path: root/Source/WebKit/mac/WebView/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Source/WebKit/mac/WebView/')
1 files changed, 326 insertions, 611 deletions
diff --git a/Source/WebKit/mac/WebView/ b/Source/WebKit/mac/WebView/
index aae92e841..eda499cd9 100644
--- a/Source/WebKit/mac/WebView/
+++ b/Source/WebKit/mac/WebView/
@@ -30,72 +30,61 @@
#import "WebNSWindowExtras.h"
#import "WebPreferencesPrivate.h"
#import "WebViewInternal.h"
-#import <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPMLib.h>
-#import <OSServices/Power.h>
-#import <WebCore/AnimationList.h>
-#import <WebCore/CSSPropertyNames.h>
-#import <WebCore/Color.h>
-#import <WebCore/DOMDocument.h>
-#import <WebCore/DOMDocumentInternal.h>
-#import <WebCore/DOMHTMLElement.h>
-#import <WebCore/DOMWindow.h>
-#import <WebCore/DisplaySleepDisabler.h>
#import <WebCore/Document.h>
-#import <WebCore/EventListener.h>
-#import <WebCore/EventNames.h>
+#import <WebCore/Element.h>
+#import <WebCore/FloatRect.h>
#import <WebCore/HTMLElement.h>
-#import <WebCore/HTMLMediaElement.h>
-#import <WebCore/HTMLNames.h>
#import <WebCore/IntRect.h>
-#import <WebCore/NodeList.h>
-#import <WebCore/RenderBlock.h>
+#import <WebCore/Page.h>
#import <WebCore/RenderLayer.h>
#import <WebCore/RenderLayerBacking.h>
+#import <WebCore/RenderObject.h>
+#import <WebCore/RenderView.h>
#import <WebCore/SoftLinking.h>
-#import <objc/objc-runtime.h>
+#import <WebCore/WebCoreFullScreenWindow.h>
+#import <WebCore/WebWindowAnimation.h>
+#import <WebKitSystemInterface.h>
#import <wtf/RetainPtr.h>
#import <wtf/UnusedParam.h>
-static NSString* const isEnteringFullscreenKey = @"isEnteringFullscreen";
using namespace WebCore;
-@interface WebFullscreenWindow : NSWindow
+static const CFTimeInterval defaultAnimationDuration = 0.5;
+static IntRect screenRectOfContents(Element* element)
- NSView* _animationView;
- CALayer* _rendererLayer;
- CALayer* _backgroundLayer;
+ ASSERT(element);
+ if (element->renderer() && element->renderer()->hasLayer() && element->renderer()->enclosingLayer()->isComposited()) {
+ FloatQuad contentsBox = static_cast<FloatRect>(element->renderer()->enclosingLayer()->backing()->contentsBox());
+ contentsBox = element->renderer()->localToAbsoluteQuad(contentsBox);
+ return element->renderer()->view()->frameView()->contentsToScreen(contentsBox.enclosingBoundingBox());
+ }
+ return element->screenRect();
-- (CALayer*)rendererLayer;
-- (void)setRendererLayer:(CALayer*)rendererLayer;
-- (CALayer*)backgroundLayer;
-- (NSView*)animationView;
-class MediaEventListener : public EventListener {
- static PassRefPtr<MediaEventListener> create(WebFullScreenController* delegate);
- virtual bool operator==(const EventListener&);
- virtual void handleEvent(ScriptExecutionContext*, Event*);
- MediaEventListener(WebFullScreenController* delegate);
- WebFullScreenController* delegate;
-@interface WebFullScreenController(Private)
-- (void)_requestExitFullscreenWithAnimation:(BOOL)animation;
-- (void)_updateMenuAndDockForFullscreen;
-- (void)_updatePowerAssertions;
-- (WebFullscreenWindow *)_fullscreenWindow;
+@interface WebFullScreenController(Private)<NSAnimationDelegate>
+- (void)_updateMenuAndDockForFullScreen;
+- (void)_swapView:(NSView*)view with:(NSView*)otherView;
- (Document*)_document;
-- (CFTimeInterval)_animationDuration;
-- (BOOL)_isAnyMoviePlaying;
+- (void)_startEnterFullScreenAnimationWithDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration;
+- (void)_startExitFullScreenAnimationWithDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration;
+@interface NSWindow(convertRectToScreenForLeopardAndSnowLeopard)
+- (NSRect)convertRectToScreen:(NSRect)aRect;
+@implementation NSWindow(convertRectToScreenForLeopardAndSnowLeopard)
+- (NSRect)convertRectToScreen:(NSRect)rect
+ NSRect frame = [self frame];
+ rect.origin.x += frame.origin.x;
+ rect.origin.y += frame.origin.y;
+ return rect;
@interface NSWindow(IsOnActiveSpaceAdditionForTigerAndLeopard)
- (BOOL)isOnActiveSpace;
@@ -108,21 +97,21 @@ private:
- (id)init
// Do not defer window creation, to make sure -windowNumber is created (needed by WebWindowScaleAnimation).
- NSWindow *window = [[WebFullscreenWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:NSZeroRect styleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO];
+ NSWindow *window = [[WebCoreFullScreenWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:NSZeroRect styleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO];
self = [super initWithWindow:window];
[window release];
if (!self)
return nil;
[self windowDidLoad];
- _mediaEventListener = MediaEventListener::create(self);
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[self setWebView:nil];
- [_placeholderView release];
+ [NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
[super dealloc];
@@ -130,7 +119,8 @@ private:
- (void)windowDidLoad
+ [super windowDidLoad];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(applicationDidResignActive:) name:NSApplicationDidResignActiveNotification object:NSApp];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(applicationDidChangeScreenParameters:) name:NSApplicationDidChangeScreenParametersNotification object:NSApp];
@@ -157,157 +147,25 @@ private:
- (void)setElement:(PassRefPtr<Element>)element
- // When a new Element is set as the current full screen element, register event
- // listeners on that Element's window, listening for changes in media play states.
- // We will use these events to determine whether to disable the screensaver and
- // display sleep timers when playing video in full screen. Make sure to unregister
- // the events on the old element's window, if necessary, as well.
- EventNames& eventNames = WebCore::eventNames();
- if (_element) {
- DOMWindow* window = _element->document()->domWindow();
- if (window) {
- window->removeEventListener(eventNames.playEvent, _mediaEventListener.get(), true);
- window->removeEventListener(eventNames.pauseEvent, _mediaEventListener.get(), true);
- window->removeEventListener(eventNames.endedEvent, _mediaEventListener.get(), true);
- }
- }
_element = element;
- if (_element) {
- DOMWindow* window = _element->document()->domWindow();
- if (window) {
- window->addEventListener(eventNames.playEvent, _mediaEventListener, true);
- window->addEventListener(eventNames.pauseEvent, _mediaEventListener, true);
- window->addEventListener(eventNames.endedEvent, _mediaEventListener, true);
- }
- }
-- (RenderBox*)renderer
- return _renderer;
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark NSWindowController overrides
-- (void)setRenderer:(RenderBox*)renderer
+- (void)cancelOperation:(id)sender
- _renderer = renderer;
+ [self performSelector:@selector(exitFullScreen) withObject:nil afterDelay:0];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Notifications
-- (void)windowDidExitFullscreen:(BOOL)finished
- if (!_isAnimating)
- return;
- if (_isFullscreen)
- return;
- NSDisableScreenUpdates();
- ASSERT(_element);
- [self _document]->setFullScreenRendererBackgroundColor(Color::black);
- [self _document]->webkitDidExitFullScreenForElement(_element.get());
- [self setElement:nil];
- if (finished) {
- [self _updateMenuAndDockForFullscreen];
- [self _updatePowerAssertions];
- [[_webView window] display];
- [[self _fullscreenWindow] setRendererLayer:nil];
- [[self window] close];
- }
- NSEnableScreenUpdates();
- _isAnimating = NO;
- [self autorelease]; // Associated -retain is in -exitFullscreen.
-- (void)windowDidEnterFullscreen:(BOOL)finished
- if (!_isAnimating)
- return;
- if (!_isFullscreen)
- return;
- NSDisableScreenUpdates();
- [self _document]->webkitDidEnterFullScreenForElement(_element.get());
- [self _document]->setFullScreenRendererBackgroundColor(Color::black);
- if (finished) {
- [self _updateMenuAndDockForFullscreen];
- [self _updatePowerAssertions];
- [NSCursor setHiddenUntilMouseMoves:YES];
- // Move the webView into our fullscreen Window
- if (!_placeholderView)
- _placeholderView = [[NSView alloc] init];
- WebView *webView = [self webView];
- NSWindow *webWindow = [webView window];
- NSResponder *webWindowFirstResponder = [webWindow firstResponder];
- // Do not swap the placeholder into place if already is in a window,
- // assuming the placeholder's window will always be the webView's
- // original window.
- if (![_placeholderView window]) {
- [_placeholderView setFrame:[webView frame]];
- [_placeholderView setAutoresizingMask:[webView autoresizingMask]];
- [_placeholderView removeFromSuperview];
- [[webView superview] replaceSubview:webView with:_placeholderView];
- [[[self window] contentView] addSubview:webView];
- [[self window] makeResponder:webWindowFirstResponder firstResponderIfDescendantOfView:webView];
- [webView setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable|NSViewHeightSizable];
- [webView setFrame:[(NSView *)[[self window] contentView] bounds]];
- }
- // In Lion, NSWindow will animate into and out of orderOut operations. Suppress that
- // behavior here, making sure to reset the animation behavior afterward.
- NSWindowAnimationBehavior animationBehavior = [webWindow animationBehavior];
- [webWindow setAnimationBehavior:NSWindowAnimationBehaviorNone];
- [webWindow orderOut:self];
- [webWindow setAnimationBehavior:animationBehavior];
- WebFullscreenWindow* window = [self _fullscreenWindow];
- [window setBackgroundColor:[NSColor blackColor]];
- [window setOpaque:YES];
- [CATransaction begin];
- [CATransaction setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:kCATransactionDisableActions];
- [[[window animationView] layer] setOpacity:0];
- [CATransaction commit];
- }
- NSEnableScreenUpdates();
- _isAnimating = NO;
-- (void)animationDidStop:(CAAnimation *)anim finished:(BOOL)finished
- BOOL isEnteringFullscreenAnimation = [[anim valueForKey:isEnteringFullscreenKey] boolValue];
- if (!isEnteringFullscreenAnimation)
- [self windowDidExitFullscreen:finished];
- else
- [self windowDidEnterFullscreen:finished];
- (void)applicationDidResignActive:(NSNotification*)notification
// Check to see if the fullscreenWindow is on the active space; this function is available
// on 10.6 and later, so default to YES if the function is not available:
- NSWindow* fullscreenWindow = [self _fullscreenWindow];
+ NSWindow* fullscreenWindow = [self window];
BOOL isOnActiveSpace = ([fullscreenWindow respondsToSelector:@selector(isOnActiveSpace)] ? [fullscreenWindow isOnActiveSpace] : YES);
// Replicate the QuickTime Player (X) behavior when losing active application status:
@@ -315,7 +173,7 @@ private:
// single screen is available.) Is the fullscreen screen on the current space? IFF so,
// then exit fullscreen mode.
if ([fullscreenWindow screen] == [[NSScreen screens] objectAtIndex:0] && isOnActiveSpace)
- [self _requestExitFullscreenWithAnimation:NO];
+ [self cancelOperation:self];
- (void)applicationDidChangeScreenParameters:(NSNotification*)notification
@@ -324,306 +182,230 @@ private:
// the Dock's size or location, or they may have changed the fullscreen screen's dimensions.
// Update our presentation parameters, and ensure that the full screen window occupies the
// entire screen:
- [self _updateMenuAndDockForFullscreen];
+ [self _updateMenuAndDockForFullScreen];
NSWindow* window = [self window];
- [window setFrame:[[window screen] frame] display:YES];
+ NSRect screenFrame = [[window screen] frame];
+ [window setFrame:screenFrame display:YES];
+ [_backgroundWindow.get() setFrame:screenFrame display:YES];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Exposed Interface
-- (void)enterFullscreen:(NSScreen *)screen
+- (void)enterFullScreen:(NSScreen *)screen
- // Disable animation if we are already in full-screen mode.
- BOOL shouldAnimate = !_isFullscreen;
- if (_isAnimating) {
- // The CAAnimation delegate functions will only be called the
- // next trip through the run-loop, so manually call the delegate
- // function here, letting it know the animation did not complete:
- [self windowDidExitFullscreen:NO];
- ASSERT(!_isAnimating);
- }
- _isFullscreen = YES;
- _isAnimating = YES;
- // setElement: must be called with a non-nil value before calling enterFullscreen:.
- ASSERT(_element);
+ if (_isFullScreen)
+ return;
+ _isFullScreen = YES;
- NSDisableScreenUpdates();
+ [self _updateMenuAndDockForFullScreen];
if (!screen)
screen = [NSScreen mainScreen];
NSRect screenFrame = [screen frame];
- WebView* webView = [self webView];
- NSRect webViewFrame = [webView convertRectToBase:[webView frame]];
- webViewFrame.origin = [[webView window] convertBaseToScreen:webViewFrame.origin];
+ NSRect webViewFrame = [[_webView window] convertRectToScreen:
+ [_webView convertRect:[_webView frame] toView:nil]];
- NSRect elementFrame = _element->screenRect();
+ // Flip coordinate system:
+ webViewFrame.origin.y = NSMaxY([[[NSScreen screens] objectAtIndex:0] frame]) - NSMaxY(webViewFrame);
- // In the case of a multi-monitor setup where the webView straddles two
- // monitors, we must create a window large enough to contain the destination
- // frame and the initial frame.
- NSRect windowFrame = NSUnionRect(screenFrame, elementFrame);
- [[self window] setFrame:windowFrame display:YES];
+ CGWindowID windowID = [[_webView window] windowNumber];
+ RetainPtr<CGImageRef> webViewContents = adoptCF(CGWindowListCreateImage(NSRectToCGRect(webViewFrame), kCGWindowListOptionIncludingWindow, windowID, kCGWindowImageShouldBeOpaque));
- // In a previous incarnation, the NSWindow attached to this controller may have
- // been on a different screen. Temporarily change the collectionBehavior of the window:
- NSWindowCollectionBehavior behavior = [[self window] collectionBehavior];
- [[self window] setCollectionBehavior:NSWindowCollectionBehaviorCanJoinAllSpaces];
- [[self window] makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
- [[self window] setCollectionBehavior:behavior];
- NSView* animationView = [[self _fullscreenWindow] animationView];
- NSRect backgroundBounds = {[[self window] convertScreenToBase:screenFrame.origin], screenFrame.size};
- backgroundBounds = [animationView convertRectFromBase:backgroundBounds];
- // Flip the background layer's coordinate system.
- backgroundBounds.origin.y = windowFrame.size.height - NSMaxY(backgroundBounds);
- // Set our fullscreen element's initial frame, and flip the coordinate systems from
- // screen coordinates (bottom/left) to layer coordinates (top/left):
- _initialFrame = NSRectToCGRect(NSIntersectionRect(elementFrame, webViewFrame));
- _initialFrame.origin.y = screenFrame.size.height - CGRectGetMaxY(_initialFrame);
- // Inform the document that we will begin entering full screen. This will change
- // pseudo-classes on the fullscreen element and the document element.
- Document* document = [self _document];
- document->webkitWillEnterFullScreenForElement(_element.get());
- // Check to see if the fullscreen renderer is composited. If not, accelerated graphics
- // may be disabled. In this case, do not attempt to animate the contents into place;
- // merely snap to the final position:
- if (!shouldAnimate || !_renderer || !_renderer->layer()->isComposited()) {
- [self windowDidEnterFullscreen:YES];
- NSEnableScreenUpdates();
- return;
- }
+ // Screen updates to be re-enabled in beganEnterFullScreenWithInitialFrame:finalFrame:
+ NSDisableScreenUpdates();
+ [[self window] setAutodisplay:NO];
- // Set up the final style of the FullScreen render block. Set an absolute
- // width and height equal to the size of the screen, and anchor the layer
- // at the top, left at (0,0). The RenderFullScreen style is already set
- // to position:fixed.
- [self _document]->setFullScreenRendererSize(IntSize(screenFrame.size));
- [self _document]->setFullScreenRendererBackgroundColor(Color::transparent);
+ NSResponder *webWindowFirstResponder = [[_webView window] firstResponder];
+ [[self window] setFrame:screenFrame display:NO];
+ _initialFrame = screenRectOfContents(_element.get());
+ // Swap the webView placeholder into place.
+ if (!_webViewPlaceholder) {
+ _webViewPlaceholder.adoptNS([[NSView alloc] init]);
+ [_webViewPlaceholder.get() setLayer:[CALayer layer]];
+ [_webViewPlaceholder.get() setWantsLayer:YES];
+ }
+ [[_webViewPlaceholder.get() layer] setContents:(id)webViewContents.get()];
+ [self _swapView:_webView with:_webViewPlaceholder.get()];
- // Cause the document to layout, thus calculating a new fullscreen element size:
- [self _document]->updateLayout();
+ // Then insert the WebView into the full screen window
+ NSView* contentView = [[self window] contentView];
+ [contentView addSubview:_webView positioned:NSWindowBelow relativeTo:nil];
+ [_webView setFrame:[contentView bounds]];
- // FIXME: try to use the fullscreen element's calculated x, y, width, and height instead of the
- // renderBox functions:
- RenderBox* childRenderer = _renderer->firstChildBox();
- CGRect destinationFrame = CGRectMake(childRenderer->x(), childRenderer->y(), childRenderer->width(), childRenderer->height());
- // Some properties haven't propogated from the GraphicsLayer to the CALayer yet. So
- // tell the renderer's layer to sync it's compositing state:
- GraphicsLayer* rendererGraphics = _renderer->layer()->backing()->graphicsLayer();
- rendererGraphics->syncCompositingState(destinationFrame);
- CALayer* rendererLayer = rendererGraphics->platformLayer();
- [[self _fullscreenWindow] setRendererLayer:rendererLayer];
- CFTimeInterval duration = [self _animationDuration];
- // Create a transformation matrix that will transform the renderer layer such that
- // the fullscreen element appears to move from its starting position and size to its
- // final one. Perform the transformation in two steps, using the CALayer's matrix
- // math to calculate the effects of each step:
- // 1. Apply a scale tranform to shrink the apparent size of the layer to the original
- // element screen size.
- // 2. Apply a translation transform to move the shrunk layer into the same screen position
- // as the original element.
- CATransform3D shrinkTransform = CATransform3DMakeScale(_initialFrame.size.width / destinationFrame.size.width, _initialFrame.size.height / destinationFrame.size.height, 1);
- [rendererLayer setTransform:shrinkTransform];
- CGRect shrunkDestinationFrame = [rendererLayer convertRect:destinationFrame toLayer:[animationView layer]];
- CATransform3D moveTransform = CATransform3DMakeTranslation(_initialFrame.origin.x - shrunkDestinationFrame.origin.x, _initialFrame.origin.y - shrunkDestinationFrame.origin.y, 0);
- CATransform3D finalTransform = CATransform3DConcat(shrinkTransform, moveTransform);
- [rendererLayer setTransform:finalTransform];
- CALayer* backgroundLayer = [[self _fullscreenWindow] backgroundLayer];
- // Start the opacity animation. We can use implicit animations here because we don't care when
- // the animation finishes.
- [CATransaction begin];
- [CATransaction setValue:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:duration] forKey:kCATransactionAnimationDuration];
- [backgroundLayer setOpacity:1];
- [CATransaction commit];
+ [[self window] makeResponder:webWindowFirstResponder firstResponderIfDescendantOfView:_webView];
- // Use a CABasicAnimation here for the zoom effect. We want to be notified that the animation has
- // completed by way of the CAAnimation delegate.
- CABasicAnimation* zoomAnimation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"transform"];
- [zoomAnimation setFromValue:[NSValue valueWithCATransform3D:finalTransform]];
- [zoomAnimation setToValue:[NSValue valueWithCATransform3D:CATransform3DIdentity]];
- [zoomAnimation setDelegate:self];
- [zoomAnimation setDuration:duration];
- [zoomAnimation setTimingFunction:[CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName:kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut]];
- [zoomAnimation setFillMode:kCAFillModeForwards];
- [zoomAnimation setValue:(id)kCFBooleanTrue forKey:isEnteringFullscreenKey];
- // Disable implicit animations and set the layer's transformation matrix to its final state.
- [CATransaction begin];
- [CATransaction setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:kCATransactionDisableActions];
- [rendererLayer setTransform:CATransform3DIdentity];
- [rendererLayer addAnimation:zoomAnimation forKey:@"zoom"];
- [backgroundLayer setFrame:NSRectToCGRect(backgroundBounds)];
- [CATransaction commit];
+ [self _document]->webkitWillEnterFullScreenForElement(_element.get());
+ [self _document]->setAnimatingFullScreen(true);
+ [self _document]->updateLayout();
+ _finalFrame = screenRectOfContents(_element.get());
- NSEnableScreenUpdates();
+ [self _updateMenuAndDockForFullScreen];
+ [self _startEnterFullScreenAnimationWithDuration:defaultAnimationDuration];
+ _isEnteringFullScreen = true;
-- (void)exitFullscreen
+- (void)finishedEnterFullScreenAnimation:(bool)completed
- if (!_isFullscreen)
- return;
- CATransform3D startTransform = CATransform3DIdentity;
- if (_isAnimating) {
- if (_renderer && _renderer->layer()->isComposited()) {
- CALayer* rendererLayer = _renderer->layer()->backing()->graphicsLayer()->platformLayer();
- startTransform = [[rendererLayer presentationLayer] transform];
- }
- // The CAAnimation delegate functions will only be called the
- // next trip through the run-loop, so manually call the delegate
- // function here, letting it know the animation did not complete:
- [self windowDidEnterFullscreen:NO];
- ASSERT(!_isAnimating);
- }
- _isFullscreen = NO;
- _isAnimating = YES;
- NSDisableScreenUpdates();
+ if (!_isEnteringFullScreen)
+ return;
+ _isEnteringFullScreen = NO;
- // The fullscreen animation may have been cancelled before the
- // webView was moved to the fullscreen window. Check to see
- // if the _placeholderView exists and is in a window before
- // attempting to swap the webView back to it's original tree:
- if (_placeholderView && [_placeholderView window]) {
- // Move the webView back to its own native window:
- WebView* webView = [self webView];
- NSResponder *fullScreenWindowFirstResponder = [[self window] firstResponder];
- [webView setFrame:[_placeholderView frame]];
- [webView setAutoresizingMask:[_placeholderView autoresizingMask]];
- [webView removeFromSuperview];
- [[_placeholderView superview] replaceSubview:_placeholderView with:webView];
- [[webView window] makeResponder:fullScreenWindowFirstResponder firstResponderIfDescendantOfView:webView];
+ if (completed) {
+ // Screen updates to be re-enabled at the end of this block
+ NSDisableScreenUpdates();
+ [self _document]->setAnimatingFullScreen(false);
+ [self _document]->webkitDidEnterFullScreenForElement(_element.get());
- NSWindow *webWindow = [[self webView] window];
+ NSRect windowBounds = [[self window] frame];
+ windowBounds.origin = NSZeroPoint;
+ WKWindowSetClipRect([self window], windowBounds);
+ NSWindow *webWindow = [_webViewPlaceholder.get() window];
// In Lion, NSWindow will animate into and out of orderOut operations. Suppress that
// behavior here, making sure to reset the animation behavior afterward.
NSWindowAnimationBehavior animationBehavior = [webWindow animationBehavior];
[webWindow setAnimationBehavior:NSWindowAnimationBehaviorNone];
- // The user may have moved the fullscreen window in Spaces, so temporarily change
- // the collectionBehavior of the fullscreen window:
+ [webWindow orderOut:self];
+ [webWindow setAnimationBehavior:animationBehavior];
+ [_fadeAnimation.get() stopAnimation];
+ [_fadeAnimation.get() setWindow:nil];
+ _fadeAnimation = nullptr;
+ [_backgroundWindow.get() orderOut:self];
+ [_backgroundWindow.get() setFrame:NSZeroRect display:YES];
+ NSEnableScreenUpdates();
+ } else
+ [_scaleAnimation.get() stopAnimation];
+- (void)exitFullScreen
+ if (!_isFullScreen)
+ return;
+ _isFullScreen = NO;
+ // Screen updates to be re-enabled in beganExitFullScreenWithInitialFrame:finalFrame:
+ NSDisableScreenUpdates();
+ [[self window] setAutodisplay:NO];
+ _finalFrame = screenRectOfContents(_element.get());
+ [self _document]->webkitWillExitFullScreenForElement(_element.get());
+ [self _document]->setAnimatingFullScreen(true);
+ if (_isEnteringFullScreen)
+ [self finishedEnterFullScreenAnimation:NO];
+ [self _updateMenuAndDockForFullScreen];
+ NSWindow* webWindow = [_webViewPlaceholder.get() window];
+ // In Lion, NSWindow will animate into and out of orderOut operations. Suppress that
+ // behavior here, making sure to reset the animation behavior afterward.
+ NSWindowAnimationBehavior animationBehavior = [webWindow animationBehavior];
+ [webWindow setAnimationBehavior:NSWindowAnimationBehaviorNone];
+ // If the user has moved the fullScreen window into a new space, temporarily change
+ // the collectionBehavior of the webView's window so that it is pulled into the active space:
+ if (![webWindow isOnActiveSpace]) {
NSWindowCollectionBehavior behavior = [webWindow collectionBehavior];
[webWindow setCollectionBehavior:NSWindowCollectionBehaviorCanJoinAllSpaces];
[webWindow orderWindow:NSWindowBelow relativeTo:[[self window] windowNumber]];
[webWindow setCollectionBehavior:behavior];
+ } else
+ [webWindow orderWindow:NSWindowBelow relativeTo:[[self window] windowNumber]];
- [webWindow setAnimationBehavior:animationBehavior];
+ [webWindow setAnimationBehavior:animationBehavior];
- // Because the animation view is layer-hosted, make sure to
- // disable animations when changing the layer's opacity. Other-
- // wise, the content will appear to fade into view.
- [CATransaction begin];
- [CATransaction setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:kCATransactionDisableActions];
- WebFullscreenWindow* window = [self _fullscreenWindow];
- [[[window animationView] layer] setOpacity:1];
- [window setBackgroundColor:[NSColor clearColor]];
- [window setOpaque:NO];
- [CATransaction commit];
- }
- NSView* animationView = [[self _fullscreenWindow] animationView];
- CGRect layerEndFrame = NSRectToCGRect([animationView convertRect:NSRectFromCGRect(_initialFrame) fromView:nil]);
+ [self _startExitFullScreenAnimationWithDuration:defaultAnimationDuration];
+ _isExitingFullScreen = YES;
- // The _renderer might be NULL due to its ancestor being removed:
- CGRect layerStartFrame = CGRectZero;
- if (_renderer) {
- RenderBox* childRenderer = _renderer->firstChildBox();
- layerStartFrame = CGRectMake(childRenderer->x(), childRenderer->y(), childRenderer->width(), childRenderer->height());
- }
+- (void)finishedExitFullScreenAnimation:(bool)completed
+ if (!_isExitingFullScreen)
+ return;
+ _isExitingFullScreen = NO;
- [self _document]->webkitWillExitFullScreenForElement(_element.get());
- [self _document]->updateLayout();
+ [self _updateMenuAndDockForFullScreen];
- // We have to retain ourselves because we want to be alive for the end of the animation.
- // If our owner releases us we could crash if this is not the case.
- // Balanced in windowDidExitFullscreen
- [self retain];
+ // Screen updates to be re-enabled at the end of this function
+ NSDisableScreenUpdates();
- // Check to see if the fullscreen renderer is composited. If not, accelerated graphics
- // may be disabled. In this case, do not attempt to animate the contents into place;
- // merely snap to the final position:
- if (!_renderer || !_renderer->layer()->isComposited()) {
- [self windowDidExitFullscreen:YES];
- NSEnableScreenUpdates();
- return;
- }
- GraphicsLayer* rendererGraphics = _renderer->layer()->backing()->graphicsLayer();
+ [self _document]->setAnimatingFullScreen(false);
+ [self _document]->webkitDidExitFullScreenForElement(_element.get());
- [self _document]->setFullScreenRendererBackgroundColor(Color::transparent);
- rendererGraphics->syncCompositingState(layerEndFrame);
- CALayer* rendererLayer = rendererGraphics->platformLayer();
- [[self _fullscreenWindow] setRendererLayer:rendererLayer];
+ NSResponder *firstResponder = [[self window] firstResponder];
+ [self _swapView:_webViewPlaceholder.get() with:_webView];
+ [[_webView window] makeResponder:firstResponder firstResponderIfDescendantOfView:_webView];
- // Create a transformation matrix that will transform the renderer layer such that
- // the fullscreen element appears to move from the full screen to its original position
- // and size. Perform the transformation in two steps, using the CALayer's matrix
- // math to calculate the effects of each step:
- // 1. Apply a scale tranform to shrink the apparent size of the layer to the original
- // element screen size.
- // 2. Apply a translation transform to move the shrunk layer into the same screen position
- // as the original element.
- CATransform3D shrinkTransform = CATransform3DMakeScale(layerEndFrame.size.width / layerStartFrame.size.width, layerEndFrame.size.height / layerStartFrame.size.height, 1);
- [rendererLayer setTransform:shrinkTransform];
- CGRect shrunkDestinationFrame = [rendererLayer convertRect:layerStartFrame toLayer:[animationView layer]];
- CATransform3D moveTransform = CATransform3DMakeTranslation(layerEndFrame.origin.x - shrunkDestinationFrame.origin.x, layerEndFrame.origin.y - shrunkDestinationFrame.origin.y, 0);
- CATransform3D finalTransform = CATransform3DConcat(shrinkTransform, moveTransform);
- [rendererLayer setTransform:finalTransform];
- CFTimeInterval duration = [self _animationDuration];
- CALayer* backgroundLayer = [[self _fullscreenWindow] backgroundLayer];
- [CATransaction begin];
- [CATransaction setValue:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:duration] forKey:kCATransactionAnimationDuration];
- [backgroundLayer setOpacity:0];
- [CATransaction commit];
+ NSRect windowBounds = [[self window] frame];
+ windowBounds.origin = NSZeroPoint;
+ WKWindowSetClipRect([self window], windowBounds);
+ [[self window] orderOut:self];
+ [[self window] setFrame:NSZeroRect display:YES];
- CABasicAnimation* zoomAnimation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"transform"];
- [zoomAnimation setFromValue:[NSValue valueWithCATransform3D:startTransform]];
- [zoomAnimation setToValue:[NSValue valueWithCATransform3D:finalTransform]];
- [zoomAnimation setDelegate:self];
- [zoomAnimation setDuration:duration];
- [zoomAnimation setTimingFunction:[CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName:kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut]];
- [zoomAnimation setFillMode:kCAFillModeBoth];
- [zoomAnimation setRemovedOnCompletion:NO];
- [zoomAnimation setValue:(id)kCFBooleanFalse forKey:isEnteringFullscreenKey];
+ [_fadeAnimation.get() stopAnimation];
+ [_fadeAnimation.get() setWindow:nil];
+ _fadeAnimation = nullptr;
- [rendererLayer addAnimation:zoomAnimation forKey:@"zoom"];
+ [_backgroundWindow.get() orderOut:self];
+ [_backgroundWindow.get() setFrame:NSZeroRect display:YES];
+- (void)close
+ // We are being asked to close rapidly, most likely because the page
+ // has closed or the web process has crashed. Just walk through our
+ // normal exit full screen sequence, but don't wait to be called back
+ // in response.
+ if (_isFullScreen)
+ [self exitFullScreen];
+ if (_isExitingFullScreen)
+ [self finishedExitFullScreenAnimation:YES];
+ [super close];
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark NSAnimation delegate
+- (void)animationDidEnd:(NSAnimation*)animation
+ if (_isFullScreen)
+ [self finishedEnterFullScreenAnimation:YES];
+ else
+ [self finishedExitFullScreenAnimation:YES];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Internal Interface
-- (void)_updateMenuAndDockForFullscreen
+- (void)_updateMenuAndDockForFullScreen
// NSApplicationPresentationOptions is available on > 10.6 only:
NSApplicationPresentationOptions options = NSApplicationPresentationDefault;
NSScreen* fullscreenScreen = [[self window] screen];
- if (_isFullscreen) {
+ if (_isFullScreen) {
// Auto-hide the menu bar if the fullscreenScreen contains the menu bar:
// NOTE: if the fullscreenScreen contains the menu bar but not the dock, we must still
// auto-hide the dock, or an exception will be thrown.
@@ -640,212 +422,145 @@ private:
[NSApp setPresentationOptions:options];
- SetSystemUIMode(_isFullscreen ? kUIModeNormal : kUIModeAllHidden, 0);
+ SetSystemUIMode(_isFullScreen ? kUIModeNormal : kUIModeAllHidden, 0);
-- (void)_updatePowerAssertions
- BOOL isPlaying = [self _isAnyMoviePlaying];
- if (isPlaying && _isFullscreen) {
- if (!_displaySleepDisabler)
- _displaySleepDisabler = DisplaySleepDisabler::create(" - Fullscreen video");
- } else
- _displaySleepDisabler = nullptr;
-- (void)_requestExit
- [self exitFullscreen];
- _forceDisableAnimation = NO;
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Utility Functions
-- (void)_requestExitFullscreenWithAnimation:(BOOL)animation
+- (Document*)_document
- _forceDisableAnimation = !animation;
- [self performSelector:@selector(_requestExit) withObject:nil afterDelay:0];
+ return _element->document();
-- (BOOL)_isAnyMoviePlaying
+- (void)_swapView:(NSView*)view with:(NSView*)otherView
- if (!_element)
- return NO;
- Node* nextNode = _element.get();
- while (nextNode)
- {
- if (nextNode->hasTagName(HTMLNames::videoTag) && static_cast<Element*>(nextNode)->isMediaElement()) {
- HTMLMediaElement* element = static_cast<HTMLMediaElement*>(nextNode);
- if (!element->paused() && !element->ended())
- return YES;
- }
- nextNode = nextNode->traverseNextNode(_element.get());
- }
- return NO;
+ [CATransaction begin];
+ [CATransaction setDisableActions:YES];
+ [otherView setFrame:[view frame]];
+ [otherView setAutoresizingMask:[view autoresizingMask]];
+ [otherView removeFromSuperview];
+ [[view superview] replaceSubview:view with:otherView];
+ [CATransaction commit];
-#pragma mark -
-#pragma mark Utility Functions
-- (WebFullscreenWindow *)_fullscreenWindow
+static RetainPtr<NSWindow> createBackgroundFullscreenWindow(NSRect frame)
- return (WebFullscreenWindow *)[self window];
+ NSWindow *window = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:frame styleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO];
+ [window setOpaque:YES];
+ [window setBackgroundColor:[NSColor blackColor]];
+ [window setReleasedWhenClosed:NO];
+ return adoptNS(window);
-- (Document*)_document
+static NSRect windowFrameFromApparentFrames(NSRect screenFrame, NSRect initialFrame, NSRect finalFrame)
- return _element->document();
+ NSRect initialWindowFrame;
+ CGFloat xScale = NSWidth(screenFrame) / NSWidth(finalFrame);
+ CGFloat yScale = NSHeight(screenFrame) / NSHeight(finalFrame);
+ CGFloat xTrans = NSMinX(screenFrame) - NSMinX(finalFrame);
+ CGFloat yTrans = NSMinY(screenFrame) - NSMinY(finalFrame);
+ initialWindowFrame.size = NSMakeSize(NSWidth(initialFrame) * xScale, NSHeight(initialFrame) * yScale);
+ initialWindowFrame.origin = NSMakePoint
+ ( NSMinX(initialFrame) + xTrans / (NSWidth(finalFrame) / NSWidth(initialFrame))
+ , NSMinY(initialFrame) + yTrans / (NSHeight(finalFrame) / NSHeight(initialFrame)));
+ return initialWindowFrame;
-- (CFTimeInterval)_animationDuration
+- (void)_startEnterFullScreenAnimationWithDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration
- static const CFTimeInterval defaultDuration = 0.5;
- CFTimeInterval duration = defaultDuration;
- NSUInteger modifierFlags = [NSEvent modifierFlags];
- NSUInteger modifierFlags = [[NSApp currentEvent] modifierFlags];
- if ((modifierFlags & NSControlKeyMask) == NSControlKeyMask)
- duration *= 2;
- if ((modifierFlags & NSShiftKeyMask) == NSShiftKeyMask)
- duration *= 10;
- if (_forceDisableAnimation) {
- // This will disable scale animation
- duration = 0;
+ NSRect screenFrame = [[[self window] screen] frame];
+ NSRect initialWindowFrame = windowFrameFromApparentFrames(screenFrame, _initialFrame, _finalFrame);
+ _scaleAnimation = adoptNS([[WebWindowScaleAnimation alloc] initWithHintedDuration:duration window:[self window] initalFrame:initialWindowFrame finalFrame:screenFrame]);
+ [_scaleAnimation.get() setAnimationBlockingMode:NSAnimationNonblocking];
+ [_scaleAnimation.get() setDelegate:self];
+ [_scaleAnimation.get() setCurrentProgress:0];
+ [_scaleAnimation.get() startAnimation];
+ // WKWindowSetClipRect takes window coordinates, so convert from screen coordinates here:
+ NSRect finalBounds = _finalFrame;
+ finalBounds.origin = [[self window] convertScreenToBase:finalBounds.origin];
+ WKWindowSetClipRect([self window], finalBounds);
+ [[self window] makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
+ if (!_backgroundWindow)
+ _backgroundWindow = createBackgroundFullscreenWindow(screenFrame);
+ else
+ [_backgroundWindow.get() setFrame:screenFrame display:NO];
+ CGFloat currentAlpha = 0;
+ if (_fadeAnimation) {
+ currentAlpha = [_fadeAnimation.get() currentAlpha];
+ [_fadeAnimation.get() stopAnimation];
+ [_fadeAnimation.get() setWindow:nil];
- return duration;
+ _fadeAnimation = adoptNS([[WebWindowFadeAnimation alloc] initWithDuration:duration
+ window:_backgroundWindow.get()
+ initialAlpha:currentAlpha
+ finalAlpha:1]);
+ [_fadeAnimation.get() setAnimationBlockingMode:NSAnimationNonblocking];
+ [_fadeAnimation.get() setCurrentProgress:0];
+ [_fadeAnimation.get() startAnimation];
+ [_backgroundWindow.get() orderWindow:NSWindowBelow relativeTo:[[self window] windowNumber]];
+ [[self window] setAutodisplay:YES];
+ [[self window] displayIfNeeded];
+ // Screen updates disabled in enterFullScreen:
+ NSEnableScreenUpdates();
-#pragma mark -
-@implementation WebFullscreenWindow
-- (id)initWithContentRect:(NSRect)contentRect styleMask:(NSUInteger)aStyle backing:(NSBackingStoreType)bufferingType defer:(BOOL)flag
+- (void)_startExitFullScreenAnimationWithDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration
- self = [super initWithContentRect:contentRect styleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask backing:bufferingType defer:flag];
- if (!self)
- return nil;
- [self setOpaque:NO];
- [self setBackgroundColor:[NSColor clearColor]];
- [self setIgnoresMouseEvents:NO];
- [self setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES];
- [self setReleasedWhenClosed:NO];
- [self setHasShadow:YES];
- [self setMovable:NO];
- [self setMovableByWindowBackground:NO];
+ NSRect screenFrame = [[[self window] screen] frame];
+ NSRect initialWindowFrame = windowFrameFromApparentFrames(screenFrame, _initialFrame, _finalFrame);
- NSView* contentView = [self contentView];
- _animationView = [[NSView alloc] initWithFrame:[contentView bounds]];
+ NSRect currentFrame = _scaleAnimation ? [_scaleAnimation.get() currentFrame] : [[self window] frame];
+ _scaleAnimation = adoptNS([[WebWindowScaleAnimation alloc] initWithHintedDuration:duration window:[self window] initalFrame:currentFrame finalFrame:initialWindowFrame]);
- RetainPtr<CALayer> contentLayer(AdoptNS, [[CALayer alloc] init]);
- [_animationView setLayer:contentLayer.get()];
- [_animationView setWantsLayer:YES];
- [_animationView setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable|NSViewHeightSizable];
- [contentView addSubview:_animationView];
+ [_scaleAnimation.get() setAnimationBlockingMode:NSAnimationNonblocking];
+ [_scaleAnimation.get() setDelegate:self];
+ [_scaleAnimation.get() setCurrentProgress:0];
+ [_scaleAnimation.get() startAnimation];
- _backgroundLayer = [[CALayer alloc] init];
- [contentLayer.get() addSublayer:_backgroundLayer];
- [contentLayer.get() setGeometryFlipped:YES];
- [contentLayer.get() setSublayerTransform:CATransform3DMakeScale(1, -1, 1)];
- [contentLayer.get() setOpacity:0];
+ if (!_backgroundWindow)
+ _backgroundWindow = createBackgroundFullscreenWindow(screenFrame);
+ else
+ [_backgroundWindow.get() setFrame:screenFrame display:NO];
- [_backgroundLayer setBackgroundColor:CGColorGetConstantColor(kCGColorBlack)];
- [_backgroundLayer setOpacity:0];
- return self;
-- (void)dealloc
- [_animationView release];
- [_backgroundLayer release];
- [_rendererLayer release];
- [super dealloc];
-- (BOOL)canBecomeKeyWindow
- return YES;
-- (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
- if ([[theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers] isEqual:@"\e"]) // Esacpe key-code
- [self cancelOperation:self];
- else [super keyDown:theEvent];
-- (void)cancelOperation:(id)sender
- UNUSED_PARAM(sender);
- [[self windowController] _requestExitFullscreenWithAnimation:YES];
-- (CALayer*)rendererLayer
- return _rendererLayer;
-- (void)setRendererLayer:(CALayer *)rendererLayer
- [CATransaction begin];
- [CATransaction setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:kCATransactionDisableActions];
- [rendererLayer retain];
- [_rendererLayer removeFromSuperlayer];
- [_rendererLayer release];
- _rendererLayer = rendererLayer;
- if (_rendererLayer)
- [[[self animationView] layer] addSublayer:_rendererLayer];
- [CATransaction commit];
+ CGFloat currentAlpha = 1;
+ if (_fadeAnimation) {
+ currentAlpha = [_fadeAnimation.get() currentAlpha];
+ [_fadeAnimation.get() stopAnimation];
+ [_fadeAnimation.get() setWindow:nil];
+ }
+ _fadeAnimation = adoptNS([[WebWindowFadeAnimation alloc] initWithDuration:duration
+ window:_backgroundWindow.get()
+ initialAlpha:currentAlpha
+ finalAlpha:0]);
+ [_fadeAnimation.get() setAnimationBlockingMode:NSAnimationNonblocking];
+ [_fadeAnimation.get() setCurrentProgress:0];
+ [_fadeAnimation.get() startAnimation];
+ [_backgroundWindow.get() orderWindow:NSWindowBelow relativeTo:[[self window] windowNumber]];
+ // WKWindowSetClipRect takes window coordinates, so convert from screen coordinates here:
+ NSRect finalBounds = _finalFrame;
+ finalBounds.origin = [[self window] convertScreenToBase:finalBounds.origin];
+ WKWindowSetClipRect([self window], finalBounds);
+ [[self window] setAutodisplay:YES];
+ [[self window] displayIfNeeded];
-- (CALayer*)backgroundLayer
- return _backgroundLayer;
+ // Screen updates disabled in exitFullScreen:
+ NSEnableScreenUpdates();
-- (NSView*)animationView
- return _animationView;
-#pragma mark -
-#pragma mark MediaEventListener
-MediaEventListener::MediaEventListener(WebFullScreenController* delegate)
- : EventListener(CPPEventListenerType)
- , delegate(delegate)
-PassRefPtr<MediaEventListener> MediaEventListener::create(WebFullScreenController* delegate)
- return adoptRef(new MediaEventListener(delegate));
-bool MediaEventListener::operator==(const EventListener& listener)
- return this == &listener;
-void MediaEventListener::handleEvent(ScriptExecutionContext* context, Event* event)
- [delegate _updatePowerAssertions];