%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License %% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License %% at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and %% limitations under the License. %% %% The Original Code is RabbitMQ. %% %% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware, Inc. %% Copyright (c) 2007-2012 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. %% -module(rabbit_reader). -include("rabbit_framing.hrl"). -include("rabbit.hrl"). -export([start_link/3, info_keys/0, info/1, info/2, force_event_refresh/1, shutdown/2]). -export([system_continue/3, system_terminate/4, system_code_change/4]). -export([init/4, mainloop/2]). -export([conserve_resources/3, server_properties/1]). -define(HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT, 10). -define(NORMAL_TIMEOUT, 3). -define(CLOSING_TIMEOUT, 30). -define(CHANNEL_TERMINATION_TIMEOUT, 3). -define(SILENT_CLOSE_DELAY, 3). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -record(v1, {parent, sock, connection, callback, recv_len, pending_recv, connection_state, queue_collector, heartbeater, stats_timer, channel_sup_sup_pid, start_heartbeat_fun, buf, buf_len, auth_mechanism, auth_state, conserve_resources, last_blocked_by, last_blocked_at}). -define(STATISTICS_KEYS, [pid, recv_oct, recv_cnt, send_oct, send_cnt, send_pend, state, last_blocked_by, last_blocked_age, channels]). -define(CREATION_EVENT_KEYS, [pid, name, address, port, peer_address, peer_port, ssl, peer_cert_subject, peer_cert_issuer, peer_cert_validity, auth_mechanism, ssl_protocol, ssl_key_exchange, ssl_cipher, ssl_hash, protocol, user, vhost, timeout, frame_max, client_properties]). -define(INFO_KEYS, ?CREATION_EVENT_KEYS ++ ?STATISTICS_KEYS -- [pid]). -define(IS_RUNNING(State), (State#v1.connection_state =:= running orelse State#v1.connection_state =:= blocking orelse State#v1.connection_state =:= blocked)). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ifdef(use_specs). -spec(start_link/3 :: (pid(), pid(), rabbit_heartbeat:start_heartbeat_fun()) -> rabbit_types:ok(pid())). -spec(info_keys/0 :: () -> rabbit_types:info_keys()). -spec(info/1 :: (pid()) -> rabbit_types:infos()). -spec(info/2 :: (pid(), rabbit_types:info_keys()) -> rabbit_types:infos()). -spec(force_event_refresh/1 :: (pid()) -> 'ok'). -spec(shutdown/2 :: (pid(), string()) -> 'ok'). -spec(conserve_resources/3 :: (pid(), atom(), boolean()) -> 'ok'). -spec(server_properties/1 :: (rabbit_types:protocol()) -> rabbit_framing:amqp_table()). %% These specs only exists to add no_return() to keep dialyzer happy -spec(init/4 :: (pid(), pid(), pid(), rabbit_heartbeat:start_heartbeat_fun()) -> no_return()). -spec(start_connection/7 :: (pid(), pid(), pid(), rabbit_heartbeat:start_heartbeat_fun(), any(), rabbit_net:socket(), fun ((rabbit_net:socket()) -> rabbit_types:ok_or_error2( rabbit_net:socket(), any()))) -> no_return()). -spec(mainloop/2 :: (_,#v1{}) -> any()). -spec(system_code_change/4 :: (_,_,_,_) -> {'ok',_}). -spec(system_continue/3 :: (_,_,#v1{}) -> any()). -spec(system_terminate/4 :: (_,_,_,_) -> none()). -endif. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- start_link(ChannelSupSupPid, Collector, StartHeartbeatFun) -> {ok, proc_lib:spawn_link(?MODULE, init, [self(), ChannelSupSupPid, Collector, StartHeartbeatFun])}. shutdown(Pid, Explanation) -> gen_server:call(Pid, {shutdown, Explanation}, infinity). init(Parent, ChannelSupSupPid, Collector, StartHeartbeatFun) -> Deb = sys:debug_options([]), receive {go, Sock, SockTransform} -> start_connection( Parent, ChannelSupSupPid, Collector, StartHeartbeatFun, Deb, Sock, SockTransform) end. system_continue(Parent, Deb, State) -> ?MODULE:mainloop(Deb, State#v1{parent = Parent}). system_terminate(Reason, _Parent, _Deb, _State) -> exit(Reason). system_code_change(Misc, _Module, _OldVsn, _Extra) -> {ok, Misc}. info_keys() -> ?INFO_KEYS. info(Pid) -> gen_server:call(Pid, info, infinity). info(Pid, Items) -> case gen_server:call(Pid, {info, Items}, infinity) of {ok, Res} -> Res; {error, Error} -> throw(Error) end. force_event_refresh(Pid) -> gen_server:cast(Pid, force_event_refresh). conserve_resources(Pid, _Source, Conserve) -> Pid ! {conserve_resources, Conserve}, ok. server_properties(Protocol) -> {ok, Product} = application:get_key(rabbit, id), {ok, Version} = application:get_key(rabbit, vsn), %% Get any configuration-specified server properties {ok, RawConfigServerProps} = application:get_env(rabbit, server_properties), %% Normalize the simplifed (2-tuple) and unsimplified (3-tuple) forms %% from the config and merge them with the generated built-in properties NormalizedConfigServerProps = [{<<"capabilities">>, table, server_capabilities(Protocol)} | [case X of {KeyAtom, Value} -> {list_to_binary(atom_to_list(KeyAtom)), longstr, list_to_binary(Value)}; {BinKey, Type, Value} -> {BinKey, Type, Value} end || X <- RawConfigServerProps ++ [{product, Product}, {version, Version}, {platform, "Erlang/OTP"}, {copyright, ?COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE}, {information, ?INFORMATION_MESSAGE}]]], %% Filter duplicated properties in favour of config file provided values lists:usort(fun ({K1,_,_}, {K2,_,_}) -> K1 =< K2 end, NormalizedConfigServerProps). server_capabilities(rabbit_framing_amqp_0_9_1) -> [{<<"publisher_confirms">>, bool, true}, {<<"exchange_exchange_bindings">>, bool, true}, {<<"basic.nack">>, bool, true}, {<<"consumer_cancel_notify">>, bool, true}]; server_capabilities(_) -> []. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- log(Level, Fmt, Args) -> rabbit_log:log(connection, Level, Fmt, Args). inet_op(F) -> rabbit_misc:throw_on_error(inet_error, F). socket_op(Sock, Fun) -> case Fun(Sock) of {ok, Res} -> Res; {error, Reason} -> log(error, "error on AMQP connection ~p: ~p~n", [self(), Reason]), exit(normal) end. name(Sock) -> socket_op(Sock, fun (S) -> rabbit_net:connection_string(S, inbound) end). start_connection(Parent, ChannelSupSupPid, Collector, StartHeartbeatFun, Deb, Sock, SockTransform) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), ConnStr = name(Sock), log(info, "accepting AMQP connection ~p (~s)~n", [self(), ConnStr]), ClientSock = socket_op(Sock, SockTransform), erlang:send_after(?HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT * 1000, self(), handshake_timeout), State = #v1{parent = Parent, sock = ClientSock, connection = #connection{ protocol = none, user = none, timeout_sec = ?HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT, frame_max = ?FRAME_MIN_SIZE, vhost = none, client_properties = none, capabilities = []}, callback = uninitialized_callback, recv_len = 0, pending_recv = false, connection_state = pre_init, queue_collector = Collector, heartbeater = none, channel_sup_sup_pid = ChannelSupSupPid, start_heartbeat_fun = StartHeartbeatFun, buf = [], buf_len = 0, auth_mechanism = none, auth_state = none, conserve_resources = false, last_blocked_by = none, last_blocked_at = never}, try ok = inet_op(fun () -> rabbit_net:tune_buffer_size(ClientSock) end), recvloop(Deb, switch_callback(rabbit_event:init_stats_timer( State, #v1.stats_timer), handshake, 8)), log(info, "closing AMQP connection ~p (~s)~n", [self(), ConnStr]) catch Ex -> log(case Ex of connection_closed_abruptly -> warning; _ -> error end, "closing AMQP connection ~p (~s):~n~p~n", [self(), ConnStr, Ex]) after %% The reader is the controlling process and hence its %% termination will close the socket. Furthermore, %% gen_tcp:close/1 waits for pending output to be sent, which %% results in unnecessary delays. However, to keep the %% file_handle_cache accounting as accurate as possible it %% would be good to close the socket immediately if we %% can. But we can only do this for non-ssl sockets. %% rabbit_net:maybe_fast_close(ClientSock), rabbit_event:notify(connection_closed, [{pid, self()}]) end, done. recvloop(Deb, State = #v1{pending_recv = true}) -> mainloop(Deb, State); recvloop(Deb, State = #v1{connection_state = blocked}) -> mainloop(Deb, State); recvloop(Deb, State = #v1{sock = Sock, recv_len = RecvLen, buf_len = BufLen}) when BufLen < RecvLen -> ok = rabbit_net:setopts(Sock, [{active, once}]), mainloop(Deb, State#v1{pending_recv = true}); recvloop(Deb, State = #v1{recv_len = RecvLen, buf = Buf, buf_len = BufLen}) -> {Data, Rest} = split_binary(case Buf of [B] -> B; _ -> list_to_binary(lists:reverse(Buf)) end, RecvLen), recvloop(Deb, handle_input(State#v1.callback, Data, State#v1{buf = [Rest], buf_len = BufLen - RecvLen})). mainloop(Deb, State = #v1{sock = Sock, buf = Buf, buf_len = BufLen}) -> case rabbit_net:recv(Sock) of {data, Data} -> recvloop(Deb, State#v1{buf = [Data | Buf], buf_len = BufLen + size(Data), pending_recv = false}); closed -> case State#v1.connection_state of closed -> State; _ -> throw(connection_closed_abruptly) end; {error, Reason} -> throw({inet_error, Reason}); {other, Other} -> handle_other(Other, Deb, State) end. handle_other({conserve_resources, Conserve}, Deb, State) -> recvloop(Deb, control_throttle(State#v1{conserve_resources = Conserve})); handle_other({channel_closing, ChPid}, Deb, State) -> ok = rabbit_channel:ready_for_close(ChPid), channel_cleanup(ChPid), mainloop(Deb, maybe_close(control_throttle(State))); handle_other({'EXIT', Parent, Reason}, _Deb, State = #v1{parent = Parent}) -> terminate(io_lib:format("broker forced connection closure " "with reason '~w'", [Reason]), State), %% this is what we are expected to do according to %% http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/sys.html %% %% If we wanted to be *really* nice we should wait for a while for %% clients to close the socket at their end, just as we do in the %% ordinary error case. However, since this termination is %% initiated by our parent it is probably more important to exit %% quickly. exit(Reason); handle_other({channel_exit, _Channel, E = {writer, send_failed, _Error}}, _Deb, _State) -> throw(E); handle_other({channel_exit, Channel, Reason}, Deb, State) -> mainloop(Deb, handle_exception(State, Channel, Reason)); handle_other({'DOWN', _MRef, process, ChPid, Reason}, Deb, State) -> mainloop(Deb, handle_dependent_exit(ChPid, Reason, State)); handle_other(terminate_connection, _Deb, State) -> State; handle_other(handshake_timeout, Deb, State) when ?IS_RUNNING(State) orelse State#v1.connection_state =:= closing orelse State#v1.connection_state =:= closed -> mainloop(Deb, State); handle_other(handshake_timeout, _Deb, State) -> throw({handshake_timeout, State#v1.callback}); handle_other(timeout, Deb, State = #v1{connection_state = closed}) -> mainloop(Deb, State); handle_other(heartbeat_timeout, _Deb, #v1{connection_state = S}) -> throw({heartbeat_timeout, S}); handle_other({'$gen_call', From, {shutdown, Explanation}}, Deb, State) -> {ForceTermination, NewState} = terminate(Explanation, State), gen_server:reply(From, ok), case ForceTermination of force -> ok; normal -> mainloop(Deb, NewState) end; handle_other({'$gen_call', From, info}, Deb, State) -> gen_server:reply(From, infos(?INFO_KEYS, State)), mainloop(Deb, State); handle_other({'$gen_call', From, {info, Items}}, Deb, State) -> gen_server:reply(From, try {ok, infos(Items, State)} catch Error -> {error, Error} end), mainloop(Deb, State); handle_other({'$gen_cast', force_event_refresh}, Deb, State) when ?IS_RUNNING(State) -> rabbit_event:notify(connection_created, [{type, network} | infos(?CREATION_EVENT_KEYS, State)]), mainloop(Deb, State); handle_other({'$gen_cast', force_event_refresh}, Deb, State) -> %% Ignore, we will emit a created event once we start running. mainloop(Deb, State); handle_other(emit_stats, Deb, State) -> mainloop(Deb, emit_stats(State)); handle_other({system, From, Request}, Deb, State = #v1{parent = Parent}) -> sys:handle_system_msg(Request, From, Parent, ?MODULE, Deb, State); handle_other({bump_credit, Msg}, Deb, State) -> credit_flow:handle_bump_msg(Msg), recvloop(Deb, control_throttle(State)); handle_other(Other, _Deb, _State) -> %% internal error -> something worth dying for exit({unexpected_message, Other}). switch_callback(State, Callback, Length) -> State#v1{callback = Callback, recv_len = Length}. terminate(Explanation, State) when ?IS_RUNNING(State) -> {normal, handle_exception(State, 0, rabbit_misc:amqp_error( connection_forced, Explanation, [], none))}; terminate(_Explanation, State) -> {force, State}. control_throttle(State = #v1{connection_state = CS, conserve_resources = Mem}) -> case {CS, Mem orelse credit_flow:blocked()} of {running, true} -> State#v1{connection_state = blocking}; {blocking, false} -> State#v1{connection_state = running}; {blocked, false} -> ok = rabbit_heartbeat:resume_monitor( State#v1.heartbeater), State#v1{connection_state = running}; {blocked, true} -> update_last_blocked_by(State); {_, _} -> State end. maybe_block(State = #v1{connection_state = blocking}) -> ok = rabbit_heartbeat:pause_monitor(State#v1.heartbeater), update_last_blocked_by(State#v1{connection_state = blocked, last_blocked_at = erlang:now()}); maybe_block(State) -> State. update_last_blocked_by(State = #v1{conserve_resources = true}) -> State#v1{last_blocked_by = resource}; update_last_blocked_by(State = #v1{conserve_resources = false}) -> State#v1{last_blocked_by = flow}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% error handling / termination close_connection(State = #v1{queue_collector = Collector, connection = #connection{ timeout_sec = TimeoutSec}}) -> %% The spec says "Exclusive queues may only be accessed by the %% current connection, and are deleted when that connection %% closes." This does not strictly imply synchrony, but in %% practice it seems to be what people assume. rabbit_queue_collector:delete_all(Collector), %% We terminate the connection after the specified interval, but %% no later than ?CLOSING_TIMEOUT seconds. erlang:send_after((if TimeoutSec > 0 andalso TimeoutSec < ?CLOSING_TIMEOUT -> TimeoutSec; true -> ?CLOSING_TIMEOUT end) * 1000, self(), terminate_connection), State#v1{connection_state = closed}. handle_dependent_exit(ChPid, Reason, State) -> case {channel_cleanup(ChPid), termination_kind(Reason)} of {undefined, uncontrolled} -> exit({abnormal_dependent_exit, ChPid, Reason}); {_Channel, controlled} -> maybe_close(control_throttle(State)); {Channel, uncontrolled} -> maybe_close(handle_exception(control_throttle(State), Channel, Reason)) end. terminate_channels() -> NChannels = length([rabbit_channel:shutdown(ChPid) || ChPid <- all_channels()]), if NChannels > 0 -> Timeout = 1000 * ?CHANNEL_TERMINATION_TIMEOUT * NChannels, TimerRef = erlang:send_after(Timeout, self(), cancel_wait), wait_for_channel_termination(NChannels, TimerRef); true -> ok end. wait_for_channel_termination(0, TimerRef) -> case erlang:cancel_timer(TimerRef) of false -> receive cancel_wait -> ok end; _ -> ok end; wait_for_channel_termination(N, TimerRef) -> receive {'DOWN', _MRef, process, ChPid, Reason} -> case {channel_cleanup(ChPid), termination_kind(Reason)} of {undefined, _} -> exit({abnormal_dependent_exit, ChPid, Reason}); {_Channel, controlled} -> wait_for_channel_termination(N-1, TimerRef); {Channel, uncontrolled} -> log(error, "AMQP connection ~p, channel ~p - " "error while terminating:~n~p~n", [self(), Channel, Reason]), wait_for_channel_termination(N-1, TimerRef) end; cancel_wait -> exit(channel_termination_timeout) end. maybe_close(State = #v1{connection_state = closing, connection = #connection{protocol = Protocol}, sock = Sock}) -> case all_channels() of [] -> NewState = close_connection(State), ok = send_on_channel0(Sock, #'connection.close_ok'{}, Protocol), NewState; _ -> State end; maybe_close(State) -> State. termination_kind(normal) -> controlled; termination_kind(_) -> uncontrolled. handle_exception(State = #v1{connection_state = closed}, Channel, Reason) -> log(error, "AMQP connection ~p (~p), channel ~p - error:~n~p~n", [self(), closed, Channel, Reason]), State; handle_exception(State = #v1{connection = #connection{protocol = Protocol}, connection_state = CS}, Channel, Reason) when ?IS_RUNNING(State) orelse CS =:= closing -> log(error, "AMQP connection ~p (~p), channel ~p - error:~n~p~n", [self(), CS, Channel, Reason]), {0, CloseMethod} = rabbit_binary_generator:map_exception(Channel, Reason, Protocol), terminate_channels(), State1 = close_connection(State), ok = send_on_channel0(State1#v1.sock, CloseMethod, Protocol), State1; handle_exception(State, Channel, Reason) -> %% We don't trust the client at this point - force them to wait %% for a bit so they can't DOS us with repeated failed logins etc. timer:sleep(?SILENT_CLOSE_DELAY * 1000), throw({handshake_error, State#v1.connection_state, Channel, Reason}). frame_error(Error, Type, Channel, Payload, State) -> {Str, Bin} = payload_snippet(Payload), handle_exception(State, Channel, rabbit_misc:amqp_error(frame_error, "type ~p, ~s octets = ~p: ~p", [Type, Str, Bin, Error], none)). unexpected_frame(Type, Channel, Payload, State) -> {Str, Bin} = payload_snippet(Payload), handle_exception(State, Channel, rabbit_misc:amqp_error(unexpected_frame, "type ~p, ~s octets = ~p", [Type, Str, Bin], none)). payload_snippet(Payload) when size(Payload) =< 16 -> {"all", Payload}; payload_snippet(<>) -> {"first 16", Snippet}. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- create_channel(Channel, State) -> #v1{sock = Sock, queue_collector = Collector, channel_sup_sup_pid = ChanSupSup, connection = #connection{protocol = Protocol, frame_max = FrameMax, user = User, vhost = VHost, capabilities = Capabilities}} = State, {ok, _ChSupPid, {ChPid, AState}} = rabbit_channel_sup_sup:start_channel( ChanSupSup, {tcp, Sock, Channel, FrameMax, self(), name(Sock), Protocol, User, VHost, Capabilities, Collector}), MRef = erlang:monitor(process, ChPid), put({ch_pid, ChPid}, {Channel, MRef}), put({channel, Channel}, {ChPid, AState}), {ChPid, AState}. channel_cleanup(ChPid) -> case get({ch_pid, ChPid}) of undefined -> undefined; {Channel, MRef} -> credit_flow:peer_down(ChPid), erase({channel, Channel}), erase({ch_pid, ChPid}), erlang:demonitor(MRef, [flush]), Channel end. all_channels() -> [ChPid || {{ch_pid, ChPid}, _ChannelMRef} <- get()]. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_frame(Type, 0, Payload, State = #v1{connection_state = CS, connection = #connection{protocol = Protocol}}) when CS =:= closing; CS =:= closed -> case rabbit_command_assembler:analyze_frame(Type, Payload, Protocol) of {method, MethodName, FieldsBin} -> handle_method0(MethodName, FieldsBin, State); _Other -> State end; handle_frame(_Type, _Channel, _Payload, State = #v1{connection_state = CS}) when CS =:= closing; CS =:= closed -> State; handle_frame(Type, 0, Payload, State = #v1{connection = #connection{protocol = Protocol}}) -> case rabbit_command_assembler:analyze_frame(Type, Payload, Protocol) of error -> frame_error(unknown_frame, Type, 0, Payload, State); heartbeat -> State; {method, MethodName, FieldsBin} -> handle_method0(MethodName, FieldsBin, State); _Other -> unexpected_frame(Type, 0, Payload, State) end; handle_frame(Type, Channel, Payload, State = #v1{connection = #connection{protocol = Protocol}}) when ?IS_RUNNING(State) -> case rabbit_command_assembler:analyze_frame(Type, Payload, Protocol) of error -> frame_error(unknown_frame, Type, Channel, Payload, State); heartbeat -> unexpected_frame(Type, Channel, Payload, State); Frame -> process_frame(Frame, Channel, State) end; handle_frame(Type, Channel, Payload, State) -> unexpected_frame(Type, Channel, Payload, State). process_frame(Frame, Channel, State) -> {ChPid, AState} = case get({channel, Channel}) of undefined -> create_channel(Channel, State); Other -> Other end, case process_channel_frame(Frame, ChPid, AState) of {ok, NewAState} -> put({channel, Channel}, {ChPid, NewAState}), post_process_frame(Frame, ChPid, State); {error, Reason} -> handle_exception(State, Channel, Reason) end. process_channel_frame(Frame, ChPid, AState) -> case rabbit_command_assembler:process(Frame, AState) of {ok, NewAState} -> {ok, NewAState}; {ok, Method, NewAState} -> rabbit_channel:do(ChPid, Method), {ok, NewAState}; {ok, Method, Content, NewAState} -> rabbit_channel:do_flow( ChPid, Method, Content), {ok, NewAState}; {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason} end. post_process_frame({method, 'channel.close_ok', _}, ChPid, State) -> channel_cleanup(ChPid), control_throttle(State); post_process_frame({method, MethodName, _}, _ChPid, State = #v1{connection = #connection{ protocol = Protocol}}) -> case Protocol:method_has_content(MethodName) of true -> erlang:bump_reductions(2000), maybe_block(control_throttle(State)); false -> control_throttle(State) end; post_process_frame(_Frame, _ChPid, State) -> control_throttle(State). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_input(frame_header, <>, State) -> ensure_stats_timer( switch_callback(State, {frame_payload, Type, Channel, PayloadSize}, PayloadSize + 1)); handle_input({frame_payload, Type, Channel, PayloadSize}, Data, State) -> <> = Data, case EndMarker of ?FRAME_END -> State1 = handle_frame(Type, Channel, Payload, State), switch_callback(State1, frame_header, 7); _ -> frame_error({invalid_frame_end_marker, EndMarker}, Type, Channel, Payload, State) end; %% The two rules pertaining to version negotiation: %% %% * If the server cannot support the protocol specified in the %% protocol header, it MUST respond with a valid protocol header and %% then close the socket connection. %% %% * The server MUST provide a protocol version that is lower than or %% equal to that requested by the client in the protocol header. handle_input(handshake, <<"AMQP", 0, 0, 9, 1>>, State) -> start_connection({0, 9, 1}, rabbit_framing_amqp_0_9_1, State); %% This is the protocol header for 0-9, which we can safely treat as %% though it were 0-9-1. handle_input(handshake, <<"AMQP", 1, 1, 0, 9>>, State) -> start_connection({0, 9, 0}, rabbit_framing_amqp_0_9_1, State); %% This is what most clients send for 0-8. The 0-8 spec, confusingly, %% defines the version as 8-0. handle_input(handshake, <<"AMQP", 1, 1, 8, 0>>, State) -> start_connection({8, 0, 0}, rabbit_framing_amqp_0_8, State); %% The 0-8 spec as on the AMQP web site actually has this as the %% protocol header; some libraries e.g., py-amqplib, send it when they %% want 0-8. handle_input(handshake, <<"AMQP", 1, 1, 9, 1>>, State) -> start_connection({8, 0, 0}, rabbit_framing_amqp_0_8, State); handle_input(handshake, <<"AMQP", A, B, C, D>>, #v1{sock = Sock}) -> refuse_connection(Sock, {bad_version, A, B, C, D}); handle_input(handshake, Other, #v1{sock = Sock}) -> refuse_connection(Sock, {bad_header, Other}); handle_input(Callback, Data, _State) -> throw({bad_input, Callback, Data}). %% Offer a protocol version to the client. Connection.start only %% includes a major and minor version number, Luckily 0-9 and 0-9-1 %% are similar enough that clients will be happy with either. start_connection({ProtocolMajor, ProtocolMinor, _ProtocolRevision}, Protocol, State = #v1{sock = Sock, connection = Connection}) -> Start = #'connection.start'{ version_major = ProtocolMajor, version_minor = ProtocolMinor, server_properties = server_properties(Protocol), mechanisms = auth_mechanisms_binary(Sock), locales = <<"en_US">> }, ok = send_on_channel0(Sock, Start, Protocol), switch_callback(State#v1{connection = Connection#connection{ timeout_sec = ?NORMAL_TIMEOUT, protocol = Protocol}, connection_state = starting}, frame_header, 7). refuse_connection(Sock, Exception) -> ok = inet_op(fun () -> rabbit_net:send(Sock, <<"AMQP",0,0,9,1>>) end), throw(Exception). ensure_stats_timer(State = #v1{connection_state = running}) -> rabbit_event:ensure_stats_timer(State, #v1.stats_timer, emit_stats); ensure_stats_timer(State) -> State. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- handle_method0(MethodName, FieldsBin, State = #v1{connection = #connection{protocol = Protocol}}) -> try handle_method0(Protocol:decode_method_fields(MethodName, FieldsBin), State) catch exit:#amqp_error{method = none} = Reason -> handle_exception(State, 0, Reason#amqp_error{method = MethodName}); Type:Reason -> Stack = erlang:get_stacktrace(), handle_exception(State, 0, {Type, Reason, MethodName, Stack}) end. handle_method0(#'connection.start_ok'{mechanism = Mechanism, response = Response, client_properties = ClientProperties}, State0 = #v1{connection_state = starting, connection = Connection, sock = Sock}) -> AuthMechanism = auth_mechanism_to_module(Mechanism, Sock), Capabilities = case rabbit_misc:table_lookup(ClientProperties, <<"capabilities">>) of {table, Capabilities1} -> Capabilities1; _ -> [] end, State = State0#v1{auth_mechanism = AuthMechanism, auth_state = AuthMechanism:init(Sock), connection_state = securing, connection = Connection#connection{ client_properties = ClientProperties, capabilities = Capabilities}}, auth_phase(Response, State); handle_method0(#'connection.secure_ok'{response = Response}, State = #v1{connection_state = securing}) -> auth_phase(Response, State); handle_method0(#'connection.tune_ok'{frame_max = FrameMax, heartbeat = ClientHeartbeat}, State = #v1{connection_state = tuning, connection = Connection, sock = Sock, start_heartbeat_fun = SHF}) -> ServerFrameMax = server_frame_max(), if FrameMax /= 0 andalso FrameMax < ?FRAME_MIN_SIZE -> rabbit_misc:protocol_error( not_allowed, "frame_max=~w < ~w min size", [FrameMax, ?FRAME_MIN_SIZE]); ServerFrameMax /= 0 andalso FrameMax > ServerFrameMax -> rabbit_misc:protocol_error( not_allowed, "frame_max=~w > ~w max size", [FrameMax, ServerFrameMax]); true -> Frame = rabbit_binary_generator:build_heartbeat_frame(), SendFun = fun() -> catch rabbit_net:send(Sock, Frame) end, Parent = self(), ReceiveFun = fun() -> Parent ! heartbeat_timeout end, Heartbeater = SHF(Sock, ClientHeartbeat, SendFun, ClientHeartbeat, ReceiveFun), State#v1{connection_state = opening, connection = Connection#connection{ timeout_sec = ClientHeartbeat, frame_max = FrameMax}, heartbeater = Heartbeater} end; handle_method0(#'connection.open'{virtual_host = VHostPath}, State = #v1{connection_state = opening, connection = Connection = #connection{ user = User, protocol = Protocol}, sock = Sock}) -> ok = rabbit_access_control:check_vhost_access(User, VHostPath), NewConnection = Connection#connection{vhost = VHostPath}, ok = send_on_channel0(Sock, #'connection.open_ok'{}, Protocol), Conserve = rabbit_alarm:register(self(), {?MODULE, conserve_resources, []}), State1 = control_throttle( State#v1{connection_state = running, connection = NewConnection, conserve_resources = Conserve}), rabbit_event:notify(connection_created, [{type, network} | infos(?CREATION_EVENT_KEYS, State1)]), rabbit_event:if_enabled(State1, #v1.stats_timer, fun() -> emit_stats(State1) end), State1; handle_method0(#'connection.close'{}, State) when ?IS_RUNNING(State) -> lists:foreach(fun rabbit_channel:shutdown/1, all_channels()), maybe_close(State#v1{connection_state = closing}); handle_method0(#'connection.close'{}, State = #v1{connection_state = CS, connection = #connection{protocol = Protocol}, sock = Sock}) when CS =:= closing; CS =:= closed -> %% We're already closed or closing, so we don't need to cleanup %% anything. ok = send_on_channel0(Sock, #'connection.close_ok'{}, Protocol), State; handle_method0(#'connection.close_ok'{}, State = #v1{connection_state = closed}) -> self() ! terminate_connection, State; handle_method0(_Method, State = #v1{connection_state = CS}) when CS =:= closing; CS =:= closed -> State; handle_method0(_Method, #v1{connection_state = S}) -> rabbit_misc:protocol_error( channel_error, "unexpected method in connection state ~w", [S]). server_frame_max() -> {ok, FrameMax} = application:get_env(rabbit, frame_max), FrameMax. send_on_channel0(Sock, Method, Protocol) -> ok = rabbit_writer:internal_send_command(Sock, 0, Method, Protocol). auth_mechanism_to_module(TypeBin, Sock) -> case rabbit_registry:binary_to_type(TypeBin) of {error, not_found} -> rabbit_misc:protocol_error( command_invalid, "unknown authentication mechanism '~s'", [TypeBin]); T -> case {lists:member(T, auth_mechanisms(Sock)), rabbit_registry:lookup_module(auth_mechanism, T)} of {true, {ok, Module}} -> Module; _ -> rabbit_misc:protocol_error( command_invalid, "invalid authentication mechanism '~s'", [T]) end end. auth_mechanisms(Sock) -> {ok, Configured} = application:get_env(auth_mechanisms), [Name || {Name, Module} <- rabbit_registry:lookup_all(auth_mechanism), Module:should_offer(Sock), lists:member(Name, Configured)]. auth_mechanisms_binary(Sock) -> list_to_binary( string:join([atom_to_list(A) || A <- auth_mechanisms(Sock)], " ")). auth_phase(Response, State = #v1{auth_mechanism = AuthMechanism, auth_state = AuthState, connection = Connection = #connection{protocol = Protocol}, sock = Sock}) -> case AuthMechanism:handle_response(Response, AuthState) of {refused, Msg, Args} -> rabbit_misc:protocol_error( access_refused, "~s login refused: ~s", [proplists:get_value(name, AuthMechanism:description()), io_lib:format(Msg, Args)]); {protocol_error, Msg, Args} -> rabbit_misc:protocol_error(syntax_error, Msg, Args); {challenge, Challenge, AuthState1} -> Secure = #'connection.secure'{challenge = Challenge}, ok = send_on_channel0(Sock, Secure, Protocol), State#v1{auth_state = AuthState1}; {ok, User} -> Tune = #'connection.tune'{channel_max = 0, frame_max = server_frame_max(), heartbeat = 0}, ok = send_on_channel0(Sock, Tune, Protocol), State#v1{connection_state = tuning, connection = Connection#connection{user = User}} end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- infos(Items, State) -> [{Item, i(Item, State)} || Item <- Items]. i(pid, #v1{}) -> self(); i(name, #v1{sock = Sock}) -> list_to_binary(name(Sock)); i(address, #v1{sock = Sock}) -> socket_info(fun rabbit_net:sockname/1, fun ({A, _}) -> A end, Sock); i(port, #v1{sock = Sock}) -> socket_info(fun rabbit_net:sockname/1, fun ({_, P}) -> P end, Sock); i(peer_address, #v1{sock = Sock}) -> socket_info(fun rabbit_net:peername/1, fun ({A, _}) -> A end, Sock); i(peer_port, #v1{sock = Sock}) -> socket_info(fun rabbit_net:peername/1, fun ({_, P}) -> P end, Sock); i(ssl, #v1{sock = Sock}) -> rabbit_net:is_ssl(Sock); i(ssl_protocol, #v1{sock = Sock}) -> ssl_info(fun ({P, _}) -> P end, Sock); i(ssl_key_exchange, #v1{sock = Sock}) -> ssl_info(fun ({_, {K, _, _}}) -> K end, Sock); i(ssl_cipher, #v1{sock = Sock}) -> ssl_info(fun ({_, {_, C, _}}) -> C end, Sock); i(ssl_hash, #v1{sock = Sock}) -> ssl_info(fun ({_, {_, _, H}}) -> H end, Sock); i(peer_cert_issuer, #v1{sock = Sock}) -> cert_info(fun rabbit_ssl:peer_cert_issuer/1, Sock); i(peer_cert_subject, #v1{sock = Sock}) -> cert_info(fun rabbit_ssl:peer_cert_subject/1, Sock); i(peer_cert_validity, #v1{sock = Sock}) -> cert_info(fun rabbit_ssl:peer_cert_validity/1, Sock); i(SockStat, #v1{sock = Sock}) when SockStat =:= recv_oct; SockStat =:= recv_cnt; SockStat =:= send_oct; SockStat =:= send_cnt; SockStat =:= send_pend -> socket_info(fun () -> rabbit_net:getstat(Sock, [SockStat]) end, fun ([{_, I}]) -> I end); i(state, #v1{connection_state = S}) -> S; i(last_blocked_by, #v1{last_blocked_by = By}) -> By; i(last_blocked_age, #v1{last_blocked_at = never}) -> infinity; i(last_blocked_age, #v1{last_blocked_at = T}) -> timer:now_diff(erlang:now(), T) / 1000000; i(channels, #v1{}) -> length(all_channels()); i(protocol, #v1{connection = #connection{protocol = none}}) -> none; i(protocol, #v1{connection = #connection{protocol = Protocol}}) -> Protocol:version(); i(auth_mechanism, #v1{auth_mechanism = none}) -> none; i(auth_mechanism, #v1{auth_mechanism = Mechanism}) -> proplists:get_value(name, Mechanism:description()); i(user, #v1{connection = #connection{user = #user{username = Username}}}) -> Username; i(user, #v1{connection = #connection{user = none}}) -> ''; i(vhost, #v1{connection = #connection{vhost = VHost}}) -> VHost; i(timeout, #v1{connection = #connection{timeout_sec = Timeout}}) -> Timeout; i(frame_max, #v1{connection = #connection{frame_max = FrameMax}}) -> FrameMax; i(client_properties, #v1{connection = #connection{ client_properties = ClientProperties}}) -> ClientProperties; i(Item, #v1{}) -> throw({bad_argument, Item}). socket_info(Get, Select, Sock) -> socket_info(fun() -> Get(Sock) end, Select). socket_info(Get, Select) -> case Get() of {ok, T} -> Select(T); {error, _} -> '' end. ssl_info(F, Sock) -> %% The first ok form is R14 %% The second is R13 - the extra term is exportability (by inspection, %% the docs are wrong) case rabbit_net:ssl_info(Sock) of nossl -> ''; {error, _} -> ''; {ok, {P, {K, C, H}}} -> F({P, {K, C, H}}); {ok, {P, {K, C, H, _}}} -> F({P, {K, C, H}}) end. cert_info(F, Sock) -> case rabbit_net:peercert(Sock) of nossl -> ''; {error, no_peercert} -> ''; {ok, Cert} -> list_to_binary(F(Cert)) end. emit_stats(State) -> rabbit_event:notify(connection_stats, infos(?STATISTICS_KEYS, State)), rabbit_event:reset_stats_timer(State, #v1.stats_timer).