Raptor RDF Parser Toolkit - News

2003-02-13 Version 0.9.8 Released

Minor bug fixes (synchronising with Redland 0.9.12 release).
Fixed crashing on empty files
Fixed accepting illegal xmlns:prefix="" (prefix without URI not allowed)
N-Triples bnodeIDs can now have '0's
Utility program rdfdump renamed to rapper; name conflicted with a common Linux utility.

2002-12-20 Version 0.9.7 Released

Passes about 90% of RDF Core WG Test Cases
All memory leaks fixed
Portability fixes - compilers, scripts, auto* tools, libxml2 version
rdf:ID syntax and duplicates checked
rdf:bagID supported
Added more conformance tests, errors and warnings.

2002-11-02 Version 0.9.6 Released

Calling API changed to provide a common interface to the RDF parsers. The libraptor.3 manual page describes the changes.
Added support for RDF datatyped literals in RDF/XML with rdf:datatype attribute on property elements and N-Triples with the "string"^^<datatypeURIref>.
Added support for rdf:parseType="Collection" for RDF Collections
URI class allows swappable implementation by applications.
URI class now handles file: URIs for Win32 and Unix conventions.
Fixes to enable it to work on Apple OSX 10.1, 10.2 (also tested working on Linux/x86, Solaris/sparc, FreeBSD/x86)
Many internal changes to support API changes, allow it to work with Redland when compiled as a separate library
Reorganised source into separate modules - URI, xml parser, ntriples parser, XML namespaces, XML qnames, locator.
More resilience with XML errors and XML parser errors - none of libxml2's XML test suite examples crash raptor.
N-Triples parser recovers gracefully from errors in content
Packing for debian included
Added manual pages libraptor.3 and rapper.1
Added raptor-config script for compiling with the library.

2002-06-08 Version 0.9.5 Released

Many bugs fixed
Added full relative URI resolving
Work around bugs in libxml and expat (older versions)
Support libxml with the use of entities in the document
Support xml:lang passing to application

2002-03-27 Version 0.9.4 Released

XML Base support (xml:base) added
xml:lang support added with N-Triples lang-string support
All N-Triples string escapes implemented
N-Triples support with XML literals - xml("<foo/>") and plain "foo"
removed all special code for containers; treated as regular typedNodes
rdf:parseType="Literal" now working
Builds as shared and static libraries
Conformance test suite added

2001-08-21 Version 0.9.3 Released

N-Triples parser added
rdf:parseType="Literal" works much better (Aaron Michal and me)
DAML collections support added (Aaron Michal)
Win32 patch added - I can't confirm my merge didn't break this (Aaron Michal)
N-Triples updated to support CR, LF and CR LF endings
Make parser generated ids appear distinguised from regular URIs
Added N-Triples output
Made rdf:type, rdf:value as property attributes work
Made empty typed nodes work
GNOME xml / libxml error location (line, column) values corrected.

2001-07-03 Version 0.9.2 Released

Now called Raptor

2001-06-06 Version 0.9.1 Released

Many bug fixes
Updates for Redland API changes
Fixed rdf:parsetype="literal" buffer overrun
Added better XML parser auto-detection for various expats and libxml

2001-01-22 Version 0.9.0 Released

First release

Copyright 2001-2002 Dave Beckett, Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol