/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #if ENABLE(VIDEO) #include "FullscreenVideoController.h" #include "WebKitDLL.h" #include "WebView.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace WebCore; static const float timerInterval = 0.033; // HUD Size static const int windowHeight = 59; static const int windowWidth = 438; // Margins and button sizes static const int margin = 9; static const int marginTop = 9; static const int buttonSize = 25; static const int buttonMiniSize = 16; static const int volumeSliderWidth = 50; static const int timeSliderWidth = 310; static const int sliderHeight = 8; static const int volumeSliderButtonSize = 10; static const int timeSliderButtonSize = 8; static const int textSize = 11; static const float initialHUDPositionY = 0.9; // Initial Y position of HUD in percentage from top of screen // Background values static const int borderRadius = 12; static const int borderThickness = 2; // Colors static const unsigned int backgroundColor = 0xA0202020; static const unsigned int borderColor = 0xFFA0A0A0; static const unsigned int sliderGutterColor = 0xFF141414; static const unsigned int sliderButtonColor = 0xFF808080; static const unsigned int textColor = 0xFFFFFFFF; HUDButton::HUDButton(HUDButtonType type, const IntPoint& position) : HUDWidget(IntRect(position, IntSize())) , m_type(type) , m_showAltButton(false) { const char* buttonResource = 0; const char* buttonResourceAlt = 0; switch (m_type) { case PlayPauseButton: buttonResource = "fsVideoPlay"; buttonResourceAlt = "fsVideoPause"; break; case TimeSliderButton: break; case VolumeUpButton: buttonResource = "fsVideoAudioVolumeHigh"; break; case VolumeSliderButton: break; case VolumeDownButton: buttonResource = "fsVideoAudioVolumeLow"; break; case ExitFullscreenButton: buttonResource = "fsVideoExitFullscreen"; break; } if (buttonResource) { m_buttonImage = Image::loadPlatformResource(buttonResource); m_rect.setWidth(m_buttonImage->width()); m_rect.setHeight(m_buttonImage->height()); } if (buttonResourceAlt) m_buttonImageAlt = Image::loadPlatformResource(buttonResourceAlt); } void HUDButton::draw(GraphicsContext& context) { Image* image = (m_showAltButton && m_buttonImageAlt) ? m_buttonImageAlt.get() : m_buttonImage.get(); context.drawImage(image, ColorSpaceDeviceRGB, m_rect.location()); } HUDSlider::HUDSlider(HUDSliderButtonShape shape, int buttonSize, const IntRect& rect) : HUDWidget(rect) , m_buttonShape(shape) , m_buttonSize(buttonSize) , m_buttonPosition(0) , m_dragStartOffset(0) { } void HUDSlider::draw(GraphicsContext& context) { // Draw gutter IntSize radius(m_rect.height() / 2, m_rect.height() / 2); context.fillRoundedRect(m_rect, radius, radius, radius, radius, Color(sliderGutterColor), ColorSpaceDeviceRGB); // Draw button context.setStrokeColor(Color(sliderButtonColor), ColorSpaceDeviceRGB); context.setFillColor(Color(sliderButtonColor), ColorSpaceDeviceRGB); if (m_buttonShape == RoundButton) { context.drawEllipse(IntRect(m_rect.location().x() + m_buttonPosition, m_rect.location().y() - (m_buttonSize - m_rect.height()) / 2, m_buttonSize, m_buttonSize)); return; } // Draw a diamond FloatPoint points[4]; float half = static_cast(m_buttonSize) / 2; points[0].setX(m_rect.location().x() + m_buttonPosition + half); points[0].setY(m_rect.location().y()); points[1].setX(m_rect.location().x() + m_buttonPosition + m_buttonSize); points[1].setY(m_rect.location().y() + half); points[2].setX(m_rect.location().x() + m_buttonPosition + half); points[2].setY(m_rect.location().y() + m_buttonSize); points[3].setX(m_rect.location().x() + m_buttonPosition); points[3].setY(m_rect.location().y() + half); context.drawConvexPolygon(4, points, true); } void HUDSlider::drag(const IntPoint& point, bool start) { if (start) { // When we start, we need to snap the slider position to the x position if we clicked the gutter. // But if we click the button, we need to drag relative to where we clicked down. We only need // to check X because we would not even get here unless Y were already inside. int relativeX = point.x() - m_rect.location().x(); if (relativeX >= m_buttonPosition && relativeX <= m_buttonPosition + m_buttonSize) m_dragStartOffset = point.x() - m_buttonPosition; else m_dragStartOffset = m_rect.location().x() + m_buttonSize / 2; } m_buttonPosition = max(0, min(m_rect.width() - m_buttonSize, point.x() - m_dragStartOffset)); } #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) class FullscreenVideoController::LayerClient : public WebCore::PlatformCALayerClient { public: LayerClient(FullscreenVideoController* parent) : m_parent(parent) { } private: virtual void platformCALayerLayoutSublayersOfLayer(PlatformCALayer*); virtual bool platformCALayerRespondsToLayoutChanges() const { return true; } virtual void platformCALayerAnimationStarted(CFTimeInterval beginTime) { } virtual GraphicsLayer::CompositingCoordinatesOrientation platformCALayerContentsOrientation() const { return GraphicsLayer::CompositingCoordinatesBottomUp; } virtual void platformCALayerPaintContents(GraphicsContext&, const IntRect& inClip) { } virtual bool platformCALayerShowDebugBorders() const { return false; } virtual bool platformCALayerShowRepaintCounter(PlatformCALayer*) const { return false; } virtual int platformCALayerIncrementRepaintCount() { return 0; } virtual bool platformCALayerContentsOpaque() const { return false; } virtual bool platformCALayerDrawsContent() const { return false; } virtual void platformCALayerLayerDidDisplay(PlatformLayer*) { } virtual void platformCALayerDidCreateTiles(const Vector&) { } virtual float platformCALayerDeviceScaleFactor() { return 1; } FullscreenVideoController* m_parent; }; void FullscreenVideoController::LayerClient::platformCALayerLayoutSublayersOfLayer(PlatformCALayer* layer) { ASSERT_ARG(layer, layer == m_parent->m_rootChild); HTMLMediaElement* mediaElement = m_parent->m_mediaElement.get(); if (!mediaElement) return; PlatformCALayer* videoLayer = PlatformCALayer::platformCALayer(mediaElement->platformLayer()); if (!videoLayer || videoLayer->superlayer() != layer) return; FloatRect layerBounds = layer->bounds(); FloatSize videoSize = mediaElement->player()->naturalSize(); float scaleFactor; if (videoSize.aspectRatio() > layerBounds.size().aspectRatio()) scaleFactor = layerBounds.width() / videoSize.width(); else scaleFactor = layerBounds.height() / videoSize.height(); videoSize.scale(scaleFactor); // Calculate the centered position based on the videoBounds and layerBounds: FloatPoint videoPosition; FloatPoint videoOrigin; videoOrigin.setX((layerBounds.width() - videoSize.width()) * 0.5); videoOrigin.setY((layerBounds.height() - videoSize.height()) * 0.5); videoLayer->setFrame(FloatRect(videoOrigin, videoSize)); } #endif FullscreenVideoController::FullscreenVideoController() : m_hudWindow(0) , m_playPauseButton(HUDButton::PlayPauseButton, IntPoint((windowWidth - buttonSize) / 2, marginTop)) , m_timeSliderButton(HUDButton::TimeSliderButton, IntPoint(0, 0)) , m_volumeUpButton(HUDButton::VolumeUpButton, IntPoint(margin + buttonMiniSize + volumeSliderWidth + buttonMiniSize / 2, marginTop + (buttonSize - buttonMiniSize) / 2)) , m_volumeSliderButton(HUDButton::VolumeSliderButton, IntPoint(0, 0)) , m_volumeDownButton(HUDButton::VolumeDownButton, IntPoint(margin, marginTop + (buttonSize - buttonMiniSize) / 2)) , m_exitFullscreenButton(HUDButton::ExitFullscreenButton, IntPoint(windowWidth - 2 * margin - buttonMiniSize, marginTop + (buttonSize - buttonMiniSize) / 2)) , m_volumeSlider(HUDSlider::RoundButton, volumeSliderButtonSize, IntRect(IntPoint(margin + buttonMiniSize, marginTop + (buttonSize - buttonMiniSize) / 2 + buttonMiniSize / 2 - sliderHeight / 2), IntSize(volumeSliderWidth, sliderHeight))) , m_timeSlider(HUDSlider::DiamondButton, timeSliderButtonSize, IntRect(IntPoint(windowWidth / 2 - timeSliderWidth / 2, windowHeight - margin - sliderHeight), IntSize(timeSliderWidth, sliderHeight))) , m_hitWidget(0) , m_movingWindow(false) , m_timer(this, &FullscreenVideoController::timerFired) #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) , m_layerClient(adoptPtr(new LayerClient(this))) , m_rootChild(PlatformCALayer::create(PlatformCALayer::LayerTypeLayer, m_layerClient.get())) #endif , m_fullscreenWindow(adoptPtr(new MediaPlayerPrivateFullscreenWindow(this))) { } FullscreenVideoController::~FullscreenVideoController() { #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) m_rootChild->setOwner(0); #endif } void FullscreenVideoController::setMediaElement(HTMLMediaElement* mediaElement) { if (mediaElement == m_mediaElement) return; m_mediaElement = mediaElement; if (!m_mediaElement) { // Can't do full-screen, just get out exitFullscreen(); } } void FullscreenVideoController::enterFullscreen() { if (!m_mediaElement) return; WebView* webView = kit(m_mediaElement->document()->page()); HWND parentHwnd = webView ? webView->viewWindow() : 0; m_fullscreenWindow->createWindow(parentHwnd); ::ShowWindow(m_fullscreenWindow->hwnd(), SW_SHOW); #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) m_fullscreenWindow->setRootChildLayer(m_rootChild); PlatformCALayer* videoLayer = PlatformCALayer::platformCALayer(m_mediaElement->platformLayer()); m_rootChild->appendSublayer(videoLayer); m_rootChild->setNeedsLayout(); m_rootChild->setGeometryFlipped(1); #endif RECT windowRect; GetClientRect(m_fullscreenWindow->hwnd(), &windowRect); m_fullscreenSize.setWidth(windowRect.right - windowRect.left); m_fullscreenSize.setHeight(windowRect.bottom - windowRect.top); createHUDWindow(); } void FullscreenVideoController::exitFullscreen() { SetWindowLongPtr(m_hudWindow, 0, 0); if (m_fullscreenWindow) m_fullscreenWindow = nullptr; ASSERT(!IsWindow(m_hudWindow)); m_hudWindow = 0; // We previously ripped the mediaElement's platform layer out // of its orginial layer tree to display it in our fullscreen // window. Now, we need to get the layer back in its original // tree. // // As a side effect of setting the player to invisible/visible, // the player's layer will be recreated, and will be picked up // the next time the layer tree is synched. m_mediaElement->player()->setVisible(0); m_mediaElement->player()->setVisible(1); } bool FullscreenVideoController::canPlay() const { return m_mediaElement && m_mediaElement->canPlay(); } void FullscreenVideoController::play() { if (m_mediaElement) m_mediaElement->play(); } void FullscreenVideoController::pause() { if (m_mediaElement) m_mediaElement->pause(); } float FullscreenVideoController::volume() const { return m_mediaElement ? m_mediaElement->volume() : 0; } void FullscreenVideoController::setVolume(float volume) { if (m_mediaElement) { ExceptionCode ec; m_mediaElement->setVolume(volume, ec); } } float FullscreenVideoController::currentTime() const { return m_mediaElement ? m_mediaElement->currentTime() : 0; } void FullscreenVideoController::setCurrentTime(float value) { if (m_mediaElement) { ExceptionCode ec; m_mediaElement->setCurrentTime(value, ec); } } float FullscreenVideoController::duration() const { return m_mediaElement ? m_mediaElement->duration() : 0; } void FullscreenVideoController::beginScrubbing() { if (m_mediaElement) m_mediaElement->beginScrubbing(); } void FullscreenVideoController::endScrubbing() { if (m_mediaElement) m_mediaElement->endScrubbing(); } LRESULT FullscreenVideoController::fullscreenClientWndProc(HWND wnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (message) { case WM_CHAR: onChar(wParam); break; case WM_KEYDOWN: onKeyDown(wParam); break; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: onMouseDown(IntPoint(GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam))); break; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: onMouseMove(IntPoint(GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam))); break; case WM_LBUTTONUP: onMouseUp(IntPoint(GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam))); break; } return DefWindowProc(wnd, message, wParam, lParam); } static const LPCWSTR fullscreenVideeoHUDWindowClassName = L"fullscreenVideeoHUDWindowClass"; void FullscreenVideoController::registerHUDWindowClass() { static bool haveRegisteredHUDWindowClass; if (haveRegisteredHUDWindowClass) return; haveRegisteredHUDWindowClass = true; WNDCLASSEX wcex; wcex.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); wcex.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; wcex.lpfnWndProc = hudWndProc; wcex.cbClsExtra = 0; wcex.cbWndExtra = sizeof(FullscreenVideoController*); wcex.hInstance = gInstance; wcex.hIcon = 0; wcex.hCursor = LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW); wcex.hbrBackground = 0; wcex.lpszMenuName = 0; wcex.lpszClassName = fullscreenVideeoHUDWindowClassName; wcex.hIconSm = 0; RegisterClassEx(&wcex); } void FullscreenVideoController::createHUDWindow() { m_hudPosition.setX((m_fullscreenSize.width() - windowWidth) / 2); m_hudPosition.setY(m_fullscreenSize.height() * initialHUDPositionY - windowHeight / 2); // Local variable that will hold the returned pixels. No need to cleanup this value. It // will get cleaned up when m_bitmap is destroyed in the dtor void* pixels; BitmapInfo bitmapInfo = BitmapInfo::createBottomUp(IntSize(windowWidth, windowHeight)); m_bitmap = adoptPtr(::CreateDIBSection(0, &bitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &pixels, 0, 0)); // Dirty the window so the HUD draws RECT clearRect = { m_hudPosition.x(), m_hudPosition.y(), m_hudPosition.x() + windowWidth, m_hudPosition.y() + windowHeight }; InvalidateRect(m_fullscreenWindow->hwnd(), &clearRect, true); m_playPauseButton.setShowAltButton(!canPlay()); m_volumeSlider.setValue(volume()); m_timeSlider.setValue(currentTime() / duration()); if (!canPlay()) m_timer.startRepeating(timerInterval); registerHUDWindowClass(); m_hudWindow = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_LAYERED | WS_EX_TRANSPARENT | WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, fullscreenVideeoHUDWindowClassName, 0, WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE, m_hudPosition.x(), m_hudPosition.y(), 0, 0, m_fullscreenWindow->hwnd(), 0, gInstance, 0); ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hudWindow)); SetWindowLongPtr(m_hudWindow, 0, reinterpret_cast(this)); draw(); } static String timeToString(float time) { if (!isfinite(time)) time = 0; int seconds = fabsf(time); int hours = seconds / (60 * 60); int minutes = (seconds / 60) % 60; seconds %= 60; if (hours) { if (hours > 9) return String::format("%s%02d:%02d:%02d", (time < 0 ? "-" : ""), hours, minutes, seconds); return String::format("%s%01d:%02d:%02d", (time < 0 ? "-" : ""), hours, minutes, seconds); } return String::format("%s%02d:%02d", (time < 0 ? "-" : ""), minutes, seconds); } void FullscreenVideoController::draw() { OwnPtr bitmapDC = adoptPtr(CreateCompatibleDC(HWndDC(m_hudWindow))); HGDIOBJ oldBitmap = SelectObject(bitmapDC.get(), m_bitmap.get()); GraphicsContext context(bitmapDC.get(), true); context.save(); // Draw the background IntSize outerRadius(borderRadius, borderRadius); IntRect outerRect(0, 0, windowWidth, windowHeight); IntSize innerRadius(borderRadius - borderThickness, borderRadius - borderThickness); IntRect innerRect(borderThickness, borderThickness, windowWidth - borderThickness * 2, windowHeight - borderThickness * 2); context.fillRoundedRect(outerRect, outerRadius, outerRadius, outerRadius, outerRadius, Color(borderColor), ColorSpaceDeviceRGB); context.setCompositeOperation(CompositeCopy); context.fillRoundedRect(innerRect, innerRadius, innerRadius, innerRadius, innerRadius, Color(backgroundColor), ColorSpaceDeviceRGB); // Draw the widgets m_playPauseButton.draw(context); m_volumeUpButton.draw(context); m_volumeSliderButton.draw(context); m_volumeDownButton.draw(context); m_timeSliderButton.draw(context); m_exitFullscreenButton.draw(context); m_volumeSlider.draw(context); m_timeSlider.draw(context); // Draw the text strings FontDescription desc; NONCLIENTMETRICS metrics; metrics.cbSize = sizeof(metrics); SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, metrics.cbSize, &metrics, 0); FontFamily family; family.setFamily(metrics.lfSmCaptionFont.lfFaceName); desc.setFamily(family); desc.setComputedSize(textSize); Font font = Font(desc, 0, 0); font.update(0); String s; // The y positioning of these two text strings is tricky because they are so small. They // are currently positioned relative to the center of the slider and then down the font // height / 4 (which is actually half of font height /2), which positions the center of // the text at the center of the slider. // Left string s = timeToString(currentTime()); int fontHeight = font.fontMetrics().height(); TextRun leftText(s); context.setFillColor(Color(textColor), ColorSpaceDeviceRGB); context.drawText(font, leftText, IntPoint(windowWidth / 2 - timeSliderWidth / 2 - margin - font.width(leftText), windowHeight - margin - sliderHeight / 2 + fontHeight / 4)); // Right string s = timeToString(currentTime() - duration()); TextRun rightText(s); context.setFillColor(Color(textColor), ColorSpaceDeviceRGB); context.drawText(font, rightText, IntPoint(windowWidth / 2 + timeSliderWidth / 2 + margin, windowHeight - margin - sliderHeight / 2 + fontHeight / 4)); // Copy to the window BLENDFUNCTION blendFunction = {AC_SRC_OVER, 0, 255, AC_SRC_ALPHA}; SIZE size = { windowWidth, windowHeight }; POINT sourcePoint = {0, 0}; POINT destPoint = { m_hudPosition.x(), m_hudPosition.y() }; BOOL result = UpdateLayeredWindow(m_hudWindow, 0, &destPoint, &size, bitmapDC.get(), &sourcePoint, 0, &blendFunction, ULW_ALPHA); context.restore(); ::SelectObject(bitmapDC.get(), oldBitmap); } LRESULT FullscreenVideoController::hudWndProc(HWND wnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LONG_PTR longPtr = GetWindowLongPtr(wnd, 0); FullscreenVideoController* controller = reinterpret_cast(longPtr); if (!controller) return DefWindowProc(wnd, message, wParam, lParam); switch (message) { case WM_CHAR: controller->onChar(wParam); break; case WM_KEYDOWN: controller->onKeyDown(wParam); break; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: controller->onMouseDown(IntPoint(GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam))); break; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: controller->onMouseMove(IntPoint(GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam))); break; case WM_LBUTTONUP: controller->onMouseUp(IntPoint(GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam))); break; } return DefWindowProc(wnd, message, wParam, lParam); } void FullscreenVideoController::onChar(int c) { if (c == VK_ESCAPE) { if (m_mediaElement) m_mediaElement->exitFullscreen(); } else if (c == VK_SPACE) togglePlay(); } void FullscreenVideoController::onKeyDown(int virtualKey) { if (virtualKey == VK_ESCAPE) { if (m_mediaElement) m_mediaElement->exitFullscreen(); } } void FullscreenVideoController::timerFired(Timer*) { // Update the time slider m_timeSlider.setValue(currentTime() / duration()); draw(); } void FullscreenVideoController::onMouseDown(const IntPoint& point) { IntPoint convertedPoint(fullscreenToHUDCoordinates(point)); // Don't bother hit testing if we're outside the bounds of the window if (convertedPoint.x() < 0 || convertedPoint.x() >= windowWidth || convertedPoint.y() < 0 || convertedPoint.y() >= windowHeight) return; m_hitWidget = 0; m_movingWindow = false; if (m_playPauseButton.hitTest(convertedPoint)) m_hitWidget = &m_playPauseButton; else if (m_exitFullscreenButton.hitTest(convertedPoint)) m_hitWidget = &m_exitFullscreenButton; else if (m_volumeUpButton.hitTest(convertedPoint)) m_hitWidget = &m_volumeUpButton; else if (m_volumeDownButton.hitTest(convertedPoint)) m_hitWidget = &m_volumeDownButton; else if (m_volumeSlider.hitTest(convertedPoint)) { m_hitWidget = &m_volumeSlider; m_volumeSlider.drag(convertedPoint, true); setVolume(m_volumeSlider.value()); } else if (m_timeSlider.hitTest(convertedPoint)) { m_hitWidget = &m_timeSlider; m_timeSlider.drag(convertedPoint, true); beginScrubbing(); setCurrentTime(m_timeSlider.value() * duration()); } // If we did not pick any of our widgets we are starting a window move if (!m_hitWidget) { m_moveOffset = convertedPoint; m_movingWindow = true; } draw(); } void FullscreenVideoController::onMouseMove(const IntPoint& point) { IntPoint convertedPoint(fullscreenToHUDCoordinates(point)); if (m_hitWidget) { m_hitWidget->drag(convertedPoint, false); if (m_hitWidget == &m_volumeSlider) setVolume(m_volumeSlider.value()); else if (m_hitWidget == &m_timeSlider) setCurrentTime(m_timeSlider.value() * duration()); draw(); } else if (m_movingWindow) m_hudPosition.move(convertedPoint.x() - m_moveOffset.x(), convertedPoint.y() - m_moveOffset.y()); } void FullscreenVideoController::onMouseUp(const IntPoint& point) { IntPoint convertedPoint(fullscreenToHUDCoordinates(point)); m_movingWindow = false; if (m_hitWidget) { if (m_hitWidget == &m_playPauseButton && m_playPauseButton.hitTest(convertedPoint)) togglePlay(); else if (m_hitWidget == &m_volumeUpButton && m_volumeUpButton.hitTest(convertedPoint)) { setVolume(1); m_volumeSlider.setValue(1); } else if (m_hitWidget == &m_volumeDownButton && m_volumeDownButton.hitTest(convertedPoint)) { setVolume(0); m_volumeSlider.setValue(0); } else if (m_hitWidget == &m_timeSlider) endScrubbing(); else if (m_hitWidget == &m_exitFullscreenButton && m_exitFullscreenButton.hitTest(convertedPoint)) { m_hitWidget = 0; if (m_mediaElement) m_mediaElement->exitFullscreen(); return; } } m_hitWidget = 0; draw(); } void FullscreenVideoController::togglePlay() { if (canPlay()) play(); else pause(); m_playPauseButton.setShowAltButton(!canPlay()); // Run a timer while the video is playing so we can keep the time // slider and time values up to date. if (!canPlay()) m_timer.startRepeating(timerInterval); else m_timer.stop(); draw(); } #endif