/* -*- Mode: c; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * raptor_stringbuffer.c - Stringbuffer class for growing strings * * Copyright (C) 2003-2006, David Beckett http://purl.org/net/dajobe/ * Copyright (C) 2003-2004, University of Bristol, UK http://www.bristol.ac.uk/ * * This package is Free Software and part of Redland http://librdf.org/ * * It is licensed under the following three licenses as alternatives: * 1. GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) V2.1 or any newer version * 2. GNU General Public License (GPL) V2 or any newer version * 3. Apache License, V2.0 or any newer version * * You may not use this file except in compliance with at least one of * the above three licenses. * * See LICENSE.html or LICENSE.txt at the top of this package for the * complete terms and further detail along with the license texts for * the licenses in COPYING.LIB, COPYING and LICENSE-2.0.txt respectively. * * * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H #include /* for abort() as used in errors */ #endif /* Raptor includes */ #include "raptor.h" #include "raptor_internal.h" #ifndef STANDALONE struct raptor_stringbuffer_node_s { struct raptor_stringbuffer_node_s* next; unsigned char *string; size_t length; }; typedef struct raptor_stringbuffer_node_s raptor_stringbuffer_node; struct raptor_stringbuffer_s { /* Pointing to the first item in the list of nodes */ raptor_stringbuffer_node* head; /* and the last */ raptor_stringbuffer_node* tail; /* total length of the string */ size_t length; /* frozen string if already calculated, or NULL if not present */ unsigned char *string; }; /* prototypes for local functions */ static int raptor_stringbuffer_append_string_common(raptor_stringbuffer* stringbuffer, const unsigned char *string, size_t length, int do_copy); /* functions implementing the stringbuffer api */ /** * raptor_new_stringbuffer: * * Create a new stringbuffer. * * Return value: non 0 on failure **/ raptor_stringbuffer* raptor_new_stringbuffer(void) { raptor_stringbuffer* sb=(raptor_stringbuffer*)RAPTOR_CALLOC(raptor_stringbuffer, 1, sizeof(raptor_stringbuffer)); if(!sb) return NULL; return sb; } /** * raptor_free_stringbuffer: * @stringbuffer: stringbuffer object to destroy. * * Destroy a stringbuffer. * **/ void raptor_free_stringbuffer(raptor_stringbuffer *stringbuffer) { if(stringbuffer->head) { raptor_stringbuffer_node *node=stringbuffer->head; while(node) { raptor_stringbuffer_node *next=node->next; if(node->string) RAPTOR_FREE(cstring, node->string); RAPTOR_FREE(raptor_stringbuffer_node, node); node=next; } } if(stringbuffer->string) RAPTOR_FREE(cstring, stringbuffer->string); RAPTOR_FREE(raptor_stringbuffer, stringbuffer); } /** * raptor_stringbuffer_append_string_common: * @stringbuffer: raptor stringbuffer * @string: string * @length: length of string * @do_copy: non-0 to copy the string * * Add a string to the stringbuffer. * * INTERNAL * * If @string is NULL or @length is 0, no work is performed. * * If @do_copy is non-0, the passed-in string is copied into new memory * otherwise the stringbuffer becomes the owner of the string pointer * and will free it when the stringbuffer is destroyed. * * Return value: non-0 on failure **/ static int raptor_stringbuffer_append_string_common(raptor_stringbuffer* stringbuffer, const unsigned char *string, size_t length, int do_copy) { raptor_stringbuffer_node *node; if(!string || !length) return 0; node=(raptor_stringbuffer_node*)RAPTOR_MALLOC(raptor_stringbuffer_node, sizeof(raptor_stringbuffer_node)); if(!node) return 1; if(do_copy) { /* Note this copy does not include the \0 character - not needed */ node->string=(unsigned char*)RAPTOR_MALLOC(bytes, length); if(!node->string) { RAPTOR_FREE(raptor_stringbuffer_node, node); return 1; } strncpy((char*)node->string, (const char*)string, length); } else node->string=(unsigned char*)string; node->length=length; if(stringbuffer->tail) { stringbuffer->tail->next=node; stringbuffer->tail=node; } else stringbuffer->head=stringbuffer->tail=node; node->next=NULL; if(stringbuffer->string) { RAPTOR_FREE(cstring, stringbuffer->string); stringbuffer->string=NULL; } stringbuffer->length += length; return 0; } /** * raptor_stringbuffer_append_counted_string: * @stringbuffer: raptor stringbuffer * @string: string * @length: length of string * @do_copy: non-0 to copy the string * * If @string is NULL or @length is 0, no work is performed. * * If @do_copy is non-0, the passed-in string is copied into new memory * otherwise the stringbuffer becomes the owner of the string pointer * and will free it when the stringbuffer is destroyed. * * Add a string to the stringbuffer. * * Return value: non-0 on failure **/ int raptor_stringbuffer_append_counted_string(raptor_stringbuffer* stringbuffer, const unsigned char *string, size_t length, int do_copy) { if(!string || !length) return 0; return raptor_stringbuffer_append_string_common(stringbuffer, string, length, do_copy); } /** * raptor_stringbuffer_append_string: * @stringbuffer: raptor stringbuffer * @string: string * @do_copy: non-0 to copy the string * * Add a string to the stringbuffer. * * If @string is NULL, no work is performed. * * If @do_copy is non-0, the passed-in string is copied into new memory * otherwise the stringbuffer becomes the owner of the string pointer * and will free it when the stringbuffer is destroyed. * * Return value: non-0 on failure **/ int raptor_stringbuffer_append_string(raptor_stringbuffer* stringbuffer, const unsigned char *string, int do_copy) { if(!string) return 0; return raptor_stringbuffer_append_string_common(stringbuffer, string, strlen((const char*)string), do_copy); } /** * raptor_stringbuffer_append_decimal: * @stringbuffer: raptor stringbuffer * @integer: integer to format as decimal and add * * Add an integer in decimal to the stringbuffer. * * Return value: non-0 on failure **/ int raptor_stringbuffer_append_decimal(raptor_stringbuffer* stringbuffer, int integer) { /* enough for 64 bit signed integer * INT64_MAX is 9223372036854775807 (19 digits) + 1 for sign */ unsigned char buf[20]; unsigned char *p; int i=integer; size_t length=1; if(integer<0) { length++; i= -integer; } while(i/=10) length++; p=buf+length-1; i=integer; if(i<0) i= -i; do { *p-- ='0'+(i %10); i /= 10; } while(i); if(integer<0) *p= '-'; return raptor_stringbuffer_append_counted_string(stringbuffer, buf, length, 1); } /** * raptor_stringbuffer_append_stringbuffer: * @stringbuffer: #raptor_stringbuffer * @append: #raptor_stringbuffer to append * * Add a stringbuffer to the stringbuffer. * * This function removes the content from the appending stringbuffer, * making it empty and appends it to the supplied stringbuffer. * * Return value: non-0 on failure **/ int raptor_stringbuffer_append_stringbuffer(raptor_stringbuffer* stringbuffer, raptor_stringbuffer* append) { raptor_stringbuffer_node *node=append->head; if(!node) return 0; /* move all append nodes to stringbuffer */ if(stringbuffer->tail) { stringbuffer->tail->next=node; } else stringbuffer->head=node; stringbuffer->tail=append->tail; /* adjust our length */ stringbuffer->length += append->length; if(stringbuffer->string) { RAPTOR_FREE(cstring, stringbuffer->string); stringbuffer->string=NULL; } /* zap append content */ append->head=append->tail=NULL; append->length=0; if(append->string) { RAPTOR_FREE(cstring, append->string); append->string=NULL; } return 0; } /** * raptor_stringbuffer_prepend_string_common: * @stringbuffer: raptor stringbuffer * @string: string * @length: length of string * @do_copy: non-0 to copy the string * * Add a string to the start of a stringbuffer. * * INTERNAL * * If do_copy is non-0, the passed-in string is copied into new memory * otherwise the stringbuffer becomes the owner of the string pointer * and will free it when the stringbuffer is destroyed. * * Return value: non-0 on failure **/ static int raptor_stringbuffer_prepend_string_common(raptor_stringbuffer* stringbuffer, const unsigned char *string, size_t length, int do_copy) { raptor_stringbuffer_node *node; node=(raptor_stringbuffer_node*)RAPTOR_MALLOC(raptor_stringbuffer_node, sizeof(raptor_stringbuffer_node)); if(!node) return 1; if(do_copy) { /* Note this copy does not include the \0 character - not needed */ node->string=(unsigned char*)RAPTOR_MALLOC(bytes, length); if(!node->string) { RAPTOR_FREE(raptor_stringbuffer_node, node); return 1; } strncpy((char*)node->string, (const char*)string, length); } else node->string=(unsigned char*)string; node->length=length; node->next=stringbuffer->head; if(stringbuffer->head) stringbuffer->head=node; else stringbuffer->head=stringbuffer->tail=node; if(stringbuffer->string) { RAPTOR_FREE(cstring, stringbuffer->string); stringbuffer->string=NULL; } stringbuffer->length += length; return 0; } /** * raptor_stringbuffer_prepend_counted_string: * @stringbuffer: raptor stringbuffer * @string: string * @length: length of string * @do_copy: non-0 to copy the string * If do_copy is non-0, the passed-in string is copied into new memory * otherwise the stringbuffer becomes the owner of the string pointer * and will free it when the stringbuffer is destroyed. * * Add a string to the start of the stringbuffer. * * Return value: non-0 on failure **/ int raptor_stringbuffer_prepend_counted_string(raptor_stringbuffer* stringbuffer, const unsigned char *string, size_t length, int do_copy) { return raptor_stringbuffer_prepend_string_common(stringbuffer, string, length, do_copy); } /** * raptor_stringbuffer_prepend_string: * @stringbuffer: raptor stringbuffer * @string: string * @do_copy: non-0 to copy the string * * Add a string to the start of the stringbuffer. * * If do_copy is non-0, the passed-in string is copied into new memory * otherwise the stringbuffer becomes the owner of the string pointer * and will free it when the stringbuffer is destroyed. * * Return value: non-0 on failure **/ int raptor_stringbuffer_prepend_string(raptor_stringbuffer* stringbuffer, const unsigned char *string, int do_copy) { return raptor_stringbuffer_prepend_string_common(stringbuffer, string, strlen((const char*)string), do_copy); } /** * raptor_stringbuffer_length: * @stringbuffer: raptor stringbuffer * * Return the stringbuffer length. * * Return value: size of stringbuffer **/ size_t raptor_stringbuffer_length(raptor_stringbuffer* stringbuffer) { return stringbuffer->length; } /** * raptor_stringbuffer_as_string: * @stringbuffer: raptor stringbuffer * * Return the stringbuffer as a C string. * * Note: the return value is a to a shared string that the stringbuffer * allocates and manages. * * Return value: NULL on failure or stringbuffer is empty, otherwise * a pointer to a shared copy of the string. **/ unsigned char * raptor_stringbuffer_as_string(raptor_stringbuffer* stringbuffer) { raptor_stringbuffer_node *node; unsigned char *p; if(!stringbuffer->length) return NULL; if(stringbuffer->string) return stringbuffer->string; stringbuffer->string=(unsigned char*)RAPTOR_MALLOC(cstring, stringbuffer->length+1); if(!stringbuffer->string) return NULL; node=stringbuffer->head; p=stringbuffer->string; while(node) { strncpy((char*)p, (const char*)node->string, node->length); p+= node->length; node=node->next; } *p='\0'; return stringbuffer->string; } /** * raptor_stringbuffer_copy_to_string: * @stringbuffer: raptor stringbuffer * @string: output string * @length: size of output string * * Copy the stringbuffer into a string. * * Copies the underlying string to a pre-allocated buffer. The * output string is always '\0' terminated. * * Return value: non-0 on failure such as stringbuffer is empty, buffer is too small **/ int raptor_stringbuffer_copy_to_string(raptor_stringbuffer* stringbuffer, unsigned char *string, size_t length) { raptor_stringbuffer_node *node; unsigned char *p; if(!string || length < 1) return 1; if(!stringbuffer->length) return 0; p=string; for(node=stringbuffer->head; node; node=node->next) { if(node->length > length) { p[-1]='\0'; return 1; } strncpy((char*)p, (const char*)node->string, node->length); p+= node->length; length-= node->length; } *p='\0'; return 0; } #endif #ifdef STANDALONE /* one more prototype */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *program=raptor_basename(argv[0]); #define TEST_ITEMS_COUNT 9 const char *items[TEST_ITEMS_COUNT] = { "the", "quick" ,"brown", "fox", "jumps", "over", "the", "lazy", "dog" }; const char *items_string = "thequickbrownfoxjumpsoverthelazydog"; const size_t items_len=35; const char *test_integer_string = "abcd"; #define TEST_INTEGERS_COUNT 7 const int test_integers[TEST_INTEGERS_COUNT]={ 0, 1, -1, 11, 1234, 12345, -12345 }; const char *test_integer_results[TEST_INTEGERS_COUNT]={ "abcd0", "abcd1", "abcd-1", "abcd11", "abcd1234", "abcd12345", "abcd-12345" }; raptor_stringbuffer *sb; unsigned char *str; size_t len; int i=0; raptor_stringbuffer *sb1, *sb2; #define TEST_APPEND_COUNT 2 const char *test_append_results[TEST_APPEND_COUNT]={ "thebrownjumpsthedog", "quickfoxoverlazy" }; const char *test_append_results_total="thebrownjumpsthedogquickfoxoverlazy"; #define COPY_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE 100 unsigned char *copy_string; #ifdef RAPTOR_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "%s: Creating string buffer\n", program); #endif /* test appending */ sb=raptor_new_stringbuffer(); if(!sb) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to create string buffer\n", program); exit(1); } for(i=0; i=0 ; i--) { int rc; len=strlen(items[i]); #ifdef RAPTOR_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "%s: Prepending string buffer item '%s'\n", program, items[i]); #endif rc=raptor_stringbuffer_prepend_counted_string(sb, (unsigned char*)items[i], len, 1); if(rc) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Prepending string buffer item %d '%s' failed, returning error %d\n", program, i, items[i], rc); exit(1); } } len=raptor_stringbuffer_length(sb); if(len != items_len) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: string buffer len is %d, expected %d\n", program, (int)len, (int)items_len); exit(1); } str=raptor_stringbuffer_as_string(sb); if(strcmp((const char*)str, items_string)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: string buffer contains '%s', expected '%s'\n", program, str, items_string); exit(1); } /* test adding integers */ for(i=0; i