Raptor RDF Parser Toolkit - To Do List
Bugs and Features
- Add some way to trigger once-only www library shutdown on raptor_finish()
- by default? since higher level apps may not even know or care.
- XML attribute value normalization doesn't happen in libxml.
- Unicode character normalization NFC checks not implemented (CONFORMANCE)
- XML (Exclusive) Canonicalization for XML Literals not implemented (CONFORMANCE)
- Record the xml parser used and make available from API (FEATURE)
- Try to fix usage like rdf:about="http://example.org/foo " with
a trailing space? Warn, fix and continue? In lax/default mode?
- Scanning (rapper --scan) for rdf:RDF in embedded XML does not work (BUG)
- Add a N3 parser (FEATURE)
- Add an XSLT 'parser' based on libxslt (FEATURE)
- Provide a perl interface (FEATURE)
- Add namespace/prefix declaration user level callback (FEATURE)
- Other non-resource, literal, (daml:)collection parseType support (FEATURE)
- Add a PNG parser, like
pngmeta and parse
the embedded RDF/XML into triples (FEATURE)
The most recent changes are at the top, with the first
release version where appropriate.
- Docs updated for 0.9.7 to 0.9.10 API changes in the libraptor.3 manual page
- Escape XML attribute values in parseType literal content generation (0.9.10)
- Passing NULL to raptor_start_parse base URI for rdfxml parser
crashed it. Now the RDF/XML parser fails. (0.9.9)
- rdf:parseType="Literal" content with &, <, > and
unicode characters did not get escaped in the encoded string into
entities/character entities. (0.9.9)
- XML Namespaces declared with a prefix and no namespace name (URI)
were accepted - this is illegal (0.9.8)
- Empty files made rdf/xml parser crash with libxml2 and expat; now both
return failure since an empty doc is not allowed (0.9.8)
- rdf:bagID handling added (0.9.7)
- Can now configure on system which has expat alone using
./configure --with-xml-parser=expat (0.9.7)
- Fix compiling libxml 2.3.5 and nearby versions failing on FreeBSD (which is 20 months old) caused by a change to the xmlSAXHandler structure (0.9.7)
- file: URIs were not correctly handled (0.9.6)
- Resilience to XML parser errors, RDF/XML grammar errors (0.9.6)
- Manual pages (0.9.6)
- Made CDATA section work with libxml (0.9.6)
- daml:collection is generating some wrong triples (BUG) (0.9.6)
- Compiling on OSX fails on most systems since it requires libtool 1.4.2
or CVS version which requires automake 2.50 and a newer version of
autoconf. This needs significant changes to the autoconfigure
system. See
Fink porting libtool to OSX.
The fix for now - for the packaged sources only, not CVS
- is to use a patched libtool 1.4.2 (from Debian) that can generate a libtool
that knows OSX. (0.9.6)
- URI resolving to a base URI now working (0.9.5)
- Handle <prop:Elt rdf:ID="id" rdf:resource="http://example.org/obj"/> (RDF Core WG syntax change) (0.9.5)
- Add xml:base support - RDF Core WG syntax change (0.9.4)
- Perform xml:lang processing and pass to application (0.9.4)
- parseType literal broken (0.9.4)
- Tracking of user IDs/generated IDs available to user code (0.9.3)
- daml:collection parseType support (0.9.3)
- rdf:li used as a propertyElt does not work (0.9.3)
- parseType literal support complete (0.9.3)
- Fixed many crashes (0.9.3)
No need to do list
After decisions from the
as recorded in the
attention developers
area of the
RDF Issue Tracking document.
- aboutEach support - removed from syntax
- aboutEachPrefix support - removed from syntax
- Special container support - not special anymore, just typed nodes
Copyright 2001-2002 Dave Beckett, Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol