/* * Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "config.h" #include "WebPage.h" #include "ApplicationCacheStorage.h" #include "AutofillManager.h" #include "BackForwardController.h" #include "BackForwardListImpl.h" #include "BackingStoreClient.h" #include "BackingStoreCompositingSurface.h" #include "BackingStore_p.h" #if ENABLE(BATTERY_STATUS) #include "BatteryClientBlackBerry.h" #endif #include "CString.h" #include "CachedImage.h" #include "Chrome.h" #include "ChromeClientBlackBerry.h" #include "ContextMenuClientBlackBerry.h" #include "CookieManager.h" #include "CredentialManager.h" #include "CredentialStorage.h" #include "CredentialTransformData.h" #include "DOMSupport.h" #include "Database.h" #include "DatabaseSync.h" #include "DatabaseTracker.h" #include "DefaultTapHighlight.h" #include "DeviceMotionClientBlackBerry.h" #include "DeviceOrientationClientBlackBerry.h" #include "DragClientBlackBerry.h" // FIXME: We should be using DumpRenderTreeClient, but I'm not sure where we should // create the DRT_BB object. See PR #120355. #if !defined(PUBLIC_BUILD) || !PUBLIC_BUILD #include "DumpRenderTreeBlackBerry.h" #endif #include "EditorClientBlackBerry.h" #include "FocusController.h" #include "FrameLoaderClientBlackBerry.h" #if !defined(PUBLIC_BUILD) || !PUBLIC_BUILD #include "GeolocationClientMock.h" #endif #include "GeolocationControllerClientBlackBerry.h" #include "GroupSettings.h" #include "HTMLAreaElement.h" #include "HTMLFrameOwnerElement.h" #include "HTMLImageElement.h" #include "HTMLInputElement.h" #include "HTMLMediaElement.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "HTMLParserIdioms.h" #include "HTTPParsers.h" #include "HistoryItem.h" #include "IconDatabaseClientBlackBerry.h" #include "InPageSearchManager.h" #include "InRegionScrollableArea.h" #include "InRegionScroller_p.h" #include "InputHandler.h" #include "InspectorBackendDispatcher.h" #include "InspectorClientBlackBerry.h" #include "InspectorController.h" #include "InspectorOverlay.h" #include "JavaScriptDebuggerBlackBerry.h" #include "JavaScriptVariant_p.h" #include "LayerWebKitThread.h" #include "NetworkManager.h" #include "NodeRenderStyle.h" #if ENABLE(NOTIFICATIONS) || ENABLE(LEGACY_NOTIFICATIONS) #include "NotificationPresenterImpl.h" #endif #include "Page.h" #include "PageCache.h" #include "PageGroup.h" #include "PagePopupBlackBerry.h" #include "PlatformTouchEvent.h" #include "PlatformWheelEvent.h" #include "PluginDatabase.h" #include "PluginView.h" #include "RenderLayerBacking.h" #include "RenderLayerCompositor.h" #if ENABLE(FULLSCREEN_API) #include "RenderFullScreen.h" #endif #include "RenderText.h" #include "RenderThemeBlackBerry.h" #include "RenderTreeAsText.h" #include "RenderView.h" #include "RenderWidget.h" #include "ScriptSourceCode.h" #include "ScriptValue.h" #include "ScrollTypes.h" #include "SecurityPolicy.h" #include "SelectionHandler.h" #include "SelectionOverlay.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "Storage.h" #include "StorageNamespace.h" #include "SurfacePool.h" #include "Text.h" #include "ThreadCheck.h" #include "TouchEventHandler.h" #include "TransformationMatrix.h" #if ENABLE(MEDIA_STREAM) #include "UserMediaClientImpl.h" #endif #if ENABLE(VIBRATION) #include "VibrationClientBlackBerry.h" #endif #include "VisiblePosition.h" #if ENABLE(WEBDOM) #include "WebDOMDocument.h" #endif #include "WebKitVersion.h" #include "WebOverlay.h" #include "WebOverlay_p.h" #include "WebPageClient.h" #include "WebSocket.h" #include "WebViewportArguments.h" #include "npapi.h" #include "runtime_root.h" #if ENABLE(VIDEO) #include "MediaPlayer.h" #include "MediaPlayerPrivateBlackBerry.h" #endif #if USE(SKIA) #include "PlatformContextSkia.h" #endif #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) #include "FrameLayers.h" #include "WebPageCompositorClient.h" #include "WebPageCompositor_p.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // platform ICU #ifndef USER_PROCESSES #include #endif #if ENABLE(ACCELERATED_2D_CANVAS) #include "GrContext.h" #include "SharedGraphicsContext3D.h" #endif #if ENABLE(REQUEST_ANIMATION_FRAME) #include "PlatformScreen.h" #endif #define DEBUG_BLOCK_ZOOM 0 #define DEBUG_TOUCH_EVENTS 0 #define DEBUG_WEBPAGE_LOAD 0 #define DEBUG_AC_COMMIT 0 using namespace std; using namespace WebCore; typedef const unsigned short* CUShortPtr; namespace BlackBerry { namespace WebKit { static Vector* visibleWebPages() { static Vector* s_visibleWebPages = 0; // Initially, no web page is visible. if (!s_visibleWebPages) s_visibleWebPages = new Vector; return s_visibleWebPages; } const unsigned blockZoomMargin = 3; // Add 3 pixel margin on each side. static int blockClickRadius = 0; static double maximumBlockZoomScale = 3; // This scale can be clamped by the maximumScale set for the page. const double manualScrollInterval = 0.1; // The time interval during which we associate user action with scrolling. const double delayedZoomInterval = 0; const IntSize minimumLayoutSize(10, 10); // Needs to be a small size, greater than 0, that we can grow the layout from. const double minimumExpandingRatio = 0.15; const double minimumZoomToFitScale = 0.25; // Helper function to parse a URL and fill in missing parts. static KURL parseUrl(const String& url) { String urlString(url); KURL kurl = KURL(KURL(), urlString); if (kurl.protocol().isEmpty()) { urlString.insert("http://", 0); kurl = KURL(KURL(), urlString); } return kurl; } // Helper functions to convert to and from WebCore types. static inline WebCore::PlatformEvent::Type toWebCoreMouseEventType(const BlackBerry::Platform::MouseEvent::Type type) { switch (type) { case BlackBerry::Platform::MouseEvent::MouseButtonDown: return WebCore::PlatformEvent::MousePressed; case Platform::MouseEvent::MouseButtonUp: return WebCore::PlatformEvent::MouseReleased; case Platform::MouseEvent::MouseMove: default: return WebCore::PlatformEvent::MouseMoved; } } static inline ResourceRequestCachePolicy toWebCoreCachePolicy(Platform::NetworkRequest::CachePolicy policy) { switch (policy) { case Platform::NetworkRequest::UseProtocolCachePolicy: return UseProtocolCachePolicy; case Platform::NetworkRequest::ReloadIgnoringCacheData: return ReloadIgnoringCacheData; case Platform::NetworkRequest::ReturnCacheDataElseLoad: return ReturnCacheDataElseLoad; case Platform::NetworkRequest::ReturnCacheDataDontLoad: return ReturnCacheDataDontLoad; default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return UseProtocolCachePolicy; } } #if ENABLE(EVENT_MODE_METATAGS) static inline Platform::CursorEventMode toPlatformCursorEventMode(CursorEventMode mode) { switch (mode) { case ProcessedCursorEvents: return Platform::ProcessedCursorEvents; case NativeCursorEvents: return Platform::NativeCursorEvents; default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return Platform::ProcessedCursorEvents; } } static inline Platform::TouchEventMode toPlatformTouchEventMode(TouchEventMode mode) { switch (mode) { case ProcessedTouchEvents: return Platform::ProcessedTouchEvents; case NativeTouchEvents: return Platform::NativeTouchEvents; case PureTouchEventsWithMouseConversion: return Platform::PureTouchEventsWithMouseConversion; default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return Platform::ProcessedTouchEvents; } } #endif static inline HistoryItem* historyItemFromBackForwardId(WebPage::BackForwardId id) { return reinterpret_cast(id); } static inline WebPage::BackForwardId backForwardIdFromHistoryItem(HistoryItem* item) { return reinterpret_cast(item); } void WebPage::setUserViewportArguments(const WebViewportArguments& viewportArguments) { d->m_userViewportArguments = *(viewportArguments.d); } void WebPage::resetUserViewportArguments() { d->m_userViewportArguments = ViewportArguments(); } template class DeferredTask: public WebPagePrivate::DeferredTaskBase { public: static void finishOrCancel(WebPagePrivate* webPagePrivate) { webPagePrivate->*isActive = false; } protected: DeferredTask(WebPagePrivate* webPagePrivate) : DeferredTaskBase(webPagePrivate, isActive) { } typedef DeferredTask DeferredTaskType; }; void WebPage::autofillTextField(const string& item) { if (!d->m_webSettings->isFormAutofillEnabled()) return; d->m_autofillManager->autofillTextField(item.c_str()); } WebPagePrivate::WebPagePrivate(WebPage* webPage, WebPageClient* client, const IntRect& rect) : m_webPage(webPage) , m_client(client) , m_inspectorClient(0) , m_page(0) // Initialized by init. , m_mainFrame(0) // Initialized by init. , m_currentContextNode(0) , m_webSettings(0) // Initialized by init. , m_visible(false) , m_activationState(ActivationActive) , m_shouldResetTilesWhenShown(false) , m_shouldZoomToInitialScaleAfterLoadFinished(false) , m_userScalable(true) , m_userPerformedManualZoom(false) , m_userPerformedManualScroll(false) , m_contentsSizeChanged(false) , m_overflowExceedsContentsSize(false) , m_resetVirtualViewportOnCommitted(true) , m_shouldUseFixedDesktopMode(false) , m_needTouchEvents(false) , m_preventIdleDimmingCount(0) #if ENABLE(TOUCH_EVENTS) , m_preventDefaultOnTouchStart(false) #endif , m_nestedLayoutFinishedCount(0) , m_actualVisibleWidth(rect.width()) , m_actualVisibleHeight(rect.height()) , m_virtualViewportWidth(0) , m_virtualViewportHeight(0) , m_defaultLayoutSize(minimumLayoutSize) , m_didRestoreFromPageCache(false) , m_viewMode(WebPagePrivate::Desktop) // Default to Desktop mode for PB. , m_loadState(WebPagePrivate::None) , m_transformationMatrix(new TransformationMatrix()) , m_backingStore(0) // Initialized by init. , m_backingStoreClient(0) // Initialized by init. , m_inPageSearchManager(new InPageSearchManager(this)) , m_inputHandler(new InputHandler(this)) , m_selectionHandler(new SelectionHandler(this)) , m_touchEventHandler(new TouchEventHandler(this)) #if ENABLE(EVENT_MODE_METATAGS) , m_cursorEventMode(ProcessedCursorEvents) , m_touchEventMode(ProcessedTouchEvents) #endif #if ENABLE(FULLSCREEN_API) && ENABLE(VIDEO) , m_scaleBeforeFullScreen(-1.0) , m_xScrollOffsetBeforeFullScreen(-1) #endif , m_currentCursor(Platform::CursorNone) , m_dumpRenderTree(0) // Lazy initialization. , m_initialScale(-1.0) , m_minimumScale(-1.0) , m_maximumScale(-1.0) , m_blockZoomFinalScale(1.0) , m_anchorInNodeRectRatio(-1, -1) , m_currentBlockZoomNode(0) , m_currentBlockZoomAdjustedNode(0) , m_shouldReflowBlock(false) , m_delayedZoomTimer(adoptPtr(new Timer(this, &WebPagePrivate::zoomAboutPointTimerFired))) , m_lastUserEventTimestamp(0.0) , m_pluginMouseButtonPressed(false) , m_pluginMayOpenNewTab(false) #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) , m_rootLayerCommitTimer(adoptPtr(new Timer(this, &WebPagePrivate::rootLayerCommitTimerFired))) , m_needsOneShotDrawingSynchronization(false) , m_needsCommit(false) , m_suspendRootLayerCommit(false) #endif , m_hasPendingSurfaceSizeChange(false) , m_pendingOrientation(-1) , m_fullscreenVideoNode(0) , m_hasInRegionScrollableAreas(false) , m_updateDelegatedOverlaysDispatched(false) , m_deferredTasksTimer(this, &WebPagePrivate::deferredTasksTimerFired) , m_selectPopup(0) , m_autofillManager(AutofillManager::create(this)) { static bool isInitialized = false; if (!isInitialized) { isInitialized = true; BlackBerry::Platform::DeviceInfo::instance(); defaultUserAgent(); } } WebPage::WebPage(WebPageClient* client, const WebString& pageGroupName, const Platform::IntRect& rect) { globalInitialize(); d = new WebPagePrivate(this, client, rect); d->init(pageGroupName); } WebPagePrivate::~WebPagePrivate() { // Hand the backingstore back to another owner if necessary. m_webPage->setVisible(false); if (BackingStorePrivate::currentBackingStoreOwner() == m_webPage) BackingStorePrivate::setCurrentBackingStoreOwner(0); delete m_webSettings; m_webSettings = 0; delete m_backingStoreClient; m_backingStoreClient = 0; m_backingStore = 0; delete m_page; m_page = 0; delete m_transformationMatrix; m_transformationMatrix = 0; delete m_inPageSearchManager; m_inPageSearchManager = 0; delete m_selectionHandler; m_selectionHandler = 0; delete m_inputHandler; m_inputHandler = 0; delete m_touchEventHandler; m_touchEventHandler = 0; #if !defined(PUBLIC_BUILD) || !PUBLIC_BUILD delete m_dumpRenderTree; m_dumpRenderTree = 0; #endif #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) deleteGuardedObject(m_selectionOverlay); m_selectionOverlay = 0; #endif } WebPage::~WebPage() { deleteGuardedObject(d); d = 0; } Page* WebPagePrivate::core(const WebPage* webPage) { return webPage->d->m_page; } void WebPagePrivate::init(const WebString& pageGroupName) { ChromeClientBlackBerry* chromeClient = new ChromeClientBlackBerry(this); ContextMenuClientBlackBerry* contextMenuClient = 0; #if ENABLE(CONTEXT_MENUS) contextMenuClient = new ContextMenuClientBlackBerry(); #endif EditorClientBlackBerry* editorClient = new EditorClientBlackBerry(this); DragClientBlackBerry* dragClient = 0; #if ENABLE(DRAG_SUPPORT) dragClient = new DragClientBlackBerry(); #endif #if ENABLE(INSPECTOR) m_inspectorClient = new InspectorClientBlackBerry(this); #endif FrameLoaderClientBlackBerry* frameLoaderClient = new FrameLoaderClientBlackBerry(); Page::PageClients pageClients; pageClients.chromeClient = chromeClient; pageClients.contextMenuClient = contextMenuClient; pageClients.editorClient = editorClient; pageClients.dragClient = dragClient; pageClients.inspectorClient = m_inspectorClient; m_page = new Page(pageClients); #if !defined(PUBLIC_BUILD) || !PUBLIC_BUILD if (getenv("drtRun")) { // In case running in DumpRenderTree mode set the controller to mock provider. GeolocationClientMock* mock = new GeolocationClientMock(); WebCore::provideGeolocationTo(m_page, mock); mock->setController(WebCore::GeolocationController::from(m_page)); } else #else WebCore::provideGeolocationTo(m_page, new GeolocationControllerClientBlackBerry(this)); #endif WebCore::provideDeviceOrientationTo(m_page, new DeviceOrientationClientBlackBerry(this)); WebCore::provideDeviceMotionTo(m_page, new DeviceMotionClientBlackBerry(this)); #if ENABLE(VIBRATION) WebCore::provideVibrationTo(m_page, new VibrationClientBlackBerry()); #endif #if ENABLE(BATTERY_STATUS) WebCore::provideBatteryTo(m_page, new WebCore::BatteryClientBlackBerry(this)); #endif #if ENABLE(MEDIA_STREAM) WebCore::provideUserMediaTo(m_page, new UserMediaClientImpl(m_webPage)); #endif #if ENABLE(NOTIFICATIONS) || ENABLE(LEGACY_NOTIFICATIONS) WebCore::provideNotification(m_page, NotificationPresenterImpl::instance()); #endif m_page->setCustomHTMLTokenizerChunkSize(256); m_page->setCustomHTMLTokenizerTimeDelay(0.3); m_webSettings = WebSettings::createFromStandardSettings(); m_webSettings->setUserAgentString(defaultUserAgent()); m_page->setDeviceScaleFactor(m_webSettings->devicePixelRatio()); #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) m_tapHighlight = DefaultTapHighlight::create(this); m_selectionOverlay = SelectionOverlay::create(this); m_page->settings()->setAcceleratedCompositingForFixedPositionEnabled(true); #endif // FIXME: We explicitly call setDelegate() instead of passing ourself in createFromStandardSettings() // so that we only get one didChangeSettings() callback when we set the page group name. This causes us // to make a copy of the WebSettings since some WebSettings method make use of the page group name. // Instead, we shouldn't be storing the page group name in WebSettings. m_webSettings->setPageGroupName(pageGroupName); m_webSettings->setDelegate(this); didChangeSettings(m_webSettings); RefPtr newFrame = Frame::create(m_page, /* HTMLFrameOwnerElement* */ 0, frameLoaderClient); m_mainFrame = newFrame.get(); frameLoaderClient->setFrame(m_mainFrame, this); m_mainFrame->init(); m_inRegionScroller = adoptPtr(new InRegionScroller(this)); #if ENABLE(WEBGL) Platform::Settings* settings = Platform::Settings::instance(); m_page->settings()->setWebGLEnabled(settings && settings->isWebGLSupported()); #endif #if ENABLE(ACCELERATED_2D_CANVAS) m_page->settings()->setCanvasUsesAcceleratedDrawing(true); m_page->settings()->setAccelerated2dCanvasEnabled(true); #endif m_page->settings()->setInteractiveFormValidationEnabled(true); m_page->settings()->setAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs(false); m_page->settings()->setAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs(false); m_backingStoreClient = BackingStoreClient::create(m_mainFrame, /* parent frame */ 0, m_webPage); // The direct access to BackingStore is left here for convenience since it // is owned by BackingStoreClient and then deleted by its destructor. m_backingStore = m_backingStoreClient->backingStore(); blockClickRadius = int(roundf(0.35 * Platform::Graphics::Screen::primaryScreen()->pixelsPerInch(0).width())); // The clicked rectangle area should be a fixed unit of measurement. m_page->settings()->setDelegateSelectionPaint(true); #if ENABLE(REQUEST_ANIMATION_FRAME) m_page->windowScreenDidChange((PlatformDisplayID)0); #endif #if ENABLE(WEB_TIMING) m_page->settings()->setMemoryInfoEnabled(true); #endif #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) // The compositor will be needed for overlay rendering, so create it // unconditionally. It will allocate OpenGL objects lazily, so this incurs // no overhead in the unlikely case where the compositor is not needed. Platform::userInterfaceThreadMessageClient()->dispatchSyncMessage( createMethodCallMessage(&WebPagePrivate::createCompositor, this)); #endif } class DeferredTaskLoadManualScript: public DeferredTask<&WebPagePrivate::m_wouldLoadManualScript> { public: explicit DeferredTaskLoadManualScript(WebPagePrivate* webPagePrivate, const KURL& url) : DeferredTaskType(webPagePrivate) { webPagePrivate->m_cachedManualScript = url; } private: virtual void performInternal(WebPagePrivate* webPagePrivate) { webPagePrivate->m_mainFrame->script()->executeIfJavaScriptURL(webPagePrivate->m_cachedManualScript, DoNotReplaceDocumentIfJavaScriptURL); } }; void WebPagePrivate::load(const char* url, const char* networkToken, const char* method, Platform::NetworkRequest::CachePolicy cachePolicy, const char* data, size_t dataLength, const char* const* headers, size_t headersLength, bool isInitial, bool mustHandleInternally, bool forceDownload, const char* overrideContentType, const char* suggestedSaveName) { stopCurrentLoad(); DeferredTaskLoadManualScript::finishOrCancel(this); String urlString(url); if (urlString.startsWith("vs:", false)) { urlString = urlString.substring(3); m_mainFrame->setInViewSourceMode(true); } else m_mainFrame->setInViewSourceMode(false); KURL kurl = parseUrl(urlString); if (protocolIs(kurl, "javascript")) { // Never run javascript while loading is deferred. if (m_page->defersLoading()) m_deferredTasks.append(adoptPtr(new DeferredTaskLoadManualScript(this, kurl))); else m_mainFrame->script()->executeIfJavaScriptURL(kurl, DoNotReplaceDocumentIfJavaScriptURL); return; } if (isInitial) NetworkManager::instance()->setInitialURL(kurl); ResourceRequest request(kurl); request.setToken(networkToken); if (isInitial || mustHandleInternally) request.setMustHandleInternally(true); request.setHTTPMethod(method); request.setCachePolicy(toWebCoreCachePolicy(cachePolicy)); if (overrideContentType) request.setOverrideContentType(overrideContentType); if (data) request.setHTTPBody(FormData::create(data, dataLength)); for (unsigned i = 0; i + 1 < headersLength; i += 2) request.addHTTPHeaderField(headers[i], headers[i + 1]); if (forceDownload) request.setForceDownload(true); request.setSuggestedSaveName(suggestedSaveName); m_mainFrame->loader()->load(request, "" /* name */, false); } void WebPage::load(const char* url, const char* networkToken, bool isInitial) { d->load(url, networkToken, "GET", Platform::NetworkRequest::UseProtocolCachePolicy, 0, 0, 0, 0, isInitial, false); } void WebPage::loadExtended(const char* url, const char* networkToken, const char* method, Platform::NetworkRequest::CachePolicy cachePolicy, const char* data, size_t dataLength, const char* const* headers, size_t headersLength, bool mustHandleInternally) { d->load(url, networkToken, method, cachePolicy, data, dataLength, headers, headersLength, false, mustHandleInternally, false, ""); } void WebPage::loadFile(const char* path, const char* overrideContentType) { std::string fileUrl(path); if (!fileUrl.find("/")) fileUrl.insert(0, "file://"); else if (fileUrl.find("file:///")) return; d->load(fileUrl.c_str(), 0, "GET", Platform::NetworkRequest::UseProtocolCachePolicy, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, overrideContentType); } void WebPage::download(const Platform::NetworkRequest& request) { vector headers; Platform::NetworkRequest::HeaderList& list = request.getHeaderListRef(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { headers.push_back(list[i].first.c_str()); headers.push_back(list[i].second.c_str()); } d->load(request.getUrlRef().c_str(), 0, "GET", Platform::NetworkRequest::UseProtocolCachePolicy, 0, 0, headers.empty() ? 0 : &headers[0], headers.size(), false, false, true, "", request.getSuggestedSaveName().c_str()); } void WebPagePrivate::loadString(const char* string, const char* baseURL, const char* contentType, const char* failingURL) { KURL kurl = parseUrl(baseURL); ResourceRequest request(kurl); WTF::RefPtr buffer = SharedBuffer::create(string, strlen(string)); SubstituteData substituteData(buffer, extractMIMETypeFromMediaType(contentType), extractCharsetFromMediaType(contentType), failingURL ? parseUrl(failingURL) : KURL()); m_mainFrame->loader()->load(request, substituteData, false); } void WebPage::loadString(const char* string, const char* baseURL, const char* mimeType, const char* failingURL) { d->loadString(string, baseURL, mimeType, failingURL); } bool WebPagePrivate::executeJavaScript(const char* scriptUTF8, JavaScriptDataType& returnType, WebString& returnValue) { String script = String::fromUTF8(scriptUTF8); if (script.isNull()) { returnType = JSException; return false; } if (script.isEmpty()) { returnType = JSUndefined; return true; } ScriptValue result = m_mainFrame->script()->executeScript(script, false); JSC::JSValue value = result.jsValue(); if (!value) { returnType = JSException; return false; } JSC::ExecState* exec = m_mainFrame->script()->globalObject(mainThreadNormalWorld())->globalExec(); JSGlobalContextRef context = toGlobalRef(exec); JSType type = JSValueGetType(context, toRef(exec, value)); switch (type) { case kJSTypeNull: returnType = JSNull; break; case kJSTypeBoolean: returnType = JSBoolean; break; case kJSTypeNumber: returnType = JSNumber; break; case kJSTypeString: returnType = JSString; break; case kJSTypeObject: returnType = JSObject; break; case kJSTypeUndefined: default: returnType = JSUndefined; break; } if (returnType == JSBoolean || returnType == JSNumber || returnType == JSString || returnType == JSObject) { String str = result.toString(exec); returnValue = WebString(str.impl()); } return true; } bool WebPage::executeJavaScript(const char* script, JavaScriptDataType& returnType, WebString& returnValue) { return d->executeJavaScript(script, returnType, returnValue); } bool WebPagePrivate::executeJavaScriptInIsolatedWorld(const ScriptSourceCode& sourceCode, JavaScriptDataType& returnType, WebString& returnValue) { if (!m_isolatedWorld) m_isolatedWorld = m_mainFrame->script()->createWorld(); // Use evaluateInWorld to avoid canExecuteScripts check. ScriptValue result = m_mainFrame->script()->evaluateInWorld(sourceCode, m_isolatedWorld.get()); JSC::JSValue value = result.jsValue(); if (!value) { returnType = JSException; return false; } JSC::ExecState* exec = m_mainFrame->script()->globalObject(m_isolatedWorld.get())->globalExec(); JSGlobalContextRef context = toGlobalRef(exec); JSType type = JSValueGetType(context, toRef(exec, value)); switch (type) { case kJSTypeNull: returnType = JSNull; break; case kJSTypeBoolean: returnType = JSBoolean; break; case kJSTypeNumber: returnType = JSNumber; break; case kJSTypeString: returnType = JSString; break; case kJSTypeObject: returnType = JSObject; break; case kJSTypeUndefined: default: returnType = JSUndefined; break; } if (returnType == JSBoolean || returnType == JSNumber || returnType == JSString || returnType == JSObject) { String str = result.toString(exec); returnValue = WebString(str.impl()); } return true; } bool WebPage::executeJavaScriptInIsolatedWorld(const std::wstring& script, JavaScriptDataType& returnType, WebString& returnValue) { // On our platform wchar_t is unsigned int and UChar is unsigned short // so we have to convert using ICU conversion function int lengthCopied = 0; UErrorCode error = U_ZERO_ERROR; const int length = script.length() + 1 /*null termination char*/; UChar data[length]; // FIXME: PR 138162 is giving U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND error. u_strFromUTF32(data, length, &lengthCopied, reinterpret_cast(script.c_str()), script.length(), &error); BLACKBERRY_ASSERT(error == U_ZERO_ERROR); if (error != U_ZERO_ERROR) { Platform::logAlways(Platform::LogLevelCritical, "WebPage::executeJavaScriptInIsolatedWorld failed to convert UTF16 to JavaScript!"); return false; } String str = String(data, lengthCopied); ScriptSourceCode sourceCode(str, KURL()); return d->executeJavaScriptInIsolatedWorld(sourceCode, returnType, returnValue); } bool WebPage::executeJavaScriptInIsolatedWorld(const char* script, JavaScriptDataType& returnType, WebString& returnValue) { ScriptSourceCode sourceCode(String::fromUTF8(script), KURL()); return d->executeJavaScriptInIsolatedWorld(sourceCode, returnType, returnValue); } void WebPage::executeJavaScriptFunction(const std::vector &function, const std::vector &args, JavaScriptVariant& returnValue) { if (!d->m_mainFrame) { returnValue.setType(JavaScriptVariant::Exception); return; } JSC::Bindings::RootObject* root = d->m_mainFrame->script()->bindingRootObject(); if (!root) { returnValue.setType(JavaScriptVariant::Exception); return; } JSC::ExecState* exec = root->globalObject()->globalExec(); JSGlobalContextRef ctx = toGlobalRef(exec); WTF::Vector argListRef(args.size()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) argListRef[i] = BlackBerryJavaScriptVariantToJSValueRef(ctx, args[i]); JSValueRef windowObjectValue = windowObject(); JSObjectRef obj = JSValueToObject(ctx, windowObjectValue, 0); JSObjectRef thisObject = obj; for (unsigned i = 0; i < function.size(); ++i) { JSStringRef str = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(function[i].c_str()); thisObject = obj; obj = JSValueToObject(ctx, JSObjectGetProperty(ctx, obj, str, 0), 0); JSStringRelease(str); if (!obj) break; } JSObjectRef functionObject = obj; JSValueRef result = 0; if (functionObject && thisObject) result = JSObjectCallAsFunction(ctx, functionObject, thisObject, args.size(), argListRef.data(), 0); JSC::JSValue value = toJS(exec, result); if (!value) { returnValue.setType(JavaScriptVariant::Exception); return; } returnValue = JSValueRefToBlackBerryJavaScriptVariant(ctx, result); } void WebPagePrivate::stopCurrentLoad() { // This function should contain all common code triggered by WebPage::load // (which stops any load in progress before starting the new load) and // WebPage::stoploading (the entry point for the client to stop the load // explicitly). If it should only be done while stopping the load // explicitly, it goes in WebPage::stopLoading, not here. m_mainFrame->loader()->stopAllLoaders(); // Cancel any deferred script that hasn't been processed yet. DeferredTaskLoadManualScript::finishOrCancel(this); } void WebPage::stopLoading() { d->stopCurrentLoad(); } static void closeURLRecursively(Frame* frame) { // Do not create more frame please. FrameLoaderClientBlackBerry* frameLoaderClient = static_cast(frame->loader()->client()); frameLoaderClient->suppressChildFrameCreation(); frame->loader()->closeURL(); Vector, 10> childFrames; for (RefPtr childFrame = frame->tree()->firstChild(); childFrame; childFrame = childFrame->tree()->nextSibling()) childFrames.append(childFrame); unsigned size = childFrames.size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++) closeURLRecursively(childFrames[i].get()); } void WebPagePrivate::prepareToDestroy() { // Before the client starts tearing itself down, dispatch the unload event // so it can take effect while all the client's state (e.g. scroll position) // is still present. closeURLRecursively(m_mainFrame); } void WebPage::prepareToDestroy() { d->prepareToDestroy(); } bool WebPage::dispatchBeforeUnloadEvent() { return d->m_page->mainFrame()->loader()->shouldClose(); } static void enableCrossSiteXHRRecursively(Frame* frame) { frame->document()->securityOrigin()->grantUniversalAccess(); Vector, 10> childFrames; for (RefPtr childFrame = frame->tree()->firstChild(); childFrame; childFrame = childFrame->tree()->nextSibling()) childFrames.append(childFrame); unsigned size = childFrames.size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++) enableCrossSiteXHRRecursively(childFrames[i].get()); } void WebPagePrivate::enableCrossSiteXHR() { enableCrossSiteXHRRecursively(m_mainFrame); } void WebPage::enableCrossSiteXHR() { d->enableCrossSiteXHR(); } void WebPagePrivate::addOriginAccessWhitelistEntry(const char* sourceOrigin, const char* destinationOrigin, bool allowDestinationSubdomains) { RefPtr source = SecurityOrigin::createFromString(sourceOrigin); if (source->isUnique()) return; KURL destination(KURL(), destinationOrigin); SecurityPolicy::addOriginAccessWhitelistEntry(*source, destination.protocol(), destination.host(), allowDestinationSubdomains); } void WebPage::addOriginAccessWhitelistEntry(const char* sourceOrigin, const char* destinationOrigin, bool allowDestinationSubdomains) { d->addOriginAccessWhitelistEntry(sourceOrigin, destinationOrigin, allowDestinationSubdomains); } void WebPagePrivate::removeOriginAccessWhitelistEntry(const char* sourceOrigin, const char* destinationOrigin, bool allowDestinationSubdomains) { RefPtr source = SecurityOrigin::createFromString(sourceOrigin); if (source->isUnique()) return; KURL destination(KURL(), destinationOrigin); SecurityPolicy::removeOriginAccessWhitelistEntry(*source, destination.protocol(), destination.host(), allowDestinationSubdomains); } void WebPage::removeOriginAccessWhitelistEntry(const char* sourceOrigin, const char* destinationOrigin, bool allowDestinationSubdomains) { d->removeOriginAccessWhitelistEntry(sourceOrigin, destinationOrigin, allowDestinationSubdomains); } void WebPagePrivate::setLoadState(LoadState state) { if (m_loadState == state) return; bool isFirstLoad = m_loadState == None; // See RIM Bug #1068. if (state == Finished && m_mainFrame && m_mainFrame->document()) m_mainFrame->document()->updateStyleIfNeeded(); m_loadState = state; #if DEBUG_WEBPAGE_LOAD Platform::log(Platform::LogLevelInfo, "WebPagePrivate::setLoadState %d", state); #endif switch (m_loadState) { case Provisional: if (isFirstLoad) { // Paints the visible backingstore as white to prevent initial checkerboard on // the first blit. if (m_backingStore->d->renderVisibleContents() && !m_backingStore->d->isSuspended() && !m_backingStore->d->shouldDirectRenderingToWindow()) m_backingStore->d->blitVisibleContents(); } break; case Committed: { unscheduleZoomAboutPoint(); #if ENABLE(ACCELERATED_2D_CANVAS) if (m_page->settings()->canvasUsesAcceleratedDrawing()) { // Free GPU resources as we're on a new page. // This will help us to free memory pressure. SharedGraphicsContext3D::get()->makeContextCurrent(); GrContext* grContext = Platform::Graphics::getGrContext(); grContext->freeGpuResources(); } #endif #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) if (isAcceleratedCompositingActive()) { Platform::userInterfaceThreadMessageClient()->dispatchSyncMessage( Platform::createMethodCallMessage(&WebPagePrivate::destroyLayerResources, this)); } #endif // Suspend screen update to avoid ui thread blitting while resetting backingstore. m_backingStore->d->suspendScreenAndBackingStoreUpdates(); m_previousContentsSize = IntSize(); m_backingStore->d->resetRenderQueue(); m_backingStore->d->resetTiles(true /* resetBackground */); m_backingStore->d->setScrollingOrZooming(false, false /* shouldBlit */); m_shouldZoomToInitialScaleAfterLoadFinished = false; m_userPerformedManualZoom = false; m_userPerformedManualScroll = false; m_shouldUseFixedDesktopMode = false; if (m_resetVirtualViewportOnCommitted) { // For DRT. m_virtualViewportWidth = 0; m_virtualViewportHeight = 0; } if (m_webSettings->viewportWidth() > 0) { m_virtualViewportWidth = m_webSettings->viewportWidth(); m_virtualViewportHeight = m_defaultLayoutSize.height(); } // Check if we have already process the meta viewport tag, this only happens on history navigation. // For back/forward history navigation, we should only keep these previous values if the document // has the meta viewport tag when the state is Committed in setLoadState. // Refreshing should keep these previous values as well. static ViewportArguments defaultViewportArguments; bool documentHasViewportArguments = false; FrameLoadType frameLoadType = FrameLoadTypeStandard; if (m_mainFrame && m_mainFrame->document() && m_mainFrame->document()->viewportArguments() != defaultViewportArguments) documentHasViewportArguments = true; if (m_mainFrame && m_mainFrame->loader()) frameLoadType = m_mainFrame->loader()->loadType(); if (!((m_didRestoreFromPageCache && documentHasViewportArguments) || (frameLoadType == FrameLoadTypeReload || frameLoadType == FrameLoadTypeReloadFromOrigin))) { m_viewportArguments = ViewportArguments(); m_userScalable = m_webSettings->isUserScalable(); resetScales(); // At the moment we commit a new load, set the viewport arguments // to any fallback values. If there is a meta viewport in the // content it will overwrite the fallback arguments soon. dispatchViewportPropertiesDidChange(m_userViewportArguments); } else { IntSize virtualViewport = recomputeVirtualViewportFromViewportArguments(); m_webPage->setVirtualViewportSize(virtualViewport.width(), virtualViewport.height()); } #if ENABLE(EVENT_MODE_METATAGS) didReceiveCursorEventMode(ProcessedCursorEvents); didReceiveTouchEventMode(ProcessedTouchEvents); #endif // If it's a outmost SVG document, we use FixedDesktop mode, otherwise // we default to Mobile mode. For example, using FixedDesktop mode to // render http://www.croczilla.com/bits_and_pieces/svg/samples/tiger/tiger.svg // is user-experience friendly. if (m_page->mainFrame()->document()->isSVGDocument()) { setShouldUseFixedDesktopMode(true); setViewMode(FixedDesktop); } else setViewMode(Mobile); // Reset block zoom and reflow. resetBlockZoom(); #if ENABLE(VIEWPORT_REFLOW) toggleTextReflowIfEnabledForBlockZoomOnly(); #endif // Notify InputHandler of state change. m_inputHandler->setInputModeEnabled(false); // Set the scroll to origin here and notify the client since we'll be // zooming below without any real contents yet thus the contents size // we report to the client could make our current scroll position invalid. setScrollPosition(IntPoint::zero()); notifyTransformedScrollChanged(); m_backingStore->d->resumeScreenAndBackingStoreUpdates(BackingStore::None); // Paints the visible backingstore as white. Note it is important we do // this strictly after re-setting the scroll position to origin and resetting // the scales otherwise the visible contents calculation is wrong and we // can end up blitting artifacts instead. See: RIM Bug #401. if (m_backingStore->d->renderVisibleContents() && !m_backingStore->d->isSuspended() && !m_backingStore->d->shouldDirectRenderingToWindow()) m_backingStore->d->blitVisibleContents(); zoomToInitialScaleOnLoad(); // Update cursor status. updateCursor(); #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) // Don't render compositing contents from previous page. resetCompositingSurface(); #endif break; } case Finished: case Failed: // Notify client of the initial zoom change. m_client->zoomChanged(m_webPage->isMinZoomed(), m_webPage->isMaxZoomed(), !shouldZoomOnEscape(), currentScale()); m_backingStore->d->updateTiles(true /* updateVisible */, false /* immediate */); break; default: break; } } double WebPagePrivate::clampedScale(double scale) const { if (scale < minimumScale()) return minimumScale(); if (scale > maximumScale()) return maximumScale(); return scale; } bool WebPagePrivate::shouldZoomAboutPoint(double scale, const FloatPoint&, bool enforceScaleClamping, double* clampedScale) { if (!m_mainFrame->view()) return false; if (enforceScaleClamping) scale = this->clampedScale(scale); ASSERT(clampedScale); *clampedScale = scale; if (currentScale() == scale) { m_client->zoomChanged(m_webPage->isMinZoomed(), m_webPage->isMaxZoomed(), !shouldZoomOnEscape(), currentScale()); return false; } return true; } bool WebPagePrivate::zoomAboutPoint(double unclampedScale, const FloatPoint& anchor, bool enforceScaleClamping, bool forceRendering, bool isRestoringZoomLevel) { if (!isRestoringZoomLevel) { // Clear any existing block zoom. (If we are restoring a saved zoom level on page load, // there is guaranteed to be no existing block zoom and we don't want to clear m_shouldReflowBlock.) resetBlockZoom(); } // The reflow and block zoom stuff here needs to happen regardless of // whether we shouldZoomAboutPoint. #if ENABLE(VIEWPORT_REFLOW) toggleTextReflowIfEnabledForBlockZoomOnly(m_shouldReflowBlock); if (m_page->settings()->isTextReflowEnabled() && m_mainFrame->view()) setNeedsLayout(); #endif double scale; if (!shouldZoomAboutPoint(unclampedScale, anchor, enforceScaleClamping, &scale)) { if (m_webPage->settings()->textReflowMode() == WebSettings::TextReflowEnabled) { m_currentPinchZoomNode = 0; m_anchorInNodeRectRatio = FloatPoint(-1, -1); } return false; } TransformationMatrix zoom; zoom.scale(scale); #if DEBUG_WEBPAGE_LOAD if (loadState() < Finished) Platform::log(Platform::LogLevelInfo, "WebPagePrivate::zoomAboutPoint scale %f anchor (%f, %f)", scale, anchor.x(), anchor.y()); #endif // Our current scroll position in float. FloatPoint scrollPosition = this->scrollPosition(); // Anchor offset from scroll position in float. FloatPoint anchorOffset(anchor.x() - scrollPosition.x(), anchor.y() - scrollPosition.y()); // The horizontal scaling factor and vertical scaling factor should be equal // to preserve aspect ratio of content. ASSERT(m_transformationMatrix->m11() == m_transformationMatrix->m22()); // Need to invert the previous transform to anchor the viewport. double inverseScale = scale / m_transformationMatrix->m11(); // Actual zoom. *m_transformationMatrix = zoom; // Suspend all screen updates to the backingstore. m_backingStore->d->suspendScreenAndBackingStoreUpdates(); updateViewportSize(); IntPoint newScrollPosition(IntPoint(max(0, static_cast(roundf(anchor.x() - anchorOffset.x() / inverseScale))), max(0, static_cast(roundf(anchor.y() - anchorOffset.y() / inverseScale))))); if (m_webPage->settings()->textReflowMode() == WebSettings::TextReflowEnabled) { // This is a hack for email which has reflow always turned on. m_mainFrame->view()->setNeedsLayout(); requestLayoutIfNeeded(); if (m_currentPinchZoomNode) newScrollPosition = calculateReflowedScrollPosition(anchorOffset, scale == minimumScale() ? 1 : inverseScale); m_currentPinchZoomNode = 0; m_anchorInNodeRectRatio = FloatPoint(-1, -1); } setScrollPosition(newScrollPosition); notifyTransformChanged(); bool isLoading = this->isLoading(); // We need to invalidate all tiles both visible and non-visible if we're loading. m_backingStore->d->updateTiles(isLoading /* updateVisible */, false /* immediate */); m_client->resetBitmapZoomScale(m_transformationMatrix->m11()); bool shouldRender = !isLoading || m_userPerformedManualZoom || forceRendering; bool shouldClearVisibleZoom = isLoading && shouldRender; if (shouldClearVisibleZoom) { // If we are loading and rendering then we need to clear the render queue's // visible zoom jobs as they will be irrelevant with the render below. m_backingStore->d->clearVisibleZoom(); } // Clear window to make sure there are no artifacts. if (shouldRender) { // Resume all screen updates to the backingstore and render+blit visible contents to screen. m_backingStore->d->resumeScreenAndBackingStoreUpdates(BackingStore::RenderAndBlit); } else { // Resume all screen updates to the backingstore but do not blit to the screen because we not rendering. m_backingStore->d->resumeScreenAndBackingStoreUpdates(BackingStore::None); } m_client->zoomChanged(m_webPage->isMinZoomed(), m_webPage->isMaxZoomed(), !shouldZoomOnEscape(), currentScale()); return true; } IntPoint WebPagePrivate::calculateReflowedScrollPosition(const FloatPoint& anchorOffset, double inverseScale) { // Should only be invoked when text reflow is enabled. ASSERT(m_webPage->settings()->textReflowMode() == WebSettings::TextReflowEnabled); int offsetY = 0; int offsetX = 0; IntRect nodeRect = rectForNode(m_currentPinchZoomNode.get()); if (m_currentPinchZoomNode->renderer() && m_anchorInNodeRectRatio.y() >= 0) { offsetY = nodeRect.height() * m_anchorInNodeRectRatio.y(); if (m_currentPinchZoomNode->renderer()->isImage() && m_anchorInNodeRectRatio.x() > 0) offsetX = nodeRect.width() * m_anchorInNodeRectRatio.x() - anchorOffset.x() / inverseScale; } IntRect reflowedRect = adjustRectOffsetForFrameOffset(nodeRect, m_currentPinchZoomNode.get()); return IntPoint(max(0, static_cast(roundf(reflowedRect.x() + offsetX))), max(0, static_cast(roundf(reflowedRect.y() + offsetY - anchorOffset.y() / inverseScale)))); } bool WebPagePrivate::scheduleZoomAboutPoint(double unclampedScale, const FloatPoint& anchor, bool enforceScaleClamping, bool forceRendering) { double scale; if (!shouldZoomAboutPoint(unclampedScale, anchor, enforceScaleClamping, &scale)) { // We could be back to the right zoom level before the timer has // timed out, because of wiggling back and forth. Stop the timer. unscheduleZoomAboutPoint(); return false; } // For some reason, the bitmap zoom wants an anchor in backingstore coordinates! // this is different from zoomAboutPoint, which wants content coordinates. // See RIM Bug #641. FloatPoint transformedAnchor = mapToTransformedFloatPoint(anchor); FloatPoint transformedScrollPosition = mapToTransformedFloatPoint(scrollPosition()); // Prohibit backingstore from updating the window overtop of the bitmap. m_backingStore->d->suspendScreenAndBackingStoreUpdates(); // Need to invert the previous transform to anchor the viewport. double zoomFraction = scale / transformationMatrix()->m11(); // Anchor offset from scroll position in float. FloatPoint anchorOffset(transformedAnchor.x() - transformedScrollPosition.x(), transformedAnchor.y() - transformedScrollPosition.y()); IntPoint srcPoint( static_cast(roundf(transformedAnchor.x() - anchorOffset.x() / zoomFraction)), static_cast(roundf(transformedAnchor.y() - anchorOffset.y() / zoomFraction))); const IntRect viewportRect = IntRect(IntPoint::zero(), transformedViewportSize()); const IntRect dstRect = viewportRect; // This is the rect to pass as the actual source rect in the backingstore // for the transform given by zoom. IntRect srcRect(srcPoint.x(), srcPoint.y(), viewportRect.width() / zoomFraction, viewportRect.height() / zoomFraction); m_backingStore->d->blitContents(dstRect, srcRect); m_delayedZoomArguments.scale = scale; m_delayedZoomArguments.anchor = anchor; m_delayedZoomArguments.enforceScaleClamping = enforceScaleClamping; m_delayedZoomArguments.forceRendering = forceRendering; m_delayedZoomTimer->startOneShot(delayedZoomInterval); return true; } void WebPagePrivate::unscheduleZoomAboutPoint() { if (m_delayedZoomTimer->isActive()) m_backingStore->d->resumeScreenAndBackingStoreUpdates(BackingStore::None); m_delayedZoomTimer->stop(); } void WebPagePrivate::zoomAboutPointTimerFired(Timer*) { zoomAboutPoint(m_delayedZoomArguments.scale, m_delayedZoomArguments.anchor, m_delayedZoomArguments.enforceScaleClamping, m_delayedZoomArguments.forceRendering); m_backingStore->d->resumeScreenAndBackingStoreUpdates(m_delayedZoomArguments.forceRendering ? BackingStore::RenderAndBlit : BackingStore::None); } void WebPagePrivate::setNeedsLayout() { FrameView* view = m_mainFrame->view(); ASSERT(view); view->setNeedsLayout(); } void WebPagePrivate::requestLayoutIfNeeded() const { FrameView* view = m_mainFrame->view(); ASSERT(view); view->updateLayoutAndStyleIfNeededRecursive(); ASSERT(!view->needsLayout()); } IntPoint WebPagePrivate::scrollPosition() const { return m_backingStoreClient->scrollPosition(); } IntPoint WebPagePrivate::maximumScrollPosition() const { return m_backingStoreClient->maximumScrollPosition(); } void WebPagePrivate::setScrollPosition(const IntPoint& pos) { m_backingStoreClient->setScrollPosition(pos); } // Setting the scroll position is in transformed coordinates. void WebPage::setScrollPosition(const Platform::IntPoint& point) { if (d->transformedPointEqualsUntransformedPoint(point, d->scrollPosition())) return; // If the user recently performed an event, this new scroll position // could possibly be a result of that. Or not, this is just a heuristic. if (currentTime() - d->m_lastUserEventTimestamp < manualScrollInterval) d->m_userPerformedManualScroll = true; d->m_backingStoreClient->setIsClientGeneratedScroll(true); // UI thread can call BackingStorePrivate::setScrollingOrZooming(false) before WebKit thread calls WebPage::setScrollPosition(), // in which case it will set ScrollableArea::m_constrainsScrollingToContentEdge to true earlier. // We can cache ScrollableArea::m_constrainsScrollingToContentEdge and always set it to false before we set scroll position in // WebKit thread to avoid scroll position clamping during scrolling, and restore it to what it was after that. bool constrainsScrollingToContentEdge = d->m_mainFrame->view()->constrainsScrollingToContentEdge(); d->m_mainFrame->view()->setConstrainsScrollingToContentEdge(false); d->setScrollPosition(d->mapFromTransformed(point)); d->m_mainFrame->view()->setConstrainsScrollingToContentEdge(constrainsScrollingToContentEdge); d->m_backingStoreClient->setIsClientGeneratedScroll(false); } bool WebPagePrivate::shouldSendResizeEvent() { if (!m_mainFrame->document()) return false; // PR#96865 : Provide an option to always send resize events, regardless of the loading // status. The scenario for this are Sapphire applications which tend to // maintain an open GET request to the server. This open GET results in // webkit thinking that content is still arriving when at the application // level it is considered fully loaded. // // NOTE: Care must be exercised in the use of this option, as it bypasses // the sanity provided in 'isLoadingInAPISense()' below. // static const bool unrestrictedResizeEvents = Platform::Settings::instance()->unrestrictedResizeEvents(); if (unrestrictedResizeEvents) return true; // Don't send the resize event if the document is loading. Some pages automatically reload // when the window is resized; Safari on iPhone often resizes the window while setting up its // viewport. This obviously can cause problems. DocumentLoader* documentLoader = m_mainFrame->loader()->documentLoader(); if (documentLoader && documentLoader->isLoadingInAPISense()) return false; return true; } void WebPagePrivate::willDeferLoading() { m_deferredTasksTimer.stop(); m_client->willDeferLoading(); } void WebPagePrivate::didResumeLoading() { if (!m_deferredTasks.isEmpty()) m_deferredTasksTimer.startOneShot(0); m_client->didResumeLoading(); } void WebPagePrivate::deferredTasksTimerFired(WebCore::Timer*) { ASSERT(!m_deferredTasks.isEmpty()); if (!m_deferredTasks.isEmpty()) return; OwnPtr task = m_deferredTasks[0].release(); m_deferredTasks.remove(0); if (!m_deferredTasks.isEmpty()) m_deferredTasksTimer.startOneShot(0); task->perform(this); } bool WebPagePrivate::scrollBy(int deltaX, int deltaY, bool scrollMainFrame) { IntSize delta(deltaX, deltaY); if (!scrollMainFrame) { // We need to work around the fact that ::map{To,From}Transformed do not // work well with negative values, like a negative width or height of an IntSize. IntSize copiedDelta(IntSize(abs(delta.width()), abs(delta.height()))); IntSize untransformedCopiedDelta = mapFromTransformed(copiedDelta); delta = IntSize( delta.width() < 0 ? -untransformedCopiedDelta.width() : untransformedCopiedDelta.width(), delta.height() < 0 ? -untransformedCopiedDelta.height(): untransformedCopiedDelta.height()); if (m_inRegionScroller->d->scrollBy(delta)) { m_selectionHandler->selectionPositionChanged(); // FIXME: We have code in place to handle scrolling and clipping tap highlight // on in-region scrolling. As soon as it is fast enough (i.e. we have it backed by // a backing store), we can reliably make use of it in the real world. // m_touchEventHandler->drawTapHighlight(); return true; } return false; } setScrollPosition(scrollPosition() + delta); return true; } bool WebPage::scrollBy(const Platform::IntSize& delta, bool scrollMainFrame) { d->m_backingStoreClient->setIsClientGeneratedScroll(true); bool b = d->scrollBy(delta.width(), delta.height(), scrollMainFrame); d->m_backingStoreClient->setIsClientGeneratedScroll(false); return b; } void WebPagePrivate::notifyInRegionScrollStatusChanged(bool status) { if (!status && m_inRegionScroller->d->hasNode()) { enqueueRenderingOfClippedContentOfScrollableNodeAfterInRegionScrolling(m_inRegionScroller->d->node()); m_inRegionScroller->d->reset(); } } void WebPage::notifyInRegionScrollStatusChanged(bool status) { d->notifyInRegionScrollStatusChanged(status); } void WebPagePrivate::enqueueRenderingOfClippedContentOfScrollableNodeAfterInRegionScrolling(Node* scrolledNode) { ASSERT(scrolledNode); if (scrolledNode->isDocumentNode()) { Frame* frame = static_cast(scrolledNode)->frame(); ASSERT(frame); if (!frame) return; ASSERT(frame != m_mainFrame); FrameView* view = frame->view(); if (!view) return; // Steps: // #1 - Get frame rect in contents coords. // #2 - Get the clipped scrollview rect in contents coords. // #3 - Take transform into account for 1 and 2. // #4 - Subtract 2 from 1, so we know exactly which areas of the frame // are offscreen, and need async repainting. FrameView* mainFrameView = m_mainFrame->view(); ASSERT(mainFrameView); IntRect frameRect = view->frameRect(); frameRect = frame->tree()->parent()->view()->contentsToWindow(frameRect); frameRect = mainFrameView->windowToContents(frameRect); IntRect visibleWindowRect = getRecursiveVisibleWindowRect(view); IntRect visibleContentsRect = mainFrameView->windowToContents(visibleWindowRect); IntRect transformedFrameRect = mapToTransformed(frameRect); IntRect transformedVisibleContentsRect = mapToTransformed(visibleContentsRect); Platform::IntRectRegion offscreenRegionOfIframe = Platform::IntRectRegion::subtractRegions(Platform::IntRect(transformedFrameRect), Platform::IntRect(transformedVisibleContentsRect)); if (!offscreenRegionOfIframe.isEmpty()) m_backingStore->d->m_renderQueue->addToQueue(RenderQueue::RegularRender, offscreenRegionOfIframe.rects()); } } void WebPagePrivate::setHasInRegionScrollableAreas(bool b) { if (b != m_hasInRegionScrollableAreas) m_hasInRegionScrollableAreas = b; } IntSize WebPagePrivate::viewportSize() const { return mapFromTransformed(transformedViewportSize()); } IntSize WebPagePrivate::actualVisibleSize() const { return mapFromTransformed(transformedActualVisibleSize()); } bool WebPagePrivate::hasVirtualViewport() const { return m_virtualViewportWidth && m_virtualViewportHeight; } void WebPagePrivate::updateViewportSize(bool setFixedReportedSize, bool sendResizeEvent) { ASSERT(m_mainFrame->view()); if (setFixedReportedSize) m_mainFrame->view()->setFixedReportedSize(actualVisibleSize()); IntRect frameRect = IntRect(scrollPosition(), viewportSize()); if (frameRect != m_mainFrame->view()->frameRect()) { m_mainFrame->view()->setFrameRect(frameRect); m_mainFrame->view()->adjustViewSize(); #if ENABLE(FULLSCREEN_API) // If we are in fullscreen video mode, and we change the FrameView::viewportRect, // we need to adjust the media container to the new size. if (m_fullscreenVideoNode) { Document* document = m_fullscreenVideoNode->document(); ASSERT(document); ASSERT(document->fullScreenRenderer()); int width = m_mainFrame->view()->visibleContentRect().size().width(); document->fullScreenRenderer()->style()->setWidth(Length(width, Fixed)); } #endif } // We're going to need to send a resize event to JavaScript because // innerWidth and innerHeight depend on fixed reported size. // This is how we support mobile pages where JavaScript resizes // the page in order to get around the fixed layout size, e.g. // google maps when it detects a mobile user agent. if (sendResizeEvent && shouldSendResizeEvent()) m_mainFrame->eventHandler()->sendResizeEvent(); // When the actual visible size changes, we also // need to reposition fixed elements. m_mainFrame->view()->repaintFixedElementsAfterScrolling(); } FloatPoint WebPagePrivate::centerOfVisibleContentsRect() const { // The visible contents rect in float. FloatRect visibleContentsRect = this->visibleContentsRect(); // The center of the visible contents rect in float. return FloatPoint(visibleContentsRect.x() + visibleContentsRect.width() / 2.0, visibleContentsRect.y() + visibleContentsRect.height() / 2.0); } IntRect WebPagePrivate::visibleContentsRect() const { return m_backingStoreClient->visibleContentsRect(); } IntSize WebPagePrivate::contentsSize() const { if (!m_mainFrame->view()) return IntSize(); return m_backingStoreClient->contentsSize(); } IntSize WebPagePrivate::absoluteVisibleOverflowSize() const { if (!m_mainFrame->contentRenderer()) return IntSize(); return IntSize(m_mainFrame->contentRenderer()->rightAbsoluteVisibleOverflow(), m_mainFrame->contentRenderer()->bottomAbsoluteVisibleOverflow()); } void WebPagePrivate::contentsSizeChanged(const IntSize& contentsSize) { if (m_previousContentsSize == contentsSize) return; // This should only occur in the middle of layout so we set a flag here and // handle it at the end of the layout. m_contentsSizeChanged = true; #if DEBUG_WEBPAGE_LOAD Platform::log(Platform::LogLevelInfo, "WebPagePrivate::contentsSizeChanged %dx%d", contentsSize.width(), contentsSize.height()); #endif } void WebPagePrivate::layoutFinished() { if (!m_contentsSizeChanged && !m_overflowExceedsContentsSize) return; m_contentsSizeChanged = false; // Toggle to turn off notification again. m_overflowExceedsContentsSize = false; if (contentsSize().isEmpty()) return; // The call to zoomToInitialScaleOnLoad can cause recursive layout when called from // the middle of a layout, but the recursion is limited by detection code in // setViewMode() and mitigation code in fixedLayoutSize(). if (didLayoutExceedMaximumIterations()) { notifyTransformedContentsSizeChanged(); return; } // Temporarily save the m_previousContentsSize here before updating it (in // notifyTransformedContentsSizeChanged()) so we can compare if our contents // shrunk afterwards. IntSize previousContentsSize = m_previousContentsSize; m_nestedLayoutFinishedCount++; if (shouldZoomToInitialScaleOnLoad()) { zoomToInitialScaleOnLoad(); m_shouldZoomToInitialScaleAfterLoadFinished = false; } else if (loadState() != None) notifyTransformedContentsSizeChanged(); m_nestedLayoutFinishedCount--; if (!m_nestedLayoutFinishedCount) { // When the contents shrinks, there is a risk that we // will be left at a scroll position that lies outside of the // contents rect. Since we allow overscrolling and neglect // to clamp overscroll in order to retain input focus (RIM Bug #414) // we need to clamp somewhere, and this is where we know the // contents size has changed. if (contentsSize() != previousContentsSize) { IntPoint newScrollPosition = scrollPosition(); if (contentsSize().height() < previousContentsSize.height()) { IntPoint scrollPositionWithHeightShrunk = IntPoint(newScrollPosition.x(), maximumScrollPosition().y()); newScrollPosition = newScrollPosition.shrunkTo(scrollPositionWithHeightShrunk); } if (contentsSize().width() < previousContentsSize.width()) { IntPoint scrollPositionWithWidthShrunk = IntPoint(maximumScrollPosition().x(), newScrollPosition.y()); newScrollPosition = newScrollPosition.shrunkTo(scrollPositionWithWidthShrunk); } if (newScrollPosition != scrollPosition()) { setScrollPosition(newScrollPosition); notifyTransformedScrollChanged(); } } } } void WebPagePrivate::zoomToInitialScaleOnLoad() { #if DEBUG_WEBPAGE_LOAD Platform::log(Platform::LogLevelInfo, "WebPagePrivate::zoomToInitialScaleOnLoad"); #endif bool needsLayout = false; // If the contents width exceeds the viewport width set to desktop mode. if (m_shouldUseFixedDesktopMode) needsLayout = setViewMode(FixedDesktop); else needsLayout = setViewMode(Desktop); if (needsLayout) { // This can cause recursive layout... setNeedsLayout(); } if (contentsSize().isEmpty()) { #if DEBUG_WEBPAGE_LOAD Platform::log(Platform::LogLevelInfo, "WebPagePrivate::zoomToInitialScaleOnLoad content is empty!"); #endif requestLayoutIfNeeded(); m_client->resetBitmapZoomScale(currentScale()); notifyTransformedContentsSizeChanged(); return; } bool performedZoom = false; bool shouldZoom = !m_userPerformedManualZoom; // If this load should restore view state, don't zoom to initial scale // but instead let the HistoryItem's saved viewport reign supreme. if (m_mainFrame && m_mainFrame->loader() && m_mainFrame->loader()->shouldRestoreScrollPositionAndViewState()) shouldZoom = false; if (shouldZoom && shouldZoomToInitialScaleOnLoad()) { // Preserve at top and at left position, to avoid scrolling // to a non top-left position for web page with viewport meta tag // that specifies an initial-scale that is zoomed in. FloatPoint anchor = centerOfVisibleContentsRect(); if (!scrollPosition().x()) anchor.setX(0); if (!scrollPosition().y()) anchor.setY(0); performedZoom = zoomAboutPoint(initialScale(), anchor); } // zoomAboutPoint above can also toggle setNeedsLayout and cause recursive layout... requestLayoutIfNeeded(); if (!performedZoom) { // We only notify if we didn't perform zoom, because zoom will notify on // its own... m_client->resetBitmapZoomScale(currentScale()); notifyTransformedContentsSizeChanged(); } } double WebPagePrivate::zoomToFitScale() const { int contentWidth = contentsSize().width(); int contentHeight = contentsSize().height(); double zoomToFitScale = contentWidth > 0.0 ? static_cast(m_actualVisibleWidth) / contentWidth : 1.0; if (contentHeight * zoomToFitScale < static_cast(m_defaultLayoutSize.height())) zoomToFitScale = contentHeight > 0 ? static_cast(m_defaultLayoutSize.height()) / contentHeight : 1.0; return std::max(zoomToFitScale, minimumZoomToFitScale); } double WebPage::zoomToFitScale() const { return d->zoomToFitScale(); } double WebPagePrivate::initialScale() const { if (m_initialScale > 0.0) return m_initialScale; if (m_webSettings->isZoomToFitOnLoad()) return zoomToFitScale(); return 1.0; } double WebPage::initialScale() const { return d->initialScale(); } void WebPage::initializeIconDataBase() { IconDatabaseClientBlackBerry::getInstance()->initIconDatabase(d->m_webSettings); } bool WebPage::isUserScalable() const { return d->isUserScalable(); } void WebPage::setUserScalable(bool userScalable) { d->setUserScalable(userScalable); } double WebPage::currentScale() const { return d->currentScale(); } void WebPage::setInitialScale(double initialScale) { d->setInitialScale(initialScale); } double WebPage::minimumScale() const { return d->minimumScale(); } void WebPage::setMinimumScale(double minimumScale) { d->setMinimumScale(minimumScale); } void WebPage::setMaximumScale(double maximumScale) { d->setMaximumScale(maximumScale); } double WebPagePrivate::maximumScale() const { if (m_maximumScale >= zoomToFitScale() && m_maximumScale >= m_minimumScale) return m_maximumScale; return hasVirtualViewport() ? std::max(zoomToFitScale(), 4.0) : 4.0; } double WebPage::maximumScale() const { return d->maximumScale(); } void WebPagePrivate::resetScales() { TransformationMatrix identity; *m_transformationMatrix = identity; m_initialScale = m_webSettings->initialScale() > 0 ? m_webSettings->initialScale() : -1.0; m_minimumScale = -1.0; m_maximumScale = -1.0; // We have to let WebCore know about updated framerect now that we've // reset our scales. See: RIM Bug #401. updateViewportSize(); } IntPoint WebPagePrivate::transformedScrollPosition() const { return m_backingStoreClient->transformedScrollPosition(); } // Returned scroll position is in transformed coordinates. Platform::IntPoint WebPage::scrollPosition() const { return d->transformedScrollPosition(); } IntPoint WebPagePrivate::transformedMaximumScrollPosition() const { return m_backingStoreClient->transformedMaximumScrollPosition(); } IntSize WebPagePrivate::transformedActualVisibleSize() const { return IntSize(m_actualVisibleWidth, m_actualVisibleHeight); } Platform::IntSize WebPage::viewportSize() const { return d->transformedActualVisibleSize(); } IntSize WebPagePrivate::transformedViewportSize() const { return Platform::Graphics::Screen::primaryScreen()->size(); } IntRect WebPagePrivate::transformedVisibleContentsRect() const { // Usually this would be mapToTransformed(visibleContentsRect()), but // that results in rounding errors because we already set the WebCore // viewport size from our original transformedViewportSize(). // Instead, we only transform the scroll position and take the // viewport size as it is, which ensures that e.g. blitting operations // always cover the whole widget/screen. return IntRect(transformedScrollPosition(), transformedViewportSize()); } IntSize WebPagePrivate::transformedContentsSize() const { // mapToTransformed() functions use this method to crop their results, // so we can't make use of them here. While we want rounding inside page // boundaries to extend rectangles and round points, we need to crop the // contents size to the floored values so that we don't try to display // or report points that are not fully covered by the actual float-point // contents rectangle. const IntSize untransformedContentsSize = contentsSize(); const FloatPoint transformedBottomRight = m_transformationMatrix->mapPoint( FloatPoint(untransformedContentsSize.width(), untransformedContentsSize.height())); return IntSize(floorf(transformedBottomRight.x()), floorf(transformedBottomRight.y())); } IntPoint WebPagePrivate::mapFromContentsToViewport(const IntPoint& point) const { return m_backingStoreClient->mapFromContentsToViewport(point); } IntPoint WebPagePrivate::mapFromViewportToContents(const IntPoint& point) const { return m_backingStoreClient->mapFromViewportToContents(point); } IntRect WebPagePrivate::mapFromContentsToViewport(const IntRect& rect) const { return m_backingStoreClient->mapFromContentsToViewport(rect); } IntRect WebPagePrivate::mapFromViewportToContents(const IntRect& rect) const { return m_backingStoreClient->mapFromViewportToContents(rect); } IntPoint WebPagePrivate::mapFromTransformedContentsToTransformedViewport(const IntPoint& point) const { return m_backingStoreClient->mapFromTransformedContentsToTransformedViewport(point); } IntPoint WebPagePrivate::mapFromTransformedViewportToTransformedContents(const IntPoint& point) const { return m_backingStoreClient->mapFromTransformedViewportToTransformedContents(point); } IntRect WebPagePrivate::mapFromTransformedContentsToTransformedViewport(const IntRect& rect) const { return m_backingStoreClient->mapFromTransformedContentsToTransformedViewport(rect); } IntRect WebPagePrivate::mapFromTransformedViewportToTransformedContents(const IntRect& rect) const { return m_backingStoreClient->mapFromTransformedViewportToTransformedContents(rect); } // NOTE: PIXEL ROUNDING! // Accurate back-and-forth rounding is not possible with information loss // by integer points and sizes, so we always expand the resulting mapped // float rectangles to the nearest integer. For points, we always use // floor-rounding in mapToTransformed() so that we don't have to crop to // the (floor'd) transformed contents size. static inline IntPoint roundTransformedPoint(const FloatPoint &point) { // Maps by rounding half towards zero. return IntPoint(static_cast(floorf(point.x())), static_cast(floorf(point.y()))); } static inline IntPoint roundUntransformedPoint(const FloatPoint &point) { // Maps by rounding half away from zero. return IntPoint(static_cast(ceilf(point.x())), static_cast(ceilf(point.y()))); } IntPoint WebPagePrivate::mapToTransformed(const IntPoint& point) const { return roundTransformedPoint(m_transformationMatrix->mapPoint(FloatPoint(point))); } FloatPoint WebPagePrivate::mapToTransformedFloatPoint(const FloatPoint& point) const { return m_transformationMatrix->mapPoint(point); } IntPoint WebPagePrivate::mapFromTransformed(const IntPoint& point) const { return roundUntransformedPoint(m_transformationMatrix->inverse().mapPoint(FloatPoint(point))); } FloatPoint WebPagePrivate::mapFromTransformedFloatPoint(const FloatPoint& point) const { return m_transformationMatrix->inverse().mapPoint(point); } FloatRect WebPagePrivate::mapFromTransformedFloatRect(const FloatRect& rect) const { return m_transformationMatrix->inverse().mapRect(rect); } IntSize WebPagePrivate::mapToTransformed(const IntSize& size) const { return mapToTransformed(IntRect(IntPoint::zero(), size)).size(); } IntSize WebPagePrivate::mapFromTransformed(const IntSize& size) const { return mapFromTransformed(IntRect(IntPoint::zero(), size)).size(); } IntRect WebPagePrivate::mapToTransformed(const IntRect& rect) const { return enclosingIntRect(m_transformationMatrix->mapRect(FloatRect(rect))); } // Use this in conjunction with mapToTransformed(IntRect), in most cases. void WebPagePrivate::clipToTransformedContentsRect(IntRect& rect) const { rect.intersect(IntRect(IntPoint::zero(), transformedContentsSize())); } IntRect WebPagePrivate::mapFromTransformed(const IntRect& rect) const { return enclosingIntRect(m_transformationMatrix->inverse().mapRect(FloatRect(rect))); } bool WebPagePrivate::transformedPointEqualsUntransformedPoint(const IntPoint& transformedPoint, const IntPoint& untransformedPoint) { // Scaling down is always more accurate than scaling up. if (m_transformationMatrix->a() > 1.0) return transformedPoint == mapToTransformed(untransformedPoint); return mapFromTransformed(transformedPoint) == untransformedPoint; } void WebPagePrivate::notifyTransformChanged() { notifyTransformedContentsSizeChanged(); notifyTransformedScrollChanged(); m_backingStore->d->transformChanged(); } void WebPagePrivate::notifyTransformedContentsSizeChanged() { // We mark here as the last reported content size we sent to the client. m_previousContentsSize = contentsSize(); const IntSize size = transformedContentsSize(); m_backingStore->d->contentsSizeChanged(size); m_client->contentsSizeChanged(size); } void WebPagePrivate::notifyTransformedScrollChanged() { const IntPoint pos = transformedScrollPosition(); m_backingStore->d->scrollChanged(pos); m_client->scrollChanged(pos); } bool WebPagePrivate::setViewMode(ViewMode mode) { if (!m_mainFrame->view()) return false; m_viewMode = mode; // If we're in the middle of a nested layout with a recursion count above // some maximum threshold, then our algorithm for finding the minimum content // width of a given page has become dependent on the visible width. // // We need to find some method to ensure that we don't experience excessive // and even infinite recursion. This can even happen with valid html. The // former can happen when we run into inline text with few candidates for line // break. The latter can happen for instance if the page has a negative margin // set against the right border. Note: this is valid by spec and can lead to // a situation where there is no value for which the content width will ensure // no horizontal scrollbar. // Example: LayoutTests/css1/box_properties/margin.html // // In order to address such situations when we detect a recursion above some // maximum threshold we snap our fixed layout size to a defined quantum increment. // Eventually, either the content width will be satisfied to ensure no horizontal // scrollbar or this increment will run into the maximum layout size and the // recursion will necessarily end. bool snapToIncrement = didLayoutExceedMaximumIterations(); IntSize currentSize = m_mainFrame->view()->fixedLayoutSize(); IntSize newSize = fixedLayoutSize(snapToIncrement); if (currentSize == newSize) return false; // FIXME: Temp solution. We'll get back to this. if (m_nestedLayoutFinishedCount) { double widthChange = fabs(double(newSize.width() - currentSize.width()) / currentSize.width()); double heightChange = fabs(double(newSize.height() - currentSize.height()) / currentSize.height()); if (widthChange < 0.05 && heightChange < 0.05) return false; } m_mainFrame->view()->setUseFixedLayout(useFixedLayout()); m_mainFrame->view()->setFixedLayoutSize(newSize); return true; // Needs re-layout! } void WebPagePrivate::setCursor(PlatformCursor handle) { if (m_currentCursor.type() != handle.type()) { m_currentCursor = handle; m_client->cursorChanged(handle.type(), handle.url().c_str(), handle.hotspot().x(), handle.hotspot().y()); } } Platform::NetworkStreamFactory* WebPagePrivate::networkStreamFactory() { return m_client->networkStreamFactory(); } Platform::Graphics::Window* WebPagePrivate::platformWindow() const { return m_client->window(); } void WebPagePrivate::setPreventsScreenDimming(bool keepAwake) { if (keepAwake) { if (!m_preventIdleDimmingCount) m_client->setPreventsScreenIdleDimming(true); m_preventIdleDimmingCount++; } else if (m_preventIdleDimmingCount > 0) { m_preventIdleDimmingCount--; if (!m_preventIdleDimmingCount) m_client->setPreventsScreenIdleDimming(false); } else ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); // SetPreventsScreenIdleDimming(false) called too many times. } void WebPagePrivate::showVirtualKeyboard(bool showKeyboard) { m_client->showVirtualKeyboard(showKeyboard); } void WebPagePrivate::ensureContentVisible(bool centerInView) { m_inputHandler->ensureFocusElementVisible(centerInView); } void WebPagePrivate::zoomToContentRect(const IntRect& rect) { // Don't scale if the user is not supposed to scale. if (!isUserScalable()) return; FloatPoint anchor = FloatPoint(rect.width() / 2.0 + rect.x(), rect.height() / 2.0 + rect.y()); IntSize viewSize = viewportSize(); // Calculate the scale required to scale that dimension to fit. double scaleH = (double)viewSize.width() / (double)rect.width(); double scaleV = (double)viewSize.height() / (double)rect.height(); // Choose the smaller scale factor so that all of the content is visible. zoomAboutPoint(min(scaleH, scaleV), anchor); } void WebPagePrivate::registerPlugin(PluginView* plugin, bool shouldRegister) { if (shouldRegister) m_pluginViews.add(plugin); else m_pluginViews.remove(plugin); } #define FOR_EACH_PLUGINVIEW(pluginViews) \ HashSet::const_iterator it = pluginViews.begin(); \ HashSet::const_iterator last = pluginViews.end(); \ for (; it != last; ++it) void WebPagePrivate::notifyPageOnLoad() { FOR_EACH_PLUGINVIEW(m_pluginViews) (*it)->handleOnLoadEvent(); } bool WebPagePrivate::shouldPluginEnterFullScreen(PluginView* plugin, const char* windowUniquePrefix) { return m_client->shouldPluginEnterFullScreen(); } void WebPagePrivate::didPluginEnterFullScreen(PluginView* plugin, const char* windowUniquePrefix) { m_fullScreenPluginView = plugin; m_client->didPluginEnterFullScreen(); if (!m_client->window()) return; Platform::Graphics::Window::setTransparencyDiscardFilter(windowUniquePrefix); m_client->window()->setSensitivityFullscreenOverride(true); } void WebPagePrivate::didPluginExitFullScreen(PluginView* plugin, const char* windowUniquePrefix) { m_fullScreenPluginView = 0; m_client->didPluginExitFullScreen(); if (!m_client->window()) return; Platform::Graphics::Window::setTransparencyDiscardFilter(0); m_client->window()->setSensitivityFullscreenOverride(false); } void WebPagePrivate::onPluginStartBackgroundPlay(PluginView* plugin, const char* windowUniquePrefix) { m_client->onPluginStartBackgroundPlay(); } void WebPagePrivate::onPluginStopBackgroundPlay(PluginView* plugin, const char* windowUniquePrefix) { m_client->onPluginStopBackgroundPlay(); } bool WebPagePrivate::lockOrientation(bool landscape) { return m_client->lockOrientation(landscape); } void WebPagePrivate::unlockOrientation() { return m_client->unlockOrientation(); } int WebPagePrivate::orientation() const { #if ENABLE(ORIENTATION_EVENTS) return m_mainFrame->orientation(); #else #error ORIENTATION_EVENTS must be defined. // Or a copy of the orientation value will have to be stored in these objects. #endif } double WebPagePrivate::currentZoomFactor() const { return currentScale(); } int WebPagePrivate::showAlertDialog(WebPageClient::AlertType atype) { return m_client->showAlertDialog(atype); } bool WebPagePrivate::isActive() const { return m_client->isActive(); } bool WebPagePrivate::authenticationChallenge(const KURL& url, const ProtectionSpace& protectionSpace, Credential& inputCredential) { WebString username; WebString password; #if !defined(PUBLIC_BUILD) || !PUBLIC_BUILD if (m_dumpRenderTree) return m_dumpRenderTree->didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge(inputCredential); #endif #if ENABLE(BLACKBERRY_CREDENTIAL_PERSIST) if (m_webSettings->isCredentialAutofillEnabled() && !m_webSettings->isPrivateBrowsingEnabled()) credentialManager().autofillAuthenticationChallenge(protectionSpace, username, password); #endif bool isConfirmed = m_client->authenticationChallenge(protectionSpace.realm().characters(), protectionSpace.realm().length(), username, password); #if ENABLE(BLACKBERRY_CREDENTIAL_PERSIST) Credential credential(username, password, CredentialPersistencePermanent); if (m_webSettings->isCredentialAutofillEnabled() && !m_webSettings->isPrivateBrowsingEnabled() && isConfirmed) credentialManager().saveCredentialIfConfirmed(this, CredentialTransformData(url, protectionSpace, credential)); #else Credential credential(username, password, CredentialPersistenceNone); #endif inputCredential = credential; return isConfirmed; } PageClientBlackBerry::SaveCredentialType WebPagePrivate::notifyShouldSaveCredential(bool isNew) { return static_cast(m_client->notifyShouldSaveCredential(isNew)); } void WebPagePrivate::syncProxyCredential(const WebCore::Credential& credential) { m_client->syncProxyCredential(credential.user().utf8().data(), credential.password().utf8().data()); } void WebPagePrivate::notifyPopupAutofillDialog(const Vector& candidates, const WebCore::IntRect& screenRect) { vector textItems; for (size_t i = 0; i < candidates.size(); i++) textItems.push_back(candidates[i].utf8().data()); m_client->notifyPopupAutofillDialog(textItems, screenRect); } void WebPagePrivate::notifyDismissAutofillDialog() { m_client->notifyDismissAutofillDialog(); } bool WebPagePrivate::useFixedLayout() const { return true; } Platform::WebContext WebPagePrivate::webContext(TargetDetectionStrategy strategy) { Platform::WebContext context; RefPtr node = contextNode(strategy); m_currentContextNode = node; if (!m_currentContextNode) return context; // Send an onContextMenu event to the current context ndoe and get the result. Since we've already figured out // which node we want, we can send it directly to the node and not do a hit test. The onContextMenu event doesn't require // mouse positions so we just set the position at (0,0) PlatformMouseEvent mouseEvent(IntPoint(), IntPoint(), PlatformEvent::MouseMoved, 0, NoButton, TouchScreen); if (m_currentContextNode->dispatchMouseEvent(mouseEvent, eventNames().contextmenuEvent, 0)) { context.setFlag(Platform::WebContext::IsOnContextMenuPrevented); return context; } // Unpress the mouse button if we're actually getting context. EventHandler* eventHandler = focusedOrMainFrame()->eventHandler(); if (eventHandler->mousePressed()) eventHandler->setMousePressed(false); requestLayoutIfNeeded(); bool nodeAllowSelectionOverride = false; if (Node* linkNode = node->enclosingLinkEventParentOrSelf()) { KURL href; if (linkNode->isLink() && linkNode->hasAttributes()) { if (Attribute* attribute = static_cast(linkNode)->getAttributeItem(HTMLNames::hrefAttr)) href = linkNode->document()->completeURL(stripLeadingAndTrailingHTMLSpaces(attribute->value())); } String pattern = findPatternStringForUrl(href); if (!pattern.isEmpty()) context.setPattern(pattern.utf8().data()); if (!href.string().isEmpty()) { context.setUrl(href.string().utf8().data()); // Links are non-selectable by default, but selection should be allowed // providing the page is selectable, use the parent to determine it. if (linkNode->parentNode() && linkNode->parentNode()->canStartSelection()) nodeAllowSelectionOverride = true; } } if (node->isHTMLElement()) { HTMLImageElement* imageElement = 0; HTMLMediaElement* mediaElement = 0; if (node->hasTagName(HTMLNames::imgTag)) imageElement = static_cast(node.get()); else if (node->hasTagName(HTMLNames::areaTag)) imageElement = static_cast(node.get())->imageElement(); if (static_cast(node.get())->isMediaElement()) mediaElement = static_cast(node.get()); if (imageElement && imageElement->renderer()) { context.setFlag(Platform::WebContext::IsImage); // FIXME: At the mean time, we only show "Save Image" when the image data is available. if (CachedResource* cachedResource = imageElement->cachedImage()) { if (cachedResource->isLoaded() && cachedResource->data()) { String url = stripLeadingAndTrailingHTMLSpaces(imageElement->getAttribute(HTMLNames::srcAttr).string()); context.setSrc(node->document()->completeURL(url).string().utf8().data()); } } String alt = imageElement->altText(); if (!alt.isNull()) context.setAlt(alt.utf8().data()); } if (mediaElement) { if (mediaElement->hasAudio()) context.setFlag(Platform::WebContext::IsAudio); if (mediaElement->hasVideo()) context.setFlag(Platform::WebContext::IsVideo); String src = stripLeadingAndTrailingHTMLSpaces(mediaElement->getAttribute(HTMLNames::srcAttr).string()); context.setSrc(node->document()->completeURL(src).string().utf8().data()); } } if (node->isTextNode()) { Text* curText = toText(node.get()); if (!curText->wholeText().isEmpty()) context.setText(curText->wholeText().utf8().data()); } bool canStartSelection = node->canStartSelection(); if (node->isElementNode()) { Element* element = static_cast(node->shadowAncestorNode()); if (DOMSupport::isTextBasedContentEditableElement(element)) { if (!canStartSelection) { // Input fields host node is by spec non-editable unless the field itself has content editable enabled. // Enable selection if the shadow tree for the input field is selectable. Node* nodeUnderFinger = m_touchEventHandler->lastFatFingersResult().isValid() ? m_touchEventHandler->lastFatFingersResult().node(FatFingersResult::ShadowContentAllowed) : 0; if (nodeUnderFinger) canStartSelection = nodeUnderFinger->canStartSelection(); } context.setFlag(Platform::WebContext::IsInput); if (element->hasTagName(HTMLNames::inputTag)) context.setFlag(Platform::WebContext::IsSingleLine); if (DOMSupport::isPasswordElement(element)) context.setFlag(Platform::WebContext::IsPassword); String elementText(DOMSupport::inputElementText(element)); if (!elementText.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty()) context.setText(elementText.utf8().data()); } } if (!nodeAllowSelectionOverride && !canStartSelection) context.resetFlag(Platform::WebContext::IsSelectable); if (node->isFocusable()) context.setFlag(Platform::WebContext::IsFocusable); return context; } Platform::WebContext WebPage::webContext(TargetDetectionStrategy strategy) const { return d->webContext(strategy); } void WebPagePrivate::updateCursor() { int buttonMask = 0; if (m_lastMouseEvent.button() == LeftButton) buttonMask = Platform::MouseEvent::ScreenLeftMouseButton; else if (m_lastMouseEvent.button() == MiddleButton) buttonMask = Platform::MouseEvent::ScreenMiddleMouseButton; else if (m_lastMouseEvent.button() == RightButton) buttonMask = Platform::MouseEvent::ScreenRightMouseButton; BlackBerry::Platform::MouseEvent event(buttonMask, buttonMask, mapToTransformed(m_lastMouseEvent.position()), mapToTransformed(m_lastMouseEvent.globalPosition()), 0, 0); m_webPage->mouseEvent(event); } IntSize WebPagePrivate::fixedLayoutSize(bool snapToIncrement) const { if (hasVirtualViewport()) return IntSize(m_virtualViewportWidth, m_virtualViewportHeight); const int defaultLayoutWidth = m_defaultLayoutSize.width(); const int defaultLayoutHeight = m_defaultLayoutSize.height(); int minWidth = defaultLayoutWidth; int maxWidth = defaultMaxLayoutSize().width(); int maxHeight = defaultMaxLayoutSize().height(); // If the load state is none then we haven't actually got anything yet, but we need to layout // the entire page so that the user sees the entire page (unrendered) instead of just part of it. if (m_loadState == None) return IntSize(defaultLayoutWidth, defaultLayoutHeight); if (m_viewMode == FixedDesktop) { int width = maxWidth; // if the defaultLayoutHeight is at minimum, it probably was set as 0 // and clamped, meaning it's effectively not set. (Even if it happened // to be set exactly to the minimum, it's too small to be useful.) So // ignore it. int height; if (defaultLayoutHeight <= minimumLayoutSize.height()) height = maxHeight; else height = ceilf(static_cast(width) / static_cast(defaultLayoutWidth) * static_cast(defaultLayoutHeight)); return IntSize(width, height); } if (m_viewMode == Desktop) { // If we detect an overflow larger than the contents size then use that instead since // it'll still be clamped by the maxWidth below... int width = std::max(absoluteVisibleOverflowSize().width(), contentsSize().width()); if (snapToIncrement) { // Snap to increments of defaultLayoutWidth / 2.0. float factor = static_cast(width) / (defaultLayoutWidth / 2.0); factor = ceilf(factor); width = (defaultLayoutWidth / 2.0) * factor; } if (width < minWidth) width = minWidth; if (width > maxWidth) width = maxWidth; int height = ceilf(static_cast(width) / static_cast(defaultLayoutWidth) * static_cast(defaultLayoutHeight)); return IntSize(width, height); } if (m_webSettings->isZoomToFitOnLoad()) { // We need to clamp the layout width to the minimum of the layout // width or the content width. This is important under rotation for mobile // websites. We want the page to remain layouted at the same width which // it was loaded with, and instead change the zoom level to fit to screen. // The height is welcome to adapt to the height used in the new orientation, // otherwise we will get a grey bar below the web page. if (m_mainFrame->view() && !contentsSize().isEmpty()) minWidth = contentsSize().width(); else { // If there is no contents width, use the minimum of screen width // and layout width to shape the first layout to a contents width // that we could reasonably zoom to fit, in a manner that takes // orientation into account and still respects a small default // layout width. #if ENABLE(ORIENTATION_EVENTS) minWidth = m_mainFrame->orientation() % 180 ? Platform::Graphics::Screen::primaryScreen()->height() : Platform::Graphics::Screen::primaryScreen()->width(); #else minWidth = Platform::Graphics::Screen::primaryScreen()->width(); #endif } } return IntSize(std::min(minWidth, defaultLayoutWidth), defaultLayoutHeight); } BackingStoreClient* WebPagePrivate::backingStoreClientForFrame(const Frame* frame) const { ASSERT(frame); BackingStoreClient* backingStoreClient = 0; if (m_backingStoreClientForFrameMap.contains(frame)) backingStoreClient = m_backingStoreClientForFrameMap.get(frame); return backingStoreClient; } void WebPagePrivate::addBackingStoreClientForFrame(const Frame* frame, BackingStoreClient* client) { ASSERT(frame); ASSERT(client); m_backingStoreClientForFrameMap.add(frame, client); } void WebPagePrivate::removeBackingStoreClientForFrame(const Frame* frame) { ASSERT(frame); if (m_backingStoreClientForFrameMap.contains(frame)) m_backingStoreClientForFrameMap.remove(frame); } void WebPagePrivate::clearDocumentData(const Document* documentGoingAway) { ASSERT(documentGoingAway); if (m_currentContextNode && m_currentContextNode->document() == documentGoingAway) m_currentContextNode = 0; if (m_currentPinchZoomNode && m_currentPinchZoomNode->document() == documentGoingAway) m_currentPinchZoomNode = 0; if (m_currentBlockZoomAdjustedNode && m_currentBlockZoomAdjustedNode->document() == documentGoingAway) m_currentBlockZoomAdjustedNode = 0; if (m_inRegionScroller->d->hasNode() && m_inRegionScroller->d->node()->document() == documentGoingAway) m_inRegionScroller->d->reset(); if (documentGoingAway->frame()) m_inputHandler->frameUnloaded(documentGoingAway->frame()); Node* nodeUnderFatFinger = m_touchEventHandler->lastFatFingersResult().node(); if (nodeUnderFatFinger && nodeUnderFatFinger->document() == documentGoingAway) m_touchEventHandler->resetLastFatFingersResult(); // NOTE: m_fullscreenVideoNode, m_fullScreenPluginView and m_pluginViews // are cleared in other methods already. } typedef bool (*PredicateFunction)(RenderLayer*); static bool isPositionedContainer(RenderLayer* layer) { RenderObject* o = layer->renderer(); return o->isRenderView() || o->isOutOfFlowPositioned() || o->isRelPositioned() || layer->hasTransform(); } static bool isFixedPositionedContainer(RenderLayer* layer) { RenderObject* o = layer->renderer(); return o->isRenderView() || (o->isOutOfFlowPositioned() && o->style()->position() == FixedPosition); } static RenderLayer* findAncestorOrSelfNotMatching(PredicateFunction predicate, RenderLayer* layer) { RenderLayer* curr = layer; while (curr && !predicate(curr)) curr = curr->parent(); return curr; } RenderLayer* WebPagePrivate::enclosingFixedPositionedAncestorOrSelfIfFixedPositioned(RenderLayer* layer) { return findAncestorOrSelfNotMatching(&isFixedPositionedContainer, layer); } RenderLayer* WebPagePrivate::enclosingPositionedAncestorOrSelfIfPositioned(RenderLayer* layer) { return findAncestorOrSelfNotMatching(&isPositionedContainer, layer); } static inline Frame* frameForNode(Node* node) { Node* origNode = node; for (; node; node = node->parentNode()) { if (RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer()) { if (renderer->isRenderView()) { if (FrameView* view = toRenderView(renderer)->frameView()) { if (Frame* frame = view->frame()) return frame; } } if (renderer->isWidget()) { Widget* widget = toRenderWidget(renderer)->widget(); if (widget && widget->isFrameView()) { if (Frame* frame = static_cast(widget)->frame()) return frame; } } } } for (node = origNode; node; node = node->parentNode()) { if (Document* doc = node->document()) { if (Frame* frame = doc->frame()) return frame; } } return 0; } static IntRect getNodeWindowRect(Node* node) { if (Frame* frame = frameForNode(node)) { if (FrameView* view = frame->view()) return view->contentsToWindow(node->getRect()); } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return IntRect(); } IntRect WebPagePrivate::getRecursiveVisibleWindowRect(ScrollView* view, bool noClipOfMainFrame) { ASSERT(m_mainFrame); // Don't call this function asking to not clip the main frame providing only // the main frame. All that can be returned is the content rect which // isn't what this function is for. if (noClipOfMainFrame && view == m_mainFrame->view()) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return IntRect(IntPoint::zero(), view->contentsSize()); } IntRect visibleWindowRect(view->contentsToWindow(view->visibleContentRect(false))); if (view->parent() && !(noClipOfMainFrame && view->parent() == m_mainFrame->view())) { // Intersect with parent visible rect. visibleWindowRect.intersect(getRecursiveVisibleWindowRect(view->parent(), noClipOfMainFrame)); } return visibleWindowRect; } void WebPagePrivate::assignFocus(Platform::FocusDirection direction) { ASSERT((int) Platform::FocusDirectionNone == (int) FocusDirectionNone); ASSERT((int) Platform::FocusDirectionForward == (int) FocusDirectionForward); ASSERT((int) Platform::FocusDirectionBackward == (int) FocusDirectionBackward); // First we clear the focus, since we want to focus either initial or the last // focusable element in the webpage (according to the TABINDEX), or simply clear // the focus. clearFocusNode(); switch (direction) { case FocusDirectionForward: case FocusDirectionBackward: m_page->focusController()->setInitialFocus((FocusDirection) direction, 0); break; case FocusDirectionNone: break; default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } } void WebPage::assignFocus(Platform::FocusDirection direction) { if (d->m_page->defersLoading()) return; d->assignFocus(direction); } Platform::IntRect WebPagePrivate::focusNodeRect() { Frame* frame = focusedOrMainFrame(); if (!frame) return Platform::IntRect(); Document* doc = frame->document(); FrameView* view = frame->view(); if (!doc || !view || view->needsLayout()) return Platform::IntRect(); IntRect focusRect = rectForNode(doc->focusedNode()); focusRect = adjustRectOffsetForFrameOffset(focusRect, doc->focusedNode()); focusRect = mapToTransformed(focusRect); clipToTransformedContentsRect(focusRect); return focusRect; } PassRefPtr WebPagePrivate::contextNode(TargetDetectionStrategy strategy) { EventHandler* eventHandler = focusedOrMainFrame()->eventHandler(); const FatFingersResult lastFatFingersResult = m_touchEventHandler->lastFatFingersResult(); bool isTouching = lastFatFingersResult.isValid() && strategy == RectBased; // Check if we're using LinkToLink and the user is not touching the screen. if (m_webSettings->doesGetFocusNodeContext() && !isTouching) { RefPtr node; node = m_page->focusController()->focusedOrMainFrame()->document()->focusedNode(); if (node) { IntRect visibleRect = IntRect(IntPoint(), actualVisibleSize()); if (!visibleRect.intersects(getNodeWindowRect(node.get()))) return 0; } return node.release(); } // Check for text input. if (isTouching && lastFatFingersResult.isTextInput()) return lastFatFingersResult.node(FatFingersResult::ShadowContentNotAllowed); IntPoint contentPos; if (isTouching) contentPos = lastFatFingersResult.adjustedPosition(); else contentPos = mapFromViewportToContents(m_lastMouseEvent.position()); if (strategy == RectBased) { FatFingersResult result = FatFingers(this, lastFatFingersResult.adjustedPosition(), FatFingers::Text).findBestPoint(); return result.node(FatFingersResult::ShadowContentNotAllowed); } HitTestResult result = eventHandler->hitTestResultAtPoint(contentPos, false /*allowShadowContent*/); return result.innerNode(); } static inline int distanceBetweenPoints(IntPoint p1, IntPoint p2) { // Change int to double, because (dy * dy) can cause int overflow in reality, e.g, (-46709 * -46709). double dx = static_cast(p1.x() - p2.x()); double dy = static_cast(p1.y() - p2.y()); return sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); } Node* WebPagePrivate::bestNodeForZoomUnderPoint(const IntPoint& point) { IntPoint pt = mapFromTransformed(point); IntRect clickRect(pt.x() - blockClickRadius, pt.y() - blockClickRadius, 2 * blockClickRadius, 2 * blockClickRadius); Node* originalNode = nodeForZoomUnderPoint(point); if (!originalNode) return 0; Node* node = bestChildNodeForClickRect(originalNode, clickRect); return node ? adjustedBlockZoomNodeForZoomLimits(node) : adjustedBlockZoomNodeForZoomLimits(originalNode); } Node* WebPagePrivate::bestChildNodeForClickRect(Node* parentNode, const IntRect& clickRect) { if (!parentNode) return 0; int bestDistance = std::numeric_limits::max(); Node* node = parentNode->firstChild(); Node* bestNode = 0; for (; node; node = node->nextSibling()) { IntRect rect = rectForNode(node); if (!clickRect.intersects(rect)) continue; int distance = distanceBetweenPoints(rect.center(), clickRect.center()); Node* bestChildNode = bestChildNodeForClickRect(node, clickRect); if (bestChildNode) { IntRect bestChildRect = rectForNode(bestChildNode); int bestChildDistance = distanceBetweenPoints(bestChildRect.center(), clickRect.center()); if (bestChildDistance < distance && bestChildDistance < bestDistance) { bestNode = bestChildNode; bestDistance = bestChildDistance; } else { if (distance < bestDistance) { bestNode = node; bestDistance = distance; } } } else { if (distance < bestDistance) { bestNode = node; bestDistance = distance; } } } return bestNode; } double WebPagePrivate::maxBlockZoomScale() const { return std::min(maximumBlockZoomScale, maximumScale()); } Node* WebPagePrivate::nodeForZoomUnderPoint(const IntPoint& point) { if (!m_mainFrame) return 0; HitTestResult result = m_mainFrame->eventHandler()->hitTestResultAtPoint(mapFromTransformed(point), false); Node* node = result.innerNonSharedNode(); if (!node) return 0; RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer(); while (!renderer) { node = node->parentNode(); renderer = node->renderer(); } return node; } Node* WebPagePrivate::adjustedBlockZoomNodeForZoomLimits(Node* node) { Node* initialNode = node; RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer(); bool acceptableNodeSize = newScaleForBlockZoomRect(rectForNode(node), 1.0, 0) < maxBlockZoomScale(); while (!renderer || !acceptableNodeSize) { node = node->parentNode(); if (!node) return initialNode; renderer = node->renderer(); acceptableNodeSize = newScaleForBlockZoomRect(rectForNode(node), 1.0, 0) < maxBlockZoomScale(); } // Don't use a node if it is too close to the size of the actual contents. if (initialNode != node) { IntRect nodeRect = rectForNode(node); nodeRect = adjustRectOffsetForFrameOffset(nodeRect, node); nodeRect.intersect(IntRect(IntPoint::zero(), contentsSize())); int nodeArea = nodeRect.width() * nodeRect.height(); int pageArea = contentsSize().width() * contentsSize().height(); if (static_cast(pageArea - nodeArea) / pageArea < minimumExpandingRatio) return initialNode; } return node; } bool WebPagePrivate::compareNodesForBlockZoom(Node* n1, Node* n2) { if (!n1 || !n2) return false; return (n2 == n1) || n2->isDescendantOf(n1); } double WebPagePrivate::newScaleForBlockZoomRect(const IntRect& rect, double oldScale, double margin) { if (rect.isEmpty()) return std::numeric_limits::max(); ASSERT(rect.width() + margin); double newScale = oldScale * static_cast(transformedActualVisibleSize().width()) / (rect.width() + margin); return newScale; } IntRect WebPagePrivate::rectForNode(Node* node) { if (!node) return IntRect(); RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer(); if (!renderer) return IntRect(); // Return rect in un-transformed content coordinates. IntRect blockRect; // FIXME: Ensure this works with iframes. if (m_webPage->settings()->textReflowMode() == WebSettings::TextReflowEnabled && renderer->isText()) { RenderBlock* renderBlock = renderer->containingBlock(); int xOffset = 0; int yOffset = 0; while (!renderBlock->isRoot()) { xOffset += renderBlock->x(); yOffset += renderBlock->y(); renderBlock = renderBlock->containingBlock(); } const RenderText* renderText = toRenderText(renderer); IntRect linesBox = renderText->linesBoundingBox(); blockRect = IntRect(xOffset + linesBox.x(), yOffset + linesBox.y(), linesBox.width(), linesBox.height()); } else blockRect = renderer->absoluteClippedOverflowRect(); if (renderer->isText()) { RenderBlock* rb = renderer->containingBlock(); // Inefficient? Way to find width when floats intersect a block. int blockWidth = 0; int lineCount = rb->lineCount(); for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) blockWidth = max(blockWidth, rb->availableLogicalWidthForLine(i, false)); blockRect.setWidth(blockWidth); blockRect.setX(blockRect.x() + rb->logicalLeftOffsetForLine(1, false)); } // Strip off padding. if (renderer->style()->hasPadding()) { blockRect.setX(blockRect.x() + renderer->style()->paddingLeft().value()); blockRect.setY(blockRect.y() + renderer->style()->paddingTop().value()); blockRect.setWidth(blockRect.width() - renderer->style()->paddingRight().value()); blockRect.setHeight(blockRect.height() - renderer->style()->paddingBottom().value()); } return blockRect; } IntPoint WebPagePrivate::frameOffset(const Frame* frame) const { ASSERT(frame); // FIXME: This function can be called when page is being destroyed and JS triggers selection change. // We could break the call chain at upper levels, but I think it is better to check the frame pointer // here because the pointer is explicitly cleared in WebPage::destroy(). if (!mainFrame()) return IntPoint(); // Convert 0,0 in the frame's coordinate system to window coordinates to // get the frame's global position, and return this position in the main // frame's coordinates. (So the main frame's coordinates will be 0,0.) return mainFrame()->view()->windowToContents(frame->view()->contentsToWindow(IntPoint::zero())); } IntRect WebPagePrivate::adjustRectOffsetForFrameOffset(const IntRect& rect, const Node* node) { if (!node) return rect; // Adjust the offset of the rect if it is in an iFrame/frame or set of iFrames/frames. // FIXME: can we just use frameOffset instead of this big routine? const Node* tnode = node; IntRect adjustedRect = rect; do { Frame* frame = tnode->document()->frame(); if (!frame) continue; Node* ownerNode = static_cast(frame->ownerElement()); tnode = ownerNode; if (ownerNode && (ownerNode->hasTagName(HTMLNames::iframeTag) || ownerNode->hasTagName(HTMLNames::frameTag))) { IntRect iFrameRect; do { iFrameRect = rectForNode(ownerNode); adjustedRect.move(iFrameRect.x(), iFrameRect.y()); adjustedRect.intersect(iFrameRect); ownerNode = ownerNode->parentNode(); } while (iFrameRect.isEmpty() && ownerNode); } else break; } while (tnode = tnode->parentNode()); return adjustedRect; } IntRect WebPagePrivate::blockZoomRectForNode(Node* node) { if (!node || contentsSize().isEmpty()) return IntRect(); Node* tnode = node; m_currentBlockZoomAdjustedNode = tnode; IntRect blockRect = rectForNode(tnode); IntRect originalRect = blockRect; int originalArea = originalRect.width() * originalRect.height(); int pageArea = contentsSize().width() * contentsSize().height(); double blockToPageRatio = static_cast(pageArea - originalArea) / pageArea; double blockExpansionRatio = 5.0 * blockToPageRatio * blockToPageRatio; if (!tnode->hasTagName(HTMLNames::imgTag) && !tnode->hasTagName(HTMLNames::inputTag) && !tnode->hasTagName(HTMLNames::textareaTag)) { while (tnode = tnode->parentNode()) { ASSERT(tnode); IntRect tRect = rectForNode(tnode); int tempBlockArea = tRect.width() * tRect.height(); // Don't expand the block if it will be too large relative to the content. if (static_cast(pageArea - tempBlockArea) / pageArea < minimumExpandingRatio) break; if (tRect.isEmpty()) continue; // No renderer. if (tempBlockArea < 1.1 * originalArea) continue; // The size of this parent is very close to the child, no need to go to this parent. // Don't expand the block if the parent node size is already almost the size of actual visible size. IntSize actualSize = actualVisibleSize(); if (static_cast(actualSize.width() - tRect.width()) / actualSize.width() < minimumExpandingRatio) break; if (tempBlockArea < blockExpansionRatio * originalArea) { blockRect = tRect; m_currentBlockZoomAdjustedNode = tnode; } else break; } } blockRect = adjustRectOffsetForFrameOffset(blockRect, node); blockRect = mapToTransformed(blockRect); clipToTransformedContentsRect(blockRect); #if DEBUG_BLOCK_ZOOM if (!m_backingStore->d->isSuspended()) { // Re-paint the backingstore to screen to erase other annotations. if (m_backingStore->d->shouldDirectRenderingToWindow()) m_backingStore->d->renderVisibleContents(); else m_backingStore->d->blitVisibleContents(); // Render a black square over the calculated block and a gray square over the original block for visual inspection. originalRect = mapToTransformed(originalRect); clipToTransformedContentsRect(originalRect); IntRect renderRect = mapFromTransformedContentsToTransformedViewport(blockRect); IntRect originalRenderRect = mapFromTransformedContentsToTransformedViewport(originalRect); IntSize viewportSize = transformedViewportSize(); renderRect.intersect(IntRect(0, 0, viewportSize.width(), viewportSize.height())); originalRenderRect.intersect(IntRect(0, 0, viewportSize.width(), viewportSize.height())); m_backingStore->d->clearWindow(renderRect, 0, 0, 0); m_backingStore->d->clearWindow(originalRenderRect, 120, 120, 120); m_backingStore->d->invalidateWindow(renderRect); } #endif return blockRect; } // This function should not be called directly. // It is called after the animation ends (see above). void WebPagePrivate::zoomBlock() { if (!m_mainFrame) return; IntPoint anchor(roundUntransformedPoint(mapFromTransformedFloatPoint(m_finalBlockPoint))); bool willUseTextReflow = false; #if ENABLE(VIEWPORT_REFLOW) willUseTextReflow = m_webPage->settings()->textReflowMode() != WebSettings::TextReflowDisabled; toggleTextReflowIfEnabledForBlockZoomOnly(m_shouldReflowBlock); setNeedsLayout(); #endif TransformationMatrix zoom; zoom.scale(m_blockZoomFinalScale); *m_transformationMatrix = zoom; m_client->resetBitmapZoomScale(m_blockZoomFinalScale); m_backingStore->d->suspendScreenAndBackingStoreUpdates(); updateViewportSize(); #if ENABLE(VIEWPORT_REFLOW) requestLayoutIfNeeded(); if (willUseTextReflow && m_shouldReflowBlock) { IntRect reflowedRect = rectForNode(m_currentBlockZoomAdjustedNode.get()); reflowedRect = adjustRectOffsetForFrameOffset(reflowedRect, m_currentBlockZoomAdjustedNode.get()); reflowedRect.move(roundTransformedPoint(m_finalBlockPointReflowOffset).x(), roundTransformedPoint(m_finalBlockPointReflowOffset).y()); RenderObject* renderer = m_currentBlockZoomAdjustedNode->renderer(); IntPoint topLeftPoint(reflowedRect.location()); if (renderer && renderer->isText()) { ETextAlign textAlign = renderer->style()->textAlign(); IntPoint textAnchor; switch (textAlign) { case CENTER: case WEBKIT_CENTER: textAnchor = IntPoint(reflowedRect.x() + (reflowedRect.width() - actualVisibleSize().width()) / 2, topLeftPoint.y()); break; case LEFT: case WEBKIT_LEFT: textAnchor = topLeftPoint; break; case RIGHT: case WEBKIT_RIGHT: textAnchor = IntPoint(reflowedRect.x() + reflowedRect.width() - actualVisibleSize().width(), topLeftPoint.y()); break; case TAAUTO: case JUSTIFY: default: if (renderer->style()->isLeftToRightDirection()) textAnchor = topLeftPoint; else textAnchor = IntPoint(reflowedRect.x() + reflowedRect.width() - actualVisibleSize().width(), topLeftPoint.y()); break; } setScrollPosition(textAnchor); } else { renderer->style()->isLeftToRightDirection() ? setScrollPosition(topLeftPoint) : setScrollPosition(IntPoint(reflowedRect.x() + reflowedRect.width() - actualVisibleSize().width(), topLeftPoint.y())); } } else if (willUseTextReflow) { IntRect finalRect = rectForNode(m_currentBlockZoomAdjustedNode.get()); finalRect = adjustRectOffsetForFrameOffset(finalRect, m_currentBlockZoomAdjustedNode.get()); setScrollPosition(IntPoint(0, finalRect.y() + m_finalBlockPointReflowOffset.y())); resetBlockZoom(); } #endif if (!willUseTextReflow) { setScrollPosition(anchor); if (!m_shouldReflowBlock) resetBlockZoom(); } notifyTransformChanged(); m_backingStore->d->resumeScreenAndBackingStoreUpdates(BackingStore::RenderAndBlit); m_client->zoomChanged(m_webPage->isMinZoomed(), m_webPage->isMaxZoomed(), !shouldZoomOnEscape(), currentScale()); } void WebPage::blockZoomAnimationFinished() { d->zoomBlock(); } void WebPagePrivate::resetBlockZoom() { m_currentBlockZoomNode = 0; m_currentBlockZoomAdjustedNode = 0; m_shouldReflowBlock = false; } void WebPage::destroyWebPageCompositor() { #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) // Destroy the layer renderer in a sync command before we destroy the backing store, // to flush any pending compositing messages on the compositing thread. // The backing store is indirectly deleted by the 'detachFromParent' call below. d->syncDestroyCompositorOnCompositingThread(); #endif } void WebPage::destroy() { // TODO: need to verify if this call needs to be made before calling // WebPage::destroyWebPageCompositor() d->m_backingStore->d->suspendScreenAndBackingStoreUpdates(); // Close the backforward list and release the cached pages. d->m_page->backForward()->close(); pageCache()->releaseAutoreleasedPagesNow(); FrameLoader* loader = d->m_mainFrame->loader(); // Remove main frame's backing store client from the map // to prevent FrameLoaderClientBlackyBerry::detachFromParent2(), // which is called by loader->detachFromParent(), deleting it. // We will delete it in ~WebPagePrivate(). // Reason: loader->detachFromParent() may ping back to backing store // indirectly through ChromeClientBlackBerry::invalidateContentsAndWindow(). // see RIM PR #93256. d->removeBackingStoreClientForFrame(d->m_mainFrame); // Set m_mainFrame to 0 to avoid calls back in to the backingstore during webpage deletion. d->m_mainFrame = 0; if (loader) loader->detachFromParent(); deleteGuardedObject(this); } WebPageClient* WebPage::client() const { return d->m_client; } int WebPage::backForwardListLength() const { return d->m_page->getHistoryLength(); } bool WebPage::canGoBackOrForward(int delta) const { return d->m_page->canGoBackOrForward(delta); } bool WebPage::goBackOrForward(int delta) { if (d->m_page->canGoBackOrForward(delta)) { d->m_page->goBackOrForward(delta); return true; } return false; } void WebPage::goToBackForwardEntry(BackForwardId id) { HistoryItem* item = historyItemFromBackForwardId(id); ASSERT(item); d->m_page->goToItem(item, FrameLoadTypeIndexedBackForward); } void WebPage::reload() { d->m_mainFrame->loader()->reload(/* bypassCache */ true); } void WebPage::reloadFromCache() { d->m_mainFrame->loader()->reload(/* bypassCache */ false); } WebSettings* WebPage::settings() const { return d->m_webSettings; } bool WebPage::isVisible() const { return d->m_visible; } #if ENABLE(PAGE_VISIBILITY_API) class DeferredTaskSetPageVisibilityState: public DeferredTask<&WebPagePrivate::m_wouldSetPageVisibilityState> { public: explicit DeferredTaskSetPageVisibilityState(WebPagePrivate* webPagePrivate) : DeferredTaskType(webPagePrivate) { } private: virtual void performInternal(WebPagePrivate* webPagePrivate) { webPagePrivate->setPageVisibilityState(); } }; void WebPagePrivate::setPageVisibilityState() { if (m_page->defersLoading()) m_deferredTasks.append(adoptPtr(new DeferredTaskSetPageVisibilityState(this))); else { DeferredTaskSetPageVisibilityState::finishOrCancel(this); static bool s_initialVisibilityState = true; m_page->setVisibilityState(m_visible && m_activationState == ActivationActive ? PageVisibilityStateVisible : PageVisibilityStateHidden, s_initialVisibilityState); s_initialVisibilityState = false; } } #endif void WebPagePrivate::setVisible(bool visible) { m_visible = visible; #if ENABLE(PAGE_VISIBILITY_API) setPageVisibilityState(); #endif } void WebPage::setVisible(bool visible) { if (d->m_visible == visible) return; d->setVisible(visible); if (!visible) { d->suspendBackingStore(); // Remove this WebPage from the visible pages list. size_t foundIndex = visibleWebPages()->find(this); if (foundIndex != WTF::notFound) visibleWebPages()->remove(foundIndex); // Return the backing store to the last visible WebPage. if (BackingStorePrivate::currentBackingStoreOwner() == this && !visibleWebPages()->isEmpty()) visibleWebPages()->last()->d->resumeBackingStore(); #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) // Root layer commit is not necessary for invisible tabs. // And release layer resources can reduce memory consumption. d->suspendRootLayerCommit(); #endif return; } #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) d->resumeRootLayerCommit(); #endif // Push this WebPage to the top of the visible pages list. if (!visibleWebPages()->isEmpty() && visibleWebPages()->last() != this) { size_t foundIndex = visibleWebPages()->find(this); if (foundIndex != WTF::notFound) visibleWebPages()->remove(foundIndex); } visibleWebPages()->append(this); if (BackingStorePrivate::currentBackingStoreOwner() && BackingStorePrivate::currentBackingStoreOwner() != this) BackingStorePrivate::currentBackingStoreOwner()->d->suspendBackingStore(); // resumeBackingStore will set the current owner to this webpage. // If we set the owner prematurely, then the tiles will not be reset. d->resumeBackingStore(); } void WebPagePrivate::selectionChanged(Frame* frame) { m_inputHandler->selectionChanged(); // FIXME: This is a hack! // To ensure the selection being changed has its frame 'focused', lets // set it as focused ourselves (PR #104724). m_page->focusController()->setFocusedFrame(frame); } void WebPagePrivate::updateDelegatedOverlays(bool dispatched) { // Track a dispatched message, we don't want to flood the webkit thread. // There can be as many as one more message enqued as needed but never less. if (dispatched) m_updateDelegatedOverlaysDispatched = false; else if (m_updateDelegatedOverlaysDispatched) { // Early return if there is message already pending on the webkit thread. return; } if (Platform::webKitThreadMessageClient()->isCurrentThread()) { // Must be called on the WebKit thread. if (m_selectionHandler->isSelectionActive()) m_selectionHandler->selectionPositionChanged(); if (m_inspectorOverlay) m_inspectorOverlay->update(); } else if (m_selectionHandler->isSelectionActive()) { // Don't bother dispatching to webkit thread if selection and tap highlight are not active. m_updateDelegatedOverlaysDispatched = true; Platform::webKitThreadMessageClient()->dispatchMessage(Platform::createMethodCallMessage(&WebPagePrivate::updateDelegatedOverlays, this, true /*dispatched*/)); } } void WebPage::setCaretHighlightStyle(Platform::CaretHighlightStyle style) { } bool WebPage::setBatchEditingActive(bool active) { return d->m_inputHandler->setBatchEditingActive(active); } bool WebPage::setInputSelection(unsigned start, unsigned end) { if (d->m_page->defersLoading()) return false; return d->m_inputHandler->setSelection(start, end); } int WebPage::inputCaretPosition() const { return d->m_inputHandler->caretPosition(); } class DeferredTaskPopupListSelectMultiple: public DeferredTask<&WebPagePrivate::m_wouldPopupListSelectMultiple> { public: DeferredTaskPopupListSelectMultiple(WebPagePrivate* webPagePrivate, int size, const bool* selecteds) : DeferredTaskType(webPagePrivate) { webPagePrivate->m_cachedPopupListSelecteds.append(selecteds, size); } private: virtual void performInternal(WebPagePrivate* webPagePrivate) { webPagePrivate->m_webPage->popupListClosed(webPagePrivate->m_cachedPopupListSelecteds.size(), webPagePrivate->m_cachedPopupListSelecteds.data()); } }; class DeferredTaskPopupListSelectSingle: public DeferredTask<&WebPagePrivate::m_wouldPopupListSelectSingle> { public: explicit DeferredTaskPopupListSelectSingle(WebPagePrivate* webPagePrivate, int index) : DeferredTaskType(webPagePrivate) { webPagePrivate->m_cachedPopupListSelectedIndex = index; } private: virtual void performInternal(WebPagePrivate* webPagePrivate) { webPagePrivate->m_webPage->popupListClosed(webPagePrivate->m_cachedPopupListSelectedIndex); } }; void WebPage::popupListClosed(int size, const bool* selecteds) { DeferredTaskPopupListSelectSingle::finishOrCancel(d); if (d->m_page->defersLoading()) { d->m_deferredTasks.append(adoptPtr(new DeferredTaskPopupListSelectMultiple(d, size, selecteds))); return; } DeferredTaskPopupListSelectMultiple::finishOrCancel(d); d->m_inputHandler->setPopupListIndexes(size, selecteds); } void WebPage::popupListClosed(int index) { DeferredTaskPopupListSelectMultiple::finishOrCancel(d); if (d->m_page->defersLoading()) { d->m_deferredTasks.append(adoptPtr(new DeferredTaskPopupListSelectSingle(d, index))); return; } DeferredTaskPopupListSelectSingle::finishOrCancel(d); d->m_inputHandler->setPopupListIndex(index); } class DeferredTaskSetDateTimeInput: public DeferredTask<&WebPagePrivate::m_wouldSetDateTimeInput> { public: explicit DeferredTaskSetDateTimeInput(WebPagePrivate* webPagePrivate, WebString value) : DeferredTaskType(webPagePrivate) { webPagePrivate->m_cachedDateTimeInput = value; } private: virtual void performInternal(WebPagePrivate* webPagePrivate) { webPagePrivate->m_webPage->setDateTimeInput(webPagePrivate->m_cachedDateTimeInput); } }; void WebPage::setDateTimeInput(const WebString& value) { if (d->m_page->defersLoading()) { d->m_deferredTasks.append(adoptPtr(new DeferredTaskSetDateTimeInput(d, value))); return; } DeferredTaskSetDateTimeInput::finishOrCancel(d); d->m_inputHandler->setInputValue(String(value.impl())); } class DeferredTaskSetColorInput: public DeferredTask<&WebPagePrivate::m_wouldSetColorInput> { public: explicit DeferredTaskSetColorInput(WebPagePrivate* webPagePrivate, WebString value) : DeferredTaskType(webPagePrivate) { webPagePrivate->m_cachedColorInput = value; } private: virtual void performInternal(WebPagePrivate* webPagePrivate) { webPagePrivate->m_webPage->setColorInput(webPagePrivate->m_cachedColorInput); } }; void WebPage::setColorInput(const WebString& value) { if (d->m_page->defersLoading()) { d->m_deferredTasks.append(adoptPtr(new DeferredTaskSetColorInput(d, value))); return; } DeferredTaskSetColorInput::finishOrCancel(d); d->m_inputHandler->setInputValue(String(value.impl())); } void WebPage::setVirtualViewportSize(int width, int height) { d->m_virtualViewportWidth = width; d->m_virtualViewportHeight = height; } void WebPage::resetVirtualViewportOnCommitted(bool reset) { d->m_resetVirtualViewportOnCommitted = reset; } IntSize WebPagePrivate::recomputeVirtualViewportFromViewportArguments() { static const ViewportArguments defaultViewportArguments; if (m_viewportArguments == defaultViewportArguments) return IntSize(); int desktopWidth = defaultMaxLayoutSize().width(); int deviceWidth = Platform::Graphics::Screen::primaryScreen()->width(); int deviceHeight = Platform::Graphics::Screen::primaryScreen()->height(); ViewportAttributes result = computeViewportAttributes(m_viewportArguments, desktopWidth, deviceWidth, deviceHeight, m_webSettings->devicePixelRatio(), m_defaultLayoutSize); setUserScalable(m_userScalable && result.userScalable); if (result.initialScale > 0) setInitialScale(result.initialScale * result.devicePixelRatio); if (result.minimumScale > 0) setMinimumScale(result.minimumScale * result.devicePixelRatio); if (result.maximumScale > 0) setMaximumScale(result.maximumScale * result.devicePixelRatio); return IntSize(result.layoutSize.width(), result.layoutSize.height()); } #if ENABLE(EVENT_MODE_METATAGS) void WebPagePrivate::didReceiveCursorEventMode(CursorEventMode mode) { if (mode != m_cursorEventMode) m_client->cursorEventModeChanged(toPlatformCursorEventMode(mode)); m_cursorEventMode = mode; } void WebPagePrivate::didReceiveTouchEventMode(TouchEventMode mode) { if (mode != m_touchEventMode) m_client->touchEventModeChanged(toPlatformTouchEventMode(mode)); m_touchEventMode = mode; } #endif void WebPagePrivate::dispatchViewportPropertiesDidChange(const ViewportArguments& arguments) { if (arguments == m_viewportArguments) return; // If the caller is trying to reset to default arguments, use the user supplied ones instead. static const ViewportArguments defaultViewportArguments; if (arguments == defaultViewportArguments) m_viewportArguments = m_userViewportArguments; else m_viewportArguments = arguments; // 0 width or height in viewport arguments makes no sense, and results in a very large initial scale. // In real world, a 0 width or height is usually caused by a syntax error in "content" field of viewport // meta tag, for example, using semicolon instead of comma as separator ("width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0"). // We don't have a plan to tolerate the semicolon separator, but we can avoid applying 0 width/height. // I default it to ValueDeviceWidth rather than ValueAuto because in more cases the web site wants "device-width" // when they specify the viewport width. if (!m_viewportArguments.width) m_viewportArguments.width = ViewportArguments::ValueDeviceWidth; if (!m_viewportArguments.height) m_viewportArguments.height = ViewportArguments::ValueDeviceHeight; IntSize virtualViewport = recomputeVirtualViewportFromViewportArguments(); m_webPage->setVirtualViewportSize(virtualViewport.width(), virtualViewport.height()); if (loadState() == WebKit::WebPagePrivate::Committed) zoomToInitialScaleOnLoad(); } void WebPagePrivate::onInputLocaleChanged(bool isRTL) { if (isRTL != m_webSettings->isWritingDirectionRTL()) { m_webSettings->setWritingDirectionRTL(isRTL); m_inputHandler->handleInputLocaleChanged(isRTL); } } void WebPage::onInputLocaleChanged(bool isRTL) { d->onInputLocaleChanged(isRTL); } void WebPagePrivate::suspendBackingStore() { #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) if (m_backingStore->d->isOpenGLCompositing()) { // A visible web page's backing store can be suspended when another web // page is taking over the backing store. if (m_visible) setCompositorDrawsRootLayer(true); return; } resetCompositingSurface(); #endif } void WebPagePrivate::resumeBackingStore() { ASSERT(m_webPage->isVisible()); bool directRendering = m_backingStore->d->shouldDirectRenderingToWindow(); if (!m_backingStore->d->isActive() || shouldResetTilesWhenShown() || directRendering) { // We need to reset all tiles so that we do not show any tiles whose content may // have been replaced by another WebPage instance (i.e. another tab). BackingStorePrivate::setCurrentBackingStoreOwner(m_webPage); // If we're OpenGL compositing, switching to accel comp drawing of the root layer // is a good substitute for backingstore blitting. if (m_backingStore->d->isOpenGLCompositing()) setCompositorDrawsRootLayer(!m_backingStore->d->isActive()); m_backingStore->d->orientationChanged(); // Updates tile geometry and creates visible tile buffer. m_backingStore->d->resetTiles(true /* resetBackground */); m_backingStore->d->updateTiles(false /* updateVisible */, false /* immediate */); // This value may have changed, so we need to update it. directRendering = m_backingStore->d->shouldDirectRenderingToWindow(); if (m_backingStore->d->renderVisibleContents()) { if (!m_backingStore->d->isSuspended() && !directRendering) m_backingStore->d->blitVisibleContents(); m_client->notifyContentRendered(m_backingStore->d->visibleContentsRect()); } } else { if (m_backingStore->d->isOpenGLCompositing()) setCompositorDrawsRootLayer(false); // Rendering was disabled while we were hidden, so we need to update all tiles. m_backingStore->d->updateTiles(true /* updateVisible */, false /* immediate */); } #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) setNeedsOneShotDrawingSynchronization(); #endif setShouldResetTilesWhenShown(false); } void WebPagePrivate::setScreenOrientation(int orientation) { FOR_EACH_PLUGINVIEW(m_pluginViews) (*it)->handleOrientationEvent(orientation); m_pendingOrientation = -1; #if ENABLE(ORIENTATION_EVENTS) if (m_mainFrame->orientation() == orientation) return; for (RefPtr frame = m_mainFrame; frame; frame = frame->tree()->traverseNext()) frame->sendOrientationChangeEvent(orientation); #endif } void WebPage::setScreenOrientation(int orientation) { d->m_pendingOrientation = orientation; d->m_hasPendingSurfaceSizeChange = true; } void WebPage::setHasPendingSurfaceSizeChange() { d->m_hasPendingSurfaceSizeChange = true; } void WebPage::applyPendingOrientationIfNeeded() { if (d->m_pendingOrientation != -1) d->setScreenOrientation(d->m_pendingOrientation); } void WebPagePrivate::resizeSurfaceIfNeeded() { // This call will cause the client to reallocate the window buffer to new size, // which needs to be serialized with usage of the window buffer. Accomplish // this by sending a sync message to the compositing thread. All other usage of // the window buffer happens on the compositing thread. if (!Platform::userInterfaceThreadMessageClient()->isCurrentThread()) { Platform::userInterfaceThreadMessageClient()->dispatchSyncMessage( Platform::createMethodCallMessage(&WebPagePrivate::resizeSurfaceIfNeeded, this)); return; } if (m_pendingOrientation != -1) SurfacePool::globalSurfacePool()->notifyScreenRotated(); m_client->resizeSurfaceIfNeeded(); } void WebPagePrivate::setViewportSize(const IntSize& transformedActualVisibleSize, bool ensureFocusElementVisible) { if (m_pendingOrientation == -1 && !m_hasPendingSurfaceSizeChange && transformedActualVisibleSize == this->transformedActualVisibleSize()) return; // Suspend all screen updates to the backingstore to make sure no-one tries to blit // while the window surface and the BackingStore are out of sync. m_backingStore->d->suspendScreenAndBackingStoreUpdates(); // The screen rotation is a major state transition that in this case is not properly // communicated to the backing store, since it does early return in most methods when // not visible. if (!m_visible || !m_backingStore->d->isActive()) setShouldResetTilesWhenShown(true); bool needsLayout = false; bool hasPendingOrientation = m_pendingOrientation != -1; if (m_hasPendingSurfaceSizeChange) { resizeSurfaceIfNeeded(); m_hasPendingSurfaceSizeChange = false; } if (!hasPendingOrientation) { // If we are not rotating and we've started a viewport resize with // the Render tree in dirty state (i.e. it needs layout), lets // reset the needsLayout flag for now but set our own 'needsLayout'. // // Reason: calls like ScrollView::setFixedLayoutSize can trigger a layout // if the render tree needs it. We want to avoid it till the viewport resize // is actually done (i.e. ScrollView::setViewportSize gets called // further down the method). if (m_mainFrame->view()->needsLayout()) { m_mainFrame->view()->unscheduleRelayout(); m_mainFrame->contentRenderer()->setNeedsLayout(false); needsLayout = true; } } // The window buffers might have been recreated, cleared, moved, etc., so: m_backingStore->d->windowFrontBufferState()->clearBlittedRegion(); m_backingStore->d->windowBackBufferState()->clearBlittedRegion(); IntSize viewportSizeBefore = actualVisibleSize(); FloatPoint centerOfVisibleContentsRect = this->centerOfVisibleContentsRect(); bool newVisibleRectContainsOldVisibleRect = (m_actualVisibleHeight <= transformedActualVisibleSize.height()) && (m_actualVisibleWidth <= transformedActualVisibleSize.width()); bool atInitialScale = m_webPage->isAtInitialZoom(); bool atTop = !scrollPosition().y(); bool atLeft = !scrollPosition().x(); // We need to reorient the visibleTileRect because the following code // could cause BackingStore::transformChanged to be called, where it // is used. // It is only dependent on the transformedViewportSize which has been // updated by now. m_backingStore->d->createVisibleTileBuffer(); setDefaultLayoutSize(transformedActualVisibleSize); // Recompute our virtual viewport. static ViewportArguments defaultViewportArguments; if (m_viewportArguments != defaultViewportArguments) { // We may need to infer the width and height for the viewport with respect to the rotation. IntSize newVirtualViewport = recomputeVirtualViewportFromViewportArguments(); ASSERT(!newVirtualViewport.isEmpty()); m_webPage->setVirtualViewportSize(newVirtualViewport.width(), newVirtualViewport.height()); m_mainFrame->view()->setUseFixedLayout(useFixedLayout()); m_mainFrame->view()->setFixedLayoutSize(fixedLayoutSize()); needsLayout = true; } // We switch this strictly after recomputing our virtual viewport as zoomToFitScale is dependent // upon these values and so is the virtual viewport recalculation. m_actualVisibleWidth = transformedActualVisibleSize.width(); m_actualVisibleHeight = transformedActualVisibleSize.height(); IntSize viewportSizeAfter = actualVisibleSize(); IntPoint offset(roundf((viewportSizeBefore.width() - viewportSizeAfter.width()) / 2.0), roundf((viewportSizeBefore.height() - viewportSizeAfter.height()) / 2.0)); // As a special case, if we were anchored to the top left position at // the beginning of the rotation then preserve that anchor. if (atTop) offset.setY(0); if (atLeft) offset.setX(0); // If we're about to overscroll, cap the offset to valid content. IntPoint bottomRight( scrollPosition().x() + viewportSizeAfter.width(), scrollPosition().y() + viewportSizeAfter.height()); if (bottomRight.x() + offset.x() > contentsSize().width()) offset.setX(contentsSize().width() - bottomRight.x()); if (bottomRight.y() + offset.y() > contentsSize().height()) offset.setY(contentsSize().height() - bottomRight.y()); if (scrollPosition().x() + offset.x() < 0) offset.setX(-scrollPosition().x()); if (scrollPosition().y() + offset.y() < 0) offset.setY(-scrollPosition().y()); // ...before scrolling, because the backing store will align its // tile matrix with the viewport as reported by the ScrollView. scrollBy(offset.x(), offset.y()); notifyTransformedScrollChanged(); m_backingStore->d->orientationChanged(); m_backingStore->d->actualVisibleSizeChanged(transformedActualVisibleSize); // Update view mode only after we have updated the actual // visible size and reset the contents rect if necessary. if (setViewMode(viewMode())) needsLayout = true; bool needsLayoutToFindContentSize = hasPendingOrientation; // We need to update the viewport size of the WebCore::ScrollView... updateViewportSize(!needsLayoutToFindContentSize /* setFixedReportedSize */, false /* sendResizeEvent */); notifyTransformedContentsSizeChanged(); // If automatic zooming is disabled, prevent zooming below. if (!m_webSettings->isZoomToFitOnLoad()) { atInitialScale = false; // Normally, if the contents size is smaller than the layout width, // we would zoom in. If zoom is disabled, we need to do something else, // or there will be artifacts due to non-rendered areas outside of the // contents size. If there is a virtual viewport, we are not allowed // to modify the fixed layout size, however. if (!hasVirtualViewport() && contentsSize().width() < m_defaultLayoutSize.width()) { m_mainFrame->view()->setUseFixedLayout(useFixedLayout()); m_mainFrame->view()->setFixedLayoutSize(m_defaultLayoutSize); needsLayout = true; } } if (needsLayout) setNeedsLayout(); // Need to resume so that the backingstore will start recording the invalidated // rects from below. m_backingStore->d->resumeScreenAndBackingStoreUpdates(BackingStore::None); // We might need to layout here to get a correct contentsSize so that zoomToFit // is calculated correctly. requestLayoutIfNeeded(); // As a special case if we were zoomed to the initial scale at the beginning // of the rotation then preserve that zoom level even when it is zoomToFit. double scale = atInitialScale ? initialScale() : currentScale(); // Do our own clamping. scale = clampedScale(scale); if (needsLayoutToFindContentSize) { // Set the fixed reported size here so that innerWidth|innerHeight works // with this new scale. TransformationMatrix rotationMatrix; rotationMatrix.scale(scale); IntRect viewportRect = IntRect(IntPoint::zero(), transformedActualVisibleSize); IntRect actualVisibleRect = enclosingIntRect(rotationMatrix.inverse().mapRect(FloatRect(viewportRect))); m_mainFrame->view()->setFixedReportedSize(actualVisibleRect.size()); m_mainFrame->view()->repaintFixedElementsAfterScrolling(); requestLayoutIfNeeded(); m_mainFrame->view()->updateFixedElementsAfterScrolling(); } // We're going to need to send a resize event to JavaScript because // innerWidth and innerHeight depend on fixed reported size. // This is how we support mobile pages where JavaScript resizes // the page in order to get around the fixed layout size, e.g. // google maps when it detects a mobile user agent. if (shouldSendResizeEvent()) m_mainFrame->eventHandler()->sendResizeEvent(); // As a special case if we were anchored to the top left position at the beginning // of the rotation then preserve that anchor. FloatPoint anchor = centerOfVisibleContentsRect; if (atTop) anchor.setY(0); if (atLeft) anchor.setX(0); // Try and zoom here with clamping on. if (m_backingStore->d->shouldDirectRenderingToWindow()) { bool success = zoomAboutPoint(scale, anchor, false /* enforceScaleClamping */, true /* forceRendering */); if (!success && ensureFocusElementVisible) ensureContentVisible(!newVisibleRectContainsOldVisibleRect); } else if (!scheduleZoomAboutPoint(scale, anchor, false /* enforceScaleClamping */, true /* forceRendering */)) { // Suspend all screen updates to the backingstore. m_backingStore->d->suspendScreenAndBackingStoreUpdates(); // If the zoom failed, then we should still preserve the special case of scroll position. IntPoint scrollPosition = this->scrollPosition(); if (atTop) scrollPosition.setY(0); if (atLeft) scrollPosition.setX(0); setScrollPosition(scrollPosition); // These might have been altered even if we didn't zoom so notify the client. notifyTransformedContentsSizeChanged(); notifyTransformedScrollChanged(); if (!needsLayout) { // The visible tiles for scroll must be up-to-date before we blit since we are not performing a layout. m_backingStore->d->updateTilesForScrollOrNotRenderedRegion(); } if (ensureFocusElementVisible) ensureContentVisible(!newVisibleRectContainsOldVisibleRect); if (needsLayout) { m_backingStore->d->resetTiles(true); m_backingStore->d->updateTiles(false /* updateVisible */, false /* immediate */); } // If we need layout then render and blit, otherwise just blit as our viewport has changed. m_backingStore->d->resumeScreenAndBackingStoreUpdates(needsLayout ? BackingStore::RenderAndBlit : BackingStore::Blit); } else if (ensureFocusElementVisible) ensureContentVisible(!newVisibleRectContainsOldVisibleRect); } void WebPage::setViewportSize(const Platform::IntSize& viewportSize, bool ensureFocusElementVisible) { d->setViewportSize(viewportSize, ensureFocusElementVisible); } void WebPagePrivate::setDefaultLayoutSize(const IntSize& size) { IntSize screenSize = Platform::Graphics::Screen::primaryScreen()->size(); ASSERT(size.width() <= screenSize.width() && size.height() <= screenSize.height()); m_defaultLayoutSize = size.expandedTo(minimumLayoutSize).shrunkTo(screenSize); } void WebPage::setDefaultLayoutSize(int width, int height) { IntSize size(width, height); if (size == d->m_defaultLayoutSize) return; d->setDefaultLayoutSize(size); bool needsLayout = d->setViewMode(d->viewMode()); if (needsLayout) { d->setNeedsLayout(); if (!d->isLoading()) d->requestLayoutIfNeeded(); } } bool WebPage::mouseEvent(const Platform::MouseEvent& mouseEvent, bool* wheelDeltaAccepted) { if (!d->m_mainFrame->view()) return false; if (d->m_page->defersLoading()) return false; PluginView* pluginView = d->m_fullScreenPluginView.get(); if (pluginView) return d->dispatchMouseEventToFullScreenPlugin(pluginView, mouseEvent); if (mouseEvent.type() == Platform::MouseEvent::MouseAborted) { d->m_mainFrame->eventHandler()->setMousePressed(false); return false; } d->m_pluginMayOpenNewTab = true; d->m_lastUserEventTimestamp = currentTime(); int clickCount = (d->m_selectionHandler->isSelectionActive() || mouseEvent.type() != Platform::MouseEvent::MouseMove) ? 1 : 0; // Set the button type. MouseButton buttonType = NoButton; if (mouseEvent.isLeftButton()) buttonType = LeftButton; else if (mouseEvent.isRightButton()) buttonType = RightButton; else if (mouseEvent.isMiddleButton()) buttonType = MiddleButton; // Create our event. PlatformMouseEvent platformMouseEvent(d->mapFromTransformed(mouseEvent.position()), d->mapFromTransformed(mouseEvent.screenPosition()), toWebCoreMouseEventType(mouseEvent.type()), clickCount, buttonType, PointingDevice); d->m_lastMouseEvent = platformMouseEvent; bool success = d->handleMouseEvent(platformMouseEvent); if (mouseEvent.wheelTicks()) { PlatformWheelEvent wheelEvent(d->mapFromTransformed(mouseEvent.position()), d->mapFromTransformed(mouseEvent.screenPosition()), 0, -mouseEvent.wheelDelta(), 0, -mouseEvent.wheelTicks(), ScrollByPixelWheelEvent, false /* shiftKey */, false /* ctrlKey */, false /* altKey */, false /* metaKey */); if (wheelDeltaAccepted) *wheelDeltaAccepted = d->handleWheelEvent(wheelEvent); } else if (wheelDeltaAccepted) *wheelDeltaAccepted = false; return success; } bool WebPagePrivate::dispatchMouseEventToFullScreenPlugin(PluginView* plugin, const Platform::MouseEvent& event) { NPEvent npEvent; NPMouseEvent mouseEvent; mouseEvent.x = event.screenPosition().x(); mouseEvent.y = event.screenPosition().y(); switch (event.type()) { case Platform::MouseEvent::MouseButtonDown: mouseEvent.type = MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN; m_pluginMouseButtonPressed = true; break; case Platform::MouseEvent::MouseButtonUp: mouseEvent.type = MOUSE_BUTTON_UP; m_pluginMouseButtonPressed = false; break; case Platform::MouseEvent::MouseMove: mouseEvent.type = MOUSE_MOTION; break; default: return false; } mouseEvent.flags = 0; mouseEvent.button = m_pluginMouseButtonPressed; npEvent.type = NP_MouseEvent; npEvent.data = &mouseEvent; return plugin->dispatchFullScreenNPEvent(npEvent); } bool WebPagePrivate::handleMouseEvent(PlatformMouseEvent& mouseEvent) { EventHandler* eventHandler = m_mainFrame->eventHandler(); if (mouseEvent.type() == WebCore::PlatformEvent::MouseMoved) return eventHandler->mouseMoved(mouseEvent); if (mouseEvent.type() == WebCore::PlatformEvent::MouseScroll) return true; Node* node = 0; if (mouseEvent.inputMethod() == TouchScreen) { const FatFingersResult lastFatFingersResult = m_touchEventHandler->lastFatFingersResult(); // Fat fingers can deal with shadow content. node = lastFatFingersResult.node(FatFingersResult::ShadowContentNotAllowed); } if (!node) { HitTestResult result = eventHandler->hitTestResultAtPoint(mapFromViewportToContents(mouseEvent.position()), false /*allowShadowContent*/); node = result.innerNode(); } if (mouseEvent.type() == WebCore::PlatformEvent::MousePressed) { m_inputHandler->setInputModeEnabled(); if (m_inputHandler->willOpenPopupForNode(node)) { // Do not allow any human generated mouse or keyboard events to select