%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License %% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License %% at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and %% limitations under the License. %% %% The Original Code is RabbitMQ. %% %% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware, Inc. %% Copyright (c) 2007-2013 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. %% -module(rabbit_event). -include("rabbit.hrl"). -export([start_link/0]). -export([init_stats_timer/2, init_disabled_stats_timer/2, ensure_stats_timer/3, stop_stats_timer/2, reset_stats_timer/2]). -export([stats_level/2, if_enabled/3]). -export([notify/2, notify_if/3]). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -record(state, {level, interval, timer}). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ifdef(use_specs). -export_type([event_type/0, event_props/0, event_timestamp/0, event/0]). -type(event_type() :: atom()). -type(event_props() :: term()). -type(event_timestamp() :: {non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()}). -type(event() :: #event { type :: event_type(), props :: event_props(), timestamp :: event_timestamp() }). -type(level() :: 'none' | 'coarse' | 'fine'). -type(timer_fun() :: fun (() -> 'ok')). -type(container() :: tuple()). -type(pos() :: non_neg_integer()). -spec(start_link/0 :: () -> rabbit_types:ok_pid_or_error()). -spec(init_stats_timer/2 :: (container(), pos()) -> container()). -spec(init_disabled_stats_timer/2 :: (container(), pos()) -> container()). -spec(ensure_stats_timer/3 :: (container(), pos(), term()) -> container()). -spec(stop_stats_timer/2 :: (container(), pos()) -> container()). -spec(reset_stats_timer/2 :: (container(), pos()) -> container()). -spec(stats_level/2 :: (container(), pos()) -> level()). -spec(if_enabled/3 :: (container(), pos(), timer_fun()) -> 'ok'). -spec(notify/2 :: (event_type(), event_props()) -> 'ok'). -spec(notify_if/3 :: (boolean(), event_type(), event_props()) -> 'ok'). -endif. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- start_link() -> gen_event:start_link({local, ?MODULE}). %% The idea is, for each stat-emitting object: %% %% On startup: %% init_stats_timer(State) %% notify(created event) %% if_enabled(internal_emit_stats) - so we immediately send something %% %% On wakeup: %% ensure_stats_timer(State, emit_stats) %% (Note we can't emit stats immediately, the timer may have fired 1ms ago.) %% %% emit_stats: %% if_enabled(internal_emit_stats) %% reset_stats_timer(State) - just bookkeeping %% %% Pre-hibernation: %% if_enabled(internal_emit_stats) %% stop_stats_timer(State) %% %% internal_emit_stats: %% notify(stats) init_stats_timer(C, P) -> {ok, StatsLevel} = application:get_env(rabbit, collect_statistics), {ok, Interval} = application:get_env(rabbit, collect_statistics_interval), setelement(P, C, #state{level = StatsLevel, interval = Interval, timer = undefined}). init_disabled_stats_timer(C, P) -> setelement(P, C, #state{level = none, interval = 0, timer = undefined}). ensure_stats_timer(C, P, Msg) -> case element(P, C) of #state{level = Level, interval = Interval, timer = undefined} = State when Level =/= none -> TRef = erlang:send_after(Interval, self(), Msg), setelement(P, C, State#state{timer = TRef}); #state{} -> C end. stop_stats_timer(C, P) -> case element(P, C) of #state{timer = TRef} = State when TRef =/= undefined -> case erlang:cancel_timer(TRef) of false -> C; _ -> setelement(P, C, State#state{timer = undefined}) end; #state{} -> C end. reset_stats_timer(C, P) -> case element(P, C) of #state{timer = TRef} = State when TRef =/= undefined -> setelement(P, C, State#state{timer = undefined}); #state{} -> C end. stats_level(C, P) -> #state{level = Level} = element(P, C), Level. if_enabled(C, P, Fun) -> case element(P, C) of #state{level = none} -> ok; #state{} -> Fun(), ok end. notify_if(true, Type, Props) -> notify(Type, Props); notify_if(false, _Type, _Props) -> ok. notify(Type, Props) -> %% TODO: switch to os:timestamp() when we drop support for %% Erlang/OTP < R13B01 gen_event:notify(?MODULE, #event{type = Type, props = Props, timestamp = now()}).