path: root/Source/WebCore/html/HTMLInputElement.idl
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Diffstat (limited to 'Source/WebCore/html/HTMLInputElement.idl')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/Source/WebCore/html/HTMLInputElement.idl b/Source/WebCore/html/HTMLInputElement.idl
index 84beb8ac5..ad1c3154f 100644
--- a/Source/WebCore/html/HTMLInputElement.idl
+++ b/Source/WebCore/html/HTMLInputElement.idl
@@ -21,36 +21,33 @@
module html {
interface HTMLInputElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute [TreatNullAs=NullString] DOMString defaultValue;
+ attribute [Reflect] DOMString accept;
+ attribute [Reflect] DOMString alt;
+ attribute [Reflect] DOMString autocomplete;
+ attribute [Reflect] boolean autofocus;
attribute [Reflect=checked] boolean defaultChecked;
+ attribute boolean checked;
attribute [Reflect] DOMString dirName;
+ attribute [Reflect] boolean disabled;
readonly attribute HTMLFormElement form;
+ readonly attribute FileList files;
attribute [Reflect, URL] DOMString formAction;
attribute [TreatNullAs=NullString] DOMString formEnctype;
attribute [TreatNullAs=NullString] DOMString formMethod;
attribute [Reflect] boolean formNoValidate;
attribute [Reflect] DOMString formTarget;
- readonly attribute ValidityState validity;
- attribute [Reflect] DOMString accept;
- attribute [Reflect] DOMString align;
- attribute [Reflect] DOMString alt;
- attribute boolean checked;
- attribute [Reflect] boolean disabled;
- attribute [Reflect] boolean autofocus;
- attribute [Reflect] DOMString autocomplete;
+ attribute boolean indeterminate;
readonly attribute [Conditional=DATALIST] HTMLElement list;
attribute [Reflect] DOMString max;
attribute long maxLength setter raises(DOMException);
attribute [Reflect] DOMString min;
attribute [Reflect] boolean multiple;
- attribute [Conditional=DIRECTORY_UPLOAD, Reflect] boolean webkitdirectory;
attribute [Reflect] DOMString name;
attribute [Reflect] DOMString pattern;
attribute [Reflect] DOMString placeholder;
attribute [Reflect] boolean readOnly;
attribute [Reflect] boolean required;
- attribute [Reflect] DOMString accessKey;
attribute [ObjCImplementedAsUnsignedLong] DOMString size; // DOM level 2 changed this to a long, but ObjC API is a string
attribute unsigned long size; // Changed string -> long -> unsigned long
@@ -58,39 +55,28 @@ module html {
attribute [Reflect, URL] DOMString src;
attribute [Reflect] DOMString step;
attribute [TreatNullAs=NullString] DOMString type; // readonly dropped as part of DOM level 2
- attribute [Reflect] DOMString useMap;
+ attribute [TreatNullAs=NullString] DOMString defaultValue;
attribute [TreatNullAs=NullString] DOMString value;
attribute Date valueAsDate setter raises(DOMException);
attribute double valueAsNumber setter raises(DOMException);
- readonly attribute [Conditional=DATALIST] HTMLOptionElement selectedOption;
- attribute [Reflect] boolean incremental;
void stepUp(in [Optional] long n) raises(DOMException);
void stepDown(in [Optional] long n) raises(DOMException);
readonly attribute boolean willValidate;
+ readonly attribute ValidityState validity;
readonly attribute DOMString validationMessage;
boolean checkValidity();
void setCustomValidity(in [TreatNullAs=NullString, TreatUndefinedAs=NullString] DOMString error);
- void select();
- void click();
- void setValueForUser(in [TreatNullAs=NullString] DOMString value);
- // WinIE extension:
- attribute boolean indeterminate;
+ readonly attribute NodeList labels;
+ void select();
attribute [Custom] long selectionStart;
attribute [Custom] long selectionEnd;
attribute [Custom] DOMString selectionDirection;
[Custom] void setSelectionRange(in long start, in long end);
@@ -99,18 +85,33 @@ module html {
in [Optional] DOMString direction);
+ // Non-standard attributes
+ attribute [Reflect] DOMString align;
+ attribute [Conditional=DIRECTORY_UPLOAD, Reflect] boolean webkitdirectory;
+ attribute [Reflect] DOMString useMap;
+ readonly attribute [Conditional=DATALIST] HTMLOptionElement selectedOption;
+ attribute [Reflect] boolean incremental;
+ attribute [Conditional=INPUT_SPEECH, Reflect, V8EnabledAtRuntime] boolean webkitSpeech;
+ attribute [Conditional=INPUT_SPEECH, Reflect, V8EnabledAtRuntime] boolean webkitGrammar;
+ attribute [Conditional=INPUT_SPEECH, NotEnumerable] EventListener onwebkitspeechchange;
+ attribute [Reflect] DOMString accessKey;
+ void click();
+ void setValueForUser(in [TreatNullAs=NullString] DOMString value);
// Objective-C extension:
readonly attribute DOMString altDisplayString;
readonly attribute URL absoluteImageURL;
- readonly attribute FileList files;
- readonly attribute NodeList labels;
- attribute [Conditional=INPUT_SPEECH, Reflect, V8EnabledAtRuntime] boolean webkitSpeech;
- attribute [Conditional=INPUT_SPEECH, Reflect, V8EnabledAtRuntime] boolean webkitGrammar;
- attribute [Conditional=INPUT_SPEECH, NotEnumerable] EventListener onwebkitspeechchange;