%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License %% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License %% at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and %% limitations under the License. %% %% The Original Code is RabbitMQ. %% %% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is GoPivotal, Inc. %% Copyright (c) 2007-2014 GoPivotal, Inc. All rights reserved. %% -module(rabbit_vm). -export([memory/0]). -define(MAGIC_PLUGINS, ["mochiweb", "webmachine", "cowboy", "sockjs", "rfc4627_jsonrpc"]). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ifdef(use_specs). -spec(memory/0 :: () -> rabbit_types:infos()). -endif. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Like erlang:memory(), but with awareness of rabbit-y things memory() -> ConnProcs = [rabbit_tcp_client_sup, ssl_connection_sup, amqp_sup], QProcs = [rabbit_amqqueue_sup, rabbit_mirror_queue_slave_sup], MsgIndexProcs = [msg_store_transient, msg_store_persistent], MgmtDbProcs = [rabbit_mgmt_sup_sup], PluginProcs = plugin_sups(), All = [ConnProcs, QProcs, MsgIndexProcs, MgmtDbProcs, PluginProcs], {Sums, _Other} = sum_processes(lists:append(All), [memory]), [Conns, Qs, MsgIndexProc, MgmtDbProc, Plugins] = [aggregate_memory(Names, Sums) || Names <- All], Mnesia = mnesia_memory(), MsgIndexETS = ets_memory(rabbit_msg_store_ets_index), MgmtDbETS = ets_memory(rabbit_mgmt_db), [{total, Total}, {processes, Processes}, {ets, ETS}, {atom, Atom}, {binary, Bin}, {code, Code}, {system, System}] = erlang:memory([total, processes, ets, atom, binary, code, system]), OtherProc = Processes - Conns - Qs - MsgIndexProc - Plugins - MgmtDbProc, [{total, Total}, {connection_procs, Conns}, {queue_procs, Qs}, {plugins, Plugins}, {other_proc, lists:max([0, OtherProc])}, %% [1] {mnesia, Mnesia}, {mgmt_db, MgmtDbETS + MgmtDbProc}, {msg_index, MsgIndexETS + MsgIndexProc}, {other_ets, ETS - Mnesia - MsgIndexETS - MgmtDbETS}, {binary, Bin}, {code, Code}, {atom, Atom}, {other_system, System - ETS - Atom - Bin - Code}]. %% [1] - erlang:memory(processes) can be less than the sum of its %% parts. Rather than display something nonsensical, just silence any %% claims about negative memory. See %% http://erlang.org/pipermail/erlang-questions/2012-September/069320.html %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- mnesia_memory() -> case mnesia:system_info(is_running) of yes -> lists:sum([bytes(mnesia:table_info(Tab, memory)) || Tab <- mnesia:system_info(tables)]); no -> 0 end. ets_memory(Name) -> lists:sum([bytes(ets:info(T, memory)) || T <- ets:all(), N <- [ets:info(T, name)], N =:= Name]). bytes(Words) -> Words * erlang:system_info(wordsize). plugin_sups() -> lists:append([plugin_sup(App) || {App, _, _} <- rabbit_misc:which_applications(), is_plugin(atom_to_list(App))]). plugin_sup(App) -> case application_controller:get_master(App) of undefined -> []; Master -> case application_master:get_child(Master) of {Pid, _} when is_pid(Pid) -> [process_name(Pid)]; Pid when is_pid(Pid) -> [process_name(Pid)]; _ -> [] end end. process_name(Pid) -> case process_info(Pid, registered_name) of {registered_name, Name} -> Name; _ -> Pid end. is_plugin("rabbitmq_" ++ _) -> true; is_plugin(App) -> lists:member(App, ?MAGIC_PLUGINS). aggregate_memory(Names, Sums) -> lists:sum([extract_memory(Name, Sums) || Name <- Names]). extract_memory(Name, Sums) -> {value, {_, Accs}} = lists:keysearch(Name, 1, Sums), {value, {memory, V}} = lists:keysearch(memory, 1, Accs), V. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% NB: this code is non-rabbit specific. -ifdef(use_specs). -type(process() :: pid() | atom()). -type(info_key() :: atom()). -type(info_value() :: any()). -type(info_item() :: {info_key(), info_value()}). -type(accumulate() :: fun ((info_key(), info_value(), info_value()) -> info_value())). -spec(sum_processes/2 :: ([process()], [info_key()]) -> {[{process(), [info_item()]}], [info_item()]}). -spec(sum_processes/3 :: ([process()], accumulate(), [info_item()]) -> {[{process(), [info_item()]}], [info_item()]}). -endif. sum_processes(Names, Items) -> sum_processes(Names, fun (_, X, Y) -> X + Y end, [{Item, 0} || Item <- Items]). %% summarize the process_info of all processes based on their %% '$ancestor' hierarchy, recorded in their process dictionary. %% %% The function takes %% %% 1) a list of names/pids of processes that are accumulation points %% in the hierarchy. %% %% 2) a function that aggregates individual info items -taking the %% info item key, value and accumulated value as the input and %% producing a new accumulated value. %% %% 3) a list of info item key / initial accumulator value pairs. %% %% The process_info of a process is accumulated at the nearest of its %% ancestors that is mentioned in the first argument, or, if no such %% ancestor exists or the ancestor information is absent, in a special %% 'other' bucket. %% %% The result is a pair consisting of %% %% 1) a k/v list, containing for each of the accumulation names/pids a %% list of info items, containing the accumulated data, and %% %% 2) the 'other' bucket - a list of info items containing the %% accumulated data of all processes with no matching ancestors %% %% Note that this function operates on names as well as pids, but %% these must match whatever is contained in the '$ancestor' process %% dictionary entry. Generally that means for all registered processes %% the name should be used. sum_processes(Names, Fun, Acc0) -> Items = [Item || {Item, _Val0} <- Acc0], Acc0Dict = orddict:from_list(Acc0), NameAccs0 = orddict:from_list([{Name, Acc0Dict} || Name <- Names]), {NameAccs, OtherAcc} = lists:foldl( fun (Pid, Acc) -> InfoItems = [registered_name, dictionary | Items], case process_info(Pid, InfoItems) of undefined -> Acc; [{registered_name, RegName}, {dictionary, D} | Vals] -> %% see docs for process_info/2 for the %% special handling of 'registered_name' %% info items Extra = case RegName of [] -> []; N -> [N] end, accumulate(find_ancestor(Extra, D, Names), Fun, orddict:from_list(Vals), Acc) end end, {NameAccs0, Acc0Dict}, processes()), %% these conversions aren't strictly necessary; we do them simply %% for the sake of encapsulating the representation. {[{Name, orddict:to_list(Accs)} || {Name, Accs} <- orddict:to_list(NameAccs)], orddict:to_list(OtherAcc)}. find_ancestor(Extra, D, Names) -> Ancestors = case lists:keysearch('$ancestors', 1, D) of {value, {_, Ancs}} -> Ancs; false -> [] end, case lists:splitwith(fun (A) -> not lists:member(A, Names) end, Extra ++ Ancestors) of {_, []} -> undefined; {_, [Name | _]} -> Name end. accumulate(undefined, Fun, ValsDict, {NameAccs, OtherAcc}) -> {NameAccs, orddict:merge(Fun, ValsDict, OtherAcc)}; accumulate(Name, Fun, ValsDict, {NameAccs, OtherAcc}) -> F = fun (NameAcc) -> orddict:merge(Fun, ValsDict, NameAcc) end, {orddict:update(Name, F, NameAccs), OtherAcc}.