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enum class WASMOpKind { Statement, Expression }; enum class WASMOpStatement : uint8_t { SetLocal, SetGlobal, I32Store8, I32StoreWithOffset8, I32Store16, I32StoreWithOffset16, I32Store32, I32StoreWithOffset32, F32Store, F32StoreWithOffset, F64Store, F64StoreWithOffset, CallInternal, CallIndirect, CallImport, Return, Block, If, IfElse, While, Do, Label, Break, BreakLabel, Continue, ContinueLabel, Switch, NumberOfWASMOpStatements }; enum class WASMOpStatementWithImmediate : uint8_t { SetLocal, SetGlobal, NumberOfWASMOpStatementWithImmediates }; enum class WASMOpExpressionI32 : uint8_t { ConstantPoolIndex, Immediate, GetLocal, GetGlobal, SetLocal, SetGlobal, SLoad8, SLoadWithOffset8, ULoad8, ULoadWithOffset8, SLoad16, SLoadWithOffset16, ULoad16, ULoadWithOffset16, Load32, LoadWithOffset32, Store8, StoreWithOffset8, Store16, StoreWithOffset16, Store32, StoreWithOffset32, CallInternal, CallIndirect, CallImport, Conditional, Comma, FromF32, FromF64, Negate, Add, Sub, Mul, SDiv, UDiv, SMod, UMod, BitNot, BitOr, BitAnd, BitXor, LeftShift, ArithmeticRightShift, LogicalRightShift, CountLeadingZeros, LogicalNot, EqualI32, EqualF32, EqualF64, NotEqualI32, NotEqualF32, NotEqualF64, SLessThanI32, ULessThanI32, LessThanF32, LessThanF64, SLessThanOrEqualI32, ULessThanOrEqualI32, LessThanOrEqualF32, LessThanOrEqualF64, SGreaterThanI32, UGreaterThanI32, GreaterThanF32, GreaterThanF64, SGreaterThanOrEqualI32, UGreaterThanOrEqualI32, GreaterThanOrEqualF32, GreaterThanOrEqualF64, SMin, UMin, SMax, UMax, Abs, NumberOfWASMOpExpressionI32s }; enum class WASMOpExpressionI32WithImmediate : uint8_t { ConstantPoolIndex, Immediate, GetLocal, NumberOfWASMOpExpressionI32WithImmediates }; enum class WASMOpExpressionF32 : uint8_t { ConstantPoolIndex, Immediate, GetLocal, GetGlobal, SetLocal, SetGlobal, Load, LoadWithOffset, Store, StoreWithOffset, CallInternal, CallIndirect, Conditional, Comma, FromS32, FromU32, FromF64, Negate, Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Abs, Ceil, Floor, Sqrt, NumberOfWASMOpExpressionF32s }; enum class WASMOpExpressionF32WithImmediate : uint8_t { ConstantPoolIndex, GetLocal, NumberOfWASMOpExpressionF32WithImmediates }; enum class WASMOpExpressionF64 : uint8_t { ConstantPoolIndex, Immediate, GetLocal, GetGlobal, SetLocal, SetGlobal, Load, LoadWithOffset, Store, StoreWithOffset, CallInternal, CallIndirect, CallImport, Conditional, Comma, FromS32, FromU32, FromF32, Negate, Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Mod, Min, Max, Abs, Ceil, Floor, Sqrt, Cos, Sin, Tan, ACos, ASin, ATan, ATan2, Exp, Ln, Pow, NumberOfWASMOpExpressionF64s }; enum class WASMOpExpressionF64WithImmediate : uint8_t { ConstantPoolIndex, GetLocal, NumberOfWASMOpExpressionF64WithImmediates }; enum class WASMOpExpressionVoid : uint8_t { CallInternal, CallIndirect, CallImport, NumberOfWASMOpExpressionVoids }; enum class WASMVariableTypes : uint8_t { I32 = 1 << 0, F32 = 1 << 1, F64 = 1 << 2, NumberOfVariableTypes = 8 }; enum class WASMVariableTypesWithImmediate : uint8_t { I32, NumberOfVariableTypesWithImmediates }; enum class WASMSwitchCase : uint8_t { CaseWithNoStatements, CaseWithStatement, CaseWithBlockStatement, DefaultWithNoStatements, DefaultWithStatement, DefaultWithBlockStatement, NumberOfSwitchCases }; enum class WASMExportFormat : uint8_t { Default, Record, NumberOfExportFormats }; enum class WASMTypeConversion { ConvertSigned, ConvertUnsigned, Promote, Demote, }; enum class WASMMemoryType { I8, I16, I32, F32, F64 }; enum class MemoryAccessOffsetMode { NoOffset, WithOffset }; enum class MemoryAccessConversion { NoConversion, SignExtend, ZeroExtend }; static const uint8_t hasImmediateInOpFlag = 0x80; static const unsigned opWithImmediateBits = 2; static const uint32_t opWithImmediateLimit = 1 << opWithImmediateBits; static const unsigned immediateBits = 5; static const uint32_t immediateLimit = 1 << immediateBits; } // namespace JSC #endif // ENABLE(WEBASSEMBLY) #endif // WASMConstants_h