# ------------------------------------------------------------------- # This file contains shared rules used both when building WebCore # itself, and by targets that use WebCore. # # See 'Tools/qmake/README' for an overview of the build system # ------------------------------------------------------------------- SOURCE_DIR = $${ROOT_WEBKIT_DIR}/Source/WebCore QT *= network sql core-private gui-private WEBCORE_GENERATED_SOURCES_DIR = $${ROOT_BUILD_DIR}/Source/WebCore/$${GENERATED_SOURCES_DESTDIR} INCLUDEPATH += \ $$SOURCE_DIR \ $$SOURCE_DIR/Modules/filesystem \ $$SOURCE_DIR/Modules/geolocation \ $$SOURCE_DIR/Modules/indexeddb \ $$SOURCE_DIR/Modules/notifications \ $$SOURCE_DIR/Modules/protocolhandler \ $$SOURCE_DIR/Modules/quota \ $$SOURCE_DIR/Modules/webaudio \ $$SOURCE_DIR/Modules/webdatabase \ $$SOURCE_DIR/Modules/websockets \ $$SOURCE_DIR/accessibility \ $$SOURCE_DIR/bindings \ $$SOURCE_DIR/bindings/generic \ $$SOURCE_DIR/bridge \ $$SOURCE_DIR/bridge/qt \ $$SOURCE_DIR/css \ $$SOURCE_DIR/dom \ $$SOURCE_DIR/dom/default \ $$SOURCE_DIR/editing \ $$SOURCE_DIR/fileapi \ $$SOURCE_DIR/history \ $$SOURCE_DIR/html \ $$SOURCE_DIR/html/canvas \ $$SOURCE_DIR/html/parser \ $$SOURCE_DIR/html/shadow \ $$SOURCE_DIR/html/track \ $$SOURCE_DIR/inspector \ $$SOURCE_DIR/loader \ $$SOURCE_DIR/loader/appcache \ $$SOURCE_DIR/loader/archive \ $$SOURCE_DIR/loader/cache \ $$SOURCE_DIR/loader/icon \ $$SOURCE_DIR/mathml \ $$SOURCE_DIR/page \ $$SOURCE_DIR/page/animation \ $$SOURCE_DIR/page/qt \ $$SOURCE_DIR/page/scrolling \ $$SOURCE_DIR/platform \ $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/animation \ $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/audio \ $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/graphics \ $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/graphics/filters \ $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/graphics/filters/arm \ $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/graphics/opengl \ $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/graphics/opentype \ $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/graphics/qt \ $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/graphics/surfaces \ $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/graphics/texmap \ $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/graphics/transforms \ $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/image-decoders \ $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/image-decoders/bmp \ $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/image-decoders/ico \ $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/image-decoders/gif \ $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/image-decoders/jpeg \ $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/image-decoders/png \ $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/image-decoders/webp \ $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/leveldb \ $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/mock \ $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/network \ $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/network/qt \ $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/qt \ $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/sql \ $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/text \ $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/text/transcoder \ $$SOURCE_DIR/plugins \ $$SOURCE_DIR/rendering \ $$SOURCE_DIR/rendering/mathml \ $$SOURCE_DIR/rendering/style \ $$SOURCE_DIR/rendering/svg \ $$SOURCE_DIR/storage \ $$SOURCE_DIR/svg \ $$SOURCE_DIR/svg/animation \ $$SOURCE_DIR/svg/graphics \ $$SOURCE_DIR/svg/graphics/filters \ $$SOURCE_DIR/svg/properties \ $$SOURCE_DIR/testing \ $$SOURCE_DIR/websockets \ $$SOURCE_DIR/workers \ $$SOURCE_DIR/xml \ $$SOURCE_DIR/xml/parser \ $$SOURCE_DIR/../ThirdParty INCLUDEPATH += \ $$SOURCE_DIR/bridge/jsc \ $$SOURCE_DIR/bindings/js \ $$SOURCE_DIR/bridge/c \ $$SOURCE_DIR/testing/js INCLUDEPATH += $$WEBCORE_GENERATED_SOURCES_DIR contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_XSLT=1) { contains(DEFINES, WTF_USE_LIBXML2=1) { mac { INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/libxml2 LIBS += -lxml2 -lxslt } else { PKGCONFIG += libxslt } } else { QT *= xmlpatterns } } contains(DEFINES, WTF_USE_LIBXML2=1) { PKGCONFIG += libxml-2.0 } contains(DEFINES, WTF_USE_ZLIB=1) { LIBS += -lz } contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_NETSCAPE_PLUGIN_API=1) { unix { mac { INCLUDEPATH += platform/mac # Note: XP_MACOSX is defined in npapi.h } else { xlibAvailable() { CONFIG += x11 LIBS += -lXrender DEFINES += MOZ_X11 } DEFINES += XP_UNIX DEFINES += ENABLE_NETSCAPE_PLUGIN_METADATA_CACHE=1 } } win32-* { LIBS += \ -ladvapi32 \ -lgdi32 \ -lshell32 \ -lshlwapi \ -luser32 \ -lversion } } contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_ORIENTATION_EVENTS=1)|contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_DEVICE_ORIENTATION=1) { QT += sensors } contains(DEFINES, WTF_USE_QT_MOBILITY_SYSTEMINFO=1) { CONFIG *= mobility MOBILITY *= systeminfo } contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_GAMEPAD=1) { INCLUDEPATH += \ $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/linux \ $$SOURCE_DIR/Modules/gamepad PKGCONFIG += libudev } contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_VIDEO=1) { contains(DEFINES, WTF_USE_QTKIT=1) { INCLUDEPATH += $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/graphics/mac LIBS += -framework AppKit -framework AudioUnit \ -framework AudioToolbox -framework CoreAudio \ -framework QuartzCore -framework QTKit } else:contains(DEFINES, WTF_USE_GSTREAMER=1) { DEFINES += ENABLE_GLIB_SUPPORT=1 INCLUDEPATH += $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/graphics/gstreamer PKGCONFIG += glib-2.0 gio-2.0 gstreamer-0.10 gstreamer-app-0.10 gstreamer-base-0.10 gstreamer-interfaces-0.10 gstreamer-pbutils-0.10 gstreamer-plugins-base-0.10 gstreamer-video-0.10 } else:contains(DEFINES, WTF_USE_QT_MULTIMEDIA=1) { CONFIG *= mobility MOBILITY *= multimedia } } contains(DEFINES, WTF_USE_3D_GRAPHICS=1) { contains(QT_CONFIG, opengles2): LIBS += -lEGL mac: LIBS += -framework IOSurface -framework CoreFoundation linux-*:contains(DEFINES, HAVE_XCOMPOSITE=1): LIBS += -lXcomposite } !system-sqlite:exists( $${SQLITE3SRCDIR}/sqlite3.c ) { INCLUDEPATH += $${SQLITE3SRCDIR} DEFINES += SQLITE_CORE SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION SQLITE_OMIT_COMPLETE } else { INCLUDEPATH += $${SQLITE3SRCDIR} LIBS += -lsqlite3 } # Qt5 allows us to use config tests to check for the presence of these libraries config_libjpeg { DEFINES += WTF_USE_LIBJPEG=1 LIBS += -ljpeg } else { warning("JPEG library not found! QImageDecoder will decode JPEG images.") } config_libpng { DEFINES += WTF_USE_LIBPNG=1 LIBS += -lpng } else { warning("PNG library not found! QImageDecoder will decode PNG images.") } config_libwebp { DEFINES += WTF_USE_WEBP=1 LIBS += -lwebp } win32-*|wince* { DLLDESTDIR = $${ROOT_BUILD_DIR}/bin dlltarget.commands = $(COPY_FILE) $(DESTDIR_TARGET) $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS] dlltarget.CONFIG = no_path INSTALLS += dlltarget } mac { LIBS += -framework Carbon -framework AppKit } win32-* { INCLUDEPATH += $$SOURCE_DIR/platform/win LIBS += -lgdi32 LIBS += -lole32 LIBS += -luser32 } # Remove whole program optimizations due to miscompilations win32-msvc2005|win32-msvc2008|win32-msvc2010|wince*:{ QMAKE_CFLAGS_LTCG -= -GL QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_LTCG -= -GL # Disable incremental linking for windows 32bit OS debug build as WebKit is so big # that linker failes to link incrementally in debug mode. ARCH = $$(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE) WOW64ARCH = $$(PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432) equals(ARCH, x86):{ isEmpty(WOW64ARCH): QMAKE_LFLAGS_DEBUG += /INCREMENTAL:NO } } wince* { DEFINES += HAVE_LOCALTIME_S=0 LIBS += -lmmtimer LIBS += -lole32 } mac { LIBS_PRIVATE += -framework Carbon -framework AppKit } # -ffunction-section conflicts with -pg option !contains(CONFIG, gprof) { unix:!mac:*-g++*:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -ffunction-sections } unix:!mac:*-g++*:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fdata-sections unix:!mac:*-g++*:QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,--gc-sections linux*-g++*:QMAKE_LFLAGS += $$QMAKE_LFLAGS_NOUNDEF unix|win32-g++* { QMAKE_PKGCONFIG_REQUIRES = QtCore QtGui QtNetwork QtWidgets } # Disable C++0x mode in WebCore for those who enabled it in their Qt's mkspec *-g++*:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS -= -std=c++0x -std=gnu++0x enable_fast_mobile_scrolling: DEFINES += ENABLE_FAST_MOBILE_SCROLLING=1