virtual QExplicitlySharedDataPointer QPatternist::ExpressionFactory::createExpression(QIODevice*, const QExplicitlySharedDataPointer&, QXmlQuery::QueryLanguage, const QExplicitlySharedDataPointer&, const QUrl&) QUrl( "file:///home/fenglich/dev/qt-xslt/tests/auto/xmlpatterns/stylesheets/queryAsStylesheet.xsl" ) PUSHED STATE 0 void QPatternist::XSLTTokenizer::stateOutsideDocumentElement() Now at end of input. Reducing stack by rule 3 (line 1018): -> $$ = nterm VersionDecl (: ) Stack now 0 Entering state 3 Now at end of input. Reducing stack by rule 10 (line 1139): -> $$ = nterm Prolog (: ) Stack now 0 3 Entering state 10 Now at end of input. Error XPST0003 in file:///home/fenglich/dev/qt-xslt/tests/auto/xmlpatterns/stylesheets/queryAsStylesheet.xsl, at line -1212346368, column -1214801237: syntax error, unexpected end of file Tokens Revealed: "end of file "