%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License %% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at %% http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the %% License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% The Original Code is RabbitMQ. %% %% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware, Inc. %% Copyright (c) 2007-2013 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. %% -module(gm_tests). -export([test_join_leave/0, test_broadcast/0, test_confirmed_broadcast/0, test_member_death/0, test_receive_in_order/0, all_tests/0]). -export([joined/2, members_changed/3, handle_msg/3, terminate/2]). -behaviour(gm). -include("gm_specs.hrl"). -define(RECEIVE_OR_THROW(Body, Bool, Error), receive Body -> true = Bool, passed after 1000 -> throw(Error) end). joined(Pid, Members) -> Pid ! {joined, self(), Members}, ok. members_changed(Pid, Births, Deaths) -> Pid ! {members_changed, self(), Births, Deaths}, ok. handle_msg(Pid, From, Msg) -> Pid ! {msg, self(), From, Msg}, ok. terminate(Pid, Reason) -> Pid ! {termination, self(), Reason}, ok. %% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Functional tests %% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- all_tests() -> passed = test_join_leave(), passed = test_broadcast(), passed = test_confirmed_broadcast(), passed = test_member_death(), passed = test_receive_in_order(), passed. test_join_leave() -> with_two_members(fun (_Pid, _Pid2) -> passed end). test_broadcast() -> test_broadcast(fun gm:broadcast/2). test_confirmed_broadcast() -> test_broadcast(fun gm:confirmed_broadcast/2). test_member_death() -> with_two_members( fun (Pid, Pid2) -> {ok, Pid3} = gm:start_link( ?MODULE, ?MODULE, self(), fun rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_transaction/1), passed = receive_joined(Pid3, [Pid, Pid2, Pid3], timeout_joining_gm_group_3), passed = receive_birth(Pid, Pid3, timeout_waiting_for_birth_3_1), passed = receive_birth(Pid2, Pid3, timeout_waiting_for_birth_3_2), unlink(Pid3), exit(Pid3, kill), %% Have to do some broadcasts to ensure that all members %% find out about the death. passed = (test_broadcast_fun(fun gm:confirmed_broadcast/2))( Pid, Pid2), passed = receive_death(Pid, Pid3, timeout_waiting_for_death_3_1), passed = receive_death(Pid2, Pid3, timeout_waiting_for_death_3_2), passed end). test_receive_in_order() -> with_two_members( fun (Pid, Pid2) -> Numbers = lists:seq(1,1000), [begin ok = gm:broadcast(Pid, N), ok = gm:broadcast(Pid2, N) end || N <- Numbers], passed = receive_numbers( Pid, Pid, {timeout_for_msgs, Pid, Pid}, Numbers), passed = receive_numbers( Pid, Pid2, {timeout_for_msgs, Pid, Pid2}, Numbers), passed = receive_numbers( Pid2, Pid, {timeout_for_msgs, Pid2, Pid}, Numbers), passed = receive_numbers( Pid2, Pid2, {timeout_for_msgs, Pid2, Pid2}, Numbers), passed end). test_broadcast(Fun) -> with_two_members(test_broadcast_fun(Fun)). test_broadcast_fun(Fun) -> fun (Pid, Pid2) -> ok = Fun(Pid, magic_message), passed = receive_or_throw({msg, Pid, Pid, magic_message}, timeout_waiting_for_msg), passed = receive_or_throw({msg, Pid2, Pid, magic_message}, timeout_waiting_for_msg) end. with_two_members(Fun) -> ok = gm:create_tables(), {ok, Pid} = gm:start_link(?MODULE, ?MODULE, self(), fun rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_transaction/1), passed = receive_joined(Pid, [Pid], timeout_joining_gm_group_1), {ok, Pid2} = gm:start_link(?MODULE, ?MODULE, self(), fun rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_transaction/1), passed = receive_joined(Pid2, [Pid, Pid2], timeout_joining_gm_group_2), passed = receive_birth(Pid, Pid2, timeout_waiting_for_birth_2), passed = Fun(Pid, Pid2), ok = gm:leave(Pid), passed = receive_death(Pid2, Pid, timeout_waiting_for_death_1), passed = receive_termination(Pid, normal, timeout_waiting_for_termination_1), ok = gm:leave(Pid2), passed = receive_termination(Pid2, normal, timeout_waiting_for_termination_2), receive X -> throw({unexpected_message, X}) after 0 -> passed end. receive_or_throw(Pattern, Error) -> ?RECEIVE_OR_THROW(Pattern, true, Error). receive_birth(From, Born, Error) -> ?RECEIVE_OR_THROW({members_changed, From, Birth, Death}, ([Born] == Birth) andalso ([] == Death), Error). receive_death(From, Died, Error) -> ?RECEIVE_OR_THROW({members_changed, From, Birth, Death}, ([] == Birth) andalso ([Died] == Death), Error). receive_joined(From, Members, Error) -> ?RECEIVE_OR_THROW({joined, From, Members1}, lists:usort(Members) == lists:usort(Members1), Error). receive_termination(From, Reason, Error) -> ?RECEIVE_OR_THROW({termination, From, Reason1}, Reason == Reason1, Error). receive_numbers(_Pid, _Sender, _Error, []) -> passed; receive_numbers(Pid, Sender, Error, [N | Numbers]) -> ?RECEIVE_OR_THROW({msg, Pid, Sender, M}, M == N, Error), receive_numbers(Pid, Sender, Error, Numbers).