PROJECT = rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2 PROJECT_DESCRIPTION = OAuth 2 and JWT-based AuthN and AuthZ backend # We do not need QUIC as dependency of emqtt. BUILD_WITHOUT_QUIC=1 export BUILD_WITHOUT_QUIC LOCAL_DEPS = inets public_key BUILD_DEPS = rabbit_common DEPS = rabbit cowlib jose base64url TEST_DEPS = cowboy rabbitmq_web_dispatch rabbitmq_ct_helpers rabbitmq_ct_client_helpers amqp_client rabbitmq_mqtt emqtt DEP_EARLY_PLUGINS = rabbit_common/mk/ DEP_PLUGINS = rabbit_common/mk/ dep_jose = git mk-thoas-support dep_base64url = hex 1.0.1 dep_emqtt = git otp-26-compatibility include ../../ include ../../