); } base_uri=raptor_new_uri(base_uri_string); foo_ns=raptor_new_namespace(nstack, (const unsigned char*)"foo", (const unsigned char*)"http://example.org/foo-ns#", 0); el_name=raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_local_name(foo_ns, (const unsigned char*)"bar", NULL); base_uri_copy=base_uri ? raptor_uri_copy(base_uri) : NULL; element=raptor_new_xml_element(el_name, NULL, /* language */ base_uri_copy); raptor_xml_writer_start_element(xml_writer, element); raptor_xml_writer_cdata_counted(xml_writer, (const unsigned char*)"hello\n", 6); raptor_xml_writer_comment_counted(xml_writer, (const unsigned char*)"comment", 7); raptor_xml_writer_cdata(xml_writer, (const unsigned char*)"\n"); raptor_xml_writer_end_element(xml_writer, element); raptor_free_xml_element(element); raptor_xml_writer_cdata(xml_writer, (const unsigned char*)"\n"); el_name=raptor_new_qname(nstack, (const unsigned char*)"blah", NULL, /* no attribute value - element */ NULL, NULL); /* errors */ base_uri_copy=base_uri ? raptor_uri_copy(base_uri) : NULL; element=raptor_new_xml_element(el_name, NULL, /* language */ base_uri_copy); attrs=(raptor_qname **)RAPTOR_CALLOC(qnamearray, 1, sizeof(raptor_qname*)); attrs[0]=raptor_new_qname(nstack, (const unsigned char*)"a", (const unsigned char*)"b", /* attribute value */ NULL, NULL); /* errors */ raptor_xml_element_set_attributes(element, attrs, 1); raptor_xml_writer_empty_element(xml_writer, element); raptor_xml_writer_cdata(xml_writer, (const unsigned char*)"\n"); raptor_free_xml_writer(xml_writer); raptor_free_xml_element(element); raptor_free_namespace(foo_ns); raptor_free_namespaces(nstack); raptor_free_uri(base_uri); count=raptor_iostream_get_bytes_written_count(iostr); #if RAPTOR_DEBUG > 1 fprintf(stderr, "%s: Freeing iostream\n", program); #endif raptor_free_iostream(iostr); if(count != OUT_BYTES_COUNT) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: I/O stream wrote %d bytes, expected %d\n", program, (int)count, (int)OUT_BYTES_COUNT); fputs("[[", stderr); (void)fwrite(string, 1, string_len, stderr); fputs("]]\n", stderr); return 1; } if(!string) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: I/O stream failed to create a string\n", program); return 1; } string_len=strlen((const char*)string); if(string_len != count) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: I/O stream created a string length %d, expected %d\n", program, (int)string_len, (int)count); return 1; } #if RAPTOR_DEBUG > 1 fprintf(stderr, "%s: Made XML string of %d bytes\n", program, (int)string_len); fputs("[[", stderr); (void)fwrite(string, 1, string_len, stderr); fputs("]]\n", stderr); #endif raptor_free_memory(string); raptor_finish(); /* keep gcc -Wall happy */ return(0); } #endif