/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "IDBRequest.h" #if ENABLE(INDEXED_DATABASE) #include "EventException.h" #include "EventListener.h" #include "EventNames.h" #include "EventQueue.h" #include "IDBCursorWithValue.h" #include "IDBDatabase.h" #include "IDBEventDispatcher.h" #include "IDBPendingTransactionMonitor.h" #include "IDBTracing.h" #include "IDBTransaction.h" namespace WebCore { PassRefPtr IDBRequest::create(ScriptExecutionContext* context, PassRefPtr source, IDBTransaction* transaction) { RefPtr request(adoptRef(new IDBRequest(context, source, transaction))); request->suspendIfNeeded(); return request.release(); } IDBRequest::IDBRequest(ScriptExecutionContext* context, PassRefPtr source, IDBTransaction* transaction) : ActiveDOMObject(context, this) , m_errorCode(0) , m_source(source) , m_transaction(transaction) , m_readyState(LOADING) , m_requestFinished(false) , m_contextStopped(false) , m_cursorType(IDBCursorBackendInterface::InvalidCursorType) , m_cursor(0) { if (m_transaction) { m_transaction->registerRequest(this); IDBPendingTransactionMonitor::removePendingTransaction(m_transaction->backend()); } } IDBRequest::~IDBRequest() { ASSERT(m_readyState == DONE || m_readyState == EarlyDeath || !scriptExecutionContext()); if (m_transaction) m_transaction->unregisterRequest(this); } PassRefPtr IDBRequest::result(ExceptionCode& ec) const { if (m_readyState != DONE) { ec = IDBDatabaseException::NOT_ALLOWED_ERR; return 0; } return m_result; } unsigned short IDBRequest::errorCode(ExceptionCode& ec) const { if (m_readyState != DONE) { ec = IDBDatabaseException::NOT_ALLOWED_ERR; return 0; } return m_errorCode; } String IDBRequest::webkitErrorMessage(ExceptionCode& ec) const { if (m_readyState != DONE) { ec = IDBDatabaseException::NOT_ALLOWED_ERR; return String(); } return m_errorMessage; } PassRefPtr IDBRequest::source() const { return m_source; } PassRefPtr IDBRequest::transaction() const { return m_transaction; } unsigned short IDBRequest::readyState() const { ASSERT(m_readyState == LOADING || m_readyState == DONE); return m_readyState; } void IDBRequest::markEarlyDeath() { ASSERT(m_readyState == LOADING); m_readyState = EarlyDeath; } bool IDBRequest::resetReadyState(IDBTransaction* transaction) { ASSERT(!m_requestFinished); ASSERT(scriptExecutionContext()); ASSERT(transaction == m_transaction); if (m_readyState != DONE) return false; m_readyState = LOADING; m_result.clear(); m_errorCode = 0; m_errorMessage = String(); IDBPendingTransactionMonitor::removePendingTransaction(m_transaction->backend()); return true; } IDBAny* IDBRequest::source() { return m_source.get(); } void IDBRequest::abort() { if (m_contextStopped || !scriptExecutionContext()) return; if (m_readyState != LOADING) { ASSERT(m_readyState == DONE); return; } EventQueue* eventQueue = scriptExecutionContext()->eventQueue(); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_enqueuedEvents.size(); ++i) { bool removed = eventQueue->cancelEvent(m_enqueuedEvents[i].get()); ASSERT_UNUSED(removed, removed); } m_enqueuedEvents.clear(); m_errorCode = 0; m_errorMessage = String(); m_result.clear(); onError(IDBDatabaseError::create(IDBDatabaseException::ABORT_ERR, "The transaction was aborted, so the request cannot be fulfilled.")); } void IDBRequest::setCursorType(IDBCursorBackendInterface::CursorType cursorType) { ASSERT(m_cursorType == IDBCursorBackendInterface::InvalidCursorType); m_cursorType = cursorType; } void IDBRequest::setCursor(PassRefPtr cursor) { ASSERT(!m_cursor); m_cursor = cursor; } void IDBRequest::onError(PassRefPtr error) { ASSERT(!m_errorCode && m_errorMessage.isNull() && !m_result); m_errorCode = error->code(); m_errorMessage = error->message(); m_cursor.clear(); enqueueEvent(Event::create(eventNames().errorEvent, true, true)); } static PassRefPtr createSuccessEvent() { return Event::create(eventNames().successEvent, false, false); } void IDBRequest::onSuccess(PassRefPtr domStringList) { IDB_TRACE("IDBRequest::onSuccess(DOMStringList)"); ASSERT(!m_errorCode && m_errorMessage.isNull() && !m_result); m_result = IDBAny::create(domStringList); enqueueEvent(createSuccessEvent()); } void IDBRequest::onSuccess(PassRefPtr backend) { IDB_TRACE("IDBRequest::onSuccess(IDBCursor)"); ASSERT(!m_errorCode && m_errorMessage.isNull() && !m_result); ASSERT(m_cursorType != IDBCursorBackendInterface::InvalidCursorType); RefPtr cursor; if (m_cursorType == IDBCursorBackendInterface::IndexKeyCursor) cursor = IDBCursor::create(backend, this, m_source.get(), m_transaction.get()); else cursor = IDBCursorWithValue::create(backend, this, m_source.get(), m_transaction.get()); setResultCursor(cursor, m_cursorType); enqueueEvent(createSuccessEvent()); } void IDBRequest::onSuccess(PassRefPtr backend) { IDB_TRACE("IDBRequest::onSuccess(IDBDatabase)"); ASSERT(!m_errorCode && m_errorMessage.isNull() && !m_result); if (m_contextStopped || !scriptExecutionContext()) return; RefPtr idbDatabase = IDBDatabase::create(scriptExecutionContext(), backend); idbDatabase->open(); m_result = IDBAny::create(idbDatabase.release()); enqueueEvent(createSuccessEvent()); } void IDBRequest::onSuccess(PassRefPtr idbKey) { IDB_TRACE("IDBRequest::onSuccess(IDBKey)"); ASSERT(!m_errorCode && m_errorMessage.isNull() && !m_result); if (idbKey && idbKey->valid()) m_result = IDBAny::create(idbKey); else m_result = IDBAny::create(SerializedScriptValue::undefinedValue()); enqueueEvent(createSuccessEvent()); } void IDBRequest::onSuccess(PassRefPtr prpBackend) { IDB_TRACE("IDBRequest::onSuccess(IDBTransaction)"); ASSERT(!m_errorCode && m_errorMessage.isNull() && !m_result); RefPtr backend = prpBackend; if (m_contextStopped || !scriptExecutionContext()) { backend->abort(); return; } RefPtr frontend = IDBTransaction::create(scriptExecutionContext(), backend, m_source->idbDatabase().get()); backend->setCallbacks(frontend.get()); m_transaction = frontend; ASSERT(m_source->type() == IDBAny::IDBDatabaseType); ASSERT(m_transaction->mode() == IDBTransaction::VERSION_CHANGE); m_source->idbDatabase()->setVersionChangeTransaction(frontend.get()); IDBPendingTransactionMonitor::removePendingTransaction(m_transaction->backend()); m_result = IDBAny::create(frontend.release()); enqueueEvent(createSuccessEvent()); } void IDBRequest::onSuccess(PassRefPtr serializedScriptValue) { IDB_TRACE("IDBRequest::onSuccess(SerializedScriptValue)"); ASSERT(!m_errorCode && m_errorMessage.isNull() && !m_result); m_result = IDBAny::create(serializedScriptValue); m_cursor.clear(); enqueueEvent(createSuccessEvent()); } void IDBRequest::onSuccessWithContinuation() { IDB_TRACE("IDBRequest::onSuccessWithContinuation"); ASSERT(!m_errorCode && m_errorMessage.isNull() && !m_result); ASSERT(m_cursor); setResultCursor(m_cursor, m_cursorType); m_cursor.clear(); enqueueEvent(createSuccessEvent()); } bool IDBRequest::hasPendingActivity() const { // FIXME: In an ideal world, we should return true as long as anyone has a or can // get a handle to us and we have event listeners. This is order to handle // user generated events properly. return !m_requestFinished || ActiveDOMObject::hasPendingActivity(); } void IDBRequest::stop() { ActiveDOMObject::stop(); if (m_contextStopped) return; m_contextStopped = true; if (m_readyState == LOADING) markEarlyDeath(); } void IDBRequest::onBlocked() { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } const AtomicString& IDBRequest::interfaceName() const { return eventNames().interfaceForIDBRequest; } ScriptExecutionContext* IDBRequest::scriptExecutionContext() const { return ActiveDOMObject::scriptExecutionContext(); } bool IDBRequest::dispatchEvent(PassRefPtr event) { IDB_TRACE("IDBRequest::dispatchEvent"); ASSERT(!m_requestFinished); ASSERT(!m_contextStopped); ASSERT(m_enqueuedEvents.size()); ASSERT(scriptExecutionContext()); ASSERT(event->target() == this); ASSERT_WITH_MESSAGE(m_readyState < DONE, "m_readyState < DONE(%d), was %d", DONE, m_readyState); if (event->type() != eventNames().blockedEvent) m_readyState = DONE; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_enqueuedEvents.size(); ++i) { if (m_enqueuedEvents[i].get() == event.get()) m_enqueuedEvents.remove(i); } Vector > targets; targets.append(this); if (m_transaction) { targets.append(m_transaction); // If there ever are events that are associated with a database but // that do not have a transaction, then this will not work and we need // this object to actually hold a reference to the database (to ensure // it stays alive). targets.append(m_transaction->db()); } RefPtr cursorToNotify; if (m_result) { if (m_result->type() == IDBAny::IDBCursorType) cursorToNotify = m_result->idbCursor(); else if (m_result->type() == IDBAny::IDBCursorWithValueType) cursorToNotify = m_result->idbCursorWithValue(); } // FIXME: When we allow custom event dispatching, this will probably need to change. ASSERT(event->type() == eventNames().successEvent || event->type() == eventNames().errorEvent || event->type() == eventNames().blockedEvent); bool dontPreventDefault = IDBEventDispatcher::dispatch(event.get(), targets); // If the result was of type IDBCursor, or a onBlocked event, then we'll fire again. if (event->type() != eventNames().blockedEvent && m_result && m_result->type() != IDBAny::IDBCursorType && m_result->type() != IDBAny::IDBCursorWithValueType) m_requestFinished = true; if (cursorToNotify) cursorToNotify->postSuccessHandlerCallback(); if (m_transaction) { // If an error event and the default wasn't prevented... if (dontPreventDefault && event->type() == eventNames().errorEvent) m_transaction->backend()->abort(); m_transaction->backend()->didCompleteTaskEvents(); } return dontPreventDefault; } void IDBRequest::uncaughtExceptionInEventHandler() { if (m_transaction) m_transaction->backend()->abort(); } void IDBRequest::enqueueEvent(PassRefPtr event) { ASSERT(!m_requestFinished); if (m_contextStopped || !scriptExecutionContext()) return; ASSERT(m_readyState < DONE); EventQueue* eventQueue = scriptExecutionContext()->eventQueue(); event->setTarget(this); if (eventQueue->enqueueEvent(event.get())) m_enqueuedEvents.append(event); } EventTargetData* IDBRequest::eventTargetData() { return &m_eventTargetData; } EventTargetData* IDBRequest::ensureEventTargetData() { return &m_eventTargetData; } void IDBRequest::setResultCursor(PassRefPtr prpCursor, IDBCursorBackendInterface::CursorType type) { if (type == IDBCursorBackendInterface::IndexKeyCursor) { m_result = IDBAny::create(prpCursor); return; } m_result = IDBAny::create(IDBCursorWithValue::fromCursor(prpCursor)); } } // namespace WebCore #endif