/* * Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org) * (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (koivisto@kde.org) * (C) 2001 Dirk Mueller (mueller@kde.org) * Copyright (C) 2004, 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #ifndef DynamicNodeList_h #define DynamicNodeList_h #include "CollectionType.h" #include "Document.h" #include "Element.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "NodeList.h" #include #include namespace WebCore { enum NodeListRootType { NodeListIsRootedAtNode, NodeListIsRootedAtDocument, NodeListIsRootedAtDocumentIfOwnerHasItemrefAttr, }; class DynamicNodeListCacheBase { public: enum ItemAfterOverrideType { OverridesItemAfter, DoesNotOverrideItemAfter, }; DynamicNodeListCacheBase(Node* ownerNode, NodeListRootType rootType, NodeListInvalidationType invalidationType, bool shouldOnlyIncludeDirectChildren, CollectionType collectionType, ItemAfterOverrideType itemAfterOverrideType) : m_ownerNode(ownerNode) , m_cachedItem(0) , m_isLengthCacheValid(false) , m_isItemCacheValid(false) , m_rootType(rootType) , m_invalidationType(invalidationType) , m_shouldOnlyIncludeDirectChildren(shouldOnlyIncludeDirectChildren) , m_isNameCacheValid(false) , m_collectionType(collectionType) , m_overridesItemAfter(itemAfterOverrideType == OverridesItemAfter) , m_isItemRefElementsCacheValid(false) { ASSERT(m_rootType == static_cast(rootType)); ASSERT(m_invalidationType == static_cast(invalidationType)); ASSERT(m_collectionType == static_cast(collectionType)); ASSERT(!m_overridesItemAfter || m_collectionType != NodeListCollectionType); } public: ALWAYS_INLINE bool isRootedAtDocument() const { return m_rootType == NodeListIsRootedAtDocument || m_rootType == NodeListIsRootedAtDocumentIfOwnerHasItemrefAttr; } ALWAYS_INLINE NodeListInvalidationType invalidationType() const { return static_cast(m_invalidationType); } ALWAYS_INLINE CollectionType type() const { return static_cast(m_collectionType); } Node* ownerNode() const { return m_ownerNode.get(); } ALWAYS_INLINE void invalidateCache(const QualifiedName* attrName) const { if (!attrName || shouldInvalidateTypeOnAttributeChange(invalidationType(), *attrName)) invalidateCache(); } void invalidateCache() const; static bool shouldInvalidateTypeOnAttributeChange(NodeListInvalidationType, const QualifiedName&); protected: Document* document() const { return m_ownerNode->document(); } Node* rootNode() const; bool overridesItemAfter() const { return m_overridesItemAfter; } ALWAYS_INLINE bool isItemCacheValid() const { return m_isItemCacheValid; } ALWAYS_INLINE Node* cachedItem() const { return m_cachedItem; } ALWAYS_INLINE unsigned cachedItemOffset() const { return m_cachedItemOffset; } unsigned cachedElementsArrayOffset() const; ALWAYS_INLINE bool isLengthCacheValid() const { return m_isLengthCacheValid; } ALWAYS_INLINE unsigned cachedLength() const { return m_cachedLength; } ALWAYS_INLINE void setLengthCache(unsigned length) const { m_cachedLength = length; m_isLengthCacheValid = true; } ALWAYS_INLINE void setItemCache(Node* item, unsigned offset) const { ASSERT(item); m_cachedItem = item; m_cachedItemOffset = offset; m_isItemCacheValid = true; } void setItemCache(Node* item, unsigned offset, unsigned elementsArrayOffset) const; ALWAYS_INLINE bool isItemRefElementsCacheValid() const { return m_isItemRefElementsCacheValid; } ALWAYS_INLINE void setItemRefElementsCacheValid() const { m_isItemRefElementsCacheValid = true; } ALWAYS_INLINE NodeListRootType rootType() const { return static_cast(m_rootType); } bool hasNameCache() const { return m_isNameCacheValid; } void setHasNameCache() const { m_isNameCacheValid = true; } unsigned lengthCommon() const; Node* itemCommon(unsigned offset) const; Node* itemBeforeOrAfterCachedItem(unsigned offset) const; Node* itemAfter(unsigned&, Node* previousItem) const; private: bool shouldOnlyIncludeDirectChildren() const { return m_shouldOnlyIncludeDirectChildren; } bool isLastItemCloserThanLastOrCachedItem(unsigned offset) const; bool isFirstItemCloserThanCachedItem(unsigned offset) const; template Node* iterateForNextNode(Node* current) const; template Node* itemBeforeOrAfter(Node* previousItem) const; Node* itemBefore(Node* previousItem) const; bool ownerNodeHasItemRefAttribute() const; RefPtr m_ownerNode; mutable Node* m_cachedItem; mutable unsigned m_cachedLength; mutable unsigned m_cachedItemOffset; mutable unsigned m_isLengthCacheValid : 1; mutable unsigned m_isItemCacheValid : 1; const unsigned m_rootType : 2; const unsigned m_invalidationType : 4; const unsigned m_shouldOnlyIncludeDirectChildren : 1; // From HTMLCollection mutable unsigned m_isNameCacheValid : 1; const unsigned m_collectionType : 5; const unsigned m_overridesItemAfter : 1; mutable unsigned m_isItemRefElementsCacheValid : 1; }; ALWAYS_INLINE bool DynamicNodeListCacheBase::shouldInvalidateTypeOnAttributeChange(NodeListInvalidationType type, const QualifiedName& attrName) { switch (type) { case InvalidateOnClassAttrChange: return attrName == HTMLNames::classAttr; case InvalidateOnNameAttrChange: return attrName == HTMLNames::nameAttr; case InvalidateOnIdNameAttrChange: return attrName == HTMLNames::idAttr || attrName == HTMLNames::nameAttr; case InvalidateOnForAttrChange: return attrName == HTMLNames::forAttr; case InvalidateForFormControls: return attrName == HTMLNames::nameAttr || attrName == HTMLNames::idAttr || attrName == HTMLNames::forAttr || attrName == HTMLNames::formAttr || attrName == HTMLNames::typeAttr; case InvalidateOnHRefAttrChange: return attrName == HTMLNames::hrefAttr; case InvalidateOnItemAttrChange: #if ENABLE(MICRODATA) return attrName == HTMLNames::itemscopeAttr || attrName == HTMLNames::itempropAttr || attrName == HTMLNames::itemtypeAttr || attrName == HTMLNames::itemrefAttr || attrName == HTMLNames::idAttr; #endif // Intentionally fall through case DoNotInvalidateOnAttributeChanges: return false; case InvalidateOnAnyAttrChange: return true; } return false; } ALWAYS_INLINE bool DynamicNodeListCacheBase::ownerNodeHasItemRefAttribute() const { #if ENABLE(MICRODATA) if (m_rootType == NodeListIsRootedAtDocumentIfOwnerHasItemrefAttr) return toElement(ownerNode())->fastHasAttribute(HTMLNames::itemrefAttr); #endif return false; } class DynamicNodeList : public NodeList, public DynamicNodeListCacheBase { public: enum NodeListType { ChildNodeListType, ClassNodeListType, NameNodeListType, TagNodeListType, RadioNodeListType, LabelsNodeListType, MicroDataItemListType, PropertyNodeListType, }; DynamicNodeList(PassRefPtr ownerNode, NodeListType type, NodeListRootType rootType, NodeListInvalidationType invalidationType) : DynamicNodeListCacheBase(ownerNode.get(), rootType, invalidationType, type == ChildNodeListType, NodeListCollectionType, DoesNotOverrideItemAfter) { } virtual ~DynamicNodeList() { } // DOM methods & attributes for NodeList virtual unsigned length() const OVERRIDE; virtual Node* item(unsigned offset) const OVERRIDE; virtual Node* itemWithName(const AtomicString&) const; // Other methods (not part of DOM) virtual bool nodeMatches(Element*) const = 0; private: virtual bool isDynamicNodeList() const OVERRIDE { return true; } }; class DynamicSubtreeNodeList : public DynamicNodeList { public: virtual ~DynamicSubtreeNodeList() { document()->unregisterNodeListCache(this); } protected: DynamicSubtreeNodeList(PassRefPtr node, NodeListType type, NodeListInvalidationType invalidationType, NodeListRootType rootType = NodeListIsRootedAtNode) : DynamicNodeList(node, type, rootType, invalidationType) { document()->registerNodeListCache(this); } private: Node* itemForwardsFromCurrent(Node* start, unsigned offset, int remainingOffset) const; Node* itemBackwardsFromCurrent(Node* start, unsigned offset, int remainingOffset) const; }; } // namespace WebCore #endif // DynamicNodeList_h